VPNAVY VP-5 P2 BUNO: 128358
VPNAVY Address

Recycled Patrol Squadron Aircraft
Fire Bombers
Summary Page

Martin JRM-1 MARS

Note NOTICE: "...Hawaii Mars "On Approach" - I thought you might be interested in the attached photo's. They were taken at Lake Elsinore in Southern California, when Hawaii was there to help fight fire. Can you say "Duck?"...Phil MacKenzie portpiper7@hotmail.com..." [16NOV2007]

History - Tap To Enlarge Thumbnail History - Tap To Enlarge Thumbnail History - Tap To Enlarge Thumbnail History - Tap To Enlarge Thumbnail History - Tap To Enlarge Thumbnail

BUNO/VP/VR Civilian Number Photograph URL/Contributor



C-FLYK Recycled AC http://www.aerpix.net/AP-HP/APHP008/APHP008Index.htm
Forest Industry Flying Tankers Limited



C-FLYL Recycled AC http://www.zap16.com/fire_fighters.htm
Forest Industry Flying Tankers Limited



C-FLYM MARS Thumbnail Destroyed on the ground in a freak wind storm on October 12, 1962.
Forest Industry Flying Tankers Limited



C-FLYK VP History Thumbnail "...Alive And Well - Naval Aviation News - March-April 1991..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1990s/1991/ma91.pdf [24OCT2004]
MARS Thumbnail "...From a fire on Saturday south of where I live at Lake Cowichan.....Last two Martin Mars in action as waterbombers..." Contributed by Dan J. Dertien ddertien@shaw.ca [25AUG206]
MARS Thumbnail "...From a fire on Saturday south of where I live at Lake Cowichan.....Last two Martin Mars in action as waterbombers..." Contributed by Dan J. Dertien ddertien@shaw.ca [25AUG206]
MARS Thumbnail "...From a fire on Saturday south of where I live at Lake Cowichan.....Last two Martin Mars in action as waterbombers..." Contributed by Dan J. Dertien ddertien@shaw.ca [25AUG206]
MARS Thumbnail "...Very first water drop from a Mars (Marianas Mars) in 1960. It sadly crashed on June 23, 1961..." Contributed by Dan J. Dertien ddertien@shaw.ca [08JAN2005]
MARS Thumbnail "...Last Labor Day when I was at the bomber base (03SEP2004) the fellow coming in the small launch was a pilot and he was coming in to get a part when I was taking pictures. He took me back out with him. This was my third Mars tour..." Contributed by Dan J. Dertien ddertien@shaw.ca [08JAN2005]
MARS Thumbnail "...True Aviation - January 1946 No 11 Page 27..." [16MAY2004]
MARS Thumbnail
MARS Thumbnail
"...Circa 1983..."
Contributed by HOOVER, ATCS Don Retired scpohoover@gmail.com [06DEC2003]
MARS Thumbnail
MARS Thumbnail
"...Circa 1983..." Contributed by HOOVER, ATCS Don Retired scpohoover@gmail.com [05DEC2003]
MARS Thumbnail
MARS Thumbnail
MARS Thumbnail
MARS Thumbnail
"...Circa 1983..." Contributed by HOOVER, ATCS Don Retired scpohoover@gmail.com [04DEC2003]
 MARS "...Martin MARS fire-fighting demonstration. Photos taken at 19 Wing, CFB Comox, BC, Canada in 1996. The two Martin MARS aircraft are based at Sproat Lake on Vancouver Island..." Contributed by Eric Mitchell mitchell@mars.ark.com WEBSITE: http://www.notions.com/aviart/
"...Martin MARS fire-fighting demonstration. Photos taken at 19 Wing, CFB Comox, BC, Canada in 1996. The two Martin MARS aircraft are based at Sproat Lake on Vancouver Island..." Contributed by DANIEL PONTES dppontes@aol.com [30NOV98]

Note NOTICE: "...I have a huge interest in the Martin MARS. I live 45 minutes from where the last two remaining MARS are serving as waterbombers. I have a huge photo collection (see a few below) and would love to hear from people who served on the MARS when they were still with the Navy. Would be happy to share photos lots as waterbombers. Anyone who would share pictures as well would be appreciated...Dan J. Dertien ddertien@shaw.ca..." [24OCT2004]

History - Tap To Enlarge Thumbnail History - Tap To Enlarge Thumbnail History - Tap To Enlarge Thumbnail
History - Tap To Enlarge Thumbnail History - Tap To Enlarge Thumbnail Picture of me in the cockpit of Hawaii Mars in 1996 - Tap To Enlarge Thumbnail
Marianas Mars on the lake in 1960 - Tap To Enlarge Thumbnail Marianas Mars on ground at Pat Bay 1960 getting the tanks installed - Tap To Enlarge Thumbnail My wife and I on the wing of Hawaii Mars in 1999 - Tap To Enlarge Thumbnail

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