VAQ-140 Shipmates
ADAMS, ADCS David L. "...I served in VP-60, (selres) From 1969-1974 as a plane captain on P-2's and transitioned to P-3's in 1974. Then Flew as a second mech with VP-90 until 1982 when I came back on active duty. I went through flight engineer training in VP-31, and joined VP-1 in Jul. 1983. I served in VP-1 until transfering to VP-22 in Aug 1988. I transfered to Navy Recruiting in 1992 in San Aantonio, Tx. In Oct 1995 I reported back to VP-1. I would like to communicate with fellow P-3 Flight engineers and Shipmates from all my past squadrons. VP-1 NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. I transfered to VAQ-141, in OCT 1997...I transferred to VAQ-141 Oct. 1997 were I am the Quality Assurance Supervisor. In December 1998, I transfer to the Senior Enlisted Academy, March 1999, I transfer to Recruiting School, Pensacola, Fl, then back to Recruiting District San Antonio, TX. in May 1999..." [BIO/E-Mail Updated 04DEC98 | 07APR98]
BENNETT, LCDR Frank "...I was a flying AO in VP-11 from 1989 until 1992. Went to The Ohio State University and returned to the Navy as an Aerospace Maintenance Officer. My first tour as an Ensign was with VAQ-140 out of NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. I then transferred to COMPACFLT Executive Transport Detachment, MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. In 2004, I finally went to my first ship's company tour on board the USS NIMITZ. Recently transferred to Commander NAVAL AIR FORCES, where I'm the Team Officer for the Aviation Maintenance Management Team. Enjoying San Diego and would love to hear from any former Shipmates..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 31JUL2006 | BIO Updated 28OCT2000 | 08MAY99]
 "VAQ-140 Summary Page"