VP-5 Squadron Shipmates
VPNAVY Address

VP Shipmate Directory
Last Name Starting With W Last Name Starting With R

Memorial Picture "...WRIGHT, Albert...Albert Wright passed away in 1981. Albert was a member our Crew 9 of VP-892 (1951-1952)...TIMMER, AT2 Harold w8hgt@sbcglobal.net..." [21MAR2005]

Memorial Picture "...WRIGHT, Kathy...AWC BAILEY passed away September 19th, 2020. She served with VP-68 (1979-1991)..." Contributed by Contributed by BENTON, AT1 John bentonj456@gmail.com [14DEC2023]

Memorial Picture "...WRIGHT, Jerry A...I am sad to say that retired Master Chief Jerry A. Wright passed away on 2/18/2004 at his home in Shawnee, Kansas. He served with the US Navy from 1946 to 1966 on active duty. His last assignment was aboard the USS Pine Island (AV-12) as an ETCM from 10/3/64-8/22/66...Chris Wright cdwright22@hotmail.com..." [10APR2004]

Memorial Picture "...WRIGHT, AETMC Lee Linton Jr...With great sadness I report the death of my Father, AETMC Lee Linton Wright Jr., former Mad Fox crew member of VP-5 out of NAS Jacksonville, Florida under the squadron command of Captain Crow. In his years with the squadron they flew many missions together from NAS Keflavik, Iceland to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR and the Mediteranean and beyond until his retirement in 1960 when he returned to San Diego, Ca. and home. He died in March of 2000 at the age of 80 and is survived by his two sons and two grandchildren. Godspeed to you remaining Shipmates and families...Larry L. Wright lwright@frazmtn.com..." [18APR2004]

Memorial Picture "...WRIGHT, Ted...My Dad, Ted Wright, passed away last weekend. Dad served with VS-873 at NAS Alameda, California from 1951 to 1962. Tom Wright pecho57@charter.net..." [12MAY2010]

Memorial Picture "...WRIGHT, SCPO William "Bill"...My Dad, Bill Wright, passed away in the early 1980's. Dad served with VAP-62 and retired from the Navy in the 1970s. I would love to hear from any of my Dad's former Shipmates. Best wishes..." Contributed by William Wright billwright61@hotmail.com [18JUL2011]

Memorial Picture "...WRIGHT, William Weigle...My father, William Weigle Wright was from Bridgewater, PA, stationed in Long Beach, Ca and on the USS Kenneth Whiting (AV-14) 1941-1945. He had a Japanese pilot’s scarf which he got when the Kamakaze hit the ship. The scarf was a replica of the Japanese flag, with family names written on it. We donated it to the Museum in San Pedro for Japanese families, when he died in 1967. He also had a ring made from shrapnel from the Japanese plane, also donated to museum. He was proud to have served with the crew on the USS Kenneth Whiting (AV-14). He was a local Long Beach bartender until 1966..." Contributed by Linda Cox linellencoxrn@msn.com [27JUN2023]

WRAY, AD1 Charles B. Retired Shipmate Pix chuckwray@hotmail.com "...VR-1 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. I retired in 1984, with 24 years of service. I was in HC-6 at the time of retirement. I was in VXN-8 from November 1967 to April 1971. I was assigned TAD to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, AIMD reciprocating engine shop. I was the crew leader of the R3350-42W section. This engine was used on the C-121J used in Vietnam, as Television broadcasting aircraft, for the troops. When an engine went bad, it would be canned, and sent to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, to be replaced with a newly rebuilt engine, by my crew an I, and sent back to Vietnam. In May 1971 until August 1972, I was in VR-1 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia. When I reported in I was sent TAD to AIMD engine buildup, reciprocating engine shop and worked on reciprocating engine there also. I have worked on every model engine the navy had, plus a few that were civilian engines..." [27MAR2023]

WREN, Butch butch.wren@navy.mil "...I served with VP-5 (1978to 1980), Reserve ASW Training Center (1981 to 1985), VP-64 (1986 to 1989), VP-62 (1989 to 1993), and CRPWL/CPW-11 Training (1993 to 1996) and Retired. After retirement I worked for AverStar (Formally PACER), Systems Engineer - EP-3E, Avionics Systems Project Officer for VPU (NAVAIR) PMA-290, NAVAIR Deputy Science & Technology for AIR 4.5 Avionics Dept. (Present)..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 19DEC2007 | 02JUL98]

WRIGHT, AK3 Bill grumpywright@aol.com "...Hello to all those stationed at NAS Kodiak, Alaska during the period of 1955-1957, from an old AK3. I miss the island to this day. Best to all the old airdales..." [29AUG2003]

WRIGHT, Arthur frednhazel@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-10 (1974-1978)..." [11MAR2017]

WRIGHT, Bill RACEPARTS@aol.com "...Served with VP-6. Would like to hear from A. J. Sullivan, Stan Greenwald, and Doug Bensing..." [16APR2000]

WRIGHT, AT2 Bob (Kid) RGWSR6@AOL.COM "...Boot at Bainbridge Md, Naval Air training, Norman Oklahoma, ATU-700 NAS Corpus Christi, Texas, AT-3 /AT-2 while with VP-5, NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Long live the beach and the Mad Foxes. Served from 1952 to 1956. Would be interested in hearing from any Shipmates..." [16NOV99]

WRIGHT, AW3 Charles Gilbert "Courson" cgcw4@live.com "...Hi fellow VP-50 members. I was in VP-50 during the 1969-1973 time frame as an Anti-Submarine Warfare Sensor Station 2 Operator. The flight crews I remember being in were 10 and 14. As I look back on our experences in NAS Moffett Field, California, NAS Adak, Alaska, NAS Agana, Guam, NAF Misawa, Japan, NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, NS Sangley Point, Philippines, NAS Midway Island, NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, Kwagelene, Enewituk, Wake, Taiwan, etc. etc. I remember carrying the full honey bucket down those steps and trying not to spill it all over my self. I am using Google Earth and looking at the Tucson Arizona bone yard and other NAS airports, seeing all those P-3B and P-3C birds we flew in. The picture of our crew in NAS Adak, Alaska that Ken Jackson posted, brings back a lot of memories..." [E-Mail Updated 11FEB2012 | E-Mail Updated 17OCT2009 | BIO Updated 20SEP2005 | 18SEP2005]

WRIGHT, SCPO David Retired info@oysterbuyboats.com "...I served with OASU (06/67–08/67), VX-8 and VXN-8 (08/67–03/71). I was part of the back end crew maintaining Diesel and Gas Turbine power units along with Air Conditioning for television and radio equipment. Earned my AC wings as a black shoe. I live in northern Virginia, I also have a web site for info about my life on www.oysterbuyboats.com which also includes my 20 years in the Navy including about 10 pages covering OASU, VX-8 and VXN-8. Included are pictures of pages have pictures of the aircraft, WesPac and crews..." [13MAR2022]

WRIGHT, David uapilot@hotmail.com "...Trained in VT-27 circa 1985-1986, VT-28 circa 1986, and VP-30 RAG in 1987. Joined VP-11 in February 1987 and immediately was sent to that winter resort otherwise called SERE school by the training officer, LT Billy Barnes. Joined CAC-3 under Brian "Frog" McDonald who was replaced by Steve Culpepper a few months after I joined the crew. Mark "Bomber" Branstrom was my 2P, Dave "Lee Harvey" Oswald was my NAVCOM, Mike Leary my TACCO, Rob Webster my FE, AW Savage, Martinez, AO Larson....that is all I can remember. I then joined CAC-6 after my Rota/Lajes vacation in 1987-88 and served as 2P under Bomber. On CAC-6 Shemp crew, I was flying with Tom "golden boy" Reck, AD Mathy, AMS Latour, Dave Doxey and some guy as TACCO...I think he was OPSO too...as well as PPC Bomber Branstrom. Ascended to PPC of CAC-6 for a precious few months before being back stabbed out just before the drawdown "rightsizing" bloodbath in 1990 that left alot of fine people out in the cold at the hands of a few power seekers. (Hi Tony R. and Pete S....not Pete Scott). That bitter taste will never leave my mouth. Ground jobs were TAD Officer, CSM Officer (Adrienne marks where are you?), AE Branch and finally QAO. Left VP-11 in 1990 and became an instructor in VT-27...dodging death daily. Left the Navy in 1993 actively and 1996 reserve-wise. Now fly as a Captain with United Airlines on the illustrious 737 in Chicago's O'Hare and never looking back although there were alot of tremendous people, mostly enlisted, that I will remember forever. Cheers All!..." [06APR2001]

WRIGHT, PR1 Donald R. wright112@charter.net "...I served with VP-9 (1961-1964) with PR1 J. D. CARR, PR1 Bennie TROTTER and Chief SULLIVAN. Retired in May 1976 and living in McDonough, GA..." [20MAR2014]

WRIGHT, AME1 Erville A. Retired desert.rat_50@yahoo.com "...Joined VP-48 in April of 1975. Spent four wonderfull years there and learned a lot. I go back through my old cruise books and think about old friends and wonder what has become of them. Got out in 1979 and spent seven glorious months on the outside before getting back in. Spent the rest of my career in the "fleet". I retired in april of 1995. Would love to hear from you guys..." [E-Mail Updated 22AUG2009 | 29MAY2003]

WRIGHT, AO2 GL gl.wright@earthlink.net "...I served with VP-31 and VP-40 at NAS Moffett Field, California from 1974 to 1976 with one NAS Adak, Alaska and WesPac deployment. I did a lot and saw a lot and made some lasting friendships. If anyone out there wants to reach out, I'd be glad to hear from you..." [03JUL2009]

WRIGHT, ADJ1 Henry L. "Hank" Retired hanklwright@gmail.com "...Retired from VP-93 on May 1982. I flew with Mike Hefron. If anyone has contact with Senior Chief Dunham let him know I am still kicking and would like to hear from him..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 16DEC2009 | 09FEB2002]

WRIGHT, AW3 James T. "Animal" jimwright59@hotmail.com "...I'm AW3 Jim Wright "Animal" and served with VP-22 from 1978 to 1980. The deployment in 1979 was quite an event, from getting a mumbles qual to losing good friends in QA6. Lost touch with most of the Blue Geese during the years, but still pass Christmas cards with Ron "Buzz" Sawyer, who is in Nashville, TN. The Super Bee was quite an airplane. Having the tactical crew all in a line allowed for some interesting dialog that did not go on the intercom..." [26JUN2004]

WRIGHT, Jim jim2wright@bellsouth.net "...Hey all you VP-6 Cobat Air Crew #5 warlords! I was Crew 5 TACCO from 83 to 85 and the Nav before that. Retired after the russians quit in 95. I saw Tim Rowan's post, my sponsor Andy Winn's and some other guys. My daughter who was born during my tour is graduating with high honors this weekend from Univ. of Florida tomorrow. I work for a small financial organization called CitiGroup, maybe you've heard of it? I'm a Senior Vice Preident in the IT field. My jobs in the squadron Ord branch officer, Nuclear Safety Officer, NFO Training Officer and Asst Training Officer. I remember the outstanding crew we had in Crew 5. We did the impossible time and again and made many other crews look pretty lame just be succeeding time and again. We screwed up a few small details now and then but brought home the bacon when it was really important. I have this sick hobby of road racing bicycles now, and for the last 13 years. It's fun and it keeps me tired and skinny. I've won some state championships and placed at nationals 4 times. I never raced against Lance but have raced against guys who raced against him last year in the Tour of Georgia. Bikes are my passion now. Work just pays for tires and chains. Drop me a line if you want. I still see Denny Lybarger from VP-1 now and then and Bob Vanmeter from the East Coast. Joe Lovelace lived near us in Orange Park for awhile, but I never saw him. I saw AOC Anderson at NAS Jacksonville, Florida in the 90s as well as Andy Winns. We still send cards to Jeff Bange at Christmas time, he was OinC ata NAS Cubi Point, Philippines ASWOC when I was Ops Boss there..." [08AUG2005]

WRIGHT, John johnwyp@hotmail.com "...I served with the VP-17 White Lightnings from 1991 to 1995. During that time I did two deployments to NSF Diego Garcia, and one to NAS Misawa, Japan. I was a SS3/EWO on a handful of crews (including the disfunctional CAC4..heh). I would LOVE to catch up with some old Shipmates. Does anyone know the whereabouts of AT2 Eric Winston? Lost touch with him about a year after getting out. I'm currently a Youth Pastor at my church, as well as a QA engineer at a software company out here in Californa. Been married for 10 years, and have one 2 year old son...trying for #2. I'm looking forward to hearing from fellow Shipmates..." [BIO Updated 06AUG2004 | 01OCT2002]

WRIGHT, Jon Jonw@lexmark.com "...Served with VP-50 from Jan '63 to Aug '65 in flight crews 4, 7, and 1 flying the SP5B. I was with the squadron when they left Iwaukani in June of 1964 for redeployment to NAS North Island, San Diego, California. Received my discharge in August of '65 just before the squadron rotated back to NS Sangley Point, Philippines. I still regret not extnding to make the deployment. Would like to hear from old Shipmates. Thanks..." [15JAN98]

WRIGHT, Marvin marvnruth@hotmail.com "...Served with VP-62(A)from 1970 to 1972. Anyone remembering "King George", "Gooseneck" Westmoreland, "Drip Pan" Case, or "Tom " Dooley drop me a line..." [24MAR2000]

WRIGHT, ADC Melvin (Red) Retired melvintwright@aol.com "...Hidee ho Shipmates - Here is a FE with a 'puter! scary. I served with VP-10 from 1966 to 1970 (where I qualified as a FE), VP-50 from 1971 to 1976 (made ADC and was in the FE Shop), and VP-31 (where I learned the meaning of 'donta toucha nutin' i have it). After pushing many excellent young FE's to the fleet, I served with VP-9 from 1979 to 1982 and then Retired. Now I gotta say, VP ain't what we knew back then, but damn, glad I was there for the hey day! I am now in Boise, ID. Still pushing power levers on the 747 and DC8. Pay is better, but a box lunch is still a box lunch. Cargo don't talk back. Like to hear from any ol Shipmates. Yall be in touch. Stories to tell & cards to deal..." [27MAY2003]

WRIGHT, ATN3 Robert D. Groderbob@aol.com "...VX-6 65/68...Trying to locate past and present VX-6 Puckered Petes. Would like e-mail addresses, so as to swap old war stories (like anyone would believe that any of us Puckered Petes had any war stories)...(RD as known to my drinking buddies)..."

WRIGHT, PH2 Rodney rodneywright64@gmail.com "...I served with VP-9 (1978-1981). Looking for a squadron roster..." [14AUG2016]

WRIGHT, PR3 Stanley L. stanwright@hawaii.rr.com "...I was a parachute rigger with VP-17 from July 1967 to August 1970. Does anyone know how I might locate Richard Bloomingdale? Last I heard he made AMEC at Pensacola. How about AME3 George M. Smith from Oklahoma or PRC Grosbrier, probably retired in Oak Harbor, WA.? Those were exciting times, with many wonderful memories. I've retired this year and closed the Photography Studio here in Honolulu. Now I spend most of my time traveling, fishing, and taking pictures..." WebSites: http://www.hawaiibassfishing.com/ and http://www.stanwright.com/ [E-Mail/BIO/URL Updated 20DEC2006 | 08FEB99]

WRIGHT, LCDR Steve wright_steve%pax4a@mr.nawcad.navy.mil "...I served in VP-50 at NAS Moffett Field, California from June 86 - Jun 89 and at Force Warfare A/C Test Directorate (now Force Aircraft Test Squadron)at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from July 92-Sep 94. Now I'm working Propulsion Issues at NAVAIR HQ, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. Looking to contact old squadronmates..." [08APR98]

WRIGHT, AMS2 Steven svwright@live.com "...I served with VP-875 (05/1964-07/1967) at NAS Alameda, California from and then VP-28G-5 (08/1967-05/1970) at NAS Moffett Field, California..." [E-Mail Updated 31JAN2013 | 17JUN2008]

WRIGHT, Tom "Turbo" TWright1769@aol.com "...Hey fellow White Lightnings. I served in VP-17 from 1987-1991. I was the aircrew AO for crew 10, and was the blue card for that position. I am currently happily married with one son. I finished my B.S. in Chemistry in 1998 from the University of Central Florida. I start working on my PhD in Biochemistry in Jan. 2000. I did cancer research as an undergrad. I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me..." [E-Mail Updated 19FEB2001 | 31DEC99]

WRIGHT, Wesley seadart@lcc.net "...Served on CAC10 1962 - 1963. PPC Ray Burris, PP2P Chuck Norman, Nav. Chuck Conley. PC J D Smith, A. Moore, R. Resteri, Big A, and Myself (The Shadow). Retired 1977 from VP-56..." [02JAN98]

WRITE, AE2 Ronald ronroserandy@aol.com "...I served with VP-47 from 1987 to 1992 enjoyed the friendship and the great training I received from all..." [12FEB2004]

"Shipmate W Summary Page"