Pacific Missile Test Center Aircraft
Douglas C-54
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC BUNO: 39058 "...C-47 taken at ALF Roi-Namur, Marshall Islands in 1963. This C-47 was one of the group of aircraft assigned to NAS Kwajalein, Marshall Islands (5 C-47 and 1 C-54) that were utilized to carry personnel back and forth to Roi Island (60 miles north). These A/C provided at least 25 flights a day back and forth..." Contributed by John Voss [24APR2005]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC BUNO: 50861 "...1963 flight ramp..." Contributed by John Voss [14APR2005]
Lockheed EC-121
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC EC-121 BUNO: 141309 "...EC-121K at Davis-Monthan AFB in December 1982 by Bob Shane..." Contributed by Stephen Miller [02FEB2013]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC EC-121 BUNO: 141309 "...Pacific Missile Test Center EC-121K (BuNo 141309) at NAS Point Mugu, California date unknown. This aircraft is now on display at McClellan AFB Museum in Sacramento, CA. Complements of Baldur Sveinsson (Complements of Baldur Sveinsson (" Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller [12MAR2002]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC EC-121 BUNO: 137890 "...Lockheed EC-121 Constellation (home base NAS Point Mugu, California) photographed at NAS NAS Kwajalein, Marshall Islands in 1964..." Contributed by John D. Voss [30MAR2007]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC EC-121 BUNO: 137890 "...Lockheed EC-121 Constellation (home base NAS Point Mugu, California) photographed at NAS NAS Kwajalein, Marshall Islands in 1964..." Contributed by John D. Voss [29MAR2007]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC EC-121 BUNO: 137890 "...Pacific Missile Test Range EC-121K (BuNo 137890) at NAS Point Mugu, California October 1976. Photographed by Peter Mancus. Photo from the TailHook Association" Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller [28FEB2003]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC EC-121 BUNO: 137890 "...Pacific Missile Test Center EC-121K (BuNo 137890) at NAS Point Mugu, California date unknown. This aircraft is now on display at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma City. Complements of Baldur Sveinsson (" Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller [12MAR2002]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC EC-121 BUNO: Unknown "...Pacific Missile Range EC-121K's at NAS Point Mugu, California 21 November 1966. Photo from the TailHook Association" Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller [26JUL2003]
Lockheed P2 Neptune
AIRCRAFT:  NMC P2 BUNO: 128338 "...DP-2E NMC-33 at NAS Point Mugu, California on 12 October 1973 by Harry Tyrpak..." Contributed Stephen Miller [03DEC2006]
AIRCRAFT:  NMC P2 BUNO: 128338 [04JAN2003]
AIRCRAFT:  NMC P2 BUNO: 131554 "...MP-2F at NAS Point Mugu, California on 18 May 1963 by Duane Kasulka..." Contributed Stephen Miller [10DEC2006]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P2 Picture BUNO: 131554 "...Naval Missile Center P2V-6M Neptune (BuNo 131554) at NAS Point Mugu, California fitted with underwing missile pylons, circa 1958. Photographed by Clay Jansson. Photo from the TailHook Association" Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller [04JAN2003]
Lockheed P-3 Orion
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 149671 "...149671 P-3A ddDEC81 PMTC-38..." Contributed by Gary Verver [13NOV2005]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 149671 "...149671 P-3A 00DEC81 PMTC 38..." Contributed by Gary Verver [13NOV2005]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150499 "...EP-3A by David Steinbacher..." Contributed Stephen Miller [01DEC2012]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150499 "...EP-3A via David Steinbacher Collection..." Contributed Stephen Miller [29NOV2012]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150499 "...EP-3A at NAS Point Mugu, California via David Steinbacher Collection..." Contributed Stephen Miller [29NOV2012]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150499 "...Pacific Missile Test Center EP-3A Circa August 1983 by Bob Shane..." Contributed Stephen Miller [24NOV2012]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150499 "...Pacific Missile Test Center EP-3A Circa August 1983 by Michael Grove..." Contributed Stephen Miller [24NOV2012]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150499 "...Pacific Missile Test Center NP-3D (BuNo 150499) at NWC China Lake, August 1983. This was the first aircraft modified with the "Billboard" for the Extended Area Test System (EATS) radar in 1979. Photographed by Michael Grove. Photo from the TailHook Association" Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller [10MAR2002]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150512 "...Pacific Missile Test Range RP-3A (BuNo 150512) in-flight near Kwajalein Atoll, 17 June 1983. Photo from the TailHook Association" Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller [21SEP2003]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150520 "...P-3A Circa December 1981 by Michael Grove..." Contributed Stephen Miller [28NOV2012]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150520 "...150520 P-3A 00AUG85 PMTC 39..." Contributed by Gary Verver [13NOV2005]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150520 "...150520 P-3A 00NOV83 PMTC J-Handelman..." Contributed by Gary Verver [13NOV2005]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150520 "...Pacific Missile Test Center RP-3A (BuNo 150520) at Pt Mugu, December 1981. This was one of two PMTC aircraft modified with the Sonobouy Missile Impact Location System (SMILS) to monitor open-ocean missile impact points. Markings on the fuselage were used for range instrumentation. This aircraft is currently a display piece at the Western Aerospace Museum in Oakland, CA. Photographed by Michael Grove. Photo from the TailHook Association" Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller [10MAR2002]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150521 "...Pacific Missile Test Center NP-3D (BuNo 150521) at Pt Mugu, October 1988. This was the second aircraft modified with the "Billboard" for the Extended Area Test System (EATS) radar in 1979. Photographed by Michael Grove. Photo from the TailHook Association" Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller [10MAR2002]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150521 "...PMTC P-3A 150521 at NAF Andrews, Maryland on 6 August 1983 by Stephen Miller. Underwing pod is stencelled "Warning High Sound Level" and "Do Not Wash"..." Contributed by Stephen Miller [12JUL2007]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150522 "...150522 NP-3D PMTC V-Vasquez..." Contributed by Gary Verver [13NOV2005]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150524 "...150524 P-3A 08OCT99 PMTC C-Kugler..." Contributed by Gary Verver [13NOV2005]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC P-3 BUNO: 150529 "...NMC Pt. Mugu P-3A BuNo 150529, #36, at China Lake dated 23 June 1972 (PMTC, the Pacific Missile Test Center). The photo lab. description is "LIR Pod". Official U.S. Navy Photograph..." Contributed by Gary Verver [08NOV2005]
AIRCRAFT:  PMTC BUNO: 144833 "...Pacific Missile Test Center (PMTC) RA-3B "Skywarrior" (BuNo 144833) in-flight, date unknown..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller [10MAY2002]
Grumman S-2 Tracker
AIRCRAFT:  PMR S-2 BUNO: 136485 "...Pacific Missile Range (PMR) S-2F (BuNo 136485) at NAS North Island, 24 May 1968. Photographed by Clay Jansson. Photo from the TailHook Association" Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller [01MAR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  PMR S-2 BUNO: 136485 "...Pacific Missile Range (PMR) S-2F (BuNo 136485) at NAS Point Mugu, July 1965. Photographed by Clay Jansson. Photo from the TailHook Association" Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller [01MAR2003]
Beech SNB
AIRCRAFT:  Pacific Missile Range SNB Picture BUNO: 29618 "...Pacific Missile Range (PMR) SNB-5P (BuNo 29618) at NAS Point Mugu, March 1961. Photographed by Clay Jansson. Photo from the TailHook Association" Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller [08MAR2003]
 "Pacific Missile Test Center Summary Page"