VPNAVY VP-8 Reunion
VPNAVY Address

ReunionVAH-4 ReunionsReunion


ReunionsREUNIONs: "...Just returned from VP-931, VP-57, VAH-4, and VAQ-131's 52nd Reunion at Whidbey Island, WA. VP-931 was original squadron activated in Phila in September 1950. As you may remember, VP-931 and VP-57 flew Neptunes (P2's), VAH-4 and VAQ-131 successor squadrons flew Sky Warriors (A3D's) and Prowlers (EA6B's), respectively. Approximately 100 vets attended down from 200+ in 2005. Had great time - NAS Whidbey Island, Washington still expanding around P-3's , EA6B's and EA18's..." Contributed by GRAY, Charles V. charles.gray43@gmail.com [01AUG2008]

Left to Right:

    VP-931 Reunion Display, VAH-4 Reunion Robert Biddle, EA18 Growler, A6 & EA6B Memorial and VP Squadron Memorial.
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ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VP-931 and VP-57 - We are looking for survivors who served with VP-931 and VP-57 to attend a joint Reunion with VAH-4 and VAQ-131 squadrons at Oak Harbor, Washington on June 29 to July 2, 2006. Contact Al Archer (360) 392-0868 or Frank Dube (610) 265-4384..." Forwarded by J. Robert Wagner bobwagner@msn.com [28APR2006]

"VAH-4 Summary Page"