FASRON-106 Shipmates
ACOSTA, AB3 Ramon J.racosta@bellsouth.net "...I served with FASRON-106 from 1955 to 1957. I fueled and beach seaplanes during this period. Looking for anyone that I served with during this time frame..." [09APR2006]
ANDERSON, AK1 Charles (Andy) Retired anchor-clanker@comcast.net "...I served with FASRON-106 NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada from October 1958 to October 1960. The best duty I ever had in a twenty year career. LTjg Ed Zirrip was Supply Officer and a great friend. We enjoyed many hours fishing together for brookies, rainbow and tuna. Had some great moose dinners also! Disestablished FASRON-106 which became AMD in 1960. Remember, test hopping our R5's and chasing moose on the tundra with a great Mustang pilot (who I won't name). Every member of FASRON-106 were great Shipmates. Returned to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada for a second tour with NS Supply Department from 1963 to 1965...I was assigned to VC-6 in Oct 1965 to June 66 to finish my 'perferred sea duty tour' from NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada as the AK1 in charge of the small supply Division. Wonderful duty supporting drones, radio controlled boats, etc. Worked with a great AK2 Shankle who was the greatest comshaw artist in the Navy. He procured many items from the civilian overhaul workers that we were not able to purchase because of limited squadron funding. When I checked in and he was showing me around and telling me what he was doing I told him 'I don't want to know' just keep everyone happy. Great squadron personal, Great CO. CDR Sylvia. Should have stayed there (shoulda, coulda, woulda) but I requested recruiting duty in Philadelphia and finished up my twenty as RIC of the Dover Delaware Recruiting Station. Shankle if you are out there, send me an email!..." [BIO Updated 14AUG2007 | E-Mail Updated 19JUN2007 | 23JAN2004]
BAUMACH, AT2 Leland "Badmack" lfb1933@verizon.net "...I served with FASRON-106 (06/1953-12/1954) at NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada and VR-6 (01/1955-04/1956) at Westover AFB and McGuire AFB. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 10JUN2016 | 21JUL2003]
BEARD, AE(M)2 John jbeard3@gmail.com "...I served with FASRON-106 from September 1957 to August 1959. It was a great experience for me. John Barnwell was the CPO for Electrical Shop - one great man!..." [12JAN2009]
CREEL, Larry gaprailroad2010@yahoo.com "...I served with FASRON-106 NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada (03/1957-12/1958). I worked on the line crew, fueling, and plane spotter. I have flown in Super Connies, P5M-2's, P2V-5F, Canadian Lancaster Mark 10, SNB-5, R5D-2, Twin Beach, C-119, C-130, and about 2 or 3 different kinds of seaplanes. Have a few pictures at different bases in Newfoundland. I also served with VF-32 NAS Jacksonville, Florida, VX-3 NAS Atlantic City, New Jersey, VX-1 at NAS Key West, Florida (to phase out the Navy Blimps). I was discharged January 27, 1959 (wish I had of stayed in to retire)..." [E-Mail Updated 15AUG2011 | E-Mail Updated 16JUN2005 | E-Mail Updated 04APR2004 | E-Mail Updated 04JUN2002 | 15DEC2000]
DAILEY, CAPTAIN Elmer W. Jr. Retired edailey1@aol.com "...I was skipper of FASRON-106 from July 1958 to July 1959 at NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. It was a pleasure to command as fine a crew as I served with over a 31 year career. The Exec was Ernie Zimmerman who passed away some years ago. Ernie was a top notch individual who always had the well being of the crew foremost at all times. His pilot technique was outstanding. I would be pleased to hear from any Shipmates of that era..." [12MAR2003]
ERICKSON, TM2 Kenneth W. lewtfisk@aol.com "...I served from early 1957 to late 1958 in the AUW shop of FASRON-106 NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. I had the best time of my Naval career there and made many good friends. I am able to keep in touch with a few of those guys even though its been 45 years since. I'd like to hear from any of my Shipmates..." [21JAN2004]
JOHNSON, AD3 Charles O. COJS@AOL.COM "...I was with FASRON-106 in NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada from 1958 - 1960. When I first arrived to the squadron, I was TAD to the Base, assigned to Special Service. I was put in charge of the Pool Hall by the Barrages on the hill. I was finally sent back to the squadron after approximately one (1) year TAD to the station. I was a 3rd Class AD Engine Mechanic. I left the Squadron in April of 1960. I went on and retired in 1976. After Navy retiring, I retired from United Air Lines after 22 years. Now I am TOTALLY RETIRED with 42 years as a Mechanic..." [11NOV2000]
LEWIS, Glen D. dlewis1936@yahoo.com "...I served with FASRON-106 in NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada from August 1953 until March 1955, as an aviation technician. I am looking for other men who served with me during this period..." [29OCT2005]
PICHE, AK2 Henry jhpiche@aol.com "...I was with FASRON-106 between 1958 and 1960. I worked in the supply area across from the electronics shop and in the office that was located upstairs in the hanger. I was transferredred to the main supply building and worked in that office posting receipts and expenditures of aviation material. I left Argentia in 61. During the Berlin Crisis I was recalled to active duty and served 10 months with VS-733 at NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts..." [13AUG2001]
RAY, Bob AW1 (Budda) rray3@austin.rr.com "...I served in VP-49 from 1964-1971. I flew on crew 1 or 2 as skippers changed. I was both a AE and AW. I left VP-49 in 1971 and transferredred to FASOTRAGRULANT det. NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. I would enjoy hearing from any my old fiends..." [E-Mail Updated 03JAN2003 | 00XXX97]
SOUKUP, Robert Fred rsoukup@tccisi.com "...I was an AT with FASRON 106, NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, 1951-1953. We supported many VPs...including a number of reserve units activated because of the Korean War. These usually flew WWII vintage PB4Ys (Privateers)..." [14OCT98]
STAMPS, AMS3 John meador@3g.quik.com "...I was assigned to FASRON-106 Det 1 NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal 1955-56. I would like to hear from anyone stationed there during this time. I was AMS-3 Airframes Division..." [28JUL2001]
WINSHIP, AE2 George "GW" sallyandgeorge@verizon.net "...I served with FASRON-106. I landed in NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada in a blizzard in 1957 after a year and a half in the tropics of Texas and liberty in the border towns of Mexico. John Barnwell was my Chief, Dale Amick, Johnny Kirkwood and Arty Stock were my shop mates and we participated in Operation SkipOff when we supported a NATO operation movng an entire battle ready force to Europe in 48 hours. This was the height of the Cold War, the Hungarian Uprising had cancelled all our leaves and we really thought WWIII was imminent. We all came home without having fired a shot. The closest I ever came to grief was nearly hitting a gas truck which pulled onto the runway in front of our P2V. Fortunately, our pilot, whose name escapes me, pulled up in time. I'm told the truck driver tore up his license on the spot..." [09JUN2009]
 "FASRON-106 Summary Page"