FASRON-106 History
Circa 1953
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Unit Has 100% Students - Page 5 - Naval Aviation News - November 1953..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1953/nov53.pdf [31JUL2004]
Circa Unknown Can you identify the Month and or Year?
A BIT OF HISTORY:  VAP-62 "...VAP-62 in NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada for fuel & maint with FASRON-106..." Contributed by Larry Creel gaprailroad2010@yahoo.com [19DEC2000]
A BIT OF HISTORY:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 11623 "...VP-56 P5M-2 in NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada with FASRON-106. Had to beach about twice a year. Usually a 12 to 16 hr. non-stop job to get 6 or 8 of these monsters on the tarmac..." Contributed by Larry Creel gaprailroad2010@yahoo.com [20DEC2000]
A BIT OF HISTORY:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 5453 "...VP-56 P5M-2 in NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada with FASRON-106. Had to beach about twice a year. Usually a 12 to 16 hr. non-stop job to get 6 or 8 of these monsters on the tarmac..." Contributed by Larry Creel gaprailroad2010@yahoo.com [20DEC2000]
 "FASRON-106 Summary Page"