VPNAVY Operation Poppy by Captain Edward M. Brittingham
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Books VR-2 MiscellaneousBooks

BooksBOOKs: VPNAVY BookTitle: "VPNavy! USN, USMC, USCG and NATS Patrol Aircraft Lost or Damaged During World War II" by LCDR Douglas E. Campbell, USNR (Retired) dcamp@aol.com "VPNavy! USN, USMC, USCG and NATS Patrol Aircraft Lost or Damaged During World War II" Thousands of hours of research have culminated in this First Edition of U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard and Naval Air Transport Service patrol aircraft lost or damaged during World War II. Within these 600+ pages can be found more than 2,200 patrol aircraft across nearly 300 squadron designations; the majority of the aircraft complete with their stories of how they were lost or damaged or simply Struck Off Charge (SOC) and removed from the Navy’s inventory. Of interest to the reader may be the alphabetical Index to the 7,600+ names of Officers, aircrewmen and others mentioned in the book. Squadrons, etc. mentioned include: VB/VP/VPB, FAW, VD, VH, VJ, VMD, VR, NATS, NAS, etc. You may purchase as copy through: Lulu Press, Inc.. Contributed by LCDR Douglas E. Campbell, USNR (Retired) dcamp@aol.com [26FEB2018]

BooksBOOKs: VPNAVY Book Title: Consolidated PB2Y Coronado by CAPT. Richard Hoffman USN (Ret.) dickdot@san.rr.com. The PB2Y Coronado was a large flying boat patrol bomber designed by Consolidated Aircraft. After deliveries of the PBY Catalina, also a Consolidated aircraft, began in 1935, the United States Navy began planning for the next generation of patrol bombers. Orders for two prototypes, the XPB2Y-1 and the Sikorsky XPBS-1, were placed in 1936; the prototype Coronado first flew in December 1937. After trials with the XPB2Y-1 prototype revealed some stability issues, the design was finalized as the PB2Y-2, with a large cantilever wing, twin tail, and four Pratt & Whitney R-1830 radial engines. The two inner engines were fitted with four-bladed reversible pitch propellers; the outer engines had standard three-bladed feathering props. (However, note the three-bladed prop on the inner engine in the picture at the left.) Like the PBY Catalina before it, the PB2Y's wingtip floats retracted to reduce drag and increase range. 192 pages of history, drawings and photos. Copies can be ordered from: Copies can be ordered (as can copies of the P5M Marlin book) from Steve Ginter, 1745 Warfield Cir., Simi Valley, CA 93063, Phone: (805) 584-9732 - http://www.ginterbooks.com. Squadron's mentioned include: FAW-2, FAW-3, FAW-5, FAW-14, VP-1, VP-4, VP-13, VP-15, VP-100, VP-102, VR-2, VR-6, VR-8, VE-1 and VH-1. [26APR2010]

VP ModelsMODELs: Pacific Aircrft ModelVR-2 Martin JRM Mars Martin JRM Mars: The first JRM-1, named the "Hawaii Mars", was completed in June 1945. The Hawaii Mars had the same wing and float structure as the Old Lady, but was otherwise extensively redesigned. Model #: AJRM Span: 19.25" Length: 11.25" Price: $139.95 [27APR2006]

VPNAVY gets 25% commission for every aircraft sold!

BooksBOOKs: Title: "The Road to 311 No. York St" by HOOVER, ATCS Don Retired scpohoover@gmail.com - This book has been written to describe a person's life that began in a small, out of the mainstream, rural community where parental emphasis was on the work ethic rather than on education. Education was considered for the more affluent or gifted children. An effort has been made to express how a person with this start in life views the successes that he has been fortunate to enjoy, and the failures and hardships that he has endured in his attempt to share a part of the "Great American Dream." It is also an attempt to rationalize his decision for making a career of the Navy and raising a family under, at times very stringent conditions. It makes many statements describing his Patriotic feelings toward his country that had been ingrained in his makeup from the first grade in school, where "Under God" was a very important phrase. It may reflect a bit of sarcasm, disgust and mistrust toward the new breed of politicians that are willing to sell our country for economic gains, to buy friends or to become a part of the world community at the expense of our middle class citizens. Squadrons mentioned include: VR-2, VR-21, VW-11, VW-13, VW-13, VW-15, and VS-24. [04AUG2003]

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