VPNAVY VP-5 Open House
VPNAVY Address

Note CPW NoticeNote

Note NOTICE: "...Disestablishment of Commander Reserve Patrol Wing (SEE: OPNAVNOTE 3111)..." Contributed by Merrill Kruse kruse@navmar.com [03FEB2007]

Disestablishment of Commander Reserve Patrol Wing
Squadron Logo

This invitation is extended to ALL personnel active duty, FTS/TAR & SelRes who served in any Reserve VP Squadron (VP-60, VP-62, VP-64, VP-65, VP-66, VP-67, VP-68, VP-69, VP-90, VP-91, VP-92, VP-93, VP-94, VP-MAU, VP-SAU/SRU), any Reserve VP Training Command (RATCEN, RESASWTAC, RESASWTAC East/RESASWTAC West) or any Reserve VP Support Unit (TSC units, MOCC units).

On 23 June 2007, following the Change of Command for Capt. Ken Lewko (VP-92,VP-66, CO RATCEN, Wing CSO, etc.) there will be a "celebration" of sorts, to commemorate Commander Reserve Patrol Wing (formerly COMRESPATWINGLANT & COMRESPATWINGPAC) at its Disestablishment. It is thought that this would be the best "Last Chance" for those that have served in the Reserve Force Maritime Patrol Aviation community across the years to get together one last time and remember the long and proud heritage of which each of us is a part.

Plans are underway, with a major question being "how many will attend?" If you plan on attending please send an email response to:

CDR Phillips

You should then receive an evite invitation which will provide additional details and costs. You must return the evite with payment in order to ensure access to the event.

Date: 23 June 2007
Place: NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania
Time: TBA

UPDATE "...The following information is directly from the program for the disestablishment of the ResPatWing that was held at NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania on 23 June 2007. As of 30 June 1977, the Reserve Patrol Force as we had known it no longer exists. There were about 300 officer and enlisted airmen who served in the squadrons that comprised the wing and who served with CRPW who attended the ceremony and celebration...." Contributed by ROBIDEAU, AWCS Larry Retired larobidoo@comcast.net [03JUL2007]

Commander Reserve Patrol Wing Command History

Commander Reserve Patrol Wing (COMRESPATWING) became the Navy's largest Patrol Wing in January 1999 following the consolidation of the former COMRESPATWINGPAC located at Moffett Federal Airfield, CA and COMRESPATWINGLANT located at Naval Air Station Norfolk, V A. Commander Reserve Patrol Wing became responsible for the training, readiness and oversight of seven assigned Maritime Patrol Aviation (MPA) Squadrons, the Reserve Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center (RATCEN), three Weapons System Trainer detachments, and two Mobile Operations Command Centers (MOCCs). The Wing was an Echelon IV command under the administrative and operational control of Commander, Naval Air Force Reserve. The Command's mission served two primary purposes I) achieve and sustain combat readiness ensuring the availability of combat ready units capable of immediate employment in the event of war or national emergency; and 2) provide operational support during peacetime. At its pinnacle, COMRESP ATWING included over 2,500 Drilling Reservists and Full Time Support personnel operating and maintaining 45 P-3 "Orion" aircraft.

The birth of Reserve Patrol Wing can be traced back to a major restructuring of the Naval Air Reserve that took place in 1970. The restructuring established two Reserve Patrol Wings, one East Coast Wing and one West Coast Wing, and 13 Reserve Patrol Squadrons. The Squadrons first flew the SP2H "Neptune" but soon transitioned to the P-3 "Orion" during the mid-1970s. From the initial P-3A models, Reserve aircrews transitioned to the more capable P-3B TACNA V MOD and then onto the P-3C. Eventually, COMRESP ATWING Squadrons came to operate the most modern P-3Cs in the fleet, which included AlP, BMUP and Update III aircraft.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Reserve MPA maintained a significant Cold War anti-submarine warfare force, and the Squadrons were part of the fabric of the entire country with units based from coast to coast. The Squadrons included, VP-60 & VP-90 (NAS Glenview, Illinois), VP-62 (NAS Jacksonville, Florida), VP-64 & VP-66 (NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania), VP-65 (NAS Point Mugu, California), VP-67 (NAS Memphis, Tennessee), VP-68 (NAF Washington, D.C.), VP-69 (NAS Whidbey Island, Washington), VP-91 (NAS Moffett Field, California), VP-92 (NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts), VP-93 (NAF Detroit, Michigan), and VP-94 (NAS Belle Chase, LA). With the fall of the Soviet Union and the resulting reduction in the size of the Navy, six Reserve Squadrons were disestablished and the East and West Coast Wings were consolidated into a single Wing, which became Commander Reserve Patrol Wing, currently located at NAS/JRB Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. Post-Cold War, COMRESPATWING Squadrons expanded their role by routinely integrating into Fleet operations and deploying year-round to worldwide locations in support of Fleet Commanders.

With the start of the 21 st Century, a new challenge arose for the Reserve Patrol Community. Years of heavy usage on the nation's P-3 force took its toll and many aircraft started to reach the end of their service life. In order to provide a bridge to the follow-on Patrol Aircraft, the P-8A Poseidon, COMRESPATWING Units were called upon to embark upon an unprecedented integration and asset sharing initiative. To assure the maximum return on national assets, COMRESPATWING transferred its most capable P-3s to its Squadrons co-located with Active Component Squadrons and concurrently disestablished stand-alone P-3 Squadrons. With the disestablishment of COMRESPATWING on 30 June 2007, two remaining Reserve Patrol Squadrons will continue to serve the nation under the control of their Active Component Wings. The thousands of Officers, Chiefs, and Sailors who have served in Reserve Patrol Wing Units leave behind a proud legacy of professionalism, service and camaraderie.

"CPW Summary Page"