Pacific Missile Test Center Shipmates
ALLONBY, AO1 Guy D. Retired "...I served with the Naval Air Technical Training Command (Faculty Staff)/NATTC (1973-1973) NAS Jacksonville, Florida, Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF)/PMRF) (1973-1977) NAS Point Mugu, California, Naval Missile Center (NMC) (1973-1977), VA-25 (1977-1981), Ridgecrest, CA (1981-1983), USS Ranger (CV-61)/AIMD (1983-1986), NRD Seattle (1986-1989) NAS Seattle, Washington, VP-50 (1989-1991) and USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) (1991-1993)..." [27AUG2018]
BRYANT, George E. "...I served served with VP-6 (1966 to 1973) as Mechanic / FENAS Barbers Point, Hawaii (1973 to 1974), VP-17 (1974 to 1978), NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii (1978 to 1979), VP-17 (1979 to 1984) and retired out from PMTC NAS Point Mugu, California 1987..." [12OCT2008]
BURKHOLDER, ATC (NAC) Jerry A. Retired "...Interesting seeing some familiar names. I retired July 1994 after 20 years, 6 months, 3 days. Started out with VP-17 from 1975 to 1978, PMTC NAS Point Mugu, California from 1978 to 1981, and VP-4 Detachment Special Projects from 1981 to 1988 (that's what VPU-2 was called before establishment). That's right Boys and Girls - 8 years. If you haven't figured it out - I am a Plankholder. I finished my career at the Executive Transport Department NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii from 1988 to 1994. I would have to say that the best tour I had was with VPU-2. It was the first command that i was able to truely reach my potential. I was on Crew 12, The Whipped Dogs, for 7 years and don't remember any bad crew members or Detachments (even the 3 months I spent in Masirah). VPU-2 made you feel like you were really contributing something important. Last thought - Jack Lyons and Mike Griffen if you see this E-Mail me. It would be great to hear from you. Aloha..." [01SEP2004]
CHRYSTAL, AT1 Shawn (TAILLEFER) "...I served with VP-4 from 1983-1986, Recruiter Twin Falls, Id. from 1986-1989, Pacific Missile Test Center (PMTC) from 1989-1991, and VP-47 from 1991-1992..." [E-Mail Updated 26MAR2003 | 11NOV98]
DUNCAN, Dave "...I served with VC-7 at NAS Miramar, California from 1976 to 1979, VP-30 (FE School), VP-17 from 1980 to 1984, Pacific Missile Test Center (PMTC) at NAS Point Mugu, California from 1984 to 1987, VP-4 from 1987 to 1990, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWC/WPNS) at NAS Point Mugu, California from 1990 to 1993 and VP-45 from 1993 to 1995. I had a great time time in all of these commands. I miss my times as a FE and wish that I was still flying in the Mighty Orion. I am currently living in Abilen, Texas and every once in a while a P-3 will be in the pattern here and would love to know were they are from. I retired in 1995 and started working at American Eagle Airlines and have been here ever since. I would love to hear from anyone that were in these commands at the same time..." [27DEC2009]
EUBANKS, Stephen (Cotton) "...I served with VP-4 from 1977 to 1981. I was a pround member of Crew 12 "World reknowned Dirt Balls" with Ray R. Davis, Pat Thinnes (FE), Randy Jones "Jonesie", PPC "Ski" Malanowski, AO Harry Walters, LT Jennings, and Buck Buckingham. I also served with Crew 4 "Wild Wild West Show" with Rex Wilde, Tim Cook, Marc (I can't remember his last name but remember his kick boxing lesson at NSF Diego Garcia). I remember the huts in NSF Diego Garcia, liberty in the PI and VP Alley. Coming down from Marilyns number 1 c********er with Billy Bowman and Rex Wilde in a jeepney and we paid the driver 5 pesos to get us to the main gate in 5 minutes. What a ride. I have my mumbles qual, balut qual and Crew 12 initiation. I remember CDR West saying after the Chiefs run up Gordon. "You know Eubanks I was doing pretty well until some SOB stepped on my knuckels." Well I could go on forever drop me a line if you remember me. Also served with PMTC 81-84, VPU-1 84-89 and NADC 89-93. Best times of my life were spent in the PI and Andoya. YOOOOo Adreinne! Would like to hear from any of my old Shipmates..." [BIO Updated 20MAR2005 | 02JUN2003]
GILBERT, Alfred "Fred" Retired "...I served with VP-10 (1970-1974), VP-31 (1974-1978), VP-22, (1978-1982) and Naval Missile Center (NMC) at NAS Point Mugu, California (1982-1984)..." [07MAY2016]
GOUGH, John "...VP-44 1984-1988, PMTC 1988-1990, VQ-2 1991-1994, VQ-1 1994-1996. NFO on EP-3A, RP-3A, P-3C UII, EP-3E ARIES I and II. Now flying a desk at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington..." [E-Mail Updated 29MAY2002 | 13JAN98]
HAMILTON, AE3 Dan (Hammy) "...I graduating from NATTC "A" school in Jacksonville, FL (1969) and got orders to Naval Missile Center NAS Point Mugu, California (1969-1971) where I worked in Ground Support and the recip. electric shop as an Aviation Electrician's Mate. I remember the Space Fair featuring the moon rocks. My next duty station was VP-50 at NAS Moffett Field, California (1971-1972)as a ground pounder in the Electric shop with AE's Watson, Krack, Bunch, and Sweet. The Blue Dragons initiated the split deployment where "Cynthia, SG-11" shuttled personnel, parts and gifts between NAS Agana, Guam, NAS Adak, Alaska and NAS Moffett Field, California (sometimes NAF Misawa, Japan) every 5 days for 6 months. Anyone remember the Blue Dragon Den coffee mess in NAS Moffett Field, California's Hanger 2? I'd love to hear from any Shipmates who served during this time..." [E-Mail Updated 19JAN2008 | 27APR2005]
KOTOFF, AO1(AW/NAC) James W. Retired "...I served with VP-49 from Feburary 1980 to September 1983 (Crew 6 - participated in the only 9 P-3 formation flight ever coming home from NAS Sigonella, Sicily in 1982), VP-4 from October 1983 to December 1986 (Crews 7 and 11), VP-1 from February 1987 to April 1991 (Crew 6), PMTC/NAWC NAS Point Mugu, California from May 1991 December 1994, USS New Orleans LPH-11 from January 1995 to October 1997 and USS Constellation CV-64 from October 1997 to May 1999. I would like to hear from old Shipmates and am looking to purchase cruise books from VP-49..." [E-Mail Updated 05JUN2008 | E-Mail Updated 26MAR2000 | 09DEC99]
McKENNA, John J. (J.J.) "...I served in VFP-62 Eyes of the Fleet (57-61), F9F-8Ps on Dets to USS Intrepid; VP-10 Red Lancers (64-69) SP-2Es, P-3A Deltic 152177, P-3B 152750 - Hey P.D. Davis, Glenn Adams, Duane Mellecker ! Niner-Eight Steamcrane, Fungy Bowl, Mateus Rose'; VX-5 Vampires NAS China Lake, California (69-73) A-4s, A-7s, US-2A; VP-19 (73-79) Ahhh, The Big Red...P-3Bs, P-3C Update 159511, Gart Salmon where are you? Mexican food at the Marines' Tundra Tavern in NAS Adak, Alaska, VP-Alley, Missouri Bar, Henry in his boat at the bridge over S--t River; PMTC NAS Point Mugu, California Range Aircrew (79-82) Super Connies, Stoofs, J.D. (Jig Dog) Miles, Ray-Ray, Range Clearance P-3s. Good memories, even better friends. Where did it all go... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...VP forever!..." [E-Mail Updated 01MAR2007 | 21DEC97]
McMACKEN, Patrick "...Received Wings September 1970, first tour at Pacific Missile Test Center. Served with VP-47 April 1973 - January 1976 as a pilot and PPC followed by tour at Comnavmarianas as Admiral's Aide then on to USS Enterprise (CVN-65) as Electronic Warfare Officer. Went to the Reserves at NAS Moffett Field, California then to CPW-2 1981 - 1982 then my department head tour with VP-22, June 1982 - July 1985, PPMC with the Blues Crew. Left VP-22 and spent the next five years in NAS Corpus Christi, Texas at VT-27 and Trawing 4. Retired in 1990. Now working in Municipal Government as the Emergency Management Director for the City of Irving Texas, home of the Dallas Cowboys and also serve as the President of the Emergency Management Association of Texas (EMAT)" [E-Mail/BIO Updated 02JUN2002 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 14JAN2001 | 12OCT98]
MILES, Joseph D. "Jig Dog Miles" "...I served with VU-3 (1951-1952), VU-5 (1952-1954) at NAS Agana, Guam, VR-3 (1954-1957) MATS at NAS Moffett Field, California as well as VR-21 later assigned to VP-31, VR-7, VQ-1, VW-4 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida, VRF-31 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia and PMTC at NAS Point Mugu, California..." [E-Mail Updated 29JUN2013 | BIO Updated 23JAN2005 | 30MAY2004]
MISCHEL, Jim "...I served with VP-6 from 1973 to 1975. I flew with Crew 9 although I made a "circuit" with Crew 4 during the 1974 NAS Cubi Point, Philippines deployment. Transferred to PMTC in July of 1975 where I was aircrew on the one P-3 in that command. Our primary tasking was testing of the Harpoon missle..." [18NOV2007]
PADILLA, CMDCM Leo Retired "...Yo Shipmates, finally removed my khakis after 33 years of service 1 June 03. My last tour was with NSAWC in NAS Fallon, Nevada, sadly not with a P-3 command. Twenty-seven years with P2Vs and P-3A/B/Cs, I was like a fish out of water in Fallon. Luckily, Shipmates at K-Bay persuaded me to do a retirement ceremony there with my community. Mahalo to CMDCM Mo Radke and YNCM Larry Box. The finishing touch to the day was some painted label San Miguel and Red Horse, compliments from AECS Ron Wood, mahalo Mate. I'm now a college student working towards a degree in Golf Course and Sports Turf Management and a househusband. Life is GREAT, and transition has been smooth. My only hang-up is missing the great times and sea stories with the gang. I'd love to hear from friends during tours in VP-4, VP-6, VP-22, VP-31, VP-46, VP-47, VP-48, CPW-2, CPWP, CPRFP, VQ-3, and PMTC, NAS Point Mugu, California. Final destination is Mesquite, NV, but temporarily in San Diego for school..." [BIO Updated 24OCT2003 | BIO Updated 18APR2000 | 22OCT98]
POWELL, Ernie "...I served with VP-21 (1960's), Pacific Missile Test Center (PMTC) (1965-1966) at NAS Point Mugu, California, VP-31 (1966-1967) and VP-48 (1967-1969). Looking for Bob Fletcher from (VP-31) and would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [BIO Updated 18OCT2014 | BIO Updated 18NOV2002 | BIO Updated 01JUL2000 | 29MAY2000]
"...RAY, CDR Willard Douglas "Doug"...CDR Willard Douglas "Doug" Ray passed away November 25th, 2011 in Creston, IA. Cdr Ray served with VR-8, VR-7, VP-6, VP-46, Naval Missile Center (NMC), VR-30. Celebration of life services will be 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 1, at the First Christian Church. The Rev. Merlin Wilkins and the Rev. Dianna Clark will officiate. Inurnment will be in Graceland Cemetery with military honors. There will be no public viewing..." [30NOV2011]
ROBERTSON, ATR1 Douglas G. "...I joined the US Naval Air Reserve at NAS Minneapolis, Minnesota, taking the Navy enlistment oath on 27 December 1950 while still 17 during the Korean Conflict, as it was called then. I spent my 19th birthday while on two-week Winter cruise to NAS Oceana with VA-814. I served in VA-814 at NAS Minneapolis, Minnesota until transfer to NAS Glenview, Illinois VP-722 in September 1957 when I moved to Illinois to attend Grad School at Northwestern University. By then I had been advanced to ATR1. At NAS Minneapolis, Minnesota I graduated top of my class in AT basic electronics training for the AT3 rating under ATC Art Vikla and was asked to stay on as an Instructor. I instructed Basic Electronics for the AT rate the Summers of 1955, 1956 and 1957 at NAS Minneapolis, Minnesota while still attached to VA-814 TDY to the Reserve 85 day AT Basic Rate Training summer programs. I was aircrew in TBFs and SNBs getting flight pay at this time unitil VA-814 transitioned to the F-9F Panthers in about 1955-56. At NAS Glenview, Illinois I was aircrew in P2V-4s and P2V-5Fs. I had a two-week reserve cruise to AIRBETDIV NAF Santa Ana where I graduated top of class on APS-20 RADAR. I remember many day P2V aircrew training flights in the Chicago urban area and cross country 10-12 hours flights to NAF Litchfield Park, Arizona and return to NAS Glenview, Illinois non-stop in their P2V-5Fs. On a West Coast flight we had to make an emergency night landing at Salt Lake City airport when our P2V-5F voltage regulator went out and the battery acid boiled over, causing us to open the astro-hatch and go on portable oxygen bottles and masks. The SLC Tower was unfamilair with a Navy Neptune and asked whether we were larger than a DC-3, to which our aircraft Command Pilot replied "Give me your longest runway". We over-nighted there in a Quonset Hut and the squadron sent another P2V-5F for us to return to NAS Glenview, Illinois the next morning. I served in VP-722 until March 1959. Shortly afterward, VP-722 was called to active duty and sent to the Seattle are, then to the Aleutian Islands for 18 months.. I recall VP-722 winng the Conway Trophy for best Reserve VP Squadron two times, and believe that was instrumental in the squadron being called to active duty. In 1966 I took a civil service position at the Naval Missile Center, NAS Point Mugu, California and worked there 29 years, first in NMC to April 1975 where I was often TDY to WesPAC, then in PMTC until 1991 (in Flight Test Division from 1970 to 1983) and finally in NAWC Weapons Division NAS Point Mugu, California 1991 to January 1995 retirement. The last 12 years there I managed the HARM missile support program as HARM Acquisition Manager and HARM Technical Manager which entailed a lot of travel. I was awarded the Captain A. N. Perkins Award at NAWC Weapons Division in 1992 for Outstanding Performance in Acquisition Management of the HARM Missile Program. I retired as Physical scientist DP-3, Step 15. I earned my Private Pilot rating certificate from the FAA in 1966 and continue to fly. Aircraft photography is a hobby in retirement..." [08MAR2010]
SAWYERS, PH1 (NAC) John "...I served with VP-6 (1983 to 1987), PMTC (1987 to 1991) and VP-69 (present)..." [21SEP2003]
ZEILER, LT Terry J. "Tango" "...I served with VP-49 from 1976 to 1979. Deployed to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and NAS Sigonella, Sicily. TACCO CAC-11. USN from 1966 to 1986 and primary duty assignments included USS James Madison (SSBN627)1967-1970; University of Oklahoma NESEP program 1970-1974; VP-49 1976-79; NAS Lemoore, California 1979-82; Antarctic Development Squadron Six (VXE-6) 1982-1984; and Pacific Missile Test Center NAS Point Mugu, California 1984-1986. Currently: Enjoying the good life in sunny Southern California..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 19DEC2004 | 21DEC97]
ZIMMERMAN, ADRC Roy Retired "...I flew as a FE with AEWBarRonPac (1963-1965), VW-1 (1969-1970), VXN-8 (1970-1973) with a deployment to NAS Agana, Guam, NRL (1974-1977) at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland and Pacific Missile Test Center (PMTC) (1977-1980) at NAS Point Mugu, California. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 17JUL2017 | 27DEC97]
 "Pacific Missile Test Center Summary Page"