VH-1 Shipmates
CRUM, Dale dalecrum@att.net "...I served in VH-1 PB2Y-3 squadron in the NAS Kwajalein, Marshall Islands & NAS Tanapag Harbor, Saipan, Marianas Islands from June, 1944 to May, 1945. Worked in a Test & Acceptance Squadron for all Consolidated PBY, PB2Y-3, PB4Y-2 airplanes from 1942-1944. My VH-1 Commander was Captain Adam. Would like to hear from anyone working or flying in those areas. Have written several stories of my experiences..." [23MAR2010]
HOLT, Cecil c/o His Daughter Nancy Holt spunky4bj@hotmail.com "...My father Cecil Holt was in VH-1 and then VP-13. He and I would be thrilled to find anyone knowing about or have served in these squads. I do have a name and address list of all in VH-1, and pictures of Hawaii and Saipan. He is still alive and still full of old war stories, including searches for missing planes in the Bermuda Trangle. Would more than love hearing from someone or two. Thank you..." [30MAR2000]
VENNIK, Ted c/o His Son Ed Vennik Ed@zenoroad.com "...I have recently come across my Dad's (Ted Vennik) flight log, and have been looking for more information. From what I can tell he was part of VP-210 from late 1943 through 1945. There is also mention of VH-1, but I am at a loss as to what all this means. All I do know is that the plane was a PBM3 or PBM5, and there is mention of Crew 6 and Crew 9. If anyone out there knew my Dad, or can furnish further information, I would appreciate hearing from them..." [12JUL2001]
WELLS, Joshua W. c/o His Son HM2 Joshua W. Wells Jr. USNR docnav57@yahoo.com "......I would be interested in knowing, if anyone out there would have some information, on a PBM Squadron, named VH-1. My dad was part of that squadron, and any information, that you may have would be most helpful. His name is Joshua W. Wells. If there are any crew members outthere who know of this squadron please contact me. Sincerely" [23JAN2000]
WILSON, AOM Harold E. "Buddy" c/o his son Keith E. Wilson kewilson@cyberzone.net "...My father was AOM Harold E. "Buddy" Wilson who served from October 1942 through 1945. He was in VP-213 from 10/1/43 to 2/26/44 and in Rescue Squadron 1 (VH-1) from 5/9/44 through 4/3/45 among other assignments. I have been in contact with Bob Bodge who served with him in Basic, then in Florida. Later he was in VP-202 which was stationed with VP-213. I owe him for pointing me to this site and the Navy Memorial Log. My Dad passed in 1993 but his picture is on the log (the only AOM). Any remembrances of Dad or his squadrons would be great..." [29NOV99]
 "VH-1 Summary Page"