VPNAVY Address

Link VP-23 LinksLink

VP-23 Association WebSite
Linkhttp://vp23.org/ "...The VP-23 Association now has a WebSite at http://vp23.org..." Contributed by Dave Van Allen devanallen@live.com [05AUG2015]

VP-23 Personal WebSite
Linkhttp://www.onhellsperimeters.com/ [02MAR2003]

Navy's Hurricane Hunters (VPB-114, VPW-3, VPM-3, VPHL-3, VP-23, VJ-2, and VW-4) Website
Linkhttp://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Bunker/3630/ [07FEB2003]

VP-23 1950 - 1960 Personal WebSite
Linkhttp://home.earthlink.net/~capnbilly/vp23_intro.htm "...Dedicated to squadron personnel from 1950 - 1960, including pictures (from both then and now), salty tales (some of which may be true), and general nostalgia..." Contributed by Billy Rawl billy@capnbilly.com [URL Updated 17APR2002 | 08SEP2000]

VP-23 History Personal WebSite
Linkhttp://www.daveswarbirds.com/blackcat/ [03MAR2003 | 03SEP2001]

VP-23 Personal [Baldur Sveinsson] P2 Neptune WebSite
Linkhttp://www.verslo.is/baldur/p2/vp23.htm [03SEP2001]

VP-23 Personal [HullNumber WebSite] VP-23 WebSite
Link http://www.hullnumber.com/cgi-bin/aviation1?VP-23&23&SEAHAWKS [14APR2002]

"VP-23 Summary Page"