VR-50 Shipmates
BENNING, ADC John Retired navychief97@hotmail.com "...Enlisted August 1973 with the intention of serving for a couple of years.....24-years later I retired as an ADC...Quite a ride! Throughout my career I moved around the aviation community, serving in VF-124, VRC-50, NAS Key West, Florida, VP-4, VP-17, VQ-2, NADC Johnsville, Pennsylvania and CPW-10. It was all memorable, but the P-3 time was especially rewarding. As a FE working in the maintenance department I had the best of both worlds, interacting with professional flight crew as well as outstanding maintainers. My Navy training and experience directly resulted in my continuing with aviation after retirement, first with Boeing, then with the FAA, where I currently manage the FAA International Field Office in Frankfurt, Germany. My experience an an FAA manager requires me to be "The Chief" years after hanging up the uniform and donning civvies. I am eternally grateful for all Shipmates that helped guide this young sailor toward a solid understanding of what integrity and leadership are all about..." [E-Mail Updated 29OCT2011 | E-Mail Updated 02AUG99 | Updated 14APR98]
"...COLLETT, CMDCM Charles Edward...CMDCM Charles Edward COLLETT, 65, of Pensacola died Sunday, Oct. 10, 2010. During his service years of 1962 - 1992, Chuck was a Flight Engineer in VP-17 (71-74) and VP-4 (77-81). He served as Command Senior Chief in VPU-2 (84-86) and as Command Master Chief in VRC-50 (87-92). For those wishing to post a remembrance for CMDCM Charles E. "Chuck" Collett there is a guestbook at http://www.webfh.com/fh/obituaries/obituary.cfm?o_id=331574&fh_id=10966..." Contributed by Larry Hames (VP-4 Veterans Assn Database Manager) database@vp4association.com [22OCT2010]
COLLEDGE, John W. wardmaster1@msn.com "...In 1945-1946 was assigned NATS VR-4 NAS Oakland, California and NAS Moffett Field, California..." [04JAN2005]
GRIMES, Melvin melgr757@gmail.com "...I served with VP-31 at NAS Moffett Field, California (Training) in 1980, NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan AIMD (Powerplants) from 1980 to 1982, VP-9 TAD to AIMD Powerplants from 1982 to 1984, VP-48 TAD to AIMD 1986 to 1987 and VRC-50 at NAS Cubi Point, Philippines from 1984 to 1986. I'm back home in Buffalo, N.Y. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 10AUG2009 | 31MAY99]
REED, Charles csreedii@hotmail.com "...I served with VR-50 (Plank Owner) and moved to NAS Atlanta, Georgia. I worked in the AE shop with Stewart and Bear..." [03MAY2013]
SCOFIELD, ATC James W. "Jim" Retired jim@ndislife.com "...My first squadron, after ATN "A" school was VW-1 at NAS Agana, Guam flying radio on EC-121. We flew weather ops from Guam, the Philippines, Japan and Taiwan and radar cover over the Gulf of Tonkin mostly from Chu Lai. From VW-1 I went to VR-21 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii flying radio on C-118's and C-130's. My first VP experience was in VP-19, the "Milpitas Chickens", as an IFT from April 1978 - May 1980. After a three-year tour with VRC-50, second time around, I joined VP-22 and the "Blue Geese" on deployment at NAS Cubi Point, Philippines in September 1984 - June 1987. After VP-22. I returned to NAS Cubi Point, Philippines, AIMD and BEQ Leading Chief, for my last duty station. We were in the Philippines when Mt. Pinatubo erupted. I have a unique video of my last re-enlistment on top of Diamond Head with LT Clark and my retirement ceremony in the Philippines with Mt. Pinatubo erupting in the background. We came to NAS Sand Point, Seattle, Washington for separation. I am presently working for Washington Department of Corrections as the electronics technician at the women's prison. To all my Shipmates and friends my family and I send a cheerful Mabuhay and Salamat Po..." [E-Mail Updated 09FEB2011 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 01AUG2004 | 12DEC98]
SEVERSON, ADC Arne E. Retired arne_92@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-6 (06/1956-12/1959) with deployment to NAS Iwakuni, Japan 1958), VP-42 (06/1962-1965) with deployments to NS Sangley Point, Philippines / NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam (08/1964) at beginning of that Era, Naval Missile Center Oxnard, CA (1965-1968) Power Plant E2A mechanic/inflight tests, AD “B” School (1968) at NAS Millington, Tennessee, VP-42 (1968-late 1969), VRC-50 Det NAS Cubi Point, Philippines (1970-01/1971) (13 month tour), VP-48 (1971-10/1973) P-3 FE Crew 4, Commander, Fleet Activities Okinawa (CFAO) (07/1976-08/1978) at NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan and retired August 1978 out of CFAO..." [BIO Updated 24APR2020 | 16SEP2018]
STEPHENSON, AWC Lawrence "Larry" Retired flyer1970@sbcglobal.net "...I served with VS-41, VS-38, VRC-50, VP-65 and VR-57. I served 24 years of Great Navy Life spanning 5 decades, 2 centuries and 2 milinia, 3 wars, more carrier landings than I can remember due to lots of grog..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 13OCT2010 | 08MAR2001]
THOMAS, ADCS Thomas A. Retired taandmiyoko@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-42 (1963-1967) at NAS North Island, San Diego, California. I was TAD to Special Services there and NAS Iwakuni, Japan. I went aircrew at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington with deployments to NAS Iwakuni, Japan and NS Sangley Point, Philippines. I re-upped (tax free for orders) to VRC-50 (1967) at NAS Atsugi, Japan..." [22AUG2011]
"...WISMER, AD1 Harry Roland III...Harry passed away February 18th, 2018 at age 78. He served with VR-50 and was a plankowner with VR-52..." Contributed by BENTON, AT1 John Retired bentonj456@gmail.com [29AUG2019]
WISMER, AD1 Harry Retired tripod1977@yahoo.com "...I was a plankowner with VR-50 which was disestablished on 24JUN72 and a plankowner with VR-52 Unit 2 on 24JUN72..." [10NOV2006]
 "VR-50 Summary Page"