FASRON-14 Shipmates
CRISWELL, George Robert (Bobby) (Deceased) c/o His Daughter Dorothy Criswell the_oz_girl@yahoo.com "...I am looking for information, stories, comments, etc. from anyone who may have known my father before, during, or after WWII and his time spent with the navy. I have some information about him, but would love to have more. He was active from February 20, 1942 for 6 years. Some of the associatoins listed on his discharge papers include: NTC, Great Lakes, Ill., Hdq. Sqd FAW-2, CASU(F)48, and FASRON-14. If you know of anyone who might have known George Robert(Bobby) Criswell, or if you knew him, please feel free to email me at any time. If you need more information, or have any questions, please feel free to contact me, as I may be able to find something in the papers I have but do not understand very well..." [24AUG2002]
MANGIERI, Nicholas John nick@valorpress.com "...As Martin Roland, Siaom, I served with FASRON-14, Naval Air Base Kobler, Saipan, 1946 to 1947. Toward the end of my tour, I volunteered to be part of a three-man task force to monitor an improvised the rocket range for incoming fleet fighter aircraft. A hastily-constructed "target" of white coral was set-up on a plateau-like outcropping off the southern tip of the island in Magicienne Bay. After each run by the aircraft, my job was to descend from my position in a "Harp Shack", on the edge of the cliff, that was 100 yards distant from the target, and then climb to the top of the plateau, rearrange the destroyed coral and then back to my original position, etc. Apparently, because of the constant immersion in the surf and then continually working with coral rock, I developed severe jungle rot of hands and feet. Was air-evaced to Guam, then to Aiea Heights Naval Hospital, Hawaii and finally to Oak Knoll NH, California, for the next six smonths before discharge. Because I left before my part of the task was completed, does anyone have feedback on our efforts or the success of the mission - or knowledge of Shipmates AOM1 Robert Nelson or AOM1 Robert Anderson?..." [26NOV2006]
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