VP Shipmate Directory
"...TYLER, Ty...From VP-31 and his other Moffett tours, but he recently passed away (January 29th) from a massive heart attack in Idaho. His wife Eleanor resides at P.O. Box 2538, Hailey, Idaho 83333. Her phone number is: 208-788-8989..." Contributed by Carl Honaker, Cdr USN (Ret) carl.honaker@rda.sccgov.org [13FEB99]
"...TYNDALL, ARM1 Jappy M...My father, Jappy M Tyndall, passed away January 17th, 2013. Dad served with VP-204 during WW2. I would love to hear from any of his former Shipmates..." Contributed by JoAnn Larsen joann_larsen@yahoo.com [11APR2018]
TYLDESLEY, Linda M tooner@bigplanet.com "...My only squadron assignment was VP-46 from 1986 to 1990, and it was definitely a unique experience. I enjoyed the opportunities we had on deployment to meet new people and see new places. Thanks to the VP site, I was able to get in touch with old friends, as we all went our separate directions. I have some great memories of squadron people from that time, and will always remember them..." [22MAR2000]
TYLER, Francis D. Jr. http://world.std.com/~shermie/vets/vets009.html "...Francis D. Tyler, Jr. PE, PBM, Patrol Bomber Mariner (PBM) US Navy Pilot First, I think I should tell you how I got in the Navy. Some of you also registered for that first draft, back in October of 1940. I have a brother, two years younger; his number was in the first 100, while mine was 8809. He was called up in February of 1941. Then by the time I was classified 1A, I had seen a friend home on leave in a sparkling white uniform with beautiful Gold Wings on his chest. I decided that was the part of the service that I wanted to serve in, so I enlisted. I finally got sworn in, on December 30, 1941, twenty-three days after Pearl Harbor. In March of 1942, I received orders to report to the Naval Air Station at Lake Pontchartrain, north of New Orleans, Louisiana. I had become a Naval Aviation Cadet. In June I was transferred to the NAS Pensacola, Florida. Six months later I was designated an Ensign and Naval Aviator. I was then assigned to the Transitional Training Facility at NAS Banana River, Florida. Here we were introduced to the plane we would fly, the PBM, Patrol Bomber Mariner, as designated by the Navy. The Squadron in which I flew was VPB-209 was commissioned on January 1, 1943 and a full compliment of 15 planes was reached in June of the same year...." [09JUL2003]
TYLER, James Rene renet@prodigy.net "...I was assigned to VP-5 from October 1984 through July 1993. Started out a ground pounder in the mech shop for one deployment and then off to Flight Engineer school and have been flying ever since and love it. NAMTRA July 1993 through July 1996, VP-16 July 1996 through February 1999. I'm currently in VP-30 VR DET flying CINCLANTFLT around the world and enjoying life, what a job!..." [17JUN99]
TYNES, YN Walter "Pete" wptynes@bellsouth.net "...I served with VP-57 (1956) and VAH-4 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington and TAD to NAS Kodiak, Alaska (01/1957-06/1957). I was a Yeoman in the Admin Office with YN Walter L. Bush, LCDR John Ballew and CDR Weiss. I live near Jackson, MS. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [30JUL2012]
TYREE, AMEC Robert E. (Bob) bobmavis@msn.com "...I would like to say my tour of duty with VP-47 was one of my best douring my 22 years of the U S Navy. My tour with VP-47 was 1966 to 1969. Two WestPac, NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan with one trip to U-Tapao and one to NS Sangley Point, Philippines with a time in NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam was the high light of my Naval career. Hi to all my good buddies out there..." [28SEP2002]
TYSON, AOCM Robert L. Sr. (Bob) Retired bob.tyson@cox.net "...NRTC NAS North Island, San Diego, California to August 1962 - A4D-2N's in VA-94 on the USS Ranger, West Pac fall of 1962 to June of 1963, AO 'A' school at NAS Jacksonville, Florida, about June 1963 to October 1963 - VT-25 at Chasefield in Beeville, Texas with F9F's and TF9F's, October 1963 to September of 1966 - VP-31 Student at NAS North Island, San Diego, California with training on the weapons system on the P2V-7's, October to December 1966 - VP-42 at Ault Field, Oak Harbor, Washington with P2V-7's, December 1966 to November 1969 - NAS Chase Field, Base Ordnance, Beeville, Texas, supporting 3 training squadrons, armory, magazines, pistol range and a bombing range in Freer Texas, November 1969 to July 1972 - AO 'B' School at NAS Jacksonville, Florida, about July 1972 to January 1973 - Nimitz Pre Com Unit, Weapons Department, January 1973 to May 1975 - USS Nimitz, CVAN-68 (later changed to CVN-68), Flight Deck Ordnance, G-1 Division LCPO from May 1975 to December 1978 - NAS Norfolk, Virginia Weapons Department December 1978 to December 1983..." [27AUG2006]
TYSON, Russell A. tysons@bellsouth.net or Rtyson@ediltd.com "...Served in VP-45 on CAC-4 from 1989-92. Had some seriously fun times in NS Rota, Spain, NAS Sigonella, Sicily (well mabye not so fun in NAS Sigonella, Sicily), NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, and a Spectacular time in Scottland. Looking for some old Shipmates..." [05APR99]
"Shipmate T Summary Page"