VP Shipmate Directory
"...TRACEY, LCDR Walter F...My uncle, Walter F. Tracey, passed away January 21st, 2009. He served in the Pacific in WW2 with VPB-102 Replacement Crew 1. I understand that he may have been a replacement in many crews. As an Ensign he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross by Rear Admiral W.R. Greer (I believe he has 4). He still had the VPB-102 Reluctant Dragons patch. Just looking to find out a little history or story or photos about him. I believe he retired as a LCDR in the early 1960's. He was a very proud Navy and family man. Thanks. Jim Tracey jptpats@aol.com..." [24JAN2009]
"...TREDWAY, Leo J...TREDWAY, Leo J. 91, of Hyannis, died Monday, August 2nd at the Cape Regency Care Center, Centerville after a brief illness. He is survived by his wife of nearly 62 years, Gloria (McCarter) Tredway of Hyannis; his son Leo J. Jr. (Lee) and his wife Patricia (Roberts) of Medfield; his brother William of Boonton, NJ; and one nephew and several nieces. He was predeceased by his son Paul Allen in 1989 and brother Floyd J. in 1999. In 1939 he graduated from the Casey Jones School of Aeronautics in Newark, NJ earning a license from the FAA for aircraft engine maintenance and repair. He worked for Canadian Colonial Airways; Curtis Wright Corp.; and the US Navy as an instructor before enlisting in the USN in 1942. Leo was an instructor stateside followed by assignment to VPB-27 patrol squadron and a PBM Mariner as Plane Captain. He deployed to the Pacific and saw combat operations. Among his awards are the Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal and Combat Air Crew wings with three gold stars. Upon his discharge in 1946 Leo returned to work for Floyd W. Tredway Inc. Moving and Storage, becoming co-owner with his brother William upon the death of their father. Leo and Gloria retired to the Cape in 1980. Services were held on August 4. The family wishes to thank the VNA of CC and the 2nd Floor staff at Cape Regency for their compassion and care. WebSite: Boston.Com http://www.legacy.com/..." Contributed by Lee Tredway lee.tredway@verizon.net [25AUG2010]
"...TROTTER, ENS Thomas Young...Ensign Thomas Young Trotter, my wifes Grandfather, served with VPB-110 FAW-7. He received a Commendation Certificate: "Know ye all men by these presents that ENS T. Y. Trotter did successfully complete 19 missions on anit-submarine patrol in the European Theatre Of Operations serving with credit as Navigator in Number 19 Crew of VPB-110."...Ron Black kinfolk@centurytel.net..." [05APR2004]
"...TRUAX, Bob...Bob quietly passed away on Sept 1, 2013 in Homosassa, Fl. He was an inspiration to his family and friends alike, and all were proud of his military and civilian careers. He enlisted in the Navy in 1959 and subsequently became an aviator where he served with VP-16 from 1960 to 1964. Deployed to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, Africa, Med, Caribbean, and Central America in the P2(5F). 1969 to 1972 toured same places with VP-11 in the P-3B. Retired in DC in 1979 and then did contract work for NAVAIR until 1995 doing the training plans for Netherlands, Japan and Aussie P-3 buys. He is survived by his 2 children and 5 grandchildren. In his retirement years he was active in community efforts such as Knights of Columbus, MOAA, American Legion and Naval Aviator’s Association. All fun years...residing in Inverness, Fl and enjoying the retired life. He is inurned at Arlington National Cemetery with his wife. Memorial contributions can be made to the American Lung Association."..." Contributed by Scott Truax struax@tidalwave.net [12APR2014]
TRACY, AD1 Scott Retired tracy@whidbey.net "...My list starts at VX-1 77 to 80 ground pounding, VP-4 81 to 84, NAS Keflavik (trash hauling) 84 to 87, PMTC 87 to 90, VQ-1 90 to 93, and VAQ-129..."
TRAGER, John F. c/o Mrs. Phyllis Singleton bodine47@swbell.net "...My father was on the USS Chincoteague (AVP-24) when it was commissioned in April of 1943. His name is John F. Trager. He lives in Horton, Kansas. He and my mom will celebrate their 60th anniv. in January. He turned 81 in May. He is in contact with a fellow Shipmate in Nixa, Mo. by the name of William Armstrong. If there is a ship roster, could you send it to me at my e-mail address? Thanks for your tireless efforts on your delightful website..." [29AUG2005]
TRAGESSER, AME Ted coalt48@yahoo.com "...Great to read about NAS Seattle, Washington. Served on active duty at NAS Seattle, Washington, 1968 til it closed as an AME..." [12MAR2010]
TRAIN, Chuck traince@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1966 to 1969. I was on CAC-11 most of that time. We made deployements to NAS Keflavik, Iceland three times with intermediate stops at NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. I also remeber going to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR twice and Mauricious once. I recognize some of the guys listed here including Don Fellows With whom I went to radioman's school in Memphis, Tenn after A School. I still have my flight logs and travel orders from 35 years ago..." [24JUL2004]
TRAUGER, AE John jwtrauger@gmail.com "...I served with VP-40 (1970-1972) with deployments to NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan and NAS Iwakuni, Japan. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 16MAR2012 | E-Mail Updated 25MAR2001 | 02NOV99]
TRAUSCH, YNCS Leonard A. Retired linwood@knology.net "...I served with AEWBarRonPac from November 1962 to being the last one to leave on the day of Disestablishment. I was Captain's Young final driver. Before that I was in the Comm Dept as a teletype operator. I retire from the Navy in 1982 as a YNCS..." [25FEB2005]
TRAUT, Davis E. davet57@msn.com "...I served in VP-4 from 1971-1972 as a NFO. Deployed to NAS Iwakuni, Japan but got to see most of WestPac ( NAS Adak, Alaska, NAS Midway Island, NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, U-Tapao Royal Thailand Air Force Base, Thailand, Taiwan, PI) during short tour of duty. Truly the adventures of a lifetime..." [E-Mail Updated 30MAY2005]
TRAVER, AT3 David davidtraver@comcast.net "...I served with VP-31 (1970-1974) at NAS Moffett Field, California..." [11SEP2012]
TRAVER, ASCS Douglas A. Retired dbtraver752@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-45 (1971-1974) and VP-24 (1987-1990). I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [10AUG2012 | 11DEC2001]
TRAVERS, AZ3 Errol erroltravers@hotmail.com "...I served with VAH-4 (1965-1968) with deployments aboard the USS Enterprise (CV-6) (1965-1966), USS Hancock (CV-19) (1966-1967) and the USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63) (1967-1968)..." [20DEC2010]
TRAVERSONE, James c/o His Grand Daughter benjys_girl@yahoo.com "...Hello, my name is Amy Traversone and my grandpa, James Traversone, and I are currently looking for information regarding VPB-148. My grandpa served in the Navy from 1943-1946. We would like to get in touch with anyone regarding Reunions or information and pictures. James was a part of the flight crew of VPB-148..." [18AUG2000]
TRAVIS, C. R. "Pete" CTravis532@aol.com "...As an AX2AC I flew as first teck on Captain W. D. Toole's crew in VP-7. I was in the squdron form 1962 until 1966. I maintain contact with several former shipmates including Jim Gill, Joe Burke, Randy Koubler, Jerry Hiers, Wayne Beeland and thanks to the net Roby Roberson. I would enjoy hearing from any of my VP-7 shipmates..."
TRAVIS, Wilson H. c/o His Son T. Travis mrmudroach@aol.com "...Dad served with VP-51 from 1939 until 1943. Dad was a flight engineer and blister gunner. He currently resides in Alabama..." [19JAN2002]
TRAWEEK, AO Arthur ARTHURDENICE@AOL.COM "...I was an Ordanceman with VP-23 from 1972 to 1975. I was on crew 10. I really enjoyed flying and the deployment to NS Rota, Spain and NAS Sigonella, Sicily. NAS Brunswick, Mainewas the best place to be stationed..." [12DEC2001]
TREADWAY, AMS3 L. W. waynet@eastex.net "...I served with VR-8 at NAS Moffett Field, California from 1964 to 1967. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [30SEP2009]
TREADAWAY, Mike (Tread) mtread@artelco.com "...I served with VQ-1 NAS Atsugi, Japan from 1968 and 1969. I was in the airframes shop and worked with Lee Zimmerman, Ralph Janes, James Murawski, Keith Gray, one of the Laffey brothers and many others. I would enjoy hearing from you all..." [11APR2003]
TREBINO, ADCS Chuck Retired skylane19641@mac.com "...I served with VP-91, VP-92, VP-65 and retired in 1986. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 19APR2006 | 27JAN2000]
TREDO, Robert atbingo@charter.net "...I served with VAW-124 (1967-1968) (plank owner) with a Med cruise aboard the USS Independence (CVA-62). I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [12MAR2012]
TREFRY, EDWIN edtref@earthlink.net "...Was attached to FWC NAS Kodiak, Alaska 1956-1959.as AGC Flew ice recon with every VP squadron deployed to NAS Kodiak, Alaska during this period. Spent summer 56 flying out of Ladd,AFB with VP-28. Also flew with VP-4 and VP-9. Some of the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen. Enjoyed every minute of it. Went into weather recon from NAS Agana, Guam (VW-1) and NAS Jacksonville, Florida (VW-4). Quite a switch..." [14MAY2001]
TRELFA, ADR2 Bryan btrelfa1@gmail.com "...I served with VP-50 (1961-1962) flying as a Crew-10 Plane Captain..." [02SEP2016]
TREMAINE, Mike another579o@aol.com "...I served with VP-17 from 1968 through 1970 while we made our first deployment in P-3's. I was on Crew 4A and then Crew 10. This was one on the best times of my life..." [11MAY2000]
TREMAINE, PH3 Scott scoby@execpc.com "...VP-26Shipmates - I was attached to VP-26 1965 thru 1969 NAS Brunswick, Maine and had the time of my life. I am in contact with John Aylmer Daily jmullet@ix.netcom.com. I also have been searching for PH-2 Richard Rooney via email and white pages No luck as yet. If anyone has information about him or just to say hello drop me a note..." [06JUN99]
TREMBLAY, Norman tremdestin@aol.com "...I am looking for any one who served in VPB-108 Crew 13. We were in Pelilue, Tinian and Iwo Jima during WW2. Sure would appreciate hearing from anyone who was in the crew..." [26MAR2000]
TREMBLAY, AT1 Paul paultremblay@earthlink.net "...I served in VX-2 at NAS Chincoteague, Virginia from early 1954 to November of 1956, when I was discharged as an AT-1. I worked on the line and later in the radio shop maintaining communications and navigation equipment. After discharge, joined the active reserves and served for eight years as an aircrewman on S2 Trackers in VS-915 out of NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts..." [17MAR2007]
TRENT, Clyde kmd6126@cableone.net "...I served with VP-10 (1976-1980) at NAS Brunswick, Maine with deployments to NS Rota, Spain, NAS Souda Bay, Crete, Greece, NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal (remember 'George' the crook?) and NAS Bermuda..." [18MAR2017]
TRIBOU, Mathew "Tim" fwolfe@suscom-maine.net "...Served with VP-11, VP-8, VP-23, AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine, VA-46, VAQ-33, and VF-45..." [08SEP2001]
TRIEBOLD, AT2 Bruce mtnlivin@sti.net "...I served with VP50- (1967-1970) at NAS Moffett Field, California with a deployment to NS Sangley Point, Philippines / NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. I was Radio Operator (Crew-10) and a NATOPS Instructor for Radio and we flew the P-3A with the Bravo electronics..." [20JAN2012]
TRIGG, Robert rtrigg44@gmail.com "...I served with VP-7 1963 & early 64 as Radioman aboard LB-12. We were the Russian ship picture takers during Cuban Crisis..." [13FEB2009]
TRIMBLE, MCPO Carey M. Jr. Retired c/o Rachel Trimble Corey bemschief@hotmail.com "...My Dad, Master Chief Petty Officer Carey M. Trimble, Jr. retired from VP-11 and it was shortly after that VP-11 was disestablished. If you would like to communicate with Dad - just drop me a e-mail and I'll forward it to Dad..." [29AUG2009]
TRIMBLE, ATN3 Dennis dennist4@garlic.com "...I served with VP-31 (1962-1965). I repaired electronic equipment for all squadrons on NAS North Island, San Diego, California and flew as cw radio operator..." [05MAY2019]
TRIMM, AW2 James H. (Jim) Retired jtrimm1@midsouth.rr.com "...I was with VX-1 from '68-'70. Crewed both S2-E's and P-3-B's Got really familar with APS 80 & 88, and especially MAD comps. In 70 is sent up to Quonset Point to spend a year with VS-24 Scouts and USS Intrepid CV/CVA/CVS-11. I was retired on disibility in Sept '71..." [27FEB99]
TRIMMER, LT Bob BTrimmer@juno.com "...Former VP-10 "BULL" Ensign and LTJG PPC. Served in TEN from Apr89 to Apr 92. Flew on almost every crew but flew most with CAC's 2, 4, and 12 (Footlongers rule!) Will be reporting to VPU-1 in Jun 98..." [17MAY98]
TRINE, Don pjoye@msn.com "...I served with VP-42 on Crew 12 from 1964-1966. The only Shipmates I have had contact with was Roger McClintock about 10 years ago. I retired from the Battle Creek Fire Department as Chief. I retired in 1993 and am currently doing fire investigations in the Michigan, Indiana, and ohio area..." [26JAN2002]
TRIPLETT, AVCM Thomas ttriplett2@aol.com "...Served with VP-1 1983-1987, VP-40 1987-1991, VP-31/VP-30 and then did a very challeging tour in HSL-42, followed by a tour at NSF Diego Garcia. I returned to VP-40 in November 2001 and am now the MMCPO. I am currently on my 7th NAS Misawa, Japan/ NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan deployment!..." [21MAY2002]
TRIPP, Dorris Edward c/o his son Mike Tripp mtripp@hotsprings.net "...My father, Dorris Edward Tripp was a member of VP-47 during the Korean War. He flew on the crew of BA1, "The Skippers Barge", BUNO 84682 which crashed in Hong Kong harbor 12/31/51. My fathers best buddy, Jolly W. Britton, took his place on the flight and was killed in the crash. Does anyone know where Jolly is buried or if he has any family still living? I would like to contact any "Eager Beavers" who knew my father {deceased 8/13/95}. Flying with VP-47 was the adventure of his life!..." [22DEC99]
TRIPP, ATCS Jerry Retired trippg748@roadrunner.com "...I served with VQ-2 (02/1956-08/1958) in the Avionics Shop and flew as a Radionman on the P4M's and later when we got the old P2V & the 2 A3D-1Q. I crossed over and shared the A3 flying with ATC Thomas and AT1 Heavenor. Some of my Shipmates were AM2 Bob Stoltz, AT3 Rod Harrod, PNSN Bob Fedak, and AO3 Cruz. I played on the Squadron basketball & softball teams. I went on to VW-15, VR-3, VP-45, VAH-21 and VAW-111 Det 19. I retired in 1977 as an ATCS..." [E-Mail Updated 25MAR2013 | E-Mail Updated 07APR2008 | E-Mail Updated 12AUG2007 | E-Mail Updated 09FEB2006 | 29MAR2004]
TROCKMAN, Mitch mitch.trockman@comcast.net "...I served with VP-56 (1965-1966) at NAS Norfolk, Virginia..." [E-Mail Updated 15JAN2011 | 07SEP2009]
TROEMEL, CAPT Benjamin H. https://naval-air.org/flightlog/moreinfo.asp?UID=434 "...CAPT Benjamin H. Troemel, USN - NFL Number: 434 - Date of Birth: 6/10/1915 - Date In: 6/28/1938 - Date Out: 11/1/1959 - City, State: St. Augustine, FL - School Attended: Tulane University - Aircraft Flown: TBD, SBC, SBD, P2V, PBM - Ship or Unit: USS Enterprise, VS-6 and VP-5 - Hedron 3 Canal Zone - Pilot Desg.: Naval Aviator - Theaters, Campaigns, etc.: Pearl Harbor, Pac - Associations/Service Organizations: Navy League Assn of Nav Aviation Military Order of WW - Highest personal decoration or award: Air Medals (3) - Significant Achievements: 7,000 hours (Navy and Commercial). 200 arrested carrier landings. Vice President, St. Augustine Chapter of the USO. In Memoriam? No..." [29NOV2005]
TROMBA, John michaelsen2@netzero.com "...I served with VP-47 (1976-1979), WINGSPAC Staff (1979-1980), CPW-10 (1980-1981), CTG 72.8 (1981) and VP-50 (1985-1987). I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 13APR2013 | 13MAR98]
TROMBETTA, Paul (Chief T) ptrombetta@sprintmail.com "...I served with VQ-1 and retired from the Q in NAS Agana, Guam in 1984. I'm trying to locate an old friend named ATCS Shannon Sharpe. If anyone knows his whereabouts, drop me a line..." [22JAN98]
TROMBLEY, AMS1(AW/SW) William "Byrd" trom4@bellsouth.net "...VP-5 airframes from Jan 93-Jun 96. Currently onboard USS JFK CV-67..." [E-Mail/Rate Updated 02MAY2001 | 29MAR98]
TROTT, D. petersprings@frontiernet.net "...I served with the Crazy Cats from 1971 to 1972 and went to a Reunion in 1996. There is a bird that survived, don't remember the tail number, but the nose art was the "Burbank Boomerang." It is in the US Army Aviation Museum at Fort Rucker, Alabama. I spent my time with the 1st Radio Research putting avgas, oil and methenol in those birds. My most vivid memory is flying in one of them to NS Subic Bay, Philippines and back. I have a bunch of photos of the P2s and other aircraft that flew in and out of NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam - to include the prettiest 'super connie' I have ever seen - I believe it belong to the US Navy...." [25JUL2005]
TROTTA, Mario marizhr@sbcglobal.net "...I served with VR-23 at NAS Atsugi, Japan..." [28MAR2015]
TROTTER, Lee lee.trotter@charter.net "...I served with VP-17 (1970-1973) and flew with Crew-11. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 18NOV2013 | 23JUL98]
TROTTER, Phil doodiephil@webtv.net "...I WAS IN VP-19 NAS Alameda, California HANGER 42 FROM 1960 TO 1963..." [31JUL98]
TROUP, Robert James c/o his grand daughter Sarah McLeroy danbeer@csinet.net "...I would love to hear from anyone who knew my grandfather Robert James Troup, the name of the plane he flew in, etc... He began flying with 117 on April 30, 1945..."
TROUT, Billie Jo asch46@hotmail.com "...I am searching for other from VP-40. I was there from 86-88 I worked in Maintenance Control. Miss some of ya. Any info on where AO1 Cooper is, let me know..." [24FEB99]
TRUESDALE, AW1(AW/SW/NAC) Mark "Doc" Retired doct@erols.com "...was at Force Warfare (ASW Test Directorate) from 82 to 85 as the ONLY S-3 AW. In 94 transitioned over to P-3's and went to VP-46 as a SS1. Retired and now work at BLDG 2185 as a contractor in the S-3 department, dont worry I still dabble in P-3 stuff..." [03MAR98]
"...TRUAX, Bob...Bob quietly passed away on Sept 1, 2013 in Homosassa, Fl. He was an inspiration to his family and friends alike, and all were proud of his military and civilian careers. He enlisted in the Navy in 1959 and subsequently became an aviator where he served with VP-16 from 1960 to 1964. Deployed to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, Africa, Med, Caribbean, and Central America in the P2(5F). 1969 to 1972 toured same places with VP-11 in the P-3B. Retired in DC in 1979 and then did contract work for NAVAIR until 1995 doing the training plans for Netherlands, Japan and Aussie P-3 buys. He is survived by his 2 children and 5 grandchildren. In his retirement years he was active in community efforts such as Knights of Columbus, MOAA, American Legion and Naval Aviator’s Association. All fun years...residing in Inverness, Fl and enjoying the retired life. He is inurned at Arlington National Cemetery with his wife. Memorial contributions can be made to the American Lung Association."..." Contributed by Scott Truax struax@tidalwave.net [12APR2014]
TRUAX, Bob bobt4@mindspring.com " "...I served with VP-16 from 1960 to 1964. Deployed to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, Africa, Med, Caribbean, and Central America in the P-2 (5F). 1969 to 1972 toured same places with VP-11 in the P-3B. Retired in DC in 1979 and then did contract work for NAVAIR until 1995 doing the training plans for Netherlands, Japan and Aussie P-3 buys. All fun years...Presently residing in Inverness, Fl and enjoying the retired life..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 21SEP2002 | 19MAR98]
TRUDEAU, ADJ Mike trimbelle@hotmail.com "...I served with VT-19 from 1979 to 1982 as a Plane Captain and then ADJ. Thanks..." [22MAY2004]
TRUDEAU, ADR3 Roger M. roger_trudeau@yahoo.com "...I served with VU-2 Detachment "Alpha" from 1960 through March 1963. I was an ADR3, but Maintenance Chief B.E. "Robbie" Robinson sent me that N.A.T.T.U. school where I learned to become a Aviation Log Yeoman. Ergo, for most of my tour, I was the Aviation Log Yeoman for the Detachment..." [17JUL2009]
TRUELOVE, Gil Gil@trianglemech.com "...Following boot camp & "A" school at NAS Memphis, Tennessee, I was assigned to VP-812 in January 1951 at NAS Kodiak, Alaska. I was one of the "in mass" transferred to VP-29 when it was formed in 1952. I was assigned as Plane Captain on crew four and remained there on tours to NAS Atsugi, Japan, NAS Kwajalein, Marshall Islands, and NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan. I was transferred to shore duty in May 1955 from NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan. I understand that VP-29 was deactivated on return to NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. Following 24 months at NAS Anacostia, Washington, D.C., I was assigned to AEW-11 and a 24 month tour to Newfoundland. I decided that I needed a change and took my discharge after ten years..." [18OCT2002]
TRUETT, ATR Roger regort3@hotmail.com "...I served with VAW-13 from May 1965 to May 1968 as an ATR. Several trips to Philippines and was on 12 Carriers. To say this was an exciting part of my life is great understatement..." [29AUG2006]
TRUJILLO, AO2 Patrick A. "TJ" ptrujillo@bigrockcasino.com "...I served with VP-46 (AO W/C230) from 1988 to 1991. I have been trying to locate any other AO's or Grey Knights to continue correspondence..." [11JAN2009]
TRULUCK, CDR David R. Retired dtruluck@att.net "...I served with VP-50 as soon as they arrived at NAS Moffett Field, California to transition to the P-3. I believe I was the first P-3 NFO to join the squadron. Was initially in Crew-2 then Crew-11. Made the Langley/NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam (1968) and NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan(1969/1970) deployments. Then to NAS Pensacola, Florida for the Baccalaureate Degree Completion program and instructor at Schools Command then nav flight instructor at VT-10. Riffed out January 1973 then to reserves NAS Jacksonville, Florida with VP-62. Flew with Crew-15. Forced to retire due to hearing loss. Would like to hear from any of my former Shipmates..." [16MAY2019]
TRUMP, Barry batrealty@aol.com "...I served with VAW-111 Det 20 during the crusie in 1968. Looking for former Shipmates..." [01NOV2005]
TRUNDA, Pat pattrunda@sbcglobal.net "...A big Hello to any crash at NAS Glenview, Illinois from 1977 to 1980. Still see jim Krause and talk to Don Pearson. Fritz and O'Connell are in Lake County Somewhere? Remember when the P-3 hit the snow bank or the night the Marines C-130s came home from overseas? Pulling alarm watch or testing sprinklers. Fun times, too bad it was 24/24. I am the youngest son of PRC John Trunda. He was at NAS Glenview, Illinois from the late '40's to retirement in 1963. Parachute rigger and Oxygen shop by Hangar 46. I was the kid that watched cartoons on Saturday mornings in the '60's. Dad passed away in 1988. I am proud to say that I also worked at the base as a firefighter. Now looking towards retirement. Bless the USA..." [10DEC2004]
TRUTT, LT Lynn "Doug" revlynn@cvn.net "...Flew CAC6 of the (VP-8) Tigers from 72-74 TAD to Special Projects as one of 3 pilots in 75. Looking for anyone who remembers, especially CAC 6 members and LT Mike Milchenowski and LT John Norton (Project Pilots). Also wondering about LT Joe Montgomery. Where is everybody???..." [26NOV98]
TRYGSTAD, LCDR Raymond E. Retired http://www.raytrygstad.com/ "...Upon graduation from the Naval Academy with a Bachelor of Science degree and commission as an Ensign in June of 1977, he reported to VP-46 for temporary duty while awaiting orders to flight training. After receiving his Naval Aviator wings and being designated as a Naval Helicopter Pilot at NAS Whiting Field, Milton, Florida, he was ordered to Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Light 35 (HSL-35) at NAS North Island, San Diego, California, to fly the Kaman SH-2F Seasprite LAMPS helicopter. While with the HSL-35 "Magicians" he deployed to the Western Pacific aboard USS Merrill (DD-976) and USS Kinkaid (DD-965), to the Indian Ocean aboard the USS Oldendorf (DD-972) and USS Meyerkord (FF-1058), and to the Eastern Pacific for contingency operations aboard USS Fife (DD-991) as the LAMPS Detachment Operations Officer. When not deployed he served as Ground Safety Officer, Line Division Officer, and Squadron Tactics Officer at HSL-35. He also served as a member of the Pacific Fleet LAMPS Tactical Development Board. LCDR Trygstad's next assignment returned him to Helicopter Training Squadron 18 (HT-18) at NAS Whiting Field, Milton, Florida, where he served as a TH-57C Advanced Helicopter Training Flight Instructor, Navy Student Control Officer and Flight 2 Flight Leader. He served his second sea tour with HSL-31 Detachment BRAVO, homebased at NAS North Island, San Diego, California. He twice deployed as Officer in Charge of the Detachment BRAVO "Bad Boys of Bravo" aboard USNS Chauvenet (T-AGS-29) and USNS Harkness (T-AGS-31) to support hydrographic survey operations throughout the Indonesian archipelago. Det BRAVO flew the Navy's last HH-2D utility model Seasprite, SHAKA 14, which is now part of the collection of the National Museum of Naval Aviation in Pensacola, Florida. Following his tour with Det Bravo, LCDR Trygstad transferred to shore duty with the HSL-31 "Archangels" as a Fleet Readiness Squadron flight instructor, where he filled the billets of Squadron Safety Officer and Squadron Administrative Officer. While at HSL-31 he completed his coursework and received his Master of Science in Systems Management degree (MSSM) from the University of Denver with a 4.0 GPA. In recognition of his outstanding service as a department head at HSL-31 he was awarded the Navy Achievement Medal. After completion of the Navy's Aviation Safety Officer course at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, LCDR Trygstad's third sea duty assignment took him to Norfolk, Virginia to serve at HSL-34, where he was Officer in Charge of HSL-34 Detachment 9 aboard USS Trippe (FF-1075), Detachment 2 aboard USS Ticonderoga (CG-47) and Detachment 6 aboard USS O'Bannon (DD-987). O'Bannon, with the Det 6 "Caballeros de la Noche" embarked, deployed to South America for UNITAS XXXII as the flagship for the Commander, South Atlantic Force, U. S. Atlantic Fleet. Det 6's aircraft, AMERICA 243 (nicknamed "Maggie") was the last production SH-2F Seasprite. LCDR Trygstad also served the HSL-34 "Greencheckers" as Squadron Safety Officer and Squadron Operations Officer. While at HSL-34, the Navy designated him as a Computer Systems Management Subspecialist. His outstanding performance on UNITAS XXXII was recognized by a second award of the Navy Achievement Medal, while in recognition of his outstanding service as a department head at HSL-34 he was awarded the Navy Commendation Medal. His final assignment took him to the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps Unit at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), where he served as the Sophomore Class Advisor, Public Affairs Officer, and Academic Affairs Officer. He also founded and directed the IIT ROTC Glee Club, acted as the Faculty Advisor to the IIT Chapter of Officers' Christian Fellowship, and served on several faculty committees as well as on PhD review committees. He retired from the Navy on September First, 1994..." [07JUL2003]
TRYON, PT3 Kevin vp50@outlook.com "...I served with VP-50 (00FEB75-00JUL76) and flew with Crew-4..." [03NOV2019]
"Shipmate T Summary Page"