FASRON-11 History
Circa 1959
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...FASRON-11 Receives Award - Page 2 - Naval Aviation News - September 1959..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1959/sep59.pdf [15AUG2004]
Circa 1957
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...FASRON-11 Aids Orphans - Page 18 - Naval Aviation News - January 1957..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1957/jan57.pdf [10AUG2004]
Circa 1956-1958
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...I looked through year book and this was the only page with P5M ops. The only time we had P5Ms at NAS Cubi Point, Philippines while I was there, was during the Tonkin Gulf Incident. However I left the Navy in November 1964, so it's possible there were other squadron assigned to the base after I left. In addition to torpedoes the ASW aircraft also had nuclear depth bombs available to them ... at that time the two that were available were the MK-90 'Betty' a 33kt depth bomb and the MK-101 'LuLu' and 11kt depth bomb ... as far as I know neither of these weapons were ever flown on routine patrols ... and were removed from service as part of the SALT-II agreement with the Soviet Union..." Contributed by MacDONALD, TM1 James macdonaldjc@att.net [11MAR2014]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Our FASRON-11, Advanced Undersea Weapons Unit supplied MK 34-0 and MK 43-1 ASW homing torpedoes to the VP Squadrons at NAS Atsugi, Japan when I was assigned there from late 1956 to mid-1958. These photos were actually taken at Advanced Undersea Weapons Unit 0407, NS Subic Bay, Philippines ... but the weapons and facility at NAS Atsugi, Japan were identical to those in the photo..." Contributed by MacDONALD, TM1 James macdonaldjc@att.net [10MAR2014]
Circa 1955
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...FASRON-11 Has Vital Role At Atsugi - Page 22 - Naval Aviation News - September 1955..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1955/sep55.pdf [05AUG2004]
Circa 1954
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...'Blue Tailed Fly' Up Again - Page 10 - Naval Aviation News - January 1954..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1954/jan54.pdf [01AUG2004]
Circa 1953
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON-11 History "...FASRON-11 Detachment Itazuke 1953-1954 - Our Mascot aka Gunpowder!..." Contributed by LEISHER, AD2 William (Bill) Wleisher@aol.com [31JAN2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON-11 History "...FASRON-11 Detachment Itazuke 1953-1954 - The first FF9F-6s to reach Itazuke..." Contributed by LEISHER, AD2 William (Bill) Wleisher@aol.com [31JAN2003]
Circa 1952
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON 11 Line Maintenace Crew "...Circa 1954..." Contributed by NELLIST, Charles nellist@sbcglobal.net [15FEB2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON 11 Op Crew "...Circa 1952-1954..." Contributed by NELLIST, Charles nellist@sbcglobal.net [15FEB2003]
Circa 1950
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...The Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet selected NAS Atsugi, Japan as the location of the principal Naval Air Station for the Far East. On October 5, 1950, an advance echelon from Mobile Construction Battalion TWO arrived to find a seriously deteriorated base. The runway was useless. The 220 buildings on the 1,200 acre base were a shambles. On November 5, elements of FASRON-11 moved into NAS Atsugi, Japani and began construction of a 6,000 foot runway where the former airstrip had been..." http://www.vrc-50.org/atsugi.htm [17JAN2004]
Circa Unknown Can you identify the Month and or Year?
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON-11 History Contributed by NELLIST, Charles nellist@sbcglobal.net [03MAR2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON-11 History Contributed by NELLIST, Charles nellist@sbcglobal.net [03MAR2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON-11 History "...Digging fox holesin preparation for May Day. N. Korea said they would destroy the ROK AF that day. (K-18 was the main ROK AF base). they didn't keep their date!..." Contributed by LEISHER, AD2 William (Bill) Wleisher@aol.com [06FEB2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON-11 History "...Refilling 1 of our 2 750 gallon trucks by pumping out of 55-gallon barrels..." Contributed by LEISHER, AD2 William (Bill) Wleisher@aol.com [06FEB2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON-11 History "...FASRON-11 Itazuke Detachment Line Shack..." Contributed by LEISHER, AD2 William (Bill) Wleisher@aol.com [05FEB2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON-11 History "...First F2H-3 from VA-76 to Reach Itazuke..." Contributed by LEISHER, AD2 William (Bill) Wleisher@aol.com [06FEB2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON-11 History "...AD2 Bill Leisher in from of combined shop, rec hall, ready room, and barracks..." Contributed by LEISHER, AD2 William (Bill) Wleisher@aol.com [31JAN2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON-11 History "...Me on Yodo Island, Wonsan Harbour to work on downed AD-4. It had to be taken off by ship - big bullet hole through one of the engine cases..." Contributed by LEISHER, AD2 William (Bill) Wleisher@aol.com [31JAN2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON-11 History "...The teachers and children from a Kangnung orphanage that we supported by donations and scrap aircraft parts that could be melted down as scrap aluminum..." Contributed by LEISHER, AD2 William (Bill) Wleisher@aol.com [31JAN2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON-11 History "...Our crew believes that we made the first "Blue Tail Fly" in spite of what one of the CAGs claims!..." Contributed by LEISHER, AD2 William (Bill) Wleisher@aol.com [31JAN2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: FASRON-11 History "...VC-61 F2H-2P with 3 of our crew and a ROK AF mech who came and helped us (FASRON-11) sometimes..." Contributed by LEISHER, AD2 William (Bill) Wleisher@aol.com [31JAN2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...On November 5, elements of Fleet Aircraft Service Squadron ELEVEN moved into NAS Atsugi, Japan and began construction of a 6,000 foot runway where the former airstrip had been..." http://www.vrc-50.org/atsugi.htm [05OCT2001]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "... NAS Atsugi, Japan...Mobile arresting gear was put into service when the runway was wet, to ensure the new jets didn't overshoot the strip. New Naval Aviation units brought aboard included VR-23, FASRON-11 and VU-5..."
"FASRON-11 Summary Page"