VP-5 Squadron Shipmates
VPNAVY Address

ShipmateVP-147 ShipmatesShipmate

BERRY, Zeb V. c/o His Son Dana Berry danaberry@aol.com "...My Father, Zeb V. Berry from Myrtle Beach, SC, served in the USNR during WW2 in a PV-1 squadron as the navigator/radar. He said that they used to train air crews at NAS Beaufort, South Carolina. I believe he served with VP-147. He said they sank a u-boat one day, and that it was listed as a "probable" kill. If anyone else knows of this incident, or was involved in it, I would like very much to hear from you. Thank you..." [16JAN2003]

BUCKLEY, Andrew W. (Bud) C/O His Son Tim Buckleytbuckley@bellsouth.net "...VP-129 and VP-147 Shipmates/friends: Andrew W (Bud) Buckley, from NJ, was a rear gunner and bomber in one or both of these squads. He was my Dad, and I am trying to learn about his role in WWII. If any of you knew him, see his name in records, or have stories to share I would greatly appreciate your responses!..." [15JUN2001]

CROWLEY, Robert A. robertacrowley@cfu.net "...I was a pilot/navigator in VPB-147. We flew the PV1's off Hato Field, Curacao NWI when the squadron was, believe, disbanded in the spring of 1945. Are their any PV1's still flyable?..." [17NOV99]

OGLAND, Ervin N. c/o His Daughter Suzann Ogland-Hand smoh@iserv.net "...I'm trying to locate information about my father, Ervin N. Ogland. He was in the Navy during WWII from 9/42 to 11/45. I understand that he was at Great Lakes Boot Camp; Armed Guard School in Gulf Port, MS; NAS Pensacola, Florida; and then served as an aerial gunner and turret gunner with VPB-147; then was in NAS North Island, San Diego, California & San Francisco. I would appreciate any information from anyone who knew him. Thank you..." [29MAY2001]

SMITH, AMM2 Joseph G. c/o His Son Jerry Smith gsmit24@jcpenney.com "...My father Joseph G. Smith AMM2/c was attached to VB-147. His plane a PV1 BUNO: 34736 was lost while on a flight on 5/15/44. Looking for any information or contact with any member of the squadron..." [30SEP2000]

WILKES, ARM3 Charles F. c/o His Son Ken Wilkes kpwilkes@berkeleyelectric.net "...My Dad served in VP-73, VPB-129, and VPB-147 as an ARM3/c, he earned his wings in 43/44 while in VP-73. He has long since passed away but I remember him talking about NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco, NAS Norfolk, Virginia, NAS Jacksonville, Florida, and Gunnery School at Purcell OK. If there is anyone out there who might remember him I would be interested in hearing from you..." [10JUN2001]

"VP-147 Summary Page"