VP Shipmate Directory
"...TWEEDY, Glenn and WOOD, Robert...Sadly I must report the deaths of my two shipmates Robert Wood and Glenn Tweedy. Bob passed away in Feb. 2001 while shoveling snow in his driveway. His collapse was witnessed by his married daughter who attempted to revive him, all to no avail. Bob was mentor to many of us who flew with him. He was a Navy man, but particularly, he was always a friend first. He constantly offered advice which, at the time, did not seem like advice, but which always proved to be beneficial both on and off the crew. He was just a great guy to go on liberty with, and a great guy to fly with. Glen Tweedy passed away from cancer in 2001. He had battled this for some time, I understand. We affectionately called Glenn, "Tweety bird." He made the last Reunion of VP-23. What a small and diminishing world we live in. God bless and keep our service men and women safe. WHEELER, Ron rwheeler002@nycap.rr.com..." [25JUN2001]
TWARDY, Edward S. etwardy@earthlink.net "...Enlisted in 1957 on "kiddy cruise" and enjoyed bootcamp at Bainbridge, MD - Company 132. TAD to NAS Glynco, Georgia in late '57 then, in '58 to AE "A" school in NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Served in VT-2 (1958-61) working on T28-C's and then transferred to VP Navy for 1st sea duty - VP-30 in late 61 and joined VP-7 in NAS Sigonella, Sicily on '62 deployment there. Flew with Crew 10 and then Crew 1 overseas and worked the AE shop when stateside. Enjoyed NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba during blockade - I took a lot of pictures of Iron Curtain freighters during that little exercise while hanging in the afterstation of old LB 10 (BuNo 131431). Shipped to "B" school in '66 and then to NAS Norfolk, Virginia for shore duty until transfer to VRC-40. Stayed there with a good bunch of guys (lots of Roosy deployments) until '73, then NADC (Warminister) Johnsville, Pennsylvania until transfer to Fleet Reserve in June '76. Earned MA and Ph.D from University of Virginia and spent from '79 - 03 as college professor and dean at Universities of Nebraska, Virgina and Vermont. Retired from academia in '03 and now serve as founder and president of a small research company working for the DoD. I still keep in touch with several Shipmates significant in my life...but think often about many others with whom I've lost touch. I'd like to hear from the guys with whom I worked - especially on the line at South Whiting Field, VP-7, VRC-40 and NADC (Warminister) Johnsville, Pennsylvania. Best wishes to my old pals..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 28DEC2007 | 09FEB2005]
TWEDT, AT Lloyd ljtwedt@cetlink.net "...I served with VP-33 NAS Norfolk, Virginia from September 1948 to September 1949. From September 1949 to February 1950, I was sent to AT School in Millington, TN at which time VP-33 was disestablished and I was transferred to VP-49 NAS Norfolk, Virginia. The squadron was moved to NAS Bermuda in 1951. I served as Radar Operator on Nine Boat (EA-9) until I left in September 1952. I used to hear from Ken Schroder but lost contact several years ago. I was in contact and visited with Don (D.E.) Tucker in GA until he paassed away a couple of years ago. Would like to hear from old Shipmates..." [05JAN2004]
TWEEDLE, Paul VP-13DFC@webtv.net "...I would like to know the combat records for VP-13 in the Gilbert and Marshall Islands in WWII. Does anyone have a photo of the planes (two) that tried to seal the harbor at Truck island? I was a tail gunner in that mission..." [03OCT99]
TWEEDY, Glenn wgt-srt@worldnet.att.net "...VP-23 Nov 1955 through Mar 1958..." [E-Mail Updated 26SEP98]
TWISDALE, PO3 L. H. "Burt" ltwisdale44@gmail.com "...I was with VP-56 (1963-1965) at NAS Norfolk, Virginia reporting to LT PULLEN. I would like any information on upcoming Reunions..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 21JUL2019 | 01JUL2007]
TWITCHELL, TIM jttwitchell@mid-mo.net "...I would like to thank all of people who signed the guest book. It was nice to hear from people who had been there with us. I was in "VP-31" from 86-87 and then in the White Lightnings of "VP-17" from 87-91..."
TWITE, Melvin Gary garytwite@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-22 (1962-1964) and flew with Crew-7 (Radar)..." [22OCT2013]
TWITTY, Roy L. roytwitty@excite.com "...I was a station keeper at NAS Oakland, California (1954-1958) in electronics maintenance (AT1) and fill-in aircrew for various Reserve Squadrons flying the P2V, S2F, AF2S, AD1 and ZP2G (blimp). Also was an electronics instructor there for 2 years. In 1958, I joined VP-872 as radar/ECM/radio aircrew. I left the squadron in Standby Reserve status in 1962. What an experience!..." [21OCT2005]
"Shipmate T Summary Page"