VP-101 Crew
Crew 5
CREWs: VPB-101 Crew 5 "...Crew-165 while in PB4Y-1 and 2 training at NAAS Municipal #1 Airport at Jacksonville in early 1945. We became Crew-5 at NAAS Crows Landing, California. Photograph from the VP-101 ARM George MARTIN collection. Forwarded by Peter Bolten (Georges nephew)..." Contributed by WILSON, AT2 Robert T. Jr. helgasgardener@gmail.com [12MAY2020]
CREWs: VPB-101 Crew 5 "...Crew 165 while in PB4Y1 and 2 training at NAAS Municipal #1 Airport in Jacksonville in early 1945. Aerial gunnery was at Yellowwater,FL. This same crew became Crew 5 in VPB-101 and, later, most went to VPB-197. They are as follows: Back row, left to right: Plane Capt. AMM1/c Ralph Maggio, Ens. T.C. Moe, PPC Lt. E.R. Telling, Ens. R.N. Amluxen, AMM3/c Royal C. Main, Jr., ARM3/c Richard H. "Ric" Pearson. Front row, left to right: ARM3/c Pierce E. "Dis" Dissinger, AOM3/c Walter J. "Joe" Forney, S1/c(AMM) Walter J. "Jay" Dunaway, AOM3/c Stanley P. "Danny" Napora, ARM3/c Thomas E. McCoy and S1/c(ARM) George W. Martin..." Contributed by George Martin Tworoadrunners@aol.com [14AUG98]
CREWs: "...VPB-101 Crew at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. FDR died while we were there and lost one A.C on a training flight over the Atlantic..." Contributed by Willliam Collins [06AUG2004]
Crew A
CREWs: VPB-101 Crew A "...Photo research for a planned PB4Y-1 Model has led me to some interesting information on my Uncles' crew. My Uncle was ADRC Clarence W.( Bill or Skip) Abendschein, USNR Retired. A youthfull seventeen-year old Bill is at the far right, front row. The PPC for VP-101 Crew A was LTJG Albert Lubberts (Front Row Center). On 12-02-1944, Lubberts PB4Y-1 crew, is credited with downing four Japanese Zeros. Imagine the action and running gun battle as the nimble Zeros, attacked the ungainly Liberator. Source is, Action Reports in "Above an Angry Sea": A History of US Navy Liberators And Pivateers in the Pacific In WW2, written by Allan Carrey..." Contributed by MOTTERN, AW1 Carl Retired cfmottern@yahoo.com [01FEB2005]
Crew Unkown
CREWs: VPB-101 Crew "...LCDR Justin A. Miller's Crew - 18OCT44..." Contributed by John Lucas john.lucas@netzero.net [29AUG2003]
"VP-101 Summary Page"