VP-5 Squadron Shipmates
VPNAVY Address

VP Shipmate Directory
Last Name Starting With C Last Name Starting With E

Memorial Picture "...CELLAR, LT(jg) Murrin Roger...My Father, LT(jg) Murrin Roger Cellar, served with VPB-84 and is now deceased. I would hear from any of his former Shipmates...Roger Cellar rcellar@continentaloffice.com..." [06MAY2008]

CEBULSKI, AMS2 Rod r.cebulski@sbcglobal.net "...I served with VP-8 from October 1974 to July 1977. I worked in the Airframes shop for Chief Roy Homblad. Looking for Don Holmes..." [E-Mail Updated 29APR2011 | 07JAN2002]

CECELONES, AW2 Gary wvcecelones@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-45 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida..." [02NOV2015]

CECIL, AW2 (NAC/SCWS) Shane shanececil42@gmail.com "...I served with VP-10 In the late 80's early 90's. I was radar for CAC-10 . The Henze / Prosser crew. love to hear from anybody..." [21SEP2010]

Shipmate Requested Name Removal  [Shipmate Removed 18MAR2004 | 02JUL2003]

CECIL, Tom tomcecilsr@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-26 from summer of '69 until '71. They were the most enjoyable years of my young life. I joined the squadron shortly after their return from the Phillipines and losing 2 crews. My first deployment was split between the NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal and NAS Keflavik, Iceland. I was on the line crew working mostly graveyard. I was a pretty good artist and painted many flight helmets for the guys. We also enjoyed sneeking over to the SAC hanger and tagging their fighters with a beautiful "Trident"! P-3's were the toughest aircraft flying back then and after the recent midair with the Chinese mig, I see they're still the toughest aircraft flying! Thanks for the memories VP-26 and Lt. Barker and crew 11..." [18MAY2001]

CECIL, Wayne K. toot@iag.net "...I was in VQ-1 from 7/57 until 5/60 and in VQ-2 5/63 until 5/65 my homepage is: http://www.iag.net/~toot. It is a Navy theme and is under construction, but operational. Shim pai nay. Miss the Good times. Thanks for this VP Page..." [07APR99]

CEGELIS, William V. wcegelis@tampabay.rr.com "...I served with ATU-614 at NAS Hutchinson, Kansas..." [18FEB2016]

CELLAR, AD1 Ray hicellar@comcast.net "...I served with VP-872 at NAS Alameda, California from 1962 to 1968. I was flightcrew (Madman) - best seat in an SP2E - lots of flight hours in those days!..." [14SEP2009]

CELMER, ATCS Ronald Retired tercsta@yahoo.com "...Attended "A" School, served with VW-12, AEWBarRonPac (Detachment NAS Midway Island), VP-17, VT-27, VP-50 (both P2's & P-3's), VA-125, VP-24, VA-145, VAW-112, VAW-110 and NAMTRDET NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. Retired 1988..." [16AUG2008]

CENA, ACS James R. Retired tshado@att.net "...I served aboard VQ-4 from 1975 thru 1977 when I retired. Original member of Crew-9 then when Crew-1 was reformed by the skipper I was ACOM then ACS. To this day I call VQ-4 my best duty station in my 20 yr career as a Radioman and just a plain old Sailor. Great duty, Great people, Great Liberty ports (except Bermuda) Where is the Reunions? Are there any for VQ-4?..." [31DEC2004]

CENQUIGRANA, Jerry cenquigrj001@hawaii.rr.com "...I served with VT-26 from 1980 to 1982 prior to going out to the fighter community (VF-21, VF-213, VFA-125, VF-154, AIMD NAS Miramar, California, and AIMD NAS Atsugi, Japan)..." [16APR2004]

CERANOWSKI, ADR3 Marty mceranowski@wi.rr.com "...I served with VR-21 (1964-1967) and worked (FE) on the C-188. Need to find a way to confirm time spent in Viet Nam..." [07FEB2014]

CERCONE, ADC Nick Retired njc767@verizon.net "...I served as a FE with VP-11 (1973-1977)..." [15NOV2020]

CERINO, PO3 Charles cerino@comcast.net "...I served with VP-66 (1973-1978) NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania as a SS3 operator..." [04MAY2016]

"......" [06JUN2017]

CERTO, AMS2 Duane "Charlie" crtdncrt@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-10 from 1989 to 1992..." [25MAR2009]

CEYNOWA, Ray rayandsueceynowa@msn.com "...I was with VP-16 from 1955 to 1958. Made one deployment to NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco and two deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. Would like to hear from anyone from that period especially from the Airframes Division..." [16FEB2002]

"Shipmate C Summary Page"