FASRON-1 Shipmates
"...KELLEY, AT1 Millard...My father, Millard Kelley, passed away in 1976...Dad served reported for service at NRS Pittsburgh, PA (25JUL42), NTC Great Lakes, IL (25JUL42-11OCT42), NAS Jacksonville, Florida (13OCT42-10FEB43), NAGS NAS Jacksonville, Florida (10FEB43-24MAR43), NAS DeLand (Datona Beach), Florida (24MAR43-22MAY43), FAW-1 (22MAY43-16AUG44), USS Coos Bay (AVP-25) (16AUG44-31OCT44), CASU-48 (31OCT44-07MAY45), Naval Air Station Terminal Island San Pedro, California (05JUL45-21APR46), NAS Corpus Christi, Texas (21APR46-08AUG46), R/S NAS Norfolk, Virginia (09AUG46_23AUG46), FASRON-1 (23AUG46-10SEP46), FASRON-2 (10SEP46-28MAY47), Attack Carrier Airgroup Three (28MAY47-14AUG47) and FASRON-1 (14AUG47-13JUL48). His awards were the World War 11 Victory Medal and the American Area Campaign Medal. My dad is buried at the Veterans Section of Vista Memorial Gardens in Miami Lakes, FL. When I visit, I can hear aircraft landing and taking off from the nearby Opa-locka Executive Airport, which was formerly the NAS Miami, Florida..." Contributed by Amy Carswel amyjeancarswell@gmail.com [22OCT2019]
 "FASRON-1 Summary Page"