VP Shipmate Directory
"...TIETZE, AO3 Ken...AO3 Ken TIETZE served with VP-4 (1964 to 1966) and flew with Crew-6 including combat actions in Vietnam and recipient of the Air Medal along with in country medals..." Contributed by BRINKLEY, AX2 Jere jerebrinks@hotmail.com [22JUN2012]
"...TINKER, ADCS Lavelle Jr...Lavelle Tinker passed away June 3, 2011. He served in VP-4 from 1966 to 1975 as a Flight Engineer and served in VP-1 until his retirement from the U. S. Navy. He was laid to rest at the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery in St. Louis, MO..." Contributed by Larry Hames (VP-4 Veterans Assn Database Manager) database@vp4association.com [03DEC2011]
TIBBETTS, ACRM James G. Retired sparks@fea.net "...Have been looking for years for a Shipmate who was with me in VPB-16 during 1944 in the central pacific. He is G.E. Shehane. ACRM VP-16 (PBM's) is having a Reunion in May 99. Believe he is from Georgia. Thanks much...Started out in PBMs at TTSA NAS Banana River, Florida. Went to VP-212, then to the forming of VP-16. Stayed with VP-16 from start to finish. Started in NAS Norfolk, Virginia, then to NAAS Harvey Point, North Carolina, Eagle Mountain Lake near Forth Worth, San Diego, San Francisco, Hawaii, NAS Tanapag Harbor, Saipan, Marianas Islands, Paulau and back to NAS Banana River, Florida to disband. Later VP-49 for my last tour in PBMs. Rate was ACRM throughout. Retired in 1956..." [BIO Updated 10DEC2001 | 28MAR99]
TIBBITS, CAPTAIN Timothy S. http://www.naswi.navy.mil/cpw-10/commbio.htm "...Commodore CPW/CPRW-10 - Captain Timothy S. Tibbits was born in Newark, Ohio on 14 August 1959. He attended Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, Florida, through the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Four-Year Scholarship Program. He graduated magna cum laude and was commissioned an Ensign in April 1981. Commencing flight training in September 1981,he was designated a Naval Flight Officer in October 1982. Upon completion of P-3 Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS) training with VP-30, Captain Tibbits joined the VP-16 "War Eagles" where he completed deployments to NS Rota, Spain; NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal; NAS Keflavik, Iceland; and NAS Bermuda. His groundassignments included Ordnance Branch Officer, NFO Training Officer and NFO NATOPS Officer. In May 1986, he was selected for FRS instructor duty at VP-30 where he also served as Public Affairs Officer and NFO Training Officer. In December 1988, he reported to the Staff of Commander, Carrier Group EIGHT as Aide and Flag Secretary. During this tour he deployed to the Mediterranean Sea aboard USS JOHN F. KENNEDY (CV 67), and made Atlantic detachments aboard USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN 69), USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN 71) and USS LEYTE GULF (CG 55)while qualifying as a Battle Group Watch Officer/Flag Tactical Action Officer. After two years aboard Carrier Group EIGHT, Captain Tibbits was assigned to the CNO's Staff in the Aviation Plans and Requirements Branch as Assistant P-3 Requirements Officer. Upon completing refresher training at VP-30, Captain Tibbits returned to VP-16 for department head duty in April 1993. During this tour he accompanied VP-16 on a split deployment to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR and Howard AFB, Panama, and a deployment to NAS Keflavik, Iceland while serving as Tactics Officer, Training Officer and Operations Officer. In March 1995, he reported as the Training Officer to VP-30 and later served as the Executive Officer. In June 1998, Captain Tibbits assumed duties as Executive Officer of the VP-5 "Mad Foxes." During this tour he deployed with the "Mad Foxes" to NAS Sigonella, Sicily on the first East Coast deployment of the P-3C Anti-surface Warfare Improvement Program (AIP) aircraft, participating in successful operations in Bosnia/Herzegovina and Kosovo. He also participated in successful P-3 strike operations in Kosovo, and the squadron was awarded the Battle "E." He assumed command in June 1999, and led the "Mad Foxes" on a split-site deployment to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR and NAS Keflavik, Iceland. He spearheaded introduction of the P-3C AIP aircraft into the North Atlantic sector and incorporation of USNR crews into Keflavik operations. Upon completion of command in June 2000, Captain Tibbits was ordered to the Industrial College of the Armed Forces at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C. He graduated in June 2001 with a Master's Degree in National Resource Strategy. Upon graduation, Captain Tibbits remained in Washington, D.C. and again reported to the staff of the Chief of Naval Operations where he served as Head, Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Requirements (N780E1) on the staff of the Director, Air Warfare (N78). He was responsible for formulating and supporting requirements for the P-3 and EP-3 aircraft, and continuing development of their programmed replacement, the Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft (MMA). His decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal with three gold stars, the Strike/Flight Air Medal (Numeral "1"), the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with two gold stars, three Battle "E" Awards, five Meritorious Unit Commendations and various other unit and general awards..." [30JUN2003]
TIDD, AW3 Robert (Tiddy Monster) roberttidd@yahoo.com"...I served as a Blue Dragon from 1987 to 1989 at NAS Moffett Field, California. Would like to hear from anyone from that timeframe..." [E-Mail Updated 30DEC2005 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 07JAN2004]
TIDWELL, Greg gregtid@msn.comggr "...I was stationed in NAS Agana, Guam from 1976 to 1977, and rode out Super Typhoon Pamela. I transferred to VP-17 in NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii in 1978. I then went to NAS Cubi Point, Philippines from 1980 to 1983. There, I ran the T-56 test cell for AIMD Powerplants. Good memories. If you were around then, or worked in a test cell, please get in contact..." [03NOV2001]
TIEDT, Donald R. drtiedt@gmail.com "...I served with VP-26 (1965-1979) flying as a FE with CAC-6. I currently work for Lockheed in Corpus Christi, TX..." [E-Mail Updated 10NOV2015 | 08FEB98]
TIFFANY, Frederick A. c/o His Son Jeff Tiffany jtiffany@stny.rr.com "...My father flew in a PB4Y2 in WWII. Anyone wishing to contact him please e-mail me..." [17DEC2000]
TILDEN, Michael MT71848@aol.com "...I was in VP-22 from 69-71. I'm looking for some of the guys like Sam Smith, Buzz plus names I can't remember. If anybody out there lives in Socal and wants to talk about old times and have a few beers - send me an e-mail..." [19OCT98]
TILLER, Teresa L. Retired wombieroo@bellsouth.net "...I served with VAQ-33 from 1986 to 1989. Sure met a lot of wonderful people that tour. Currently live in Pensacola and have met some people from VAQ-33 who also have retired here. Not bad. Miss the old Squadron though..." [29DEC2003]
TILLETT, ATC Kevin Retired kp_tillett@yahoo.com "...I served with VS-24 as Flight Deck Troubleshooter during the 1981 to 1982 Med cruise and as HATS (USM-403 ATE) Technician during the 1982 to 1983 Med cruise onboard USS Nimitz. For the remainder of this sea tour I served TAD at NAS Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida AIMD W/C 69A. I transferred to HS-1 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida and served as Avionics Supervisor and QAR from 1985 to 1987. I reenlisted as a Reservist while attending Bible College and affiliated with MMF-A at NAS Jacksonville, Florida as a USM-449 ATE Tech from 1987to 1988. I joined VF-1486 (VF-101 SAU) at NAS Oceana as an IWT Tech from 1988 to 1989. I served as a P-3C UIII Weapons System Technician with VP-62 from 1989 to 1993 and VP-91 from 1993 to 1996. As an ATC, I served as Maintenance Training Coordinator for CRPWP, CRPWL, and the combined Reserve Patrol Wing at NAS Norfolk, Virginia from 1996 to 2001. I transferred to VFA-106 at NAS Oceana and served as Night Shift QA CPO, AV/ARM LCPO, and Flight Deck Coordinator (after being away from the deck 18 years!!). I retired in June 2004 in a ceremony onboard the USS Wisconsin, in Norfolk, VA. I am now a member of Wycliffe Bible Translators and serve as the Flight Coordinator at the JAARS Center near Charlotte, NC. Thanks to all who made it a great tour of duty!..." [26JAN2007]
TILLIS, AFCM Donald Retired dtillis1@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-17 (1990-1993) at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii as the Maintenance Master Chief with deployments to NSF Diego Garcia, NAS Cubi Point, Philippines, NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan and Masirah, Oman in support of the frist Gulf War. I retired in 1996 at NATC Millington, Tennessee..." [02JAN2012]
TILRICO, AW1 Mike michael_tilrico@amat.com "...Served as SS3 in VP-19 Crew 6 (Pray for War) from 1977 to 1980 then active reserve with VP-0167 (later VP-0919) from 1980 to 1985. Deployments to NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan, NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan, and (2 split) to NAS Adak, Alaska. Got out of the Navy but stayed in Aviation working for United Airlines for 10 years and now for a worldwide express company. Got a chance to attend the airshow at NAS Moffett Field, California this summer - lots of memories. Would love to hear from those I served with. (Duck Carter - your e-mail address here doesn't work). Regards to VP'ers everywhere!..." [E-Mail Updated 04JUN2008 | E-Mail Updated 09AUG2004 | E-Mail Updated 19FEB2003 | 08SEP99]
TIMBERLAKE, Larry ttimber@banet.net "...I was in VAQ-33 during the period from 67-69. We were flying EA1F's. They were exciting planes to fly in. We were on the Kennedy when the squadron moved from NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island to NAS Norfolk, Virginia. The Det-67 Spads were the last operational A1's in the Navy. VAQ-33 was a great outfit. Maybe some of you guys from the Tico Det-14 remember Red Kilpatrick, Larry Fagan or Jeff Santee? They were good friends of mine. Spads are forever! Jets are for Kids!!..." [27MAR98]
TIMMER, AT2 Harold w8hgt@sbcglobal.net "...I was an AT2 with VP-892, SE-9, BUNO: #84786, circa 1951-1952. Have been attempting to locate former crewmembers and have found, spoken with, or have visited with seven of fourteen so far. It's still an open project for me. The names open are Aspinall, Stowers, McCoy, Wright (Updated - Deceased), Reardon (Updated - Deceased), Gilmore, and Andreason. Hello! After Great Lakes I was sent to FASRON-3 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia and assigned to the Ordnance Division. AOC's Ferguson, Wride and Clum; plus AO1's MacKay and Boemig are some men I recall. I recently located Theron MacKay in California and have also been in contact with Don Vecsey, Willis Lundy, Joe Thompson and Tom Terranova from the squadron. Louis DeBord passed away in 1996. I was in FASRON-3 for one year before being sent to NATTC Memphis. VP-892 followed..." [BIO Updated 24OCT2005 | E-Mail Updated 29AUG2005 | E-Mail Updated 27OCT2002 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 17NOV2001 | 00XX97]
"...Aspinall has been located. He lives in Memphis, TN. Thanks! ..." [20MAR2005]
TINES, Gayle 1pgtines@gmail.com "...I served with VP-56 (1956-1958) at NAS Norfolk, Virginia. I flew with Crew-2. John Scahill was the Plane Captain..." [23APR2021]
TINKLE, ADC Wayne Retired waynetinkle@yahoo.comt "...I served with VP-48 (03/1981-04/1984) as a FE, VS-29, VR-54 and NARF NAS Alameda, California and NAS North Island, San Diego, California..." [E-Mail Updated 08FEB2016 | 22JUL98]
TINNETTE, John jdtinnette@msn.com "...I served in VP-7 from 1960 to 1963 in NAS Brunswick, Maine and the transition to NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Electrician on flight crews..." [23APR2006]
TINNEY, Paul pjtcst@webtv.net "...I was stationed at NAS Agana, Guam with Airborne Early Warning Squadron One (VW-1) as a Postal Clerk delivering everyone's mail in 1969 and 1970. Would like to hear from anyone in squadron during that timeframe..." [07JUN2000]
TIPPETT, Rick rtippett@velotech.net "...I served with VP-66 (1982-1983), VP-91 (1984-1999) and TSC-887..." [E-Mail Updated 03MAR2019 | 21JUL98]
TIPPINS, CWO2 William M. "Mac" mtippins@charter.net "...I served with the US Army's "Navy Unit," the 1st Radio Research Company (AVN) - the "Crazy Cats" - at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, from about February 1971 to October 1971. I was a RU-8D pilot, a SP2E relief pilot (3rd pilot on long missions), and Assistant Missions Operations Officer. I am now a retired airline captain and an aviation writer. I will be starting a new career this summer in a US Forest Service Fire Lookout Tower in the Deschutes National Forest in Oregon. Just like an airdale! Still looking out a window for something to happen! I'll be manning the East Butte Lookout in the Deschutes NF from late May until mid-October. I'll be active on all the ham radio bands all summer, especially 20-meters on 14.28 mHz USB and 10-meters PSK-31. My call is K9STR..." [05MAR2009]
TIRINO, AZ2 Frank P. fptirino@ptdprolog.net "...Noticed some pictures of my old VP-16 planes when we were deployed to NAS Keflavik, Iceland in 1984. It got me feeling a bit nostalgic so I thought I drop a note and invite anyone who was in VP-16 from 1984 - 1986 to wave a hand hello. Would love to hear from you..." [30JAN2000]
TIRONA, CPO Rafael Retired coast1e@aol.com "...I served with VP-17 (1983-1986) as the AMS2 Corrosion Control Supervisor. I got out of the service in 1986 and eventually enlisted in the US Coast Guard in 1991. I finally retired as a USCG CPO in August 2007. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [05JUN2013]
TITLER, Guy c/o His Step Daughter Janet Gieder pj.gieder@gateway.net "...My stepfather is Guy Titler, originally from Brownsville, PA, now living in Youngstown, Ohio. He flew in a Martin Mariner PBM from 1941 through 1945 with VP-208. The squadron has annual Reunions and they are looking for any information on the family of Ernest Kunzler from Portland, Ore. Mr. Kunzler was killed in Okinawa in 1945. Guy would like to hear from anyone who shared his experiences and any new information. Thanks..." [20JAN2001]
TITHOF, RM2 Norville norv@csinet.net "...I served aboard NAS Glenview, Illinois from September 1971 to February 1973, NTC Great Lakes, Ill from May 1969 to July 1969, RMA School Bainbridfe, Md. from August 1969 to December 1969, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) and NAS Keflavik, Iceland from December 1969 to December 1970..." [01OCT2009]
TITUS, Gale E. g.titus@att.net "...I served with VXN-8 (1967-1969)..." [26MAY2013]
TITUS, AOAN Kevin kvntitus5@gmail.com "...I served with VP-30 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland and VP-45 NAS Jacksonville, Florida with deployments to NAS Sigonella, Sicily, NAS Keflavik, Iceland and NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [10SEP2014]
"Shipmate T Summary Page"