VP Shipmate Directory
"...TOBUREN, James "Toby"...My father was in the Hedron FAW-15 VPB-127 aircraft service group February 1945. I would like to correspond with anyone who might have known him..." Contributed by Jim Toburen jim@toburen.com [E-Mail Updated 02MAY2008 | 25JUN2003]
"...TOLLESON, Hal...It is with regrets that I have to inform fellow VP-24 Shipmates that Hal Tolleson of Paris Texas passed away on March 29th, 2002. Hal was the radioman on Crew 6 from 1962-1964. Hal was a good friend, Shipmates and a hell of a radioman. His wife Sybil is doing well and plans to move back to North Carolina where she lived prior to meeting and marrying Hal. Good hunting Hal...Don Hall djhdestin@cox.net..." [01APR2002]
"...TOTH, AE1 Andrew Joseph Jr...My Father, AE1 Andrew Joseph Toth Jr., passed away March 2, 1971 in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Dad served with VQ-1 (1968-1971) at NAS Atsugi, Japan. I would like to hear from any of my Dad's former Shipmates..." Contributed by Michele Toth michele641@charter.net [05APR2016]
TOBERGTE, ADAN Paul ptobergte@hotmail.com "...I was assigned to ATU-600 in NAS Hutchinson, Kansas in 1953 and 1954. I was an ADAN and was assigned to a maintenance crew and also flew as a lookout. Later I was put in charge of the hobby shop. My good buddy Dick Bradfield also worked in a maintenance crew and then he was assigned to the golf driving range. I had many good pals in the squadron and would be happy to hear from anyone who served during that time frame..." [02OCT2004]
TOBKIN, ATN3 Arthur D. adpjt@gvtel.com "...Was in VP-31 at NAS NORIS from 3/62 to 3/64. Was an ATN-3 and flew as radio operator and panel operator on the P5M-2. Was "ships company" and flew on training flights for those personnel that were going through the RAG Squadron. Got out in 3/64 and went to college at University of Minnesota. Volunteered for the Naval Air Reserve in 8/64 and flew a FCO on P2V7's out of the NAS Twin Cities, Minnesota. Left the Reserves in 71, when they closed the NAS Twin Cities, Minnesota..." [30MAR2001]
TODARO, Bob bmt216a1@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-31 in the summer and fall of 1967. We had P-3's, P2's, and P5M's. I think I watched the last of these seaplanes take off. Changed my rate from AA to FN and went to IC "A" school, and then to the CVA-67 (JFK). Great times, and memories!..." [21JUN2004]
TODD, AW2 Brian bnstodd@pacbell.net "...I regret to say that I have lost contact with all those I flew with from January 1970 to July 1973. In particular I would like to reestablish contact with my Shipmates/crewmates from VP-46. We were deployed to NAS Adak, Alaska with a detachment in NAS Agana, Guam from Dec 1, 1970 to June 30, 1971 and deployed to NAS Iwakuni, Japan January to July 1972..." [07FEB99]
TODD, ADR Howard L. kctodd@ptd.net "...I served with VX-8 (1966-1969) with a deployment to NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam..." [14JUN2012]
TODD, AO2 Jette jetstarwoody@optonline.net "...I served with VP-31, VP-9 and aboard the USS Constellation..." [23NOV2011]
TODD, Norman nctodd@earthlink.net "...I served aboard NAS Oakland, California (12/1957-12/1960) as a P2V Radio and Radar Operator and FE. I flew aboard the P2V-5 Port Layote now Kenitra Morocco, Barcelona Spain, Pizza Italy, Gibraltar, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Panama and all over the U.S..." [09MAR2013]
TODD, Ronald L. randttodd@comcast.net "...VP-50 NFO from August 1989 until disestablishment. Was next event on training mission before March 1991 Mishap (In Memorial for lost friends March 21st, 1991). VXN-8 until 1994..." [03FEB2006]
TODD, LCDR Sam Retired stodd2222@aol.com "....I served with VP-90 NAS Glenview, Illinois (Planker) early 1970's until I retired November 1983. I would like to hear from anyone that knew me.." [13MAY2004]
TOKER, Daniel dtoker@home.com "...Was with VP-30 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from 10/68 to 11/71. Started out as night shift maint chief, then transfered to AT shop. Filled out flight schedule for enlisteds (except flight engineers). Was one of first 5 P-3C in-flight techs..." [21AUG2001]
TOLBERD, Gary tbard@oakharbor.net "...Served in VP-18 1956-1958 airframes shop. Shop chief was Shurtleff. Other names I remember are John Miller, Rhody Miller, Murphy, Revelle, Ervin(AD), Tryor, Big Heath, Mean Heath, Farmer Clark, sister sookie, (the mailman), Wolverton, and many others I can't recall names. Had a bunch of draftees in sqd., All good guys. Would like to correspond with anyone there in that time period. Lots of "tales" to relate..." [13JAN99]
TOLER, George Marion gtoler@intrex.net "...I first trained with VPB-18 out of Charleston, SC. VPB-18 was over complimented so some of us were sent to NAS Norfolk, Virginia to wait for the next squadron to be established. In May 1944, we were bused down to Harvey's Point. That's not the end of the world but you can see it from there! After training was over, we were bused back to NAS Norfolk, Virginia, put in some train cattle cars, and shipped out for NAS Alameda, California. The trip took 7 days, five in Texas, hot, man you should have been there, in undress blues, no less. While waiting for the trip west, I had one ferry trip to Hawaii and one flight under the Golden Gate Bridge. I would like to hear from anyone that remembers Crew 5 making an open sea landing to pick up a downed crew south of Okanawi. The notes I have in my log are in hygrflics, unreadable, and my penmanship was not my long suit. Since I couldn't drink at that time (Navy regulations) and too far from a land base I must have dreamed it. One of our crew doesn't remember the incident. After 55 years, the memory may have dimmed a bit. I sure hope someone else remembers!!..." [20AUG99]
TOLIN, YN2 Bob rtolin@cox.net "...Served as a YN2 with VP-11 from 1970 to 1974. Met some get people and served with great Shipmates. Looking for YN3 Don Taylor and ADJ2 Glenn Walker. Currently in the USNR as a CDR (SC)..." [E-Mail Updated 10FEB2009 | 27MAY2000]
TOLLE (BROWN), ATAN Cindy (formerly ATAN Cindy Brown) kcranchaz@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-10 from 1978 to 1980..." [E-Mail/PIX Updated 14SEP2007 | Name Update 30MAY2001 | E-Mail Updated 21DEC2000]
TOLLEFSON, Val valenma@bainbridgeisland.net "...I was a pilot in VP-19 during 1966-68. We made two NAS Iwakuni, Japan deployments, with dets. to NS Sangley Point, Philippines and Utapao. We were in NAS Iwakuni, Japan when the PUEBLO was stolen, which was an interesting time. Also spent many happy hours flying in little circles high over Guam. I was Power Plants Officer (worked for ADJC Swigert), Q.C. officer, and NATOPS officer. Did a short stint as a flight instructor in VT-1, and left active duty in late 1969. Flew P2s with VP-69 at Sand Point, and then NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, from 1969 to about 1974. It would be interesting to reconnect with some of the VP-19 folks from that era, especially Crew 10. (new email address, may not work for a day or two)..." [29DEC98]
TOLER, George M. gtoler@intrex.net "...I served with VP-27 from late May 1944 to early August 1945. I'm looking for anyone that remembers an open sea pickup by VP-27 CREW 5 in July 1945 south of Okinawa? I was the flight engineer on that rescue. We were hitting the top of the waves until I knocked the throttle passed the safety notch, giving just a little more manifold pressure, enough to start missing the wave tops. The JATO had expired, something had to be done. We had a total of 22 on board, more than a full load, but we didn't leave or lose anyone. I need to know if I was dreaming. I know I had not been drinking, couldn't get anything while at sea..." [30AUG99]
TOLLEY, Rick rlt@texas.net "...Was with VP17 at Whidbey, 66-68, VP-19 at NAS Moffett Field late 70s..."
TOLLIN, Geoffry geoffry.tollin@microwaveguys.com "...I served with VAW-113 at NAS North Island, San Diego, California from 1967 to 1969 including time aboard the USS Constellation (CVA-64). I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [04APR2010]
TOLLISON, AOC(AW/NAC) Roger redrockrt@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-17 from October 1986 through July 1991, PMTC-NAWC Weapons Division from August 1991 through July 1994, and VP-1 from September 1994 through February 1999. Currently on recruiting duty in Mississippi. Just a note to fellow White Lightnings and Screaming Eagles. Sure miss the good times had around the Pacific..." [10FEB2001]
TOMAI, AM2 Michael N. mjtomai@adelphia.net "...Served from 1953 - 1956 in FASRON-6 in NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Was an AM2 and assigned to Barracks "A"..." [05MAR2002]
TOMASCAK, CDR Pete Circa 2005 http://reserves.navy.mil/ "...CDR Tomascak was born in Minneapolis , Minnesota. After graduating from the University of Minnesota in 1986 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology, he was commissioned an Ensign throught the NROTC program and reported to NAS Pensacola, Florida for flight training. He was designated a Naval Aviator in June 1988 at the NAS Corpus Christi, Texas. Upon completion of the P-3CU-III FRS training syllabus at Patrol Squadron THRITY-ONE (VP-31), CDR Tomascak reported to the "Golden Swordsmen" of Patrol Squadron FORTY-SEVEN (VP-47) at NAS Moffett Field, California. During this tour form 1988-1992, CDR Tomascak completed three separate six-month deployments. The first was to NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan followed by the second to NAS Adak, Alaska and the third, a split deployment between NAS Cubi Point, Philippines and NAF Misawa, Japan. During his time at VP-47, CDR served as Personnel Officer, Quality Assurance Officer and Assistant Operations Officer. His qualifications included Mission Commander, NATOPS Instructor Pilot, Patrol Plane Commander and Maintenance Check Pilot. CDR Tomascak was then selected for the Personnel Exchange Program (PEP) and reported to Number 11 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, Edinburgh South Australia in December 1992. There he conducted maritime operations throughout the Pacific Rim and served as Pilot Training Officer, Mission Commander, Patrol Plane Check Captain, Patrol Plane Commander and Maintenance Check Pilot. In March of 1995 CDR Tomascak reported to the "Old Buzzards" of Patrol Squadron Special Projects Unit One (VPU-1) NAS Brunswick, Maine. During this tour he served as Safety/NATOPS Officer, Assistant Aviation Maintenance Officer, Aviation Maintenance Office, and Operations Officer. His qualifications include Mission Commander, NATOPS Instructor Pilot, Patrol Plane Commander and Maintenance Check pilot. In 2000 CDR Tomascak and his crew won the esteemed "Liberty Bell" trophy for ASW excellence during an extremely competitive fleet-wide ASW competition. This was the first Liberty Bell award in the command's history. CDR Tomascak has amassed over 4500 pilot hours and over 6000 hours of total time in the P-3C aircraft. His personal decorations include the Strike/Flight Air Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (3 awards), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (3 awards) and various campaign and unit awards...." [19JUN2005]
TOMASELLO, Paul pvtomasello@hotmail.com "...I served with VC-3 at NAS North Island, San Diego, California from January 1967 to February 1969 in the AV Supply Division. I worked with LT Liesner, CPO Chitwood, AK1 Mike Muffley, AK2 Dennis Farrell, Gene Denison, Denny Chaves, Louie Riddles, Jack Ruffino, Phil Kauziak and others. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [21NOV2009]
TOMBLIN, AW2 Jim analy64@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1965 to 1969 and flew with CAC-9. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 05FEB2011 | 05FEB98]
TOMES, AT3 George Concept143@aol.com "...I served with VW-11 from September 1957 to June of 1960. Aviation Electronics Technician 3 Radio Operator on flight Crew 12 "one two knothole" have over 100 missions. Who remembers triple four? Lets go to ST Johns..." [28FEB2000]
TOMEY, AZCS Rob Retired rtomey@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-67 from 1983 to 1987, AIMD NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania from 1987 to 1991, VP-62 from 1991 to 1993, CNARF from 1993 to 1998, AIMD NAS Atlanta, Georgia from 1998 to 2002 and finished up at CAG-20 from 2002 to 2005. Would be great to get back in touch with old Shipmates I was stationed with before..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 30SEP2009 | 02FEB99]
TOMKOVITCH, Cdr John "Tomko" cdrtomko@aol.com "...TACCO in VP-50 78-81, VP-30 Instructor 81-84, CPW-1 Det NAS Misawa, Japan 84-87, Naval War College 87-88, VP-16 Dept hd 88-90, CPWL/CNAAB 90-94, CO NRD Omaha 94-96, USSTRATCOM 96-99, Recruiting Area 1 (North) Oct 99. I will PCS from Stratcom to Recruiting Area North in Oct 99..." [12SEP99]
TOMLINSON, David djt61@aol.com "...I was stationed at NAS Willow Grove from Jan 65 to Apr 71, and was an ADR3. Before there was VP-64 and VP-66 there was VP-933. We flew and worked on the P2V'E'. It would be interesting to know if there are any of the orginal VP-933 personnel around...."
TOMLINSON, AZ2 Dean "Tom" deantomlinson@bellsouth.net "...I served with VP-6 (1966-1969) at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [12MAR2016]
TOMLINSON, AO2 Eddie L. bigedleb2@aol.com "...VP-47 1971 to 1974, NAS Moffett Field, California, AO2 Crew 7, "Magnificent Seven". Deployed to NAS Adak, Alaska with the first WestPac P-3C. Second deployment of three plane detachments at NAS Adak, Alaska and NAS Agana, Guam..." [19SEP2005]
TOMLINSON, Paul E. (Red) petbigred@yahoo.com "...I served with VS-28 back when they transitioned from the S-2F/G's to the S-3A. I was a rated jet mechanic but worked in the ordanace shop with MCPOC Macintosh, AO1 Dyer and the rest of the crew that made their first crusies with the S-3 aboard the USS America to the Med and to South America. Long may the World Famous (Hunkkers) Hukkers fly and keep the oceans safe..." [10JUN2004]
TOMPKINS, Chris cftompkins3@cox.net "...I served with VP-49 (05/1975-05/1978) (CAC-6) as a Pilot/PPC/MC..." [26MAY2020]
TOMPKINS, ATN2 E. Duncan seagull234@gmail.com "...I served with VP-19 (1961-1962) at NAS Alameda, California with deployments to NAS Kodiak, Alaska, NAS Adak, Alaska and Shemya. I flew as a Julie/Jezebel and Radio Operator. I first crewed with AT1 George Agard, PR Otto Sineram and Ensign Kavula. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 17DEC2014 | 28FEB98]
TOMPKINS, BM3 Steve steveatompkins@aol.com "...I served aboard the USS Pine Island (AV-12) (BM3 1st Division) from December 1960 to October 1963. I was aboard for three WestPac cruises..." [19DEC2008]
TOMSON, AZ2 Leslie "Tommy" bltomson@verizon.net "...I served with VP-40 (1968-1971) with deployments to NAS Iwakuni, Japan, NS Sangley Point, Philippines and NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan. I worked in Maintenance Control and Logs and Records..." [09DEC2013]
TONER, Mike G1GT0@AOL.COM "...Served with VP-11 from 1979 through 1987 and 1990 through 1993. Had the best time. Retired now and working for Lockheed in Greenville, S.C. as Supervisor on the Custom P-3 AEW and Slick Mod Program. I would love to hear from anyone. And, just remember "We are still Lov'in 11 and always will be."..." [22DEC99]
TONGUIS, AT Tommy ttonguis@cox.net "...I served with ZX-11 (1952-1955) and flew (Radio). I would like to hear from former Shipmates via E-Mail and/or (225) 454-6086..." [PIX Added 24NOV2013 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 23NOV2013 | 25DEC2006]
TOOHEY, Dan k1yzb@gis.net "...Anybody that was at NAS Dunkswell England? I was attached to VB-105 and lived at site #3..." [02MAY98]
TOOLE, James Luther (206)365-5281 "...I served with VP-31 from 1984 to 1989 after finishing my A school across the field at Namtradet. I would like to find out about some friends I served with. Lance Hunzicker, and my friend Webster (Webslinger) from Detroit. Thanks..." [09MAY2004]
TOOLE, AT2(AW) Tom TooleT@Mugu.Navy.mil "...I serverd in VP-6 from 91 till Decomm. And in VP-17 as the IFT Bluecard till they Decommed. Went to PMTC for Shore duty got out of the Navy and now work there as a GS-11 Network Administrator. Still Fly as a Civilian with NWTS on the NP-3D's on occasion..." [04JUN98]
TOOLEY, Norm normtooley@earthlink.net "...Served in VX-4 and VW-2 from early 1952 until 1955. Flew the PB-1W WV-1 and the WV-2. We also had a SNB and a AD-1 which were transferred out of the squadron sometime in 52 ???. The AD-1 had radar on board. The SNB was used mostly between NAF Washington, D.C. and NAS Norfolk, Virginia..." [30JAN2001]
TOOMBS, PH Mike mltoombs@eznet.net "...I was with VP-50 from February, 1974 until August, 1977. I did one deployment to NAS Adak, Alaska and the other to NAS Misawa, Japan. I still keep in touch with a PH1 who retired in Southren California..." [29MAR2002]
TOOMEY, John B. JBTOOMEY@AOL.COM "...I was a pilot with VP-16 flying the PBM-3D and CO of VP-662. Glad to beaboard..." [16SEP99]
TORCELLINI, TE1 Charles catorce1@verizon.net "...I served with FASRON-104 (COMM/CRYPTO) at Halfar, Malta from 1953 to 1955..." [09APR2009]
TORELLO, Joseph A. jtorello@aol.com "...I was assigned to VS-34 from November 21, 1962 until August 23, 1964. Had a wonderful time in our squadron and enjoyed the time spent on the USS Essex CVS-9. I remember all the men I served with and think of them often. I remember the Cuban Quarantine from October-November 1962. I remember being in Karachi, Pakistan when President Kennedy was killed , and going to NAF Naples, Italy to await orders after he was killed. I remember the storm in 1963 that destroyed our mast on our ship, and the days we fought this storm. What fond memories these are..." [27SEP2000]
TORFIN, Dan dtsttorf@charter.net "...I served with VP-1 from 1969-1972. Originally of NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. Home port NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. Stationed at NAS Iwakuni, Japan 1969, NS Sangley Point, Philippines, and NS Subic Bay, Philippines with detachments NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. Enjoyed my tour and the people I worked with..." [E-Mail Updated 01JAN2021 | 11NOV2002]
TORGERSON, Rick rstorgey@msn.con "...I was assign to VP-46 in the great years of Ed Mack, Ron Dahl, Smootie, Harris, and the likes of those that had to much fun in 1974-1978. Then I got corrupted and went to Chanute AFB for NDI training and 4 more years of the good life (didn't know it then). I would like to hear from ya. Okey Dokey then..." [14APR2005]
TORRES, AMSC Dan Retired daniel.torres@cox.com "...VP-19 NAS Moffett Field, California 1976 - 1980, AIMD NAS Miramar 1980-1984, VP-4 NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii1985 - 1988, VQ-1 NAS Agana, Guam 1991- 1993, VAW-112 NAS Miramar 1993 - 1995, NAMTRADET NAS Miramar 1995 - 1998..." [04JUN2000]
TORRES, AMH3 Raul M. RKTANDC@AOL.COM "...I served with VS-39 and was also on the USS Essex from 1961 to July 1963..." [11JUL2001]
TORRES, ADC(AW) Rafael USNAD@aol.com "...Looking for any old Shipmates. 79-83 Rotary Wing NATC NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, 83-86 HS-7 NAS Jacksonville, Florida, 86-89 VQ-2 NS Rota, Spain P-3 side, 89-95 VP-5 NAS Jacksonville, Florida, and 95- ? RTC Great Lake. In my time in P-3's I made it my point to be the Best Mech around. But now its time to make others the best!..." [01FEB98]
TORSTENSON, Al "Chief T" a.torstenson@comcast.net "...I served with VP-17 in 1967, VP-2 in 1968, VP-69 in 1983 (P-3 FE and became (TAR)), VP-69, VP-64, VP-68 and VR-61 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. I retired in the Seattle area and am loving it. Twenty four years is plenty. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 01MAY2009 | 04FEB98]
TORREY, ROCK Richard.E.Torrey@noaa.gov "...After finishing FE school in 1980 checked in VP-49 WPWF and promptly left for Sunny NAS Sigonella, Sicily for the first of two summer vacations, then it was off to NS Rota, Spain/Lajes for more sun and fun then in 1985 transfered to VP30- for a tour as an FE instructer until 1988. I retired and flew the L-188 Electra for few companies. Now I back where I belong on my butt flying the WP3D chasing Hurricanes and other Weather related projects, If you think 200 ft AGL is low, try 50' AGL over the Ice Packs in Alaska. Hope to hear from some old friends soon..." [13FEB98]
TOSDALE, AW Eric R. etosdale65@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-69 from 1982 to 1986..." [03DEC2009]
TOTH, Eric samehome@earthlink.net "...Eric Toth samehome@earthlink.net..." [12DEC2000]
TOTH, Ron ron.toth@us.army.mil "...Former VP-8 S-3 Crewman..." [02FEB2009]
TOTH, AD2(AW) Stephen E. stephen.toth@yahoo.com "...I was a CDQAR, Engine Ground Turn Operator, Nightcheck & Midcheck POWERPLANT Supervisor (Oct 2001 - June 2006)with VP-26. "ONCE A TRIDENT, ALWAYS A TRIDENT" HOOHRAH MECHS!..." [27FEB2007]
TOUCHETTE, ATCS(AW) Bob Retired robert.j.touchette@gmail.com "...Served 20 years in the NAS Brunswick, Maine Community, AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine (09/1978-01/1982), VP-8 (01/1982-02/1986) with deployments to NAS Bermuda (1982), NAS Sigonella, Sicily (1983-1984) and NS Rota, Spain (1985), AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine (1986-1989), VP-44 (10/1989-Disestablishment 06/1991) with deployment to NAS Keflavik, Iceland (1989-1990), VP-23 (7/1991-12/1993) with deployments to NAS Sigonella, Sicily (1992), then back to my old haunts, AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine (12/1993-08/1998). This retirement stuff is OK! Please feel free to contact me. Since retiring I worked at LL Bean doing physical security while going to Thomas College in Waterville, ME to get a degree. Graduated in 2002 with a BS in Public Accounting. Took a job as a Revenue Agent with the IRS in October 2003. I really like my job and I work with a bunch of good folks. I've been with the IRS for 15 years now, still having a good time. I’m currently in the Stoneham, MA office and living in New Durham, NH near Lake Winnipesaukee, If you get up this way, send me an e-mail...maybe we can do lunch..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 28JUN2018 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 13FEB2008 | E-Mail Updated 21MAR2004 | E-Mail Updated 17JUL2001 | E-Mail Updated 18NOV99 | 07AUG98]
TOUCHTON, AMM3C John R. touchcj@aol.com "...I was a gunner with VP-25 at Leyte Gulf operating from USS San Pablo (AVP-30). I had the pleasure of going aboard USS Currituck II (AV-7) once. I could hardly believe all of the luxury aboard. I was used to sleeping in a fold-up cot under the stars. (remember the rain)..." [27DEC2002]
TOURIKIAN, LT Louis J. ltourikian@msn.com "...I was the PAO of NAS Sigonella, Sicily from July 66-July 68. I would like to hear from fellow officers of that time..." [04JUL98]
TOURTELOT, AX3 John john.tourtelot@baycare.org "...I was in VP-31 from 1970 to 1974. Ii would like to hear from others who were there at thaat time. I was an AX3 when I left NAS Moffett Field, California, later retired from the medical corps in 2003..." [29MAR2007]
TOURVILLE, Brian bdtourv@sbcglobal.net "...I served with VP-6 (1987-1991) at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii with deployments to NAS Adak, Alaska (twice) and NAS Cubi Point, Philippines. I worked in Phase, W/C 110 and QA..." [28OCT2015]
TOVES, Edward A. tovese@navair.navy.mil "...I was an ADJ-3 in VP-1 with P2V7s at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington from 1962 to 1963. 1963 to 1966 NAF Monterey, CA. 1966 to 1970 VP-4 NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii..." [07APR2000]
TOWER, Phil philtower@dow.com "...VP-9 1968-70 and VP-10 1977-80..." [17MAR98]
TOWNSEND, Glen E. gtowns33@yahoo.com "...Went to VP-6 (is there any other?) out of AO-A school in 53. Was a groundpounder but got my flight-skins with a lot of different crews. Left the Blue Sharks as an AO3 for VF-92 and the Shangri-La (CVA-38) in 55. Took discharge as AO2 in 56..." [26OCT98]
TOWNSEND, AO2 Glenn F. carolinacat2@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1980 to 1984 with two deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. I worked with a great bunch of Shipmates. God bless all of you..." [07AUG2009]
TOWNSEND, YNCS Nancy Retired ntowns6702@aol.com "...I served with VP-91 from 1983 to 1986 and again from 1989 to 1992. I came to VP-91 in 1983 as a YN1 and worked in Admin. My husband, Jim Townsend was an AW1, at VP-91 from 1983 to 1986. We left there in 1986 for NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. I transferred back to VP-91 in 1989 as a YNC and Admin CPO. I made YNCS while I was at VP-91 before transferring back to PA. Jim and I retired in October 1995 at NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania in a dual retirement ceremony presided over by none other than Rear Admiral J. P. Schear. Would love to hear from any former Shipmates..." [14AUG2010]
TOY, Tom maryrtoy@msn.com "...I served as a Hospital Corpsman aboard the USS Gardiners Bay (AVP-39) during 1955 and 1956. Would like to hear from Shipmates who served there at that time. I remember John Shanahan, ? Gee, and other faces, but not names. The skipper's name was Short. I have wondered if there are ever Reunions..." [02JUN2005]
"Shipmate T Summary Page"