VPNAVY VP-5 Open House
VPNAVY Address

Note VAW-124 NoticeNote

Note NOTICE: "...I served with VAW-124 [1966-1970] with deployment aboard the USS America (CV-66) in 1970. I now find myself battling both prostate and lung cancer. I have been denied VA disability benefits due to the fact I cannot document to prove I was "feet dry" in Vietnam. As plane captain on E2A aircraft I flew to FASU/NSA DaNang, Republic of Vietnam on numerous occasions. My local congressman in NY Mike Lawler and his staff did a records search to no avail. I am hoping to find a former member of VAW-124 who remembers me or who also flew to FASU/NSA DaNang, Republic of Vietnam to write an affidavit to support my claim. Thank you..." Contributed by MAYER, AMH2 Laszlo lesmayer@outlook.com [11JUN2024]

"VAW-124 Summary Page"