VP Shipmate Directory
"...TEGHTMEYER, Steven Lee...My husband served with VP-48. See in loving Memory of my husband AVCM Steven Lee Teghtmeyer http://www.geocities.com/rmary98/..." Contributed by his wife Rosemaryrmary@oasisol.com [11JUN2000]
"...TENTE, Mark...It saddens me to report that Mark Tente passed away Sunday 15 May 2005. He was a Reservist AW in VP-60 from 1970 to 1975...AW1 George Carey USNR Retired george@bbscomp.com..." [18MAY2005]
"...TESTA, Ronald F...Passing of Captain Ronald F. Testa (former VP-30 Skipper early 80s). Thought all that knew him would want to know about this. Paul Hulley told me about Ron's death this evening. Evidently, completely unexpected. Paul believes there is a service scheduled for Arlington on 15 Jul, but is still to be confirmed. Paul and I plan on attending. Please pass this on to anyone else you are still in contact with that knew Ron. I throughly enjoyed my time in VP-30 while Ron was Skipper..." Contributed by Woody Crandall woodruffcrandall@gmail.com [27JUN98]
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/WPlate/1998-06/25/240l-062598-idx.html Thursday, June 25, 1998, Page D06, Roland F. Testa, Navy Captain. Roland F. Testa, 57, a Navy aviator who retired as a captain after serving as deputy chief of legislative affairs for the Navy, died of a heart attack June 21 at his home in Alexandria. Capt. Testa was born in Boston and graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1963. His military career included assignments in Hawaii, Florida, Bermuda and Washington, and command of air patrol squadrons. He attended the National War College and served as commander of a patrol wing at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. He settled in the Washington area in 1987 and retired in 1990. His decorations included a Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal and Navy Commendation Medal. In retirement, he founded ATSET Group Inc., a management consulting organization specializing in aviation business development. Survivors include his wife, Julie A. Testa, and his daughter, Pamela B. Testa, both of Alexandria.
TEAGUE, Joseph "Joe" jhteague2002@yahoo.com "...I joined VP-812 on NAS Whidbey Island, Washington in September 1951 shortly before VP-812 was decommissioned and the squadron was recommissioned as VP-29. Went to NAS Atsugi, Japan from 1952 to 1953 and to Qwajaline in 1954. I flew as 'Gunner" with Crew 8 replacing Doug Broom upon his discharge. Our Commander and pilot was Lt. Hubinette. First Mech was Tom Carroway. Second Mech was "Mac" MaHon. Radar was R.D. Butler. First Radio was Chief MIller and Second Radio was Clarence Day. I was discharged in September 1st after our return to NAS Whidbey Island, Washington in August 1954. Visit the National Museum of Naval Aviation in Pensacoala, Fla. I gave them a Logo patch as shown at the beginning of the VP-29 page. I also gave them as much information about us that I was sure I was remembering correctly. This was in 1996. I had a great time in the Navy. My total time served was with VP-29 after Boot Camp in San Diego and the Combat Air Training School at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington..." [E-Mail Updated 15MAR2002 | 20JUN2000]
TEAGUE, Ralph E. ralpheteague@cs.com "...Served in VP-861/VP-18 from December 1951 through November 1954. Made TADs to Malta in 1953 and NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada in 1954..." [24DEC2000]
TEAGUE, Robert J. "Goman" nursenavy@hotmail.com "...I served VP-24 (IFT) from 1989 to 1993. I flew with CAC-7 and CAC-11 (Beartrap). I left in 1993 and joined the Reserves drilling and flying with VP-62 while I finished up school at UNF. Went to OCS and was picked up as a Maintenance Officer, but laterally transferred to Intel and served with CENTCOM in Tampa followed by a tour with CTF-67 in NAF Naples, Italy. I am currently serving as in Intelligence Officer in Amphibious Squadron THREE (PHIBRON 3) based in NAS North Island, San Diego, California. Looking forward to hearing from old Shipmates out there!..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 20JAN2009 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 18NOV2003 | 05MAR98]
TEATER, AMEC Donald Retired dwteater@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-50 (1966-1968). I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 17NOV2011 | E-Mail Updated 04OCT2002 | 30OCT2001]
TEATS, ADR3 John E. Jr. brdhouse49@gmail.com "...I served with VP-24 (1962-1963) at NAS Norfolk, Virginia and VW-11..." [BIO Updated 26MAR2017 | 07DEC2014]
TEBALDI, AT3 Gino ginmar02@verizon.net "...I was in the US Navy from 1952 to 1956. I served with VP-48 from 1954 to 1956. We flew the P5M-1. I flew with Crew 4 (MAD and ECM) during our deployment to NAS Iwakuni, Japan in 1955. Our enlisted Crew AD Plane Capatain Norm Pappaini, AM Matt Rossa, AD Russ, AO Taylor, AT Hansen, AT Buckley, AT Swingle and myself..." [15AUG2008]
TEBBE, Jay C. jtebbe123@sbcglobal.net "...I served with VP-9 (1969-1971) as a Sensor and Radar operator..." [21MAR2012]
TEBO, Kenneth M. http://www.lib.ecu.edu/SpclColl/ead/vault/frmvault/0620.body.html "...Kenneth M. Tebo was born in Marlborough, Massachusetts, in 1919. In 1936 he entered Admiral Farragut Academy (Pine Beach, New Jersey) and enlisted in the Naval Reserves in order to be able to compete for enrollment in the Naval Academy. He enrolled in the Academy in 1937 and graduated on February 7, 1941. Tebo served as an officer aboard the USS ROPER (DD147) on anti-submarine patrol along the Atlantic coast (1941-1942); attended gunnery school in Washington, D.C. (1942-1943); attended flight training in NAS Dallas, Texas, and NAS Pensacola, Florida, and received his wings; and served as Executive Officer of VP-45, which operated on anti-submarine patrols out of NAF Belem, Brazil. In 1945, he attended post-graduate school in aeronautical engineering, after which he served as Executive Officer for FASRON-117 in Hawaii, and anti-submarine warfare officer for FAW-2. During the Korean War, he served as aviation fleet readiness officer on the staff of the commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet. He then served as branch head (1953) for the Torpedo Research and Development Branch of the Bureau of Ordinance; was Commanding Officer of FASRON-101 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island (1955-1957); and Executive Officer on the seaplane tender USS Albemarle (AV-5) (1957-1959). His final duty with the Navy was as head of the Program Evaluation Branch which analyzed the status of the Polaris nuclear submarine/missile project (1959-1961). Tebo retired from the Navy in 1961, after which he worked at General Motors (1961-1963) as director of program analysis, with the Midwest Research Institute (1963-1965) on Program Management Techniques, the Central Intelligence Agency (1965-1975) as program manager for scientific intelligence gathering, and at George Washington University in continuing engineering education (1975-1988)..." [12JUL2003]
TEED, Dave dbt1957@gmail.com "...I served with VP-49 (1980-1984). Anybody remember the December 1980 (returning from NAS Bermuda) VP-49 9 P-3 Plane Formation over NAS Jacksonville, Florida?..." [E-Mail Updated 06JAN2011 | E-Mail Updated 27DEC2004 | 23JUL98]
"...To Dave Teed VP-49 81-86: I tried to get in touch with you using your last e-mail address on the VP-49 Shipmates Summary Page, but it is no good any more. If you remember the hikes to Mota from NAV1, and almost getting into a fight with the Italian-commies at there meeting hall, then you will remember me. Please get in touch with me. I would like to hear from you...DuFRESNE, AMS2 Jerry DR308@hotmail.com..." [30OCT2002]
TEED, Rodney L. onegigtbird@hotmail.com "...I served with VAQ-33 from 1979 - 1983..." [20JUN2001]
TEELE, AD1 Lawrence larry.teele@gmail.com "...I served with VP-22 (1979-1983) as a FE..." [04JUN2013]
TEETZ, LCDR Bill Retired teetz.bill@gmail.com "...I served with VP-44 NAS Patuxent River, Maryland as an AX3 (1964 to 1965), VP-56 NAS Patuxent River, Maryland and NAS Jacksonville, Florida (October 1969 to October 1972), NAVFAC Barbados (November 1972 to March 1975) and VP-24 NAS Jacksonville, Florida (May 1977 to April 1980). I retired in 1984..." [E-Mail Updated 12DEC2005 | 17JUN98]
TEETZ, AX-1 Doral H. (Dutch) Retired DHTeetz@aol.com "...Hi Shipmates. I served with VP-26 from Aug 64 until sometime in 66 when I went to Avionics B school. I was part of the transition from SP2E's to P-3B's (the first in the fleet). From B school I went to VP-4 in Hawaii and made a deployment to Iwakuni with a couple of visits to Nam. From there, I went to NAMTG at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, then to VP-30, TAD to AIMD. I met my wife, Linda and got married. After a short tour in VA-83, I got orders to NAS Misawa, Japan (plankowner) for 3 1/2 years. From there to NAMTG 1012 at NAS Moffett Field, California. Retired in June 81 and moved to Orange Park, Fl for about a year and then to Gainesville, Fl. I'd like to hear from anyone I've served with over the years. Fair Winds and Following Seas to all..." [05NOV98]
TEIS, Tim tjeteis@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-19 (12/1983-12/1986) and VP-47 (06/1993-06/1995)..." [E-Mail Updated 18FEB2013 | 25JAN2009]
TEMME, AE2 George gatemme@msn.com "...I served with VS-36 from 1954 through mid 1958. Was an AE2 and an ECM aircrewman. After leaving the Navy in 1958, worked as a Technical Writer for Grumman Aircrfat manufacturer of the S2F's and TF's. Worked thre for 34 years as a Tech Writer. Wrote Maintenace Instuction Manuals (Electrical Power & Lighting, Instrument Systems, and General Information and Servicing Manuals) for the A6, EA-6A, and EA-6B aircraft. Still have squadron cruise books and other memorabilia from my great days with VS-36. Also have numerous 8mm home movies that were transferred to video tape on the many cruises aboard the "Happy Valley", Essex, Lake Champlain, and Antetu..." [21JAN2003]
TEMPEL, Dan tempeldg@yahoo.com "...I saw a few familar names. Bob Hickey but e-mail not current. I served with VP-30 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from spring of 1971 till September 1975 that is when the squadron relocated to NAS Jacksonville, Florida. I relocated back home but sure learned a lot and had a good tour with a great bunch of people. It was fun to pull up the photos & remember the events of years ago. Would like to hear from anyone. I had a pet racoon in the barracks so if you don't remember me right off you might remember "Rocky" he was like a mascot. Until the little shit went down to the head at night to play - think he scared the city slickers. LOL..." [20FEB2006]
TEMPLETON, AO2 Charles charlesdtempleton@embarqmail.com "...I served with VP-66 (Aircrew) from 1987 to 1990..." [21MAY2009]
TEMPLIN, CDR Charles (CHUCK) Retired cdrtemplin@prodigy.net "...I was in VQ-1 from 6/65 to 6/69 and VQ-2 from 6/77 to 6/80 and VQ-1 from 6/80 to 9/81..."
TENER, Dick dicktener@cs.com "...I flew P-3's from 1968 til 1981. Started in VP-26 where I went TAR. I left VP-26 for VP-66 where I helped transition them from the P2 to P-3. Next to VP-94 for another transition. Them out to VP-91, and finally a department head tour in VP-16. Spent time at NAS Jacksonville, Florida the NRPC. Retired in 1988 as instructor at VT-10. Still flying commercially, but never a day goes by that I don't recall life in the Orion. I would have flown it til I died of old age if the Navy had been smart enough to let me. Those were the best days with the best people. Would love to hear from squadron mates, crew members, and friends..." [28APR2001]
TENNANT, AD1 Wilson R. Retired juntnn_52@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-49 from 1977 to 1980, VP-11 from 1980 t 1983, NAS Bermuda from 1983 to 1986, VS-31 from 1986 to 1990 and VXN-8 from 1990-1993 when I retired. Would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 31MAR2006 | 09AUG2004]
Shipmate Requested Name Removal [Shipmate Removed 26SEP2003 | 07MAY2003]
TENNYSON, LCDR Al "Butch" Retired altennyson@cox.net "...I served with VP-833 (09/1963-12/1963) at NAS New York, New York, USS Raldolph (CVS-15) and retired as a LCDR (LDO) in 1993 after 30 years..." [14APR2016]
TEPLY, AMCS Richard kc7fli@att.net "...I was in VP-67 from 1974 to 1976. QA Chief and FE. Was just surfin the web site and the only person I new was Kendal AT-2 at the time. Anyone know what ever happened to my Pilot LCDR Winstead ? Would like to hear from anyone that was in the squadron at the time..." [27FEB2005]
TERHUNE, Conard E. Jr. cterhune@ccrtc.com "...I joined VP-28 in 1967 at NAS Adak, Alaska. I remained in the squadron until its disestablishment. I flew as a 2nd Mechanic with Crew-3. Does anyone know what become of Dan Young, J. J. Bradley ro R. K. Shultz? I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 13APR2006 | 20DEC2000]
TERRELL, Wm. E. "Bill" StmbtBill@aol.com "...I was the Yeoman who resurrected the files and paper-work for VPML-4 when it was reactivated at Miramar in 1947. I'm the guy that prepared the report for the photo survey of SE Alaska. This was the best duty I had even though all the rest of my Navy time was with staffs. Although a super pencil pusher in the Navy, I recently retired as a Great Lakes ship capatin and pilot after a career of 30 years..." [04JAN99]
TERRILL, AX1 George Retired geoterr@sbcglobal.net "...I spent the first half of my career in the VA (attack) community. Then one day I found out that the navy had airplanes that didn't have tailhooks and didn't go on the BIG, GREY, and UNDERWAY. Affiliated with the VP Navy in 1973 at NARU NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. Recalled as a TAR in 1977 and assigned to VP-69, where I flew as an FCO and IFT in the P-3A. Was transferred to NARCEN NAS Moffett Field, California and was later ordered to VP-91 where I retired in Nov 1985. Enjoyed my many deployments to NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan, NAS Adak, Alaska, Etc. The Folks that I flew with in the VP Navy were undoubtedly the best folks on earth. If any body knows where CWO4 Don Grant (MAINT OFF in VP-69, and AFCM Clarence Lowrey (CMC) in VP-69 are please let me know. This site brought back many fine memories for me..." [E-Mail Updated 22DEC2009 | E-Mail Updated 29AUG98 | 11AUG98]
TERVEER, Lee lee.terveer@wachovia.com "...I served with VP-22 from 1961-1962. Began as ECM, moved to RADIO. Had great times at the PCT (the monkey bar), and in Sagamioska, and NAS Iwakuni, Japan. Love to see some guys at a Reunion, wouldn't IWAKUNI be a great place..." [25NOV2002]
TERWILLIGER, Keith L. keithkedo1@aol.com "...I have been researching VP-73 and 73-P-9. I ran across the photo on the net of which I was part and have two photo's of the crew. Being quite excited about it I have been wondering if I'm the only one still around. We sank a German sub In 1942. Would love to hear from any or all Shipmates..." [14MAY2003]
TESSMER, AWC Dan Retired tessmers@bellsouth.net "...Started out in VP-8 Dec 78-Dec 81. Went TAR to VP-67 Jan 82-Dec 85. After that went S-3 to VS-41 Dec 85-Feb 89, then went back to VP at VP-92 from Feb 89-Feb 93. Did a tour at COMRESPATWINGLANT from Feb 93-Apr 98. Am currently in VP-62 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Would like to hear from anyone out there..." [18APR98]
TESTA, Antone c/o Family Member testa42002@yahoo.com "...My Father served with VP-45 from December 1952 till May 1955. Dad was incharge of powerplants for the first year. He made 1st Lt for the squadron and he was the PPC for the #12 boat. Would love to here back from anyone who he has not been in regular contact with..." [07SEP2002]
TETER, AMH Sandra sandi@meer.net "...I was attached to VP-22 from 1985-1989. My rate was AMH. I would love to hear from anyone who was in the squadron during that time frame. I have a lot of good memories, but regretably have lost contact with most of the people I knew..." [05APR2001]
TETLOW, AMH3 John jhntetl1a@verizon.net "...I served with VP-44 (1981-1985) at NAS Brunswick, Maine..." [25JAN2013]
TEW, AX3 Fred G. ftew@wbia.net "...I was stationed at NAS Los Alamitos, California from August 1961 to August 1964. I was an AX3, and worked as an ASW instructor at Aircrew Training. My primary responsibility was training Sonar operators in HS type aircraft, but spent many hours as Radio and MAD operator in the P2's attached to the base. Would love to hear from anyone attached to the base or one of the squadrons during those years..." [30DEC2003]
TEW, Steve stew@hbi.com "...I served in VP-65, VP-90, VP-91, VP-MAU NAS Moffett Field, California. I see many of my old Shipmates here. Minnesota's my home of record and Violet and I will stay here for a few more Years, then maybe seek a warmer clime. I look forward to coresponding with many of you..." [18APR2001]
"Shipmate T Summary Page"