VP-5 Squadron Shipmates
VPNAVY Address

ShipmateVP-108 ShipmatesShipmate

ANDREWS, James L. Wabbit_twacks06@aol.com "...I was a combat aircrewman in VB-108 (l943-1944). Our squadron was one of the early Liberator (PB4Y-1) groups. Our aircraft were painted olive drab ane we operated along with Army Air Corp 7th Air Force and Navy VD squadrons. Not too many of us left. Wabbit Twacks was our nose art and 32106 was our side number..." [17SEP2002]

BOCADE, Emil J. c/o his son M.D. Bocade holdayeng@yahoo.com "...Served with VB-108, VB-102 and VB-121 late in the war. Somewhere down the line we have lost his squadron albums. I would appreciate any information we could pass along to "Dad". Thanks for your help..." [E-Mail Updated 09NOV2010 | 04DEC98]

CALLAN, Francis timberflash@aol.com "...I was a Radio operator with VP-72 from l943-44. We took the grand tour of the Central Pacific. If any of my fellow Shipmates from VP-72 are out there I would like to hear from you. Thanks...Served with VP-108 Crew 16..." [BIO Updated 18MAY2000 | 05MAY2000]

CORNELL, Don drcornell@aol.com "...Got into the message from Major Krokoski about his Dad. "Ski" was in our crew in VP-108. Any other of that crew on line? Would like to hear from you..." [18JUL98]

Memorial Picture "...DAVIS, CDR Leslie D. "Stinky"...CDR Leslie D. "Stinky" Davis 1913-2008 who served as CO of VP-4 1954-1955. His 30 year Naval career 1928-1958 was a most colorful journey, duty assignments as a Radioman (RM) were USS Holland (AS-3), USS S-24 (SS-129), USS R-18 (SS-95), USS Jacob Jones (DD-130), USS Ashville (PG-21), NAS Key West, Florida, USS Mississippi (BB-41), USS Dewey (DD-349). In 1938 as RM1C accepted for flight training and reported to NAS Pensacola Class 111E. RM1C "Stinky" Davis (NAP 11-39) awarded his wings Dec. 12, 1938 and reported to VT-2 in the USS Lexington (CV-2) flying TBD Devastators, RMS Bellevue (Radioman School), now an RMC to British Radar School, Ontario, Canada, VJ-5, NATC NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, now LCDR Davis in 1947 reports to FAW NAS Agana, Guam as Ops Officer, then XO VPB-108 / VP-HL-8 / VP-28 MCBH Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Deployed 1948-49 to NAS Agana, Guam in PB4Y-2 as Hurricane Hunters, 1950 General Line School, Monterey, CA promoted to Commander. 1951-52 Washington DC as Navy Dept. Budget Control Officer, 1953 Asst. Chief of Staff for Communications to Adm. Beauty Martin ComNavAirForce PacFlt flew F9F-6. 1954 CO VP-4, 1956-57-58 Communications Officer NAS Moffett Field, California flew F8U Crusader...." Contributed by Steve "Andy" Andruszkewicz sgpa2zfmly@aol.com [21AUG2013]

DILLIN, Joe jdillin@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-108 and VP-128..." [26AUG2009]

DIXSON, Gilbert dgiljune@capital.net "...I served with VPB-108, VPB-117, VPB-197, and VPB-200 as replacement crews in 1944-1946. I wonder if any of the old timers remember me. I was the baseball team catcher..." [07OCT2001]

HARVILL, James R jharvill@pacbell.net"...I was lower ball turret gunner with VB-108, '43-'44. Later joined VPB-118 at Okinawa and finished the war there..."

Memorial Picture "...HOP, Harvey...I am the "old" son of my hero father - Harvey Hop. Dad died in 1999. He served with VP-22 flying PBY's out of NAS Pearl Harbor, Hawaii during the attack, VP-108 flying the PB4Y-1 then later to the RY-1 program flying Nimitz around in "The Flying Dutchman." Harlan Scott was his Chief Mechanic. I would love to hear from any former Shipmates. Bruce A. Hop bruce_hop@cinfin.com..." [28FEB2009]

Memorial Picture "...HUBBARD, CDR John R. "Jack"...My Uncle, John R. "Jack" Hubbard, passed away August 21, 2011 in Rancho Mirage, CA. He proudly served with VU-15 (06/1944-10/1944), NAS Hutchinson, Kansas (10/1944-11/1944), VPB-122, VPB-108 (10/1945-07/1946), VP-903 (07/1946-05/1947) and VP-ML-53. Jack authored the book The Route to Tokyo: World War II Experiences of Lt. Commander John R. "Jack" Hubbard, USNR..." Contributed by Elizabeth Hubbard ehubbard@punaluudata.com [16JUL2014]


MAHONEY, Jack G. c/o His Daughter Kathleen Denning katlee54@aol.com "...I am looking for anyone who remembers my dad Jack G. Mahoney. He was in VPB-108. He was a Bow Gunner in the "Super Snooper." He has mentioned Andy Anderson, Tom Idle, John Hawkins, Jimmy Collins and Nick Henz and I know there are alot more. I sure would like to make contact with anyone who was over in the Pacific with my dad. I would love to get you in contact with him. He'd enjoy talking to you. Plese e-mail me if you know him. Thank you..." [26JAN2002]

Memorial Picture Shipmate PixGary Post-Tribune (21JUL44) "...MINTON, AO1 Robert Lee...Enlisted 11-24-42 and was later assigned to VPB-108 (FAW-14) flying aboard P4BY-1 BUNO: 32124 (No Body's Baby) as a Bow Gunner. His Pilot Irwin T. WENGIERSKI and LT John. His decorations and awards included the Navy Unit Citation, WWII Victory Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross with 1 Gold Service Star, Air Medal with 3 Gold Service Stars, Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal with 1 Silver and 1 Bronze Service Star, American Campaign Medal and Commendation Ribbon...." Contributed by Laurel Jones laurel2131@att.net [24MAY2014]

Memorial Picture "...MULKINS, AMM2C Willam D. "Billy"...My father passed in 1979. He served in the Pacific with the VPB-108 and VPB-200. He with VPB-108 when they flew PB4Y-1's. My Dad always had a smile on his face when he talked about his fellow Combat Aircrew members and the missions they flew. I have his leather flight jacket with his name and the unit insignia painted on patch. It's "Bugs Bunny, VPB-108 painted on a red circle back ground and under Bug's it say's "What's up Doc". I even have a tube radio he built and used out in the Pacific. He shipped it home to Miss. It still works. The wooden shipping box still has his unit address on it, VPB-108. I would love to share the memories and photos and to fill in the blanks with his Combat Aircrew Members. Thank you. William Mulkins prussiansrule@aol.com..." [26JUN2007]

Memorial Picture "...OLSEN, Harold...My Father, Harold Olsen, was a crew member of VP-108...Jeff H. Olsen j.olsen@ssamarine.com..." [E-Mail Updated 23JUN2006 | 09MAY2000]

Memorial Picture "...PARISE, Carl...My grandfather Carl Parise from Reno, Nevada served in the VP-108 during WW2. He was awarded the DFC, the PH and several air medals. They didn't really seem to matter much to him, but they sure do to me. Lost him to heart disease January 17th, 2005. Thanks to him and all of you for your selfless giving...Doc Smith docsmith@charter.net [27JAN2005]

PMEIER, AMM1 Robert T. bepmeier@aol.com "...I am looking for any crew members from VPB-108 that served in the Pacific theater (specifically Tinian) during the period June 1945 to November 1945. I was the Plane Captain, AMM1st class, assigned to PB4Y2's. I only recall two other crew members; one had a last name of Bishop and my pilot LCDR Walter..." [26SEP2005]

Memorial Picture "...RODMAN, AMME3 Harold Dodge...I finally found my father's (Harold Dodge Rodman) notice of separation which contains the FAW-18 and VPB-108 listings. I have no idea which aircraft my dad was assigned to. As a child, I remember seeing photos of him posing with his crewmates but that documentation is long lost. I do know that he was awarded numerous medals, including the Distinguished Flying Cross and multiple Air Medal awards from his flying in the Pacific. I also knew he saw this action in 1945 from March 28 until July 28. In one instance his aircraft attacked a Japanese installation near Kozu Shima. He was on Iwo Jima for a time, the engines of his aircraft were rebuilt but a junior officer crashed the aircraft and a new one needed to be sent from other assets. His aircraft was squadron leader at some point after another aircraft failed to return from a mission. Just wondering if anyone has access to records or a way to identify his aircraft..." Contributed by David Rodman rodman@buffalo.edu [07JUN2024]

SCRANTON, Dennis scranton@midrivers.com "...I served with VPB-108 (1944-1945) and flew with Crew-1 as a Radarman for CO Muldrows. My book "Crew One: A World War II Memoir of VPB-108" is now available on Amazon..." [18OCT2014]

Memorial Picture "...SPROUSE, Thomas P...I've been piecing together my grandfather's military history and came across some papers showing my grandfather was part of the VS-2 (Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron) and VB-108 (Bombing Squadron) from November 1943 to July 1944. Unfortunately my grandfather passed away March 1980 along with his stories. I just wanted to include him here. Thank you...Shannon Greathouse gr8hse@yahoo.com..."[30MAY2007]

TREMBLAY, Norman tremdestin@aol.com "...I am looking for any one who served in VPB-108 Crew 13. We were in Pelilue, Tinian and Iwo Jima during WW2. Sure would appreciate hearing from anyone who was in the crew..." [26MAR2000]

Memorial Picture "...TUCK, Ellery F...I am sad to report that Ellery F Tuck (served with VPB-108 in WW II and VP-6 in Korean War) passed away June 25..." Contributed by Avery Booth Stone astone@prexar.com [04JUL2006]

TUCK, Ellery F. (Deceased) c/o Avery Booth Stone astone@prexar.com "...My brother, Ellery F Tuck, served VPB-108 (WWII) and VP-6 (Korea). I'd like to connect him with former Shipmates. He was at NAS Pensacola, Florida for some of his training. Any info re: his service, and any Shipmates who wish to get in touch, will appreciate it. Thanks..." [Deceased 04JUL2006 | 14JUN2006]

Memorial Picture "...TURNER, AOM2 Shirley S...My Father, AOM2 Shirley S. TURNER, served in the Pacific in WWII with VP-108 aboard PB4Y-2. I know very little about his service record and would love to know more. Any help would be appreciated..." Contributed by D. Starr dstarr@pedsuro.com [04AUG2010]

USAB, Martin (Deceased) c/o His Daugher Christine Stulik christinestulik@aol.com "...My Dad, Martin Usab, was with the VPB-108. He flew on the Privateer and the Liberator. Waist gun position and Plane Captain. My son has his squadron book, log book, medals and citations all in safe keeping. Would share all this for those who might have known Dad. I can find out the information soon. He flew on the "Nippo Nippin Kitten" and the "Flying Dutchman" I believe. If memory serves me (will check later) the crews were #11 and #13. We have lots of photographs of the crews and planes in the Pacific. Hope this helps. Will verify soon, please forgive mistakes. Sadly, he passed away in 1984. His most fond memories were of that time. His life was successful, in so many ways, we were proud to know him, and love him, Regards..." [01SEP2001]

WONDERGEM, CAPT John M. https://naval-air.org/flightlog/moreinfo.asp?UID=440 "...CAPT John M. Wondergem, USN NFL Number: 440 Date of Birth: 11/13/1922 Date In: 2/1/1942 Date Out: 9/1/1974 City, State: Metairie, LA School Attended: GeoWashington Univ Aircraft Flown: PBY, PB4Y-2, F6F, F8F, SH-3A Ship or Unit: VPB-108 - USS Wasp - HS-1 Pilot Desg.: Naval Aviator Theaters, Campaigns, etc.: WWII, Pacific Associations/Service Organizations: Assn of Nav Aviation Amer.RadioRelayLeagu Amateur Radio K5KR Highest personal decoration or award: Meritor. Serv. Medal Significant Achievements: Recovery pilot for astronaut Scott Carpenter's capsule from Aurora flight of Project Mercury - lost in western Atlantic. In Memoriam? No..." [28NOV2005]

ZUPAN, Tom tlzupan@floodcity.net "...It would be nice to hear from more of my shipmates who served in VP-108 (VPHL8) at Yonabaru NAS,Okinawa and later NAS Agana, Guam from 1946 to 1947. I did contact our Pilot of PB4Y2 793 who is moving to Pa. from NM.this summer. It will really be nice to meet him as he was a good "Joe". It's a small world now..." [12JUN2002]

"VP-108 Summary Page"