VP-10F Aircraft
Consolidated P2Y Profile
AIRCRAFT:  VP-10F P2Y BUNO: 10F-P-1 "...Consolidated P2Y-2 - 10F-P-1 - NAS Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 1934 - I am a admirer of the US Navy Float- and Torpedoplanes for several years now. I am drawing profiles from the USN Floatplanes and Torpedoplanes from the early beginnings (1910-etc). These profiles are patrol floatplanes as a tribute to the VP-squadrons and pilots..." Contributed by Paul Imhoff p.imhoff@hetnet.nl [22OCT2015]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-10F P2Y BUNO: 10F-P-2 "...Consolidated P2Y-2 - 10F-P-2 - NAS Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 1934 - I am a admirer of the US Navy Float- and Torpedoplanes for several years now. I am drawing profiles from the USN Floatplanes and Torpedoplanes from the early beginnings (1910-etc). These profiles are patrol floatplanes as a tribute to the VP-squadrons and pilots..." Contributed by Paul Imhoff p.imhoff@hetnet.nl [22OCT2015]
Consolidated P2Y
AIRCRAFT:  VP-10F P2Y BUNO: 10-P-1 "...A U.S. Navy Consolidated P2Y-1 flying boat of Patrol Squadron VP-10F in flight. The four-star flag indicates that an admiral is on board..." WebSite: U.S. Navy Naval History Center http://www.history.navy.mil/ [02MAR2012]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-10F P2Y BUNO: 10-P-1 "...U.S. Navy Consolidated P2Y flying boats of Patrol Squadron VP-10F are moored in the vicinity of an unidentified Omaha-class light cruiser, possibly in the Panama Canal Zone..." WebSite: U.S. Navy Naval History Center http://www.history.navy.mil/ [02MAR2012]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-10F P2Y BUNO: Unknown "...Circa 1934 - U. S. Official Navy Photograph..." [16JUL2006]
"...The lighthouse is Makapu`u Light on Makapu'u Head, Oahu, Hawaii the eastern most land of Oahu. The island on the right is Manana Island commonly referred to as Rabbit Island because its shape as seen from the nearby O'ahu shore looks something like a rabbit's head and because it was once inhabited by introduced rabbits. The smaller is Kaohikapu Island. The two smaller islands, under the VP-10 P2Ys, on the right, are the the Na Mokulua islets. The light shaded area of land above two planes on the left is the location of Bellows Field. Just barely visible directly ahead of the two planes on the right is the location of MCBH Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii..." Contributed by John Szalay john.szalay@att.net [15FEB2017]
 "VP-10F Summary Page"