VP Shipmate Directory
"...TUCK, Ellery F...I am sad to report that Ellery F Tuck (served with VPB-108 in WW II and VP-6 in Korean War) passed away June 25..." Contributed by Avery Booth Stone astone@prexar.com [04JUL2006]
"...TUCKER, Dallas L...I am looking for anyone that served with my Father, Dallas L. Tucker. Dad died December 7, 1979. He was hurt at Pearl Harbor and then was with VP-12. Was at Guadalcanal and the Solomon Islands...Debra K. (Tucker) Ricker dkrxray55@aol.com..." [29MAY2006]
"...TUCKER, Gary...With deep regrets I have to report that CDR Gary Tucker (Retired) passed away on October 6, 2003. CDR Tucker served with VP-8 in the early 1970's...Ron Wolf padutch@bellsouth.net..." [10DEC2001]
"...TUCKER, AOC Jimmy Lee...VP-4 1958-61 and 1963-66 Mr. Jimmy Lee Tucker, 76, of Daniel Road, died Thursday, Nov. 4, 2010 at Davie County Hospital. He was born May 21, 1934, in Cabarrus County, to the late Robert Cleo and Mary Ann Charlotte Austin Tucker. Mr. Tucker was of the Protestant faith. He was retired from the U.S. Navy. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, Larry Tucker; and a sister, Betty Brown. Survivors include his wife, Hatsuko Tucker of the home; a son, Robert Tucker of Carrboro; two sisters, Frances O’Neal (Leon) of Cooleemee and Edna Lucille Kyles (Henry) of Salisbury; two brothers, Donald E. Tucker (Joy) of Westlake, LA and Lonnie Robert Tucker (Myrtle) of Statesville; and numerous nieces and nephews. A graveside service will be conducted at 10 a.m., Monday, Nov. 8, at Salisbury National Cemetery, with military graveside rites. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 7, at Eaton Funeral Home. Online condolences may be made at http://www.eatonfuneralservice.com..." Contributed by Larry Hames (VP-4 Veterans Assn Database Manager) database@vp4association.com [02JUN2011]
"...TUNNICLIFF, Raymond...My grandfather, Raymond Tunnicliff, was a Shipmate aboard the USS Albemarle (AV-5). If anyone knew him, please feel free to email me with stories as he passed away before I was born. Thank you!...Stacey sassytigerr@yahoo.com..." [10JUN2004]
"...TURNBOW, J. E...I am looking for any of the Shipmates that served on the USS Pocomoke (AV-9) that may have served with my Dad, J. E. Turnbow during WW2. All pictures and memoribilia was lost after he passed away on January 1, 1998. I regret not ever having him tell me more about that period of his life. If anyone has any pictures of the ship or any stories about my Dad, please e-mail me. All I know is that he was an F2, he may have worked in the kitchen and he enlisted before he was of age. He may have also gone by Pete or Peter because his first name was June. Thank you so much...Staci Engdahl sengdahl9@aol.com..." [25SEP2004]
"...TURNER, AOM2 Shirley S...My Father, AOM2 Shirley S. TURNER, served in the Pacific in WWII with VP-108 aboard PB4Y-2. I know very little about his service record and would love to know more. Any help would be appreciated..." Contributed by D. Starr dstarr@pedsuro.com [04AUG2010]
"...TURNER, AECS William Retired...AECS William Turner passed away on April 16, 2013 where he resided in upstate New York. He served with VP-5 (1973-1975)..." Contributed by LCDR Louis Vanleer (Retired Mustang) louis.vanleer@navy.mil [23MAY2013]
TUCK, Ellery F. (Deceased) c/o Avery Booth Stone astone@prexar.com "...My brother, Ellery F Tuck, served VPB-108 (WWII) and VP-6 (Korea). I'd like to connect him with former Shipmates. He was at NAS Pensacola, Florida for some of his training. Any info re: his service, and any Shipmates who wish to get in touch, will appreciate it. Thanks..." [Deceased 04JUL2006 | 14JUN2006]
TUCKER, AT3 Bob tucker3926@suddenlink.net "...I volunteered from FASRON-701 at NAS Miramar, California to the 4 plane P4M1-Q squadron in August,1951. In late September, 1951 we departed NAS Miramar, California and were stationed at NS Sangley Point, Philippines. Our squadron commander was LT John Douglass. The three other Patrol Plane Commanders were LT Dannettle, LT(jg) Nesbitt, and LT(jg) Dunn. I flew as the navigational radar operator with all four crews at various times, but mainly with Douglas and Nesbitt crews. All four crews were exceptional good plane and squadron mates. We served a 30 month tour and then rotated back to the states. So the original squadron was manned by replacements by late 1953. I rotated to NAS North Island, San Diego, California and was assigned to FASRON-4 being discharged in November 1954. The P4M was a great plane and a real pleasure to fly in during our from 9-14 hour patrols. If any information is available about any original members of Squadron VW-1-Det "Able" I sure would like to hear from them. The only one I have had contact with is AL1 Al Wellnitz, a great radio man and a very wonderful person. One of our original crew members AT1 Willie Hawkins later was aboard one of our planes that was shot down by the Chinese with the loss of all 15 crew members..." [BIO Updated 20FEB2017 | 16FEB2017]
TUCKER, Brett Tuckster64@yahoo.com "...I'm a Flight Engineer at VP-64..." [06MAY2001]
TUCKER, CWO4 Calvin Jr. cjtuc8@bellsouth.net "...VP4 Barbers Point HI 1973-1976..."
TUCKER, AW2 Joseph (Mike) jmtss3@hotmail.com "...Served in VP-50 from 90-92. Now stationed at VP-5. Would like to hear from squadronmates. Also served aboard the USS Carl Vinson CVN-70, FASODETMOFFETT, CPW-11, and hope to soon be back at CPW-11 Weapons System Test (WST) Team for a much needed break from 4 and 1/2 years of sea duty in VP-5..." [19MAY99]
TUCKER, Lance "Chris" lancetucker42@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-66 (2001-2005)..." [10APR2015]
TUCKER, LT Roy P. https://naval-air.org/flightlog/moreinfo.asp?UID=1307 "...LT Roy P. Tucker, USNR NFL Number: 1307 Date of Birth: 12/9/1916 Date In: 2/17/1942 Date Out: 10/7/1945. City, State: Jackson, AL. Aircraft Flown: PBM-3C, PB4Y-1, SNJ. Ship or Unit: VP-212 and VPB-111. Pilot Desg.: Naval Aviator. Theaters, Campaigns, etc.: Atlantic/Pacific. Highest personal decoration or award: Air Medal (3). Significant Achievements: Dist. Flying Cross. 1,839 flight hours, training and combat. NAS Pensacola crash investigator. 1,st, 2nd, and patrol plane commander. Sqdn. VPB-111. In Memoriam? No..." [28NOV2005]
TUCKER, AX1 Thomas E. Retired tophat9068@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-42 (1962-1965) at NAS North Island, San Diego, California, NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam (1967-1968) and VP-56 (twice). I retired while serving with VP-56 in June 1975. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 24MAR2014 | E-Mail Updated 23OCT2003 | 18NOV97]
TUCKER, Tom tophat90@consolidated.net "...I served with VP-42 from 1960 to 1964. I flew as a Radioman (Crew-5) on the P5M and P2. I left VP-42 while we were deployed to NAS Iwakuni, Japan in 1964..." [23APR2009]
TUCKER, AMS2 William R. tuckerwtoccoa@yahoo.com "...I served with VU-5 (1963-1965)NAS Atsugi, Japan and was TDY to KDU 25 stationed at Yokosuka, Japan. We were TDY on ships, Tug Boats, LST's, DE's, DD's and Crusiers to Carriers for drone surface to air gunnery exercises. In 1964 I was assigned to remote control speed boats and was TDY to NAS Cubi Point, Philippines and NS Subic Bay, Philippines for surface to surface exercises. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [30JUL2013]
TUELL, Ramsey Marcus Retired exweather2@aol.com "...I am a retired twenty year sailor and was station on Okinawa at NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan and in FASRON-118 for 18 months during 1956-1958. Our squadron mission was to support the fleet in aircraft maintenance. True, we supported VP-5, that was also station on the island; however, about 50% of our work was heavy maintenance that came ashore from the fleet. And, of course, 50% of our work was on the Peter-Two-Victor-Five-Fox. We also maintained COMNAVAIRPATPAC's (I think that's right) aircraft, a TF-1 and a UF-1. As you can see the total of our work amounts to about 130%. Not unusual for sailors even when the manning levels were at 70% of what they should be. I made my first trip to Vetnam (there were 3) while in that squadron. This was prior to the advisors being sent over. I was an AD/ADR. Then I was sent to Jet Engine school at Opama, Japan, and upon return to Okinawa started the first Jet Engine Shop ever in FASRON-118. I also picked up a jet engine NEC and became a ADJ and with jet engines came tail hooks. I had nine years in before I went to sea. After that I made two cruises to the Gulf of Tokin, one cruise around the Horn and two cruises to the Med. and all the qual cruises that went with them. Sorry if I got carried away. It has been a long time and my mind is burning with memories. I don't remember ever hearing that FASRON-118 was station on Guam. I know it must be true but, I'm surprised. I would like to get a FASRON-118 squadron patch. Come Back..." [26JUL2001]
TUITE, ADC Bill Retired BillTtuite@CS.com "...I served with VP-49 from 1971 to 1974, NADC from 1974 to 1977, VP-4 from 1978 to 1982, back to NADC from 1982 to 1985, and from 1985 to December 1987 I was with VP-26 out of NAS Brunswick, Maine (Flight Engineer at all those places). I had a great time flying with all those crews and seeing most all of the free world..." [24NOV2000]
TUK-SCOTT, Barbara p3mamabear@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-6 from 1986 and 1989. I am looking to share some sea stories with old Shipmates..." [10JUL2003]
TULARE, John R. Jr. john.tulare@gmail.com "...I served with VP-17 from 1975 to 1979 at which time I took orders to NAS Cubi Point, Philippines, where they insisted (heehee) I extend 3 times. From there went to USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) at NAS Alameda, California and stayed there 10 years, doing shore duty and a tour on USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72). Retired out of Treasure Island while "Abe" was deployed. Currently residing in Tacoma, Wash. "Hooty Hoot!"..." [25JAN2010]
TULL, AECS Carter (CJ) Retired carter.j.tull@boeing.com "...To my VP friends: I went on active duty in September 1965 at NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania as a TAR. The setup at the time was that TARs weren't assigned to a squadron so I got to work on several different types of planes. Was a P2 Radar/Julie operator on the side, briefly! VF-931 was activeted and I went to NAS Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida with them. After three years, got out and went to college. Five years later went active with HS-74 at NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts. After three years there, then a year 'break' joined the reserves with VP-64 at NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. Two years later, 1980. Went to work for Boeing in Seattle, partly because there was a P-3 squadron there! Spent 12 years with VP-69 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington before 'retiring'. See lots of familiar names on here I'll have to write to!..." [08SEP2004]
TULLOS, ATC James R. (Jim) Retired jimdottull@aol.com "...I served in VP-26 from 1962 through 1963. Retired ATC at NAS Brunswick, Maine June 13, 1963. I would like to hear from anyone that might know the where abouts of ATCM (Leading Chief) Ted Johnson, Shop Chief ATCS George Gutridge, FAW Staff member CDR Albert Barre, and Danny Ferreira AT1 in VP23. Would like to hear from anyone serving in VP-26 during that time frame..."
TULLY, AFCM Roger "nee Kress" Retired rxtully@comcast.net "...I served with VP-45 (04/1950-05/1954), VP-836 (12/1957) at NAS New York, New York and HAL-5 at NAS Point Mugu, California. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 21AUG2013 | 23MAR2001]
TUNNELL, ADR2 T M TUNNELLX2@aol.com "...VP-49 From Sept 1961 until Oct 1964. NAS Bermuda and NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. P5M and P-3A..." [30DEC2000]
TUNSTALL, AME3 Francis francis.tunstall@lanewo.ang.af.mil "...I served with VQ-1 at NAS Agana, Guam from February 2, 1972 to February 2, 1974. I was in the unit when we went on deployments to NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, Japan, Phillipines, Korea and the U.S.S. Ranger. I treasure the time I was with the Unit. I was an AME-3 and my shop Chief was Chief Barksley. I worked on the A-3, P-3 and the C-121 Aircraft. I would have stayed in the Navy if it wasn't for my Father being sick..." [14APR2009]
TURBEE, Norman airboss72@yahoo.com "...I have been blessed to fly with VP-23 and VP-45. An experince that as an air Traffic Controller (1968-72) changed my heart. I recently was drawn to an Canadian Forces (CF) P-3 (Aurora) at the Syracuse Airport Air Show where a crewmen of Squadron 415 gave me a private tour of "the tube." A nosalgic return to the day's of "the Mission." I am most grateful for the Military experience and the P-3 soujourners..." [10JUL2002]
TURCHI, Francis L. Retired fltavcm9@bellsouth.net "...Served with VA(HM)-13/VP-24 from January 1957 through June 1960 at Chincoteage and NAS Norfolk, Virginia. Flew crew on HA-6 and LR-8 at NAS JRB Willow Grove, Pennsylvania from December 1953 through December 1956, NAF China Lake, CA from July 1960 through November 1962, HU-2/HC-2 from August 1963 through March 1968, AMD Lakehurst from March 1968 through July 1971, VQ-2 from August 1971 through July 1975, NAAS Corry Field, Florida from September 1975 through March 1978, USS Saratoga CV-60 from April 1978 through September 1980, VA-72 NAS Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida from October 1980 through March 1982, AIMD Meridian, MS from April 1982 through June 1983, 4/82-6/83, VT-10 from July 1983 through June 1985, USS Nimitz CVN-68 from July 1985 through November 1987, and retired November 1, 1987. Went to work at NADEP Pensacola from January 1989 through April 1995. Been in contact with several VA(HM)-13/VP-24/HC-2/VQ-2 personnel through the years. Call anytime..." [E-Mail Updated 25FEB2002 | E-Mail Updated 12MAY2001 | 28NOV99]
TURCOTTE, Bob rokinturk@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-18 (1966-1968) with deployments to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR and NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I flew with CAC-9 then changed to CAC-31 (new numbering system). We were at NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba when the USS Pueblo (AGER-2) was captured by the captured by North Koreans. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 12NOV2012 | [E-Mail Updated 19JAN2000 | 15FEB98]
TURLINGTON, Jay jturlington@hotmail.com "...Currently in VQ-1, served in VP-30, VP-31, VP-40, VP-50, VP-9, VP-47 and one non-flying tour to recruiting (mistake). Looking to hear from folks from the past. Looking forward to retirement, time for a change! Let me hear from ya..." [11JUL99]
TURNBOW, AME Kris turnbowkp@att.net "...I served with VP-47 (1972-1975) and worked in the Rigger Shop. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 10NOV2014 | 04OCT98]
TURNBULL, August T. (Bull) tturnbull405@msn.com "...I was really glad to find this site and read all the info it has on the 1992 crash of the two P-3s (SEE In Memorial for lost friends March 21st, 1991). I spent nearly four years in VP-50 from 1965-69 all through our transition from the P5M to the P-3 in 67-68. I went through FE training and flew for a short while with our CDR Captain Kidd, a rather short man about my height. I really liked him. I look through our deployment book every now and then. I am really gratefull to have it now. I helped LCDR Dow collect the accident remains from the SG-13 crash in 68 (SEE: VP-50 In Memorial for lost friends January 6th, 1967). They later blamed the 5" rocket for blowing up on the wing for that Mishap. They seemed to do that a lot. I remember that very distinctly. He later became my pilot until I left in october of 69. I was awake that morning living back in sisconsin when the news came over tv about the crash. My heart went into my throut and I could not believe my ears. We had flown that area many times while practicing asw. For some reason the anouncer had learned the squadrons name and announced it on TV. I am sure that was a foul up. All I could think of was what went wrong. We always left station and came on station at predetermined altitudes. It seemed impossible it could happen. At last I can feel I know somewhat happen. God bless them all. Hopefully I can attend a memorial one of these years. Thank you all for your heartfealt comments..." [27NOV2004]
TURNER, Arnold aturner@1st.net "...I was in VP-8, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland when we became the first squadron to receive the P-3. CDR Creighton W. Cook, USN, later CAPT Cook, was the skipper. The transition period included our annual ORI Inspection coupled with the Cuban Crisis in which the squadron flew around the clock survillenance over Cuban waters. During the ORI, we lost PC-2 off Cape May, NJ with all hands including the ORI team members..." [29JUL98]
TURNER, Danny Lee turnerandsons@gmail.com "...I served with VQ-2 from 1974 to 1980 (enjoyed NS Rota, Spain). I would like to hear from Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 04JAN2009 | 01JUL2003]
TURNER, Doyle carodet@amaonline.com "...I served in VP-28 1949-1951. I would be glad to hear from anyone serving in VP-28..." [22OCT98]
TURNER, Edward H. c/o His Grandson-In-Law Bob Sutton blsutton@ridgenet.net "...My Grandfather-in-law (and great grandfather to my two little boys) served in patrol bomber during WWII. He didn't remember many details and to be honest didn't appear to enjoy talking about it too much. His name is Edward H. Turner and through this website I may have found him in a picture of VPB-117. Now that I have a few more memory aids I hope to have further conversations to document the important family history for my two boys..." [04NOV2000]
TURNER, CPO "Flip" Retired aturner65@comcast.net "...I served with VP-8 when we to the PC and lost LC-2 during an ORI (January 30th, 1963), VS-35, HT-8, two tours in Vietnam, National Military Command Center, OJCS, VA-112 and retired as a CPO. Retired to my hometown of Barnesville, OH..." [07AUG2011]
TURNER, ARM2 Horace Alden turner905@charter.net "...I served with VP-75 flying from Franklin D. Roosevelt aircraft carrier out of NAS Norfolk, Virginia from 1944 to 1945 on anti-submarine patrol. I was ARM/2c and remember ARM/2c Douglas Atkins and would like to contact him or other Shipmates..." [17JUL2004]
TURNER, PR2 Jack R. jackrturner1@yahoo.com "...I served with VR-31 from June 1953 to February 1955 as a Parachute Rigger Second Class after having served from May 1951 to June 1953 at NAS Memphis, Tennessee in the parachute loft on thr north side of the base..." [26JUL2004]
TURNER, Jenel jturner@dol.gov "...I was OIC of PSD NAS Bermuda from September 1984 to December 1987. I'm glad i've found this site. I'd love to reconnect and reminisce with Shipmates from the island! I remember my VP friends like it was yesterday. I still have my honorary Aviation PSD Wings :-)..." [04MAR2006]
TURNER, Joe joe.c.turner@gmx.com "...I served with VP-48 (1975-1978) with deployments to NAS Misawa, Japan and NAS Adak, Alaska. I'm now the Sales Manager for a company that manufactures Tank Gauges to keep track of Fuel Inventories at Navy Bases to keep 'em flying..." [E-Mail Updated 16DEC2016 | 19JUN2004]
TURNER, John F. ascot@highstream.net "...I would very much like to hear from any of my squadron Shipmates that served with VT-2 from 1971 to 1974. I was billeted in the first barracks across the street from the Squadron's office building. The last barracks on the street heading to VT-2's aircraft hangers at the north field..." [30SEP2004]
TURNER, Ken Turnerk3@hotmail.com "...I was a Flight Engineer in VP-23 from August '91 to October '94 when I took F/E orders to NAS Bermuda until July '95. Later I went into the reserves to VP-62 out of Jax as a F/E once again. Any of my old friends from the Navy read this, please drop me a line..." [16JUN98]
TURNER, Larry turnerlm60@netzero.net "...Was stationed with VP-9 in NAS Alameda, California in November of 1959 along with my two brothers Richard and Robert Turner. Also was with Gary Hays and Ken Preston. Would love to hear from any of the crew from then. I was a personnel clerk, but flew as observer on a P2V7 BUNO: 145919 Plane #12. Thanks and God Bless..." [09MAR2002]
TURNER, AO3 Leonard I. crlt@uswest.net "...I served with VP-47 from 1963-1966 as a member of Crew 11. I made the WestPac cruise in 1964-1965 in the P5 and then with the P-3 to Okinawa in 1966. Would love to hear from any of my Shipmates..." [22DEC2002]
TURNER, Mark forbearers@hotmail.com "...I served with VAQ-142/VAQ-35 (Plank Owner)..." [26NOV2011]
TURNER, CDR Mark L. http://www.nol.navy.mil/homepages/vp-45/home/pages/xobio.htm "...Commander Mark L. Turner was born in Greenwich, Connecticut. He graduated from Marquette University in May 1987 with a B.A. in Political Science. He received his commission through the Reserve Officer Training Corps and was designated a Naval Flight Officer in February 1999.
In September 1989, he reported to the "Golden Pelicans" of VP-44 at NAS Brunswick, Maine. Flying the P-3C Update II Orions, he deployed to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. Upon the disestablishment of VP-44 he reported to the "Proud Pegasus" of VP-11 where he made a deployment to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. During these tours he was designated an Instructor Tacco and Mission Commander and served as Conventional Weapons Officer, Communications Officer, and Readiness Officer.
Commander Turner then reported to the Bureau of Naval Personnel, Washington D.C. in May 1992. He served as Assistant Patrol Aviation Placement Officer and Flight Student Placement Officer. During this time he earned is Masters Degree in Business Administration from Averett College, Danville, Virginia.
In May 1995, Commander Turner was assigned as Operations Administration Officer on the USS GEORGE WASHINGTON (CVN-73). He qualified as Officer of the Deck, and earned his Surface Warfare Officer designation. He completed a deployment to the Mediterranean Sea and Arabian Gulf in support of operations JOINT ENDEAVOR and SOUTHERN WATCH.
Following his disassociated sea tour, Commander Turner reported to the P-3 Replacement Squadron, VP-30 for instructor duty where he served as Training Director.
In March 1998, Commander Turner reported to the "Golden Swordsmen" of VP-47 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. During this tour he served as Administration Officer, Training Officer, and Operations Officer and completed deployments to NSF Diego Garcia and NAF Misawa, Japan.
Commander Turner then reported to the CNO as the Assistant P-3 and Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft (MMA) Requirements Officer in November 1999. Upon completion of the MMA Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), he was assigned to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Requirements, initiating development of a Broad Area Maritime Surveillance UAV program.
In July 2002, Commander Turner reported to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Command, Control, Communications and Computer (C4) Systems Directorate (J-6). He served as Informations Operations Action Officer until his transfer to the Force Structure, Resources and Assessment Directorate (J-8) where he served as the Executive Assistant to the Vice Director for the Force Structure, Resources and Assessment Directorate. In March 2005, he reported to VP-45 as the Executive Officer.
Commander Turner's personal awards include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, four Navy-Marine Corps Commendation medals, Navy Achievement medal and various campaign and unit awards.
Commander Turner is married to the former Joanne Mosca of Westport, Connecticut..." [19MAR2005]
TURNER, AMH1 Maurice A. relic_38@yahoo.com "...I was transferred from NAF Monterey, CA to AEWBarRonPac MIDET as AMH2 in 1960. Upon arriving at NAS Midway Island I was informed that they had no billet for me in Maintenance as they didn't know I was coming for Duty. Was assigned duty as Barricks MAA and remained in 1st LT until squadron was decommissioned. Then transferred to NAVSTA MIDWAY, where I became night Air Terminal/Airfield Petty Officer. Finally made AMH1 but nNot having 2 years left active didn't get rated AMH1. Was Offered AMH1 and Ship out of Pearl to 4e-enlist. I responded with a BIG NO and came home. Began a New and rewarding career..." [19FEB2005]
TURNER, AMS1 Richard D. Retired r_turn05@yahoo.com "...I was stationed aboard VP-19 from 63-65. VP-22 from 65-71. I was in NAS Adak, Alaska with VP-19 waiting for VP-22 to take our place, broke my arm, went to Hosp. in Oakland ended up in NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii for another trip to NAS Adak, Alaska. I have a line on a few of the squadron mates of that era..." [31AUG2001]
TURNER, Robert desertfox121@netspace.net.au "...I served with the Royal Australian Air Force (1965-1967 based at RAAF Base Richmond in New South Wales – RAAF Richmond was then the home of No 11 Squadron. At that time I was employed as a clerk in the Base Operations/Flight Planning section, so knew all the movements of aircraft on the base..." [22OCT2020]
TURNER, Ronald W. tronsjoy@aol.com "...I served with FASRON-117 from 1955 to 1956. I was a Line Captain with Chief Jascot..." [29APR2011]
TURNER, Terry tturner3@indy.rr.com "...I served with VP-7 from 1966 to 1969. I was a Radioman on Crew 30. I would like to contact old Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 27FEB2006 | 10SEP2000]
TURNER, William wturner@bellsouth.net "...I served aboard NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and worked at the boatshed from 12/61 to 7/63. My job was running the smallcraft between main side and air side, and operating the sealanes for the PBMs and the PBYs. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [02FEB2011]
TURNER, S1C William J. billandflo@aol.com "...I served with VPB-103 as a tail turret gunner and my pilot was LT(jg) Audra Bozarth. I participated in 33 missions from mid-1944 to March 1945 when I returned to U.S. for V-5 Pilot Training. Got credit from British Admiralty for sinking HALF a sub in early Feb 1945 (too dark to photograph sub's wreckage). First "Zombie" got hung up in starboard bomb bay...second torpedo got sub. Hairy Hail Mary landing at nearest RAF base. Now living in Melbourne, Florida. I am 90-plus and still playing passable golf. Any NAF Dunkeswell, Devonshire, England (or NAS Chincoteague, Virginia) Reunions on the horizon?..." [BIO Updated 03APR2013 | 15JUN2011]
TUROK, Mike mjturok@picusnet.com "...Brought back a lot of fond memories of CPW-1 Det Agana 79-81 and COMFAIRKEF staff 89-91. Living just outside the back gate of NAS Norfolk, Virginia I have the privilege to see a P-3 flyover occasionally. Truly does bring back fond memories of on-tops of Delta IVs and Victor IIIs in the North Atlantic and Norwegian Sea and those wonderful MAP flights out of Guam..." [17JAN2000]
TURRENTINE, John jturre@bellsouth.net "...I served with VT-29 from November 1970 to July 1972 at NAS Corpus Christi, Texas in the Maintenance Office Program. CO was CDR Paul and Later CDR Spercer. Served with many fine officers and men and had a good time and learned a lot..." [21OCT2003]
TURRENTINE, AX3 Tom tdturrentine@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-18 (1966-1967) and flew with Crew-6. First PPC was Lcdr Smithey, second was Lcdr Kunkel. Some fellow crewmembers: AX1 Paul Warr (retired as a commander, deceased), AD2 Frosty Frease, AT2 Roger Cannady, Lt Bill Pennock (died in car accident in PR), and several others whose names will come to me. I was later commissioned through AOCS, but the RIF of 75 offered me an opportunity elsewhere. I retired from the Boeing Company where I was a flight training instructor (747/777) until training was outsourced, then I worked with the airline customers in flight operations engineering technical areas. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [13JUL2015]
TURVOLD, CDR Wade D. http://www.nol.navy.mil/homepages/vp4/xo/ExecutiveOfficer.htm "...Commander Wade D. Turvold was raised in Aiea, Hawaii. He attended the United States Naval Academy and earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in May 1989, graduating with Merit. After completing flight training at NAS Pensacola, Florida and Mather AFB, California, he was designated a Naval Flight Officer in August 1990. Commander Turvold then completed initial P-3 training in VP-31, at NAS Moffett Field, California. Following this training, Commander Turvold reported to VP-6 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii in March 1991. He served as Public Affairs Officer and Legal Officer while attached to VP-6. During this tour, Commander Turvold deployed to NAS Adak, Alaska and NAF Misawa, Japan and NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan. Following the decommissioning of VP-6 in March, 1993, Commander Turvold reported to VP-9, also based at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. While assigned to VP-9, Commander Turvold completed a NSF Diego Garcia and Masirah, Omandeployment, and served as Readiness Officer and NFO NATOPS Officer. During this tour, he participated in peacekeeping operations in Somalia. In July 1994, Commander Turvold reported to VP-30 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. While assigned to VP-30 he served as the NFO Schedules Officer, Fleet NATOPS Primary NFO Evaluator, and NFO Training Officer. Commander Turvold reported to the United States SIXTH Fleet Staff in July 1997, embarked in USS LASALLE (AGF 3), homeported in Gaeta, Italy. There he served as the Assistant Undersea Warfare Officer, Maritime Patrol Aircraft Operations Officer and Assistant Submarine Operations Officer while deployed to the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Commander Turvold also performed duties as Operations Division Officer, Admiral's Barge Officer, and served as Battle Watch Officer during the Kosovo conflict. Commander Turvold reported to the United States Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island in August 1999, graduating with Distinction in June 2000. There he earned a Masters Degree in National Defense and Security Affairs. Following this tour, he underwent P-3 refresher training at VP-30. In December 2000, Commander Turvold joined VP-47 based at MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, where he served as the Tactics Officer, Training Officer and Operations Officer. While at VP-47, he completed two deployments, one to NSF Diego Garcia, NSA Bahrain, and Oman, and the second to NAF Misawa, Japan and NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. In February 2003, Commander Turvold became the Weapons Tactics Unit Officer in Charge for Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Group, serving in VP-30 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. In April 2005, Commander Turvold assumed the duties as Executive Officer, VP-4 while deployed to NSA Bahrain. His decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (with three Gold Stars), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (with two Gold Stars), and numerous unit and campaign awards..." [19APR2005]
TUSON, Robin "Tiny" robinandkim@earthlink.net "...It's me, Robin "Tiny" Tuson, VP-1 Airframes 81-84 looking to reconnect with old friends. Drop a line chat the old times..." [06FEB99]
TUSSY, Mike mrt@nationwide.net "...I served with the VP-23 squadron from April 57 until September 1959. Went to Malta twice on Deployments. I have many fond memories of the Squadron and all the places we traveled to. Thanks for the nice Website here. I lookforward to visiting often to see if my memory of some of the members on the crews I served with come back. I have many pictures and slides so need to review them. I think I had too much firewater during that tour of duty. Regards to all who served in the VP-23 squadron. One of the best of the best..." [04MAR99]
TUTEN, Kenneth ktuten1@tutencentral.com "...I served with VP-45 from 1980 where I joined the squadron on the NAS Bermuda deployment until 1985. I addition to that initial deployment I was also deployed on two NAS Sigonella, Sicily and one NS Rota, Spain / NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal deployments. I then transferred to VP-30 for Instructor duty. This tour ended my VP career as I was willingly transferred to LAMPS for the remainder of my career..." [23FEB2009]
TUTTELL, LCDR Robert Joseph https://naval-air.org/flightlog/moreinfo.asp?UID=2659 "...LCDR Robert Joseph Tuttell, USN - NFL Number: 2659 - Date of Birth: 6/8/1954 - Date In: 4/24/1976 - Date Out: 9/1/1994 - City, State: Gulf Breeze, FL - School Attended: Jacksonville Univ./Navy Postgraduate - Aircraft Flown: P-3C, LC-130, T-34C, EP-3J, T-28 - Ship or Unit: VP-5, VXE-6, VAQ-33, VP-56 and VT-6. Pilot Desg.: Naval Aviator - Theaters, Campaigns, etc.: Persian Gulf/Cold War - Associations/Service Organizations: TROA - NAMF - Significant Achievements: 5000 + flight hrs. Instructor in P-3, LC-130 and T34-C. Helped design EP-3J. 2 NASA (Technical Merit Awards) TCAS II). Commercial pilot license. In Memoriam? No..." [29NOV2005]
TUTTLE, Bill "Red" shaneengraving@aol.com "...I served aboard NAS Bermuda (and Kindley Air Force Base) from April 1964 to May 1967. I was part of the Naval Aircraft Support Detachment. I lived in Bulding 346 (next to the gym/bowling alley) and worked in Buidling 700 (Maitnenance Shops) and Building 302 (Personnel/Admin)..." [29OCT2009]
TUVELL, Robert N. rntuvell@lvcm.com "...I served in FASRON-691 at NAS North Island, San Diego, California and aboard the USS Boxer and the USS Valley Forge. I would like to hear from you if you were in FASRON-691 during this time..." [25JAN2002]
"Shipmate T Summary Page"