VPNAVY VP-5 P2 BUNO: 128358
VPNAVY Address

VP AircraftVT-23 AircraftVP Aircraft


VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: VT-23 ThumbnailCameraVT-23 TA-4J Aircraft BUNO: Unknown "...VT-23's Hanger at NAS Kingsville, Texas in 1970! The TA-4J, shown 3H - 300 in this picture is the first one accepted into inventory for the Squadron!..." Contributed by NETTLES, Bullet Bob bulletbob_1@email.msn.com [03FEB2003]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: VT-23 ThumbnailCameraVT-23 F9F-8T and TA-4J Aircraft BUNO: Unknown "...Out with the Old, F9F-8T Cougar shown below and in with the New, TA-4J Skyhawk in the Summer of 1970!..." Contributed by NETTLES, Bullet Bob bulletbob_1@email.msn.com [03FEB2003]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: VT-23 ThumbnailCameraVT-23 TA-4J Aircraft BUNO: Unknown "...VT-23 Line getting ready to Launch Brand New Training Aircraft (TA-4J) in the summer of 1970! I believe 18 were launched on this Training Mission!..." Contributed by NETTLES, Bullet Bob bulletbob_1@email.msn.com [03FEB2003]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: VT-23 ThumbnailCameraVT-23 Aircraft BUNO: Unknown "...Securing and Fueling Aircraft after 3 hour Training Flight for New Pilots! VT-23 ended up with about 38 of these so called "Scooters" in inventory for Training Advanced Fighter Pilots!..." Contributed by NETTLES, Bullet Bob bulletbob_1@email.msn.com [03FEB2003]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: VT-23 ThumbnailCameraVT-23 F9F Aircraft BUNO: 131146 "...In the Summer of 1970 VT-23 transitioned from the old (F9F-8 Cougar) to the newest of advanced training airplanes, the (TA-4J Skyhawk)! This Aircraft F9F-8, 3H 364, Buno: 131146 was one of the last F9's to leave the Squadron!..." Contributed by NETTLES, Bullet Bob bulletbob_1@email.msn.com [01FEB2003]

"VT-23 Summary Page"