VP-5 Squadron Shipmates
VPNAVY Address

ShipmateVP-17 ShipmatesShipmate
Last Name Starting With M

Memorial Picture "...McKINNEY, CDR C. B...My father, Cmdr. C.B. McKinney, deceased 4-1-99, was squadron commander for VP-17 in the early 60's..." Contributed by his son Mike McKinney macnmo@aol.com [25AUG99]

MACDONALD, AW Dan dmaia@aol.com "...I was an AW with VP-17 between 1970 and 1972. I flew with Crew 2 as the JEZ operator. The only deployment I made was to NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan. In 1969 I went to Millington, Tennessee for basic training and A School. From there is was on to training in Southern Califronia, near Huntington Beach but I can't remember the name of that old Naval Air Station. Eventually I was shipped to San Diego for SERE School and then NAS Moffett Field, California. I had a lot of great times with my Shipmates in VP-17 while we lived in Hawaii, off base from NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. After the Navy I went on to college and eventually became an architect. My Navy experience definately changed my life. Say "Hello" if you remember me..." [09SEP2003]

MAIKAI, AFCM Bill Retired maikaiwk@valleyint.com "...Howzit folks long time no hear! I served with VP-17 73-77, VP-22 80-84, VP-31 84-88, and VP-22 88-92. My best tours were being a Blue Goose. I had lots of good fun and you guys and gals I served with made the VP Navy one heck of a time. I laugh alot just thinking how crazy I was. I live in Washington State and retired in 93. I hope to hear from you folks..." [E-Mail Updated 29NOV99 | 13MAY98]

MALINCHALK, Joe dblknotspy@aol.com "...VP-17 81-85, Retired 95. Crew One Radio "All for none and none for One, I got mine load your own bags" Jojo the dog-faced boy, he walks he talks he crawls on his belly like a reptile etc..." [13MAR99]

MANIX, Dean deanmanix@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-17 from 1989-1992. I wish to thank you for our friendship..." [11FEB2003]

MARINO, Shannon sstmarino@aol.com "...I served with VP-17 from 1991 to 1995. I am looking for anyone who can provide me a picture (or any information) of a P-3 that I painted on the wall in the duty office in NSF Diego Garcia VP hanger. I can't seem to get any info back from any old Shipmates about the condition of said painting (circa 1993). I am no living in Texas and still working for the FAA. I have two young boys and would look forward to hearing from anyone from the old squadron..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 13JAN2007 | 27MAY99]

MARKHAM, Joe jamarkh@gmail.com "...I reported to VP-17 in November 1969 at NAS Iwakuni, Japan and became the Radio Operator for Crew 3. We returned to NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii for 11 months and then deployed NS Sangley Point, Philippines and U-Tapao Royal Thailand Air Force Base, Thailand. I left VP-17 in April 1971..." [13APR2009]

MARTIN, AW2 David G. dgmflyer@dmartinassoc.com "...I served in VP-17 from December of 1967 through April 1970 in both P2's and P-3's. In P2's, I was in the Avionics Shop and on Relief Crew as a Radio Operator and in P-3's I was in Crew 5 also as Radio Operator (ATN2 & AW2). After a slight break I affiliated with VP-91 as a Plank Owner at commissioning in October 1970 ( NAS Moffett Field, California). I have CAPT Bobbie Farrar to thank for this as he convinced me that I should over look my bad attitude toward the Navy as they were a good outfit. He was indeed right. I then became a JEZ Operator and eventually SS1/SS2 and NATOPS Evaluator for that seat position. I left VP-91 in May 1976. I still keep up with a lot of Shipmates from both squadrons. Cherished memories now faded..." [07JUN2002]

MARTIN, Lawrence "Larry" ldldmartin@aol.com "...I served with VP-17 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, from 1966 - 1970. Worked in A/F Shop on scheduled and unscheduled aircraft maintainance. Deployments to NAS Iwakuni, Japan and NS Sangley Point, Philippines. Would love to hear from anyone I served with. Many good memories of good times...ie. Smowball fight near Mt. Baker, WA. Please contact me. Searching for a VP-17 A/F patch with a hammer and a teardrop..." [28OCT2001]

MARTIN, Todd tmartin2000@earthlink.net "...I was in VPU-2 AEAA to AE1 1983 to 1989 and VP-17 AE1 1989 to 1993. Pretty fun web site would like to see more maintainers find it..." [E-Mail Updated 04FEB2000 | 12JAN99]

MARTIN, Wayne L. mart1596@bellsouth.net "...I served with VP-17 from December 1969 through August 1971..." [03SEP2002]

MARTINSEN, CDR Glenn Tracy (Deceased) http://1963usna.topcities.com/classmates/roster/cur-bio/316250.html "...Commander Glenn T. "Marty" Martinsen was born in Santa Monica, California in 1941. He attended the University of Southern California prior to entering the United States Naval Academy in 1959. Upon graduation in 1963 with a Bachelor of Science degree and a commission as an Ensign, he entered flight training in Pensacola, Florida. Receiving his wings in November 1964, Commander Martinsen was assigned to VP-17, flying the SP2H Neptune aircraft out of NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, and on three deployments to the Far East. From 1968 to 1970, he was assigned to the United States Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, where he received his Master of Science degree in computer science. He then reported to the U.S.S. Saratoga (CV-60) as the Assistant Combat Information Center Officer and qualified as an Officer of the Deck, Underway, while operating in the Mediterranean and Vietnam waters. In 1972, he attended the United States Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, graduating with distinction in 1973. Commander Martinsen transitioned to the P-3 Orion aircraft and reported to VP-8 in NAS Brunswick, Maine, where he served as the squadron Administrative Officer and later as the Maintenance Officer. While with VP-8, he deployed to various sites in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. In 1976, he was assigned to the staff, Commander Patrol Wings, U.S. Atlantic Fleet as the Force Tactical Development and Evaluation Officer until reporting to VP-11 as Executive Officer. Commander Glenn T. Martinsen, USN 33rd Commanding Officer Patrol Squadron Eleven passed away on active duty on July 24, 1979..." [29JUN2003]

MARTUCCI/HALSTEAD, AZ3 Laura halstead19881@home.com "...I was an AZ3 in VP-17 from 1986-1990. I worked in the Maintenance Control and did 3 deployments- NAS Adak, Alaska-1986, NS Sangley Point, Philippines-1988, NAS Adak, Alaska-1989. I left the Navy after my tour with VP-17, and now live in San Diego, CA with my husband Mark Halstead. Would love to hear from anyone who may remember me..." [21OCT2000]

MAYEUX, Rob rmayeux@navpoint.com "...I was in VP-94 as an Ordnanceman ('70-74), VP-17 ('77-80 Tacco/MC), VP-91 (83-86), and VP-94 (86-88)..." [26APR2000]

MAYHEW, Lawrence lmayhew4@home.com "...Served in VP-17 and VA(HM)-10 from February 1955 through June 1958. Always enjoy contact with old friends and squadron mates..." [29NOV2001]

MCCANN, Thomas (T.J.) Retired papavwson@aol.com "...Retired 1991, started out in helos (HC-4, HSL-30, HSL-32). Then got smart and went to VP (VP-30, VP-17, VPU-1) with a tour of Service School Command and finished with a tour as a SERE instructor at NAS Brunswick, Maine (yes it was a lot of fun being an instructor, not the student part!!!!) Love to hear from fellow Shipmates I have served with..." [12AUG2004]

McCOY, John johnmccoy@erols.com "...I was a romping stomping AO3 in VP-7 from March 1968 until decom. I would like to find a model of the P-2 if anyone has a location please let me know. I also was in VP-16, VP-31, and VP-17..." [24APR98]

McCRORKEN, Eugene MACREALL@AOL.COM "...I severed with VP-17 from 1981-1984 and never had a better time in the NAVY since then. I will be retiring in SEPT 2000. Good luck to all of you..." [10FEB2000]

McDANIEL, Kenneth P. ken.mcdaniel@tdi.state.tx.us "...I served with VP-17 NAS Whidbey Island, Washington from 1965 to 1968. I had many good friends in VP-42. I heard that the P2 (SEE: In Memorial for lost friends Christmas 1967) that crashed returning from Alaska in 1967. A very good friend (LT(jg) Gary A. Klessig) was aboard. Gary was just married..." [06APR2004]

McDONALD, Bobby Bobby.Mcdonald@trw.com "...I served with VP-17 from late 1955 until late 1956..." [21DEC2001]

McFALL, Melita (or Hoffman) mlmcfall@hotmail.com "...I served in VP-22 from '92-decom, VP-17 '94-decom, and VP-9 '95-'97. Love to hear from old squadron-mates, am currently an AT2 in a CT community, teaching electronics to surface-types at NTTC Corry Station..."

McGUINESS, CAPTAIN Brian Retired (360)856-4010 "...VP-17 12/66 through 12/69 SP2H and P-3A Plane Commander VP-71 01/70 through 11/70 SP2H CoPilot VP-91 12/70 through 03/72 P-3A CoPilot VP-69 04/72 through 06/84 SP2H and P-3A Plane Commander, Ninth Commanding Officer. Retired August 1, 1987 with 24 years total active and reserve duty..." [16SEP98]

McKENNA, Doug "DougieMac" Retired DHMcKJr@aol.com "...Hello NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii! Had a blast in VP-6 from 1977-1983, VP-1 from 1983-1986, VP-22 from 1986-1988, VP-31 2nd Mech School 1979, and FE School 1981. Lets not forget TAD VP-17 NAS Adak, Alaska 1987. Did some Reserve time VP-62 from 1989-1996 and just couldn't keep up. Got a few degrees from Embry-Riddle and an A & P Cert. Currently have my own consulting company and keep very busy but eventually find time for e-mail. I travel extensively so let's communicate a hook-up. Aloha!..." WebSite: [E-Mail/URL Updated 22JAN2003 | 27DEC98]

McKINNEY, ATC(AW) Bruce D. Retired brucedmckinney@bellsouth.net "...I served with VP-1, VP-17, VP-22, and VQ-2 (EP-3E's). I retired in 1993. I retired and am currently a High School Teacher in Jacksonville, Florida..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 24AUG2004 | 03JUL98]

McLAUGHLIN, LT Bob Shipmate Pix...Circa 1970... banddmcl1964@msn.com "...I served as a pilot with VP-17 from October 1967 to July 1970. We were on the last P2 deployment ( NAS Whidbey Island, Washington/ NS Sangley Point, Philippines - Crew 12) and the first P-3 deployment ( NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii/Iwakuni - Crew 10). We operated out of NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam and U-Tapao Royal Thailand Air Force Base, Thailand on MarketTime patrols, PUEBLO incident, all the WESTPAC "good deals". After Hawaii I did a tour as Flight Instructor with VT-3 at NAS Whiting Field, Milton, Florida then Civ-Pac. Hello to all the "Shipmates" and "crewmembers". Drop a note! I'd like to hear from you!..." [E-Mail Updated 07FEB2008 | 16OCT98]

McNEAL, AVCM Robert S. Retired taloft@westsound.com "...VAHM-10/VP-17, 1958-1960, Crew 9, Radar Operator MN1(AT) CO (Larson), Pilot (Goodfellow), Co-Pilot (Osborn), great people, go anywhere with them. Even to the Mountain.....Wish I could remember the rest of the crews names...Made E-7 (ATC) in that Squadron -- hard to forget that..." [28APR98]

MEIDE, AMS1 Dave Retired demeide@lemoorenet.com "...Was in VP-17 73-77 in the airframe shop. Am glad to see a web site on the squadron. Had some wonderful times. Wish I took Chief Marzettys (sp) advice and stay in P-3. I ended up my career in tailhooks.(FA-18s). Glad to see the outfit prospered into the 90"s. Fair winds and following seas and a good tail wind. Wish everyone well and good fortunes..." [14APR2001]

MICHEL, AOCM David P. dpmichel38@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-2 from 1958 to 1962 (Crew-11 and Crew-6) and in VP-17 from 1965 to 1968 (Crew-10 and Ordnance Supervisor)..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 28OCT2003 | 21NOV98]

MILL, AD3 Donaml L. millds@uswestmail.net "...I served with VP-2 and VP-17 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington from 1952 thru 1955 (AD3). Was involved in deployments to the Marshall Islands, Operation IVY (first above ground Hydrogen Device tests), as well as NAS Iwakuni, Japan and NAS Kodiak, Alaska. Would like to hear from any Shipmates serving in VP-2 and VP-17 during the early 1950s..." [16MAY2002]

MILLER, Marvin miller43@msn.com "...Served in the Navy From January 1958 to mid 1962. I served at NAS North Island, San Diego, California, NAS Norman, Oklahoma, NAS Memphis, Tennessee, and NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. I served with VP-17 in 1959 with deployments to to NAS Adak, Alaska and VU-1 NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. I would like to hear from any former Shipmates..." [16JUN2004]

MINES, Todd Gageman18@aol.com "...Served with VP-17 from 1990-94 as an AE2. Now living in Michigan..." [28JUN98]

MINYARD, PO1 Edward D. Retired EMinyard54613704@aol.com "...I served with the Navy from 1969 to August 31, 1993. I have spent most of my time in the Hawaiian Island serving with VR-21, VC-1, VP-6, VP-22, VP-17, NAS Pensacola, Florida Test Cell Operator, NS Mayport Florida (USS Saratoga), NAF St. Louis Mo. Douglas Corp. A-12, and Naval Recruiting Office St. Louis, Mo. I would like to talk to any one of my former Shipmates just to know how you are doing and to let them know that I am thinking of them. Hey Doc - how is the old Watermellon Gang doing? Fair wings and good sailing..." [18MAR2001]

MITCHELL, CAPTAIN Dave Shipmate Pix p3dave@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-17 from 1980-1983 as a TN/TC/MC and Schedules Officer. Also served with VP-93 from 1990-1994 and VP-66 from 1994-1999 where I was CO. During 2003 I served as Deputy Commander of CTF-57 in NSA Bahrain, Oman where we were flying the P-3 flying overland Iraq and Afghanistan supporting the ground war and maritime patrol throughout the CENTCOM AOR. The Task Force was a coalition of 40 plus aircraft from 8 countries flying out of 7 sites with 1,200 personnel. Sadly, since I left CTF-57 I have not been in a P-3. I've been attached to CSG-12, COMPHIBGRUTWO and Second Fleet. Currently I'm serving a year long deployment on the ground in Afghanistan with CJTF Phoenix mentoring the Afghan National Security Forces (Army, Police, Intel) in setting up a new joint coordination network. Cheers to all my Shipmates past, present and future..." [PIX/BIO Updated 28FEB2009 | 06APR2003]

MITCHELL, AE3 Hartwell harmitche@aol.com "...I served with VP-17 from November 1959 through August 1962. Would like to hear from Shipmates from that era..." [24MAR2006]

MITCHUSSON, Richard "Mitch" mtchssn@comcast.net "...As I go through the comments I have difficulty remembering my Shipmates in VP-17 (March 1960 to June 1963). If you are out there, I would love to hear from you. I have alot of good memories and one sad one - the day 135559 crashed on old Woman Mountain (SEE: In memory of lost friends...7 Die In Kodiak Plane Crash...)..." [E-Mail Updated 04AUG2003 | E-Mail Updated 16AUG2002 | 23MAR99]

MORGAN, AT2 Michael D. (Mad Dog) mmorgan146@nc.rr.com "...I reported for duty with VP-17 from May 1971 to July 1974. Wasn't in the squadron more than a week and LT Sikes ask me if I wanted to be a radio operator. Had a great time flying. Introduced me to photography and my life long passion. Many of you have seen my photos and did not even know it. Have seen the world twice at no expense. First with the Navy and second with the newspapers that I've worked for over the years. Yes I do remember the 4th of July in NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan. How about the CO of NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan coming down in his car. Getting out and telling us to stop and then both 17 and 22 barracks turning their bottle rockets towards his car and firing at him. We never saw him or the MP's again. QUESTION: Does anyone remember the time i got mugged on the way to the em club on may 1, 1972? Have had neck problem for 30 years and am fighting the system for service contected disability. Went to VP-31 and was only there for a few months. Quit flying after they tried to kill me again with a stupid pilot mistake. They thought they where sending me to a terrible duty station at MCAS Yuma, AZ. The best duty that I ever had. Went fishing almost ever day with the Master Sargent that ran the flight line. 7 great years and never really worked as an AT that I was trained for. Became a single father and left Navy. Wished I could have stayed but glad I did not. Have a great daughter and now have a granddaughter and a dumb son-in-law that is the Track Head Coach for a college in High Point, NC. Would like to hear from all and the following if they are out there: Crew 10 on NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan Deployment, ADJC Gerster, AW3 Wiley, AWAN Poteet, AW3 Unabia and AO2 Wheeler and AT3 Larry Terhune. Crew eight on the PI Deployment: LT Crash Crandall, AW1 Mike Jones and AO2 Collette. Thanks..." [E-Mail Updated 12FEB2008 | E-Mail Updated 29NOV2002 | 02NOV2002]

MORRILL, AME1(AW) James E. skippy5361@aol.com "...I'm retired now and am presently working for United Airlines. I served in VA-97 (80-83), AIMD NAS Lemoore, California (83-86), VP-4 (86-89), VC-5 (89-92), VP-17 (92-95), VPU-2 (95-98), and completed my career in VP-9 back in July of 1999. I would like to hear from any of my old Shipmates that I had the honor of serving with. I would really like to hear from my old friend PR1 Myron Arnold. If anyone knows his where abouts please let him know my address..." [BIO Updated 31DEC2000 | BIO Updated 17SEP2000 | 15SEP2000]

MORRIS, AT1 Chuck charliemorris@earthlink.net "...I was radio operator/AT-1, VP-17 from July '65 through summer '68 then on to VP-42 awaiting separation. I'll be back, I have lot's of inquiries!..." [04APR2001]

MULLINS, Steve tex4me@bellsouth.net "...I served with VP-17 from 1969-1972 . Tore me up. Loved every minute of the Navy and VP-17..." [E-Mail Updated 25JAN2003 | 07AUG2000]

MURRAY, Thomas G. hiwheel@erols.com "...I served with VP-17 from 1983 to 1986, VP-4549 from 1987-1988 and VP-68 from 1988-1992..." [12NOV2000]

MEYERRIECKS, CDR Brian J. http://members.tripod.com/~lph9/xobio.htm "...EXECUTIVE OFFICER, USS GUAM (LPH-9) - Commander Brian J. Meyerriecks is a native of Huntington, New York. He graduated from the University of Florida in June of 1975 and was commissioned as an Ensign through the Naval Aviation Officer Candidate program in Pensacola, Florida in October 1977. Following Navy Flight Training in NAS Corpus Christi, Texas he was retained as a Flight Instructor and assigned to VT-27. He taught initial flight training, precision aerobatics and formation flying in the T-28. His next tour of duty was with VP-17 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. He completed two deployment to NAS Cubi Point, Philippines and a split deployment to NAS Adak, Alaska and NSF Diego Garcia. He finished this tour as an Instructor Pilot and Mission Commander in the P-3 aircraft. In February 1984, Commander Meyerriecks reported to VP-31 at NAS Moffett Field, California as a Fleet Replacement Squadron Instructor Pilot. He assumed duties as Pilot NATOPS Officer and conducted the Patrol Plane Instructor Pilot Course, authored a Flight Training Guide for non-instructor pilots and developed a Defensive Flying seminar enhancing flight station safety. He completed this tour as the Commander, Naval Air Pacific, NATOPS Pilot Evaluator for the P-3 Aircraft. In November 1986, Commander Meyerriecks reported to the USS KITTY HAWK (CV 63) in San Diego, California as the ship's Communicatioins Officer. He deployed in 1987 for an around-the-world cruise where he earned qualifications as Underway Replenishment Conning Officer, Officer of the Deck Underway and Command Duty Officer Underway. In July 1989, Commander Meyerriecks reported to CPW-10 NAS Moffett Field, California to serve as Director of the Antisubmarine Warfare Operations Center. While assigned to Patrol Wing TEN he was selected as the 1989 Junior Officer of the Year by the Santa Clara Valley Council, Navy League of the United States. Commander Meyerriecks joined VP-48 in November 1990. There he served as Training Officer and deployed to NAS Cubi Point, Philippines. VP-48 was disestablished and subsequently he joined VP-40 as the Operation Officer and deployed to NAS Misawa, Japan along with numerous detachments to the Persian Gulf throughout Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM. In November 1991, Commander Meyerriecks reported to the Bureau of Naval Personnel in Washington, DC., as the VP Air Combat Placement Officer. He reported to VP-45 as Executive Officer in April 1994. In April 1995, Commander Meyerriecks took command of VP-45 and lead the "Pelicans" on a six month deployment to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, operating throughout Central and South America, setting records in Drug Interdiction and Counter-Narcotics Operations. Commander Meyerriecks personal awards include two Meritorious Service Medals, Four Navy Commendation Medals, a Navy Achievement Medal and various unit campaign awards..." [05JUL2003]

"VP-17 Shipmate Summary Page"