VP Shipmate Directory
"...NICHOLSON, John Howell... ...My Dad, John Howell Nicholson, is deceased. He took Basic at NAS Great Lakes, Illinois, Communications Training at NAS Seattle, Washington, reaching MCBH Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii in February, 1942. He joined Patrol Wing 1/FAW-1 and flew missions with them from NOB Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides Islands and NAB Henderson/Carney Field, Guadalcanal. Afterward, he went to HedRon FAW-8 at NAS Alameda, California, and later flew with VPB-98, VPB-99 and VPB-100. He was in combat with VPB-18 from March to August, 1945, and received the Air Medal and Distinguished Flying Cross. He retired from active duty in December, 1960...Jon Nicholson nicholson_jon@yahoo.com..." [29MAY2009]
NICCOLLS, AW2 (AW/NAC) Ralph "RAZZ" SET5SET5@AOL.COM "...EWO/Ops extrodinaire, served with VP-92 Minutemen from April 1987 to May 1991, RATCEN from July 1991 to October 1995, VP-66 Pre-Bandits (EP-3J's 1995-1997) and Liberty Bells 1997 to June 2001 and repeat tour at the RATCEN June 2001 to present. I would love to hear form all you old salts I det'd with..." [19DEC2002]
NICHOL, Allen D. nicholhill@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1970 to 1974, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, NAS Bermuda, NAS Sigonella, Sicily, NS Rota, Spain, NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, and NAS Coco Solo, Panama, Canal Zone. I would like to hear from anyone that is still interested..." [06APR2000]
NICHOL, LTJG E. A. Jeff c/o His Daughter Nancy Nichol Bandla NanSound@aol.com "...Thank you so much for a glimpse of VPB-214 and its history. My father, LTjg E. A. Jeff Nichol, was one its pilots and I grew up listening to stories of the men in the Squadron. They were "family" long before I ever met them, and that kinship continues to hold a special place in the hearts of the squadron's remaining members and their families..." [23NOV2000]
NICHOLAS, Al nichoae@voyager.net "...I was in VP-9 1959-1963. I was an AT2. Air Crew and repair..When I was discharged, I went to college and law school. I have been practicing law in a small town in west Michigan since 1970. I owe much to the Navy for making a bnoy into a man. There is another attorney and a dentist that served in Navy Aviation before college in my town. We are all proud of our service. I served with VP-9 at NAS Alameda, California 1959-1962. P-2V-7s. I was in VU-1 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii in 1963. Would like to hear from squadron mates, air crew and maintance. Was AT2 and now an attorney..." [Updated E-Mail 27NOV98 | 24MAY98]
NICHOLAS, AE2 Rubbo nrubbo@netjets.com "...Started at VR-51 in NAS Glenview, Illinois. In 1989. The Flaming Hookers. Nothing like this ever was. You guys really took care of me there. I miss you all. I landed at NAF Detroit, Michigan VR-62 about 1993. It was great to be back home. My father served there and some of you remembered me from the old hanger when I used to visit on drill weekends. My father is doing well and still wrenching on aircraft for ATA in Indy. Around 1995 I joined the VP community at VP-64 in NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. I really enjoyed my stay there and met some really nice people. I played basketball at all these stations and rode motorcycles to work often. If you want to drop me an E-mail please do I look forward to hearing from Shipmates soon..." [07DEC2006]
NICHOLS, AW Bob newhorizons17@hotmail.com "...Looking for Bill Rainwater's whereabouts? Hi Chas! I served with VP-16 from 1977-1981..." [E-Mail Updated 22MAY2003 | 31JAN98]
NICHOLS, AD2 Diana mainedln@msn.com "...I was an Air Traffic Controller at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii from July 1965 to December 1967. Probably spoke to every pilot/mechanic in the VP squadrons during that time. One exciting time for me was when we had a lone P-3 bouncing the pattern at night. He did about 3 T&G and always had his landing lights on. His next approach was without the lights and I couldn't see him so I gave a go-around. I guess he was pretty close to landing, but he did the go-around. As they were climbing out, the pilot asked why the late go-around? Well it certainly was good training for the pilot. If anyone can remember that incident, let me know. I always wondered who that pilot was. I would hop on as many base aircraft as I could to fly around the islands with the pilots who were staying current. I did meet a VR21 pilot in 1973 when I was living in Maine and I worked with a VR21 mech at FEDEX in LAX 1989-1996. Naval aviation is a small world and I would like to hear from anyone stationed at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii who might have known me or was station there during 1965-1968. Our group of WAVES have stayed in contact and have had a couple of Reunions. I was also in VP-65 USNAR, NAS Point Mugu, California 1975-1979 as an AD2. I always wanted to me a a/c mech but was denied that rate in 1965. I used the GI bill to get my A&P cert and after VP-65 worked as a mechanic at Flying Tigers at LAX, 1978-1989. I am currently a A/C MX Project Administrator for FedEx at IND. I hope to hear from someone from those "old" Navy days. I also have a homepage folks can visit. http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/resortrd/mainedln/index.html..." [11NOV2001]
NICHOLAS, Frank fnicholoas2302@yahoo.com "...I served aboard NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii (1965-1967) with the Crash Crew..." [03NOV2010]
NICHOLS, AME Gary gnichols317@yahoo.com "...I was in VP-64 1980-81 as an AME, and NAS Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida and NAS Key West, Florida. Then worked at NAS Kingsville, Texas, NAF El Centro, California, Merridian, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, Hollowman AFB, Oceana and NAS Elizabeth City, NC. Write me or email me..." [28MAY2005]
NICHOLS, Gerald E. gnichrc@aol.com "...I was an AMH3 and a crewman 1959..."
NICHOLS, Jim nicktv@sierratel.com "...VP-31 1964-1966 at NAS Moffett Field, California. I was on the line crew at Hanger #2, lots of great times and memories while station in the Navy. I was station in NS Subic Bay, Philippines from 1962- 1964 special services on Grande Island....I never really got a taste of what the Navy was like until station at NAS Moffett Field, California and then I decovered that the Navy was not for me. I'll bet you pilots of VP-31 remember me? I was the lineman who backed you up into the stalls many times and you hated to apply the brakes in fear of falling back on the tail!! Lived dangerious in those days. Heck I was only 19 and 20 years old, I basically grew up in the Navy but would do it all again, and make some changes like not party so much and study more. Most likely I would have also stayed the 20 years! Later swabbies, maybe we shall meet in heaven one day at the Lords supper? I know I'll be there! In His Service..." [18APR2001]
NICHOLS, John R. jrn8006@aol.com "...I served with VP-10 from May 1963 to December 1967..." [15MAY2011]
NICHOLS, ABGAN Kenneth Lee karenjean_connielynn@yahoo.com "...I spent 6 months in a A3D Squadron, I think it was called VAH-2, we were out of NAS Whidbey Island, Washington in 1958. I was on 3 carriers. The "Big T" and the Ranger. After that I spent the rest of my 4 years on the USS Pine Island (AV-12). I was a Coxswain on the #2 boswer boat from 1958 to 1960. Refueled many PBY's..." [BIO Updated 03JUN2006 | 20FEB2006]
NICHOLS, PNC Larry ldnichols@starpower.net "...I was in VP-22 and then VP-6 out of NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. I was a PN1 when reporting to VP-22 and, if I remember correctly, was with VP-22 deployed at NAS Adak, Alaska when I made PNC ..." [03JUL2001]
NICHOLS, Michael timbercamo1@aol.com "...I served with VP-6 (07/1978 to 09/1981) as a Cook..." [16JUL2011]
NICHOLS, Phil philjam@enter.net "...Would be thrilled to hear from anyone serving (VXN-8) Project Jenny in Vietnam, Saigon, and FASU/NSA DaNang, Republic of Vietnam 68-71. My first tour was February 1968 in FASU/NSA DaNang, Republic of Vietnam. I remember China beach, softball, flying north, rockets, bunkers, marines, USO show, acey-ducey, and the weight room in back of the barracks. We were on the upper floor. Does anyone remember who was below? Later I got to Saigon. Remember the Blue Sky Bar, hundred P alley, Snoopy the dog, our Vietnamese driver (what was his name) and horshoes, hotel duty, the maid strike? Before we went to the hotel we had huts at Ton Son Nhut. I remember a dinner at some Chinese restaurant in ChoLon where an we gave an officer a bra which he put on. Random recall, did any of this really happen?..." [28JAN2002]
NICHOLS, AE2 Phil PHILNICHOLS1@JUNO.COM "...I served with VP-19 from June 1962 thru June 1965 and was a member of crew 6 (PE6) on P3 BUNO: 150628. During my four year hitch I was fortunate to fly in P5M, P2V-5, P2V-7 and P3A's. Pretty good stuff for a 20 year old from Abilene, Texas. I've enjoyed civilian life and have been fortunate in business and activities, but those four years in the Navy will always hold fond memories of good men, great aircraft and new lands. Nothing can take the place of a SP2H on a low pass down the side of a ship or marking rocket runs from from the plexiglass nose. I'll never forget my first ride in a P3, high performance take-off and low pass at the field. What a trip!..." [E-Mail Updated 15MAR2003 | 22JUN98]
NICHOLS, Stuart (Stu) "Nick" stu@rof.net "...I served aboard the USS Salisbury Sound (AV-13) from 1948 to 1949 and would like to hear from any of my Shipmates. I was in the "R" Division as a carpenter's mate in Damage Control..." [16NOV2004]
NICHOLS, Vernerd C. c/o his son-in-law Tim Morris timlinda65@gmail.com "...I am trying to research my father-in-laws war years. Vernerd C. Nichols - Aviation Radioman. CPW-10, Phillipines 1940-41, VPB-4, Hawaii, Eniwetok, and Saipan. I have some old pictures. One Coronado has a lounging nude woman with a flower in her hair. No names on pictures of crewmen. Any help? Thanks...Received some news today. Vernard was in VP-101 from 1940 to 1943..." [E-Mail Updated 31OCT2012 | BIO Updated 28JUL99 | 14JUL99]
NICHOLSON, John W. "Nick" Nicknicholson@juno.com "...I was wing Air Intell Officer in NAS Iwakuni, Japan from July 1962 thru October 1965. Among squadrons passing thru were: VP-2, VP-4, VP-18, VP-22, VP-28, and VP-42. P5M squadron VP-50 was homeported there. Deployments included Taiwan, NS Sangley Point, Philippines, NAS Misawa, Japan, and Tan Son Nhut. Anyone who wants to relive those years, pls contact me. Anyone who was there during that time feel free to contact me. Just to show how lives change.....my oldest boy who was 4 or 5 then and lived in Kurihara and then in the house right across the street from the O'club pool while the "old man" helped search for Soviet subs, is now the C.O. of a Trident Missile sub himself, USS WYOMING (Gold). Time does fly...I wasn't fortunate enough to be a member of VP-50 but served on its perifery as AIO for FAW-6 in NAS Iwakuni, Japan between June 1962 and October 1965 following the laying up of the old P5M's along the seawall near the "Slipway" O'Club. If you're having a Reunion in the foreseeable future, say hello to the Baccha Haitchi crew and also your old AIO Hugh Ball if he's there. Anybody wanna swap seastories, gimme a call. All my best..." [06JUN2000]
NICHOLSON, AT James R. "Nick" jrnicholson@comcast.net "...I was an AT in WestPac from 1968-1972 VR-21 NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, VW-1 NAS Agana, Guam and finally VP-17 1971-1972. Radio Operator Softball player and still keep in touch with a few Shipmates from all duty stops. And I don't owe Fred Chastain a nickel..." [22JUN2007]
NICHOLSON, AMS2 Russ "Nick" NicholsonRock72@aol.com "...I was in VP-50 from July 1956 - January 1960. I have a 1959 squadron book. I'm trying to find out if there were any medals awarded to VP-50 during that period,on the taiwan conflict between July 1958-January 1959. Were any medals issued to flight crew members during that time? Any information would be much abliged. Sincerely..." [17SEP2000]
NICHOLSON, AT Shona nicholson.shona@ensco.com "...I served with VP-65 (1988-2002)..." [22MAR2012]
NICHOLSON, Tom AirNavy2@aol.com "...VP-21 CAC-2 1959-1962. Would like to see a squadron listing or a squadron book..." [E-Mail Updated 16APR2000 | 07AUG98]
NICKLAS, Dick nickmarilyn@earthlink.net "...I served with VP-34 ( NAS Trinidad, British West Indies and NAS Coco Solo, Panama, Canal Zone) from 1954 through 1956. I flew as Navigator for LCDR Dave Asbury and LTjg Stan Tuttle. John Freeman was the PC. Anyone having heard from them or Ralph Platt, Dick Mclaughlin please get in touch..." [29MAR2002]
NICKLAW, Jeffrey aswoc88@gmail.com "...I served with VP-5 (1982-1987) with deployments to NS Rota, Spain/ NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, NAS Sigonella, Sicily, and NAS Bermuda. I flew with CAC-7 and CAC-10A. I would like to hear from former former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 06APR2015 | E-Mail Updated 08JUN2006 | 07JAN2000]
NICOLAY, AW1 Robert Retired ryougli@bellsouth.net "...I served with VP-94 from September of 1980 to 1999. I was on CAC3 with LCDR Dan Mastagni, LCDR "RED" O'Laughlin, LCDR Lonnie Hearn, AW2 Scotty McDonald, AD2 Mike Berry, AO1 Ed Howell and AWAN Ralph Griffin. Before sexual harrassment, Naval Rights and Responsibility lectures, Ethics Training, Leadership (BS) Training and all the other political correctness baloney, there was only the RED MENACE and he was winning. We marched them Eastward across the Atlantic away from the Carolinas and into the Med where they finally rolled over belly up. Gosh, I never thought I'd say this but, I miss communism! Now, we feed on each other. October of 1999 I'm outta here unless we get an enemy, a war, or they give me my admiral patch!..." [E-Mail/PIX Updated 08MAY2008 | 11AUG98]
NICOLO, AOC Deano "Nick" Retired alchrisvic@hotmail.com "...Enlisted in the Navy on July 27, 1964. Boot camp at Great Lakes company 925 was great. First duty station was at Mayport, FL from October 1964 til September 1965 while waiting AO "A" school at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. From school went to NAS Miramar and VF-131 for training on F4's then joined VF-96 (Fighting Falcons) crusin' on the USS Enterprise CVA(N)65 til 1967. Joined VP-66 in 1973 and worked thru transitions of P-3A, P-3B, TAC, and NAV. Enjoyed flying with Crew 2 until 1985 when I went to work in Ord Shop. I made a lot of GREAT friends and really had some really great times. Enjoyed NS Rota, Spain, Majorca, NAS Bermuda, THULE and especially the Canary Islands. Worked in Maint Control and QA. Retired AOC in 1993. Would like to hear from my old Shipmates and friends..." [10NOV2002]
NIELSON, Charles nielsonc@msn.com "...I served with VP-68 from 1985-1990. I got off of active duty and then enterd the reserves. I went to VAQ-209 at Andrews Airforce Base then moved to West Virginia, and now with a cargo handling unit. My civilian job in WV was building aircraft for a private canadian business. Now I work at a company as a fluid power engineer. I will retire from the reserves in 2006..." [03FEB2001]
NIELSEN, CDR Frederick J. III http://www.naswi.navy.mil/vp-1/co.html "...CDR Nielsen, a native of Ann Arbor, Michigan, graduated from the University of Michigan with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science in December 1987. He was commissioned an Ensign through the NROTC program. He earned his Naval Flight Officer wings in August 1989. Following his designation as an NFO, he reported in April 1990 to VP-19 home ported at NAS Moffett Field, California. During his time with the BIG RED, he served as TAD Officer, Personnel Officer and Assistant Administrative Officer. While a member of VP-19, he deployed to NAF Misawa, Japan, NSF Diego Garcia, and Masirah, Omanfor Operation Desert Shield. In April 1991, VP-19 was disestablished and he transferred to VP-9, also home ported at NAS Moffett Field, California. A year later he moved with the squadron to its new homeport at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. As a Golden Eagle he served as the Nuclear Safety Officer, Ordnance Branch Officer and the Avionics/Armament Division Officer. He was qualified as Patrol Plane Tactical Coordinator, Patrol Plane Mission Commander and as an Instructor TACCO. While a member of VP-9 he was deployed on extended detachments to NAS Adak, Alaska and Panama. CDR Nielsen remained in Hawaii when in August 1993, he assumed his duties as Flag Aide to Commander, Patrol and Anti-Submarine Warfare Forces, U. S. Pacific Fleet, co-located at NAS Barbers Point and the Pacific Fleet Headquarters at Pearl Harbor. In November 1995, he reported to the USS ENTERPRISE (CVN 65), home ported in Norfolk, Virginia as the Assistant Navigator. He qualified as Assistant Command Duty Officer (In-Port), Officer of the Deck (Underway), and Command Duty Officer (Underway). While aboard the "Big E" he deployed in 1996 to the Mediterranean Sea, the Adriatic Sea and Persian Gulf in support of operations in the former Yugoslavia and in Operation Southern Watch. CDR Nielsen reported next to CPRW-10 in November 1997. He served as Administrative Officer and Weapons Systems Trainer Officer in Charge. He returned to operational flying as a Department Head when he joined VP-1 in May 1999. He served as the Masirah Detachment Officer in Charge, Command Services Officer, Assistant Maintenance Officer and Maintenance Officer. During this tour he deployed in 1999 to NSF Diego Garcia, Masirah, Oman, NSA Bahrain and finished the tour while deployed to NAF Misawa, Japan and NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan. CDR Nielsen's next assignment came in April 2001 as the Deputy Executive Assistant to the Director, Air Warfare (N78) on the Chief of Naval Operations Staff located in the Pentagon. His most recent assignment was to the National War College in Washington, D.C., where he received his Masters of Science degree in National Security Strategy. CDR Nielsen's personal awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Commendation Medal (4) and the Navy Achievement Medal (2)..." [10AUG2005]
NIELSEN, Rick ricknielsenrlnps@aol.com "...I served with VP-22 (1972-1973), VP-47 (1975-1980), VP-31 (1980-1983), VP-40 (1983-1985) and VP-19 (1988-1991)..." [22JUN2011]
NIENHAUS, Charles E chucknie1@aol.com "...I thought it appropriate to record the names of my Shipmates in Crew 319 ATU-4 Jax Muni #1, NAS Jacksonville, Florida-----Lt. Seiber,Pilot--Lt. Towner, Co-Pilot--Ensign Parmelle,Navigator---& crew members, Barnhardt, Nienhaus, Dickson, Bandy, Hamilton, Covert, Adams, Beard and Bradford. I hope they are still with us. Do the names sound familiar to anyone?..." [E-Mail Updated 24OCT2001 | 09NOV99]
NIENHAUS, Charles "Chuck" chucknie1@aol.com "...I was in VB-4 OTU#3 training in PB4Y2 Privateers in 1944 and 1945. Boot camp at NAS Memphis, Tennessee and advanced training at Miami and also at NAS Jacksonville, Florida and NAS Whiting Field, Milton, Florida. My best friends were Billy and Bobby Martin and a lovely young WAVE named Nancy Stolpe. We were great friends and if anyone out there knows of them please let me know. Later on in my training I was friends with a Darrel Holland who lived in Nocatee Florida. What great times we all had. I would love to receive at least a "hello" from any of you or any information anyone out there may have about them. That was 50+ years ago but who knows, maybe I'll get lucky!!!..." [E-Mail Updated 24OCT2001 | 30SEP99]
NIEUWSMA, AD3 Norman norman2@iowatelecom.net "...I entered the U. S. Navy in 1951 (right out of High School in Pella, Iowa) and served aboard NAS Coco Solo, Panama, Canal Zone for two years and ZP-4 at NAF Weeksville, North Carolina from 1954 to 1955 until my release from active duty. I have a few contacts from my Navy days and would love to hear from former Shipmates..." [BIO Updated 12JFEB2010 | 22JAN2010]
NIEZWAAG, David L. {Dude} dude@kingman.com "...I was stationed at VP-31 from 1961 to 1963 starting out from boot camp as a Aviation Hydralic Mechanic. In VP-31 I worked on the P5M-1, P5M-2, P2V5, and P2V7 aircraft. From VP-31 I went to VP-4 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii in 1964. Our comanding Officer was Comander Edwin E. Bowen. In June 1964 I went to Johnston Island on operation Pearhead. In March of 1965 VP-4 started a deployment to NAS Iwakuni, Japan. In April of 1995 I was part of a detatchment of four aircraft to Saigon Viet Nam where I spent approximately four months. From Saigoni we flew to NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan then back to NAS Iwakuni, Japan. In September 1965 VP-4 returned to NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii where I was discharged in 1966. My wife and I now live in Kingman, Arizona. Would love to here from the old gang..." [15DEC99]
NICHOLSON, ATC(AW/NAC) Randy Retired annette@syix.com "...(81-84) (VP-4) Skinny Dragon, (84-87) FASO, NAS Moffett Field, California, (87-90) VPU-2/Crew 14/Radio Op, and (90-94) NAMTGD NAS Moffett Field, California. Last tour in tailhooks at NAS Lemoore, California. Retired in July 97. My best years by far were in the VP Navy. I sure would love to get in touch and talk over old times. Looking at the Shipmates list causes some major flashbacks..." [13MAR98]
NIKOLAIEV, Nick vniko@juno.com "...When I got out of boot camp I was assigned to VPHL-6 NAS Patuxent River, Maryland which was redesignated VP-26. I served with VP-26 NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco from 1948 to 1950 flying the PB4Y-2 Privateer. Anyone who was part of my squadron please say hello with an email to me. God bless our troops and the USA..." [10DEC2003]
NILES, "Ensign" John jniles@alum.mit.edu "...I served with VP-26 from 1971 to 1974..." WebSite: CivLant life at http://www.globaltelematics.com/ [E-Mail Updated 21OCT2003 | 02FEB98]
NILSON, Dick c/o Jackie Nilson jnilson@d21.k12.il.us "...My husband Dick Nilson was with VP-21 from 1965-68 when we were transferred to NAS Glenview, Illinois..."
NINAS, Larry E. "Gunny" Retired pandapeeps@wirelesshometown.com "...I served with VPU-1 (November 1985-February 1989), VQ-1 (March 1989-May 1992) and VQ-2 (November 1994-November 1996). I was a lowly "Old Buzzard" PPTN from November 1985-February 1989. I avoided the Dark Side VP and transitioned to VQ. From PPTN to DIA defending the platform to the Joint Staff. You never know. I was in VPU- when Marty Rule had more hair (is that possible?). Sea Daddies like Salty don't come along often either. As Tommy Donovan always said, "if you ain't havin' fun, you ain't doin' it right." Hasta la vista!..." [E-Mail Updated 08FEB2008 | 00XX97]
NINGER, Ross rninger@aol.com "...I served with VS-35 from mid 1965 thru May 1967. Flew both rear seats on two WestPacs. Would like to hear from anyone in the squadron around that time who knew me or any of the following - Don Adkins, Dave Jacoby, Brian Bogue, Paul Baird, Chief (Bill?) Baldwin..." [30DEC2000]
NIRENBERG, Stewart niren97@aol.com "...I was stationed at NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1959-1961 and VP-21 as an aa working for the Parachute Riggers..." [01APR98]
NIX, Gene gnix@ellijay.com "...Served in VP-9 from 1973-1977. Served two tours overseas. Would like to hear from anyone during those times. How about it David Workman or Chief Rainbow. I am now a school teacher and have been for 20 years. Enjoyed all my 1254 hours in the P-3B. Anyone out there one of Crew 11, the Wombats!!!!..." [03OCT99]
NIXON, AE1(AW) A. Shon asnixon@worldnet.att.net "...This is to say Hi! to all those VQ-4 EC-130G/Q diehards. Man I miss those Hercs! I served in VQ-4 from 86 to 90 as AE3 until having to go to a VAW squadron (Dec. 90-92 w/ VAW-123) for Desert Shield/Storm on the America. Finished up at NAMTRAGRUDET 1028 in Norfolk, VA as a E&I instructor (92-96). Wished I could have went to Tinker, but... Hope all you guys are doing well. Live on Tacamo! Regards..." [05APR2001]
"Shipmate N Summary Page"