USS St. George (AV-16) Shipmates
"...BILLINGTON, Charles...My dad Charles Billington who died February 18, 2003 who served on the USS St. George (AV-16) in the Navy during WWII makes me so proud that he fought for our country. He has 3 daughters and one son Duane Billington. Daughters are Sammye Downing born 1944, Carol Houston born 1949, Bonnie Horton born 1963, and Duane Billington Born 1961...Sammye Billington Downing" [02APR2003]
"...BILLINGTON, Charles W...It is my sad duty to inform the crew of the USS St. George (AV-16) that petty officer Charles W. Billington has passed away, Tuesday February 18 2003 at the age of 78 due to complications of asbstos poisoning from his participation in WW2. He was proud to serve, he was proud to be an American, and He was proud to call Jesus Christ his Lord...Charles W. Billington (Deceased) c/o His Son Duane A. Billington" [28FEB2003]
BILLINGTON, Charles c/o His Daughter Duane Billington "...My Father, Charles Billington, served on the USS St. George (AV-16). Any former Shipmates or there family are welcome to contact me. I will relay any messages to him and give any info that I can..." [21APR2002]
CASTELLACCIO, Vito "...I served aboard the USS St. George (AV-16) under the name (Italy service) Andrea Bafile (A5314) to Italy on September 1969. We were part of sos on cruising in distress in Gilbiterra Chanal. The Bafile now is the Navy Base at Taranto dicommissioned..." [20JUL2003]
"...DELGADO, Charles...My Father, Charles Delgado, passed away in 2001. Dad served aboard the USS St. George (AV-16) during WWII. I would love to hear from any of Dad's former Shipmates..." Contributed by Charles B. Delgado [14JAN2012]
HANDSCHIN, AMM1 Theodore R. c/o His Son Bruce Handschin "...I'm looking for any information about Reunions for the USS St. George (AV-16). My father served on her during WWII. Thanks..." [21APR2002]
HUNTER, Robert P. Jr. "Red" c/o Jody Mckinney Sr. "...I've ran across a Shipmate's of my grandfather while doin my research on genealogy. My grandfather's name is Robert P. Hunter Jr. a.k.a Red Ive met the son of Robert Watson over the net and we shared some pics and stories. My grandfathers pic is on the right side of Robert Watsons. If anyone has any pics of my grandfather or knew him I would love to hear bout them. He served Aboard the USS St. George (AV-16) and is a plank owner and he was a shipfitter's helper. The ratings he held on the USS St. George (AV-16) were AS, S8c, and S1c . He also served aboard the USS Bausell. If anyone has any pictures that they wouldnt mind sharing with me i would grately appreciate it. Thank you..." [24AUG2003]
IVORY, William c/o Andrew Klein "...My name is Andrew, I am 17. I am the grandson of one William Ivory, who served aboard the USS St. George (AV-16). He just recently had a stroke. His long term memory is very good, and if anyone who remembers him and would like to say 'hello' please, email me using the Subject: For your grandpa. He would love to hear some old Shipmates. Thank you..." [08JUL2004]
SCHEIBEL, Bob "...I served with VPB-21 for a short time after the shooting stopped in WWII in the Pacific. I had gone through AMM school at NAS Norman, Oklahoma but couldn't get CAC training because I wore glasses. I served on the USS St. George (AV-16). We saw our most rigorous service at Kerama Retto, Okinawa where we were hit by a suicide plane. In VPB-21 I think my pilot's name was Longnecker. Is information from this time of any interest to anybody?..." [23SEP2003]
SOCKBESON, Henry Jr. [Deceased] c/o Jessi Banks "...My dad was on the USS St. George (AV-16) during worl war II. He was on ship when the kamikaze hit on May 5, 1945. Would like to correspond with any vet who was on that ship. I just lost my dad in August this year. Found lots of old photos and would like to share them and learn who his friends were. His name is Henry Sockbeson Jr. Thank you all so much for serving our country..." [11DEC2002]
WATSON, Robert C/O Bobbie Mathis "...My Dad, Robert Watson, served on the USS St. George (AV-16) as a Shipfitter. Dad would love to talk to some of his former Shipmates and is interested in any Reunions. He remembers quite a bit and has his ships pamphlet and the route that she took. If any one wants to talk about the USS St. George (AV-16) let me know!..." [Picture Added 23AUG2003 | 19AUG2003]
 "USS St. George (AV-16) Summary Page"