MOCC Notice
NOTICE: "...Disestablishment of Commander Reserve Patrol Wing (SEE: OPNAVNOTE 3111)..." Contributed by Merrill Kruse [03FEB2007]
Disestablishment of Commander Reserve Patrol Wing
This invitation is extended to ALL personnel active duty, FTS/TAR & SelRes who served in any Reserve VP Squadron (VP-60, VP-62, VP-64, VP-65, VP-66, VP-67, VP-68, VP-69, VP-90, VP-91, VP-92, VP-93, VP-94, VP-MAU, VP-SAU/SRU), any Reserve VP Training Command (RATCEN, RESASWTAC, RESASWTAC East/RESASWTAC West) or any Reserve VP Support Unit (TSC units, MOCC units).
On 23 June 2007, following the Change of Command for Capt. Ken Lewko (VP-92,VP-66, CO RATCEN, Wing CSO, etc.) there will be a "celebration" of sorts, to commemorate Commander Reserve Patrol Wing (formerly COMRESPATWINGLANT & COMRESPATWINGPAC) at its Disestablishment. It is thought that this would be the best "Last Chance" for those that have served in the Reserve Force Maritime Patrol Aviation community across the years to get together one last time and remember the long and proud heritage of which each of us is a part.
Plans are underway, with a major question being "how many will attend?" If you plan on attending please send an email response to:
CDR Phillips
You should then receive an evite invitation which will provide additional details and costs. You must return the evite with payment in order to ensure access to the event.
Date: 23 June 2007 Place: NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania Time: TBA
NOTICE: "...I am trying to locate a copy of the logo created for the MOCC unit stationed at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. I am the original creator of the Logo design and would really like to aquire one of the patches or an image of the logo. Thank you...Timothy Osborn" [04DEC2005]
"MOCC Summary Page"