VQ-2 Miscellaneous
BOOKs: Title: "The Last Boomerang" by John McIntyre. The background setup is the fictional last P4M-1Q mission of VQ-2 from Nicosia in 1955. It is not a rah-rah glory-to-our-boys-in-blue type thing, but it certainly captures the VQ experience a half-century ago. It's now available direct from the publisher at 1stBooks.com at $14.50 in paperback and $21.75 in hard cover. Just jump over to AuthorHouse and enter "The Last Boomerang" in the Book Title Search. Contributed by John McIntyre (VW-2A/VQ-2/VP-23/VP-56) vqplank@columbus.rr.com [Updated 03NOV2003 | 26OCT2003]
VP Model Summary "...I have an extra 1/72 Hasegawa P-3-C Orion w/ VP-19 decals and a resin conversion set and decals for an EP-3E a/c #148888 "VQ-2", EP-3E a/c #150494 "VQ-2, or P-3E a/c #152177 "VP-69". I would like to sell this model kit to a VP veteran where I know it will be built and displayed with pride...Please contact me if you are interested..." m2eagle1@mindspring.com [02APR2000]
BOOKs: Title: "The Sixth Fleet: Seawolf" [I also have a couple of novels on the streets titled The Sixth Fleet and The Sixth Fleet: Seawolf. I have made sure that I have VQ and EP-3E in each of these two. The Sixth Fleet: Tomcat due for release by Penguin Putnam February 5, 2002, has a complete VQ/EP-3E subplot in it.] by MEADOWS, David E. AKA "Igor" igor1010@hotmail.com [12DEC2001]
BOOKs: Title: "The Sixth Fleet" [I also have a couple of novels on the streets titled The Sixth Fleet and The Sixth Fleet: Seawolf. I have made sure that I have VQ and EP-3E in each of these two. The Sixth Fleet: Tomcat due for release by Penguin Putnam February 5, 2002, has a complete VQ/EP-3E subplot in it.] by MEADOWS, David E. AKA "Igor" igor1010@hotmail.com [12DEC2001]
BOOKs: TITLE: "Stoofs, Fudds, Guppies, Hummers, Sentries, and Willie," Victors: "The History of Airborne Early Warning, 1945-1995," AUTHOR: Lt.Cdmr. Edwin Leigh Armistead, USN, SIZE: Paperback, 5/5" x 8.5" x 0.5" format, pp. 193., PUBLISHED: 1996, Yuma, AZ (self-published book; no ISBN-number)., PRICE: $16.00 (includes USA shipping). AVAILABLE from: A & M Associates, Attn. Mr. Harlan Murray, 5313 Westover Lane, Virginia Beach, VA 23464. Any ex-AEW/CIC/Weather Reconnaissance crewman will find this book VERY interesting, not only for it's listing of Squadrons, Commanding Officers, commissioning / decommissioning dates, and deployments, but also for it's "insight" into WHY things happened (or, ended) as they did, especially the Pacific/Alantic Barriers! Until book this book, I really didn't know WHY the Navy's SeaDEWLine barriers (seaward extensions of the Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line) suddenly came to an end mid-1965; I only knew that they DID and that I had been caught in the middle....I recommend this book to ALL ex-AEW/CIC/Weather Reconnaissance crewmen who yearn to learn more about their old Squadrons. The line-drawings may not be very good, but the information is excellent! Too bad it has a USAF 'Connie (boo!) on the cover instead of a WV2, EC-121K, EC-121M, or WC-121N! Ha ha..." Contributed by McCAUL, AT1(AC) Earles L. elmccaul@q.com
"...I saw a self published book advertised on the site titled: "Stoofs,Fudds,Guppies,Hummers, Sentries, and Willie Victors: The History of Airborne Early Warning,1945-1995". I ordered the book from A & M Associates, Attn. Mr. Harlan Murray 5313 Westover Lane, Virginia Beach,Virginia 23464 for $16.00 Postpaid in USA. The original printing is sold out and the second printing was updated and the Title changed to "Grease Pencils and Florescent Bananas: The History of Airborne Early Warning Aircraft." Author: Edwin Leigh Armistead, published 1998 in San Diego, California. This is a soft cover that measures 5.2" X 8.5" X 0.5" and has a black and white photo of a E-2 on the cover, there are no photos or illustrations in the book except for front and rear cover. Lots of reference text, and a good read that fills in a lot of gaps and answers some lingering questions of logic. E-Mail for Leigh Armistead is ArmisteadE@aol.com..." Contributed by Donald O. Dockendorf Haulinas@webtv.com[23SEP99]
BOOKs: "...I just purchased a fine book on the P4M that I think would go on this page. One of the other original pilots from Special Projects (later VQ-1) told me of a book that has been published about the P4M-1/-1Q so I searched the Internet (none of the local book stores had any info on it) until I found a hobby shop in Usk, Washington, that had it. I wondered were Usk is also, it's in eastern Washington. The book is only 105 pages with a soft cover but loaded with info on the plane and the 3 units that flew it: VP-21, VQ-1 & VQ-2. On page 96 is a photo of a VQ-1 P4M-1Q that had the starboard main gear collapse in Naples in October 1957. According to the info under the pix it was piloted by CDR Sparks and LTJG N. W. Rankin. Ned Rankin was one of my students when I was instructing at NAS Whiting Field, Milton, Florida after my tour in P4Ms. I used to say that I had trained my own replacement before I left active duty in 1954. If you're interested the book is "Naval Fighters Number 37 - Martin P4M-1/-1Q Mercator" by Steve Ginter. Item number is "NF-37" Cost is $15.95 + $3.00 shipping. I ordered it Tuesday and it came today. The hobby shop is Aviation Usk, Fax/phone (509) 445-1236. Their web site is http://www.povn.com/avusk/..." Contributed by Mel Davidow meldavidow@earthlink.net [08JUN98]
BOOKs: Title: "Lockheed P2V Neptune An Illustrated History" [Chapter 6 The Patrol Community -- P2V-5JF "JQ" BUNO: 127729,, etc.] by Wayne Mutza wmutza@wi.rr.com...A Schiffer Military History Book...ISBN: 0-7643-0151-9...286 pages full of pictures and history!
 "VQ-2 Summary Page"