VP-66W-1 Shipmates
STEPANUK, CWO Kenneth Retired stepanuk@rbcinc.com "...Served with VP-66W-1, NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, VP-64, Naval Aviation Depot Operation Center (NADOC) 0193 and NAVAIR. My Navy career began in 1968 when I was selected as a member of the Navy's first group of enlisted aviators specializing in ASW systems operations. After graduating in class number one from the Navy's AntiSubmarine Warfare Operators (AW) school, I went on to active service at the NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania where my assignment was training of Reserve Naval Aviators. My first squadron assignment was in an ASW helicopter squadron where I flew as a Sonar operator in SH-3 helicopters. Later I flew the acoustic operator position in P2V aircraft and P-3 SS1. After active duty, I remained in the Naval Reserves flying the sensor positions in P-3's. I was promoted to Chief Petty Officer and held an Enlisted Aviation Air Warfare specialty designation AWC (AW). In 1988 I was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer (AntiSubmarine Warfare) and rose to WO-3 before being commissioned as a Limited Duty Officer (Air Operations). I retired from the Navy Reserves in 2001 after a thirty one year career in AntiSubmarine Warfare. My civilian career started in 1974 when I began work performing analysis of classified ASW acoustic and target data in support of the Naval Air Development Center. I later performed independent verification and validation of new and modified software for P-3 systems. I flew P-3 research and development and test and evaluation flights as a systems specialist, was designated the Technical Test Director for a classified program, and deployed with P-3 Special Projects aircraft and teams to overseas sites flying operational missions as a civilian advisor. Since joining RBC, Incorporated (Vice President and Chief Operating Officer), I have remained focused in airborne ASW systems engineering and engineering management services and programmatic support to every series of P-3 aircraft and the P-8A replacement aircraft. I also manage RBC’s support of an operationally sensitive, high-priority Chief of Naval Operations program..." [BIO Updated 19APR2024 | 16OCT2008]
"VP-66W-1 Summary Page"