VAQ-132 Shipmates
JONES, Richard "Dick" "...I served with VQ-2 (1962-1965), VAQ-132 (1970) and VP-47. While with VQ-2 I flew as enlisted third seater aircrew in EA3B's. I flew a lot of missions with LCDR Dave Caswell, Mel Everhart, and Jerry Fox. My second flight squadron was VAQ-132 Scorpions aboard the USS America in 1970 in the Tonkin gulf in EKA3B's. Finished my career in 1978 with VP-47 as a mech on the T-56's. Would not call this the highlite of my career, so I retired and moved to Texas with my wife and two kids. Have not hit a lick since 1993, after I retired the second time, bought an RV and never looked back. Do as much fishing as I can and play a little golf. Have tried to locate Cdr. Caswell but have had no success. If anyone has any info I would be greatful. God bless to everyone..." [15OCT2014]
LENSSEN, Paul "...I served with VT-29 (1970-1974) as an Avionics Aircrew. I loved NAS Pensacola, Florida and playing penny ante poker with part of the Zoo Crew. I also served with VAQ-132 through 1977. I joined the reserves in Fargo, ND and went back in the TAR program and finally retired in 1995..." [05OCT2011]
MEANEY, AMCS David A. Sr. Retired "...I served with VP-92 March 1971 to September 1975, VP-23 from 1985 to 1987, VA-112 from 1966 to 1968, VAQ-132 from 1975 to 1979, NMPC-AME Detailer from 1979 to 1982, and OP-111 from 1982 to 1985..." [E-Mail Updated 12SEP2004 | E-Mail Updated 27AUG2001 | E-Mail Updated 28MAR99 | 19OCT98]
PFITZNER, Scott A. "...I served with VAQ-132 from 1975 to 1978..." [24OCT2009]
"VAQ-132 Summary Page"