VAQ-130 Shipmates
DILLON, AZ2 Lee B. "Matt" "...Arrived at VR-21 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii fresh out of NATTC NAS Memphis, Tennessee in October 1965. Worked in the Aircraft Maintenance Office for the Blue Max, CDR Roushman until November 1967. Had two TADs to NAS Atsugi, Japan. Those two years were a very special time, great people in the squadron, great place to serve and lots of memories. I also served with VAW-13 / VAQ-130 from November 1967 to March 1969 with a WestPac tour aboard the USS Hancock from May 1968 to March 1969..." [BIO Updated 24JAN2010 | 16JAN2010]
FIELDER, YN2 Kenneth "Bernie" "...I served with VAQ-130 (Zappers) from July 1966 starting in NAS Alameda, California and ending up at NAS Cubi Point, Philippines through July 1967. I was Senior Yeoman (YN2) under CDR Ecklund and had some time at FASU/NSA DaNang, Republic of Vietnam and ChuLai..." [29MAR2009]
LeBLANC, ATR2 Clayton L. "...Am previous AC with VAW-13. Two VN Dets betweeen '65 & '67; five Air-Medals earned (EA-1F "Spads). VAW-13 is parent squadron of VAQ-130 out of NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. Have made contact on and off, with various PR officers since about '96. No contact in last 24 months. Am not alone. There are quite a few of 'us' still anxious to 'touch bases' with former, and 'newer' ZAPPERS, if no more than to embellish history, none of which barely exists of VAW-13. Can give names of most recent VAQ-130 contacts, but have had no recent contact. Possibly, they have been re-located. As an aside. VAW-13 members are hoping to have another Reunion in the May '05 time frame. Finally, and in closing, would like to order two sets of Embroidered AC wing emblems. Would like to also find original VAW-13 patch. My own was lost over the past years. Respectfully..." [BIO Updated 11DEC2004 | 09DEC2003]
LEBLANC, PO2 Clayton "...I served with VAW-13 from January 1965 through December 1967. I am trying to submit history of VAW-13 and memoribilia to VAQ-130. I was PO2 when I left the Squadron. I was also Aircrew flying backseat in the EA-1F Skyraider. I'm approaching my 60th birthday and am fearful that much of what I have may be "stored" and/or lost. I believe VAQ-130 could make better use of it. Any contact with anyone from the 1965 to 1967 era, when I was part of the Squadron, would be absolutely wonderful in this time of my life! You can contact via my e-mail or (978)458-6635..." [09DEC2003]
MITCHELL, Ralph M. "...VQ-1 60-64, Squadrom AIO, Asst. SSO, EWO & NAV on EC-121, EWO only in A3s. Joined squadron in NAS Iwakuni, Japan and made the move to NAS Atsugi, Japan. On to VT-29 NAS Corpus Christi, Texas NAV instructor, USS Hancock as Asst. Strike Ops, on to VAQ-130 Det-1. Deployments on Oriskany and Connie, on to COMFAIRALAMEDA as Staff EWO then back to NAS Corpus Christi, Texas CNATRA Staff as NFO Training Officer for my twlight cruse. Ret. Oct. 76. Of my 20 plus the navy the most memorable are the years in VQ-1. Those were the days of people like Chuck Christman (inventor of Bregand), Dave Hilton, J.D. Meyer, Marv Duke, Joe Niedbala, Tom Maroldy and so many othe good friends..." [02SEP99]
RUTLEDGE, AECS Bill Retired "...Hi to all my Shipmates from 22 years of the Navy. Great bunch of people. VP-10 from 1960 through 1963. What memories from NAS Brunswick, Maine, State Hotel, Ernies, and all the other places we VPers hung out. I flew for all the time I was there on a couple of different crews. I loved the old P2V5F, then to O&R flight test, NAS Alameda, California, flying test flights on P2s , A3 and P-33s. Then to Naval Air Development Center Warminster PA (SECRET PROJECT POTLID) out of Howard AFB Panama where we flew the OP2E and did the work up project for VO-67 which flew sensor missions out of THAILAND over the Ho Chi Minh trail. VO-67 had three of Vp Tens birds that many of from 10 flew on. Two of which were shot down. Got out of the Navy but couldn't hack the slow mode of civilian life and came back in. Since I couldn't get back to VP I volunteered for Vietnam and was sent to Helicopter Attack (Light) Squadron 3 where I flew 1634 combat missions as a Door Gunner hanging outside a UH1B at tree top level shooting the bad guys. I was shot down twice and wounded twice. Did three 1 year tours. What a heck of a place for a VP Sailor. I went to VAQ-130 finally got back in the VP comunity. Served with VP-50 then to NAS Miramar where I retired. Would like to hear from old Shipmates..." Website: [URL Added 06JUL2001 | 04JAN2001]
SCHNEIDER, AE2 Dan "...Attended AE "A" School (01/1969-06/1969) at NAS Jacksonville, Florida and reported to VP-31 (06/1969-05/1972) Detachment at NAS North Island, San Diego, California. I worked and flew as a crew member, training Navy and Army personnel, until the beautiful P2 Neptune was decommissioned. I was one of the chosen few left behind to train Reserve Navy, NARTU, in P2 Neptune, Grumman E-1B Tracer and Grumman S-2 Tracker. I then served with VAQ-130 (05/1972-10/1972) at NAS Alameda, California working on Douglas A3D Skywarriors. I spent 3 weeks on the aircraft carrier USS Oriskany (CVA-34), chugging our way to NS Subic Bay, Philippines, where I spent my last 6 months in the Navy. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [20AUG2011]
SEHORN, LCDR Donald D. Retired "...Enlisted 1949. First Navy School was Naval Mine Warfare in Yorktown, VA. In 1958 changed to Aviation Electricians Mate and did a short WestPac on the USS BonHomme Richard and then to VAHM-10/VP-17. Commissioned Ens.(LDO) in 1961 and then to VP-31 (the RAG), after that to VP-47 and on to VO-67 (which, in spite of what everyone thinks, was not an all volunteer squadron). From the OBSRON I was with VAQ-130 in NAS Alameda, California. From there to the USS Hancock and then to Staff, Fleet Air Alameda. Retired in 1973 and am about to do it again, I think. I would really appreciate hearing from any of my old Shipmates. I would drop a few names but there are so many and it has been so many years..." [05JAN99]
THOMAS, Ron "...I served with VAQ-130 (USS Forrestal CV-59) from 1979 to 1983, VP-19, VP-MAU NAS Moffett Field, California, NAS Dallas, Texas and VP-67 NAS Memphis, Tennessee..." [E-Mail Updated 05AUG2009 | 11OCT99 | 13FEB99]
WATERS, PO2 Ralph P. "...I served at NAS Alameda, California (VAW-13 and VAQ-130) from 1966 through 1970 as an AE on the old spads and then during the transition to the A3's made the DET 66 67-68, the DET 34 68-69 and the DET 60 on the Saratoga to the med 69-70 I remember the bad times as well as the good times but mostly all the good times..." [30DEC2004]
 "VAQ-130 Summary Page"