FASRON-106 Patches
LOGOs:  FASRON-106 Patch Contributed by Grizzly jeanlouplanty@gmail.com WebSite: Naval Air Patches http://navalairpatches.free.fr [23JUL2005]
LOGOs:  FASRON-106 Logo
"...Naval Aviation News - April 1955..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1954/apr55.pdf [03AUG2004]
LOGOs:  FASRON-106 Logo "...This is a cover Insignia off of the squadron yearbook of 1958..." Contributed by Larry Creel gaprailroad2010@yahoo.com [19DEC2000]
LOGOs:  FASRON-106 Logo "...Jacket Patch from Fasron 106 & it's in good shape from 1957..." Contributed by Larry Creel gaprailroad2010@yahoo.com [19DEC2000]
 "FASRON-106 Summary Page"