VPNAVY VP-5 Open House
VPNAVY Address

Note VP-10 NoticeNote

Note NOTICE: "...I served with RM2 Donald Scott while assigned to VP-10. Would like to hear from my former Shipmate..." Contributed by MEZIE, RMC(AC) C. L. "Lou" loustell@comcast.net [19AUG2022]

Note NOTICE: "...I have a VP-10 photo album from the squadron's days at NAS Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. There is a name in the album, W.H. Holton, and the pictures date back as early as 1934 and seem to go up to about 1940. Holton is not our family, and we'd like to get in touch!..." Contributed by Daniel Hill dhhill@avvanta.com [12JUL2012]

Note NOTICE: "...AKC Raymond Ellison (served with VP-10 from 1976-1979) suffered a Massive Stroke and is now in Bon Secours Maryview Medical Center in Portsmouth, Va. He is currently, working at CNAL in Norfolk, Va. Please send prayers out to his family..." Contributed by Anthony "Tee Jay" Johnson tjay135@gmail.com [12OCT2010]

Note NOTICE: "...Congratulations to VP-10 on earning the Navy Battle "E" for 2009!..." Contributed by BAILEY, CPO Herb Retired shbailey3@verizon.net [03MAR2010]

Note NOTICE: "...I was attached to VP-10 NAS Brunswick, Maine from December 1993 to December 1995. I am hoping that perhaps someone could help me. I lost my cruisebook for our deployment in NAS Sigonella, Sicily (July 1995 to January 1995). I am looking for information on the crew missions during that deployment. Did we go to Rwanda as well as Yugoslavia? The reason for my inquiries is I have been battling with the VA for nearly 8 yrs over some issues primariliy the radiation exposure I had when I was a blue shirt and got hit by the radar. After many years of trying and a failed marraige because of it, I believe the radar sterilzed me. It happened in February 1995 when we returned back to NAS Brunswick, Maine. I was chaining down a nearby P-3 when I heard the P-3 next to me fire up APU. All of a sudden a flashing white light appeared and I felt it immediately. Please help me with my VA claim and any information on our deployment missions will be helpful too. Very respectfuly. Matthew Zamora tencutty@yahoo.com..." [09OCT2008]

Note NOTICE: "...I'm trying to find a dear friend with whom I lost touch. I was stationed at NS Rota, Spain 1977-1979 and became friends with people assigned to VP-10 deployed there at the time. I would appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks. Linda Armitage lkarmitage@gmail.com..." [21JUN2006]

Note NOTICE: "...I am a member of the Maine Air Museum located at Bangor International Airport. We are inviting former NAS Brunswick, Maine personnel to establish a display in our museum to commemorate the rich aviation history of NAS Brunswick, Maine. VP-8, VP-10, VP-21, VP-23, VP-26 and VP-44 served there. Will help you with design suggstions. So far all we have from NAS Brunswick, Maine is a flight suit. We have a major display about Loring AFB, a small one on Dow AFB and now we need to publicize what you accomplished. Please contact me. We could use model aircraft, patches and photos etc. We are a non-profit organization. Smooth sailing...Hank Marois, Maine Air Museum, Project Manager oldcrow2@verizon.net..." [19JUL2005]

Note NOTICE: "...Navy Establishing Augment Units For All FRS's Including VP-30..." Contributed by LCDR Robert J. Cable cablerj@vp30.navy.mil [03DEC2003]

VP-30 SAU The Navy is scheduling the establishment of a Squadron Augment Unit (SAU) attached to VP-30 for 1 October, 2004. Final numbers have yet to be released, but the SAU is likely to total near 150 personnel composed of Officer and Enlisted instructors and maintenance personnel. The SAU has begun recruiting the advance party of 20 maintainers in the AD, AE, AT, AM, and AME rates. If you are interested in serving as a Selected Reservist in VP-30 SAU, have P-3 NEC's and P-3 experience within the last 6 years, and are within drilling distance of NAS Jacksonville, Florida, please call Naval Reserve Recruiting Area SE at 904-542-3320 ext 490 or the SAU OIC at 904-542-0990.

AD - Aviation Machinist's Mate    AE - Aviation Electrician's Mate    AT - Aviation Electronics Technician    AM - Aviation Structural Mechanic

Note NOTICE: "...Dear friends - I'm looking forward any information about a US Catalina, based in NAF Natal, Brazil (VP-83/VP-10),it's crew and details about the sinking of the U-507 on 13 JAN 43. Korvkpt. Harro Schacht sank 6 Brazilian ships causing Brazil to declare war on Germany. Beforehand my best regards...Luiz Carlos Myrrha myrrha@attglobal.net..." [31MAR2001]

Note NOTICE: "...To Whom It May Concern: I am currently researching a documentary for Discovery Channel USA about a Soviet Hotel Class submarine called K-19. Our film focuses on a major accident aboard K-19 on 4 July 1961, where its nuclear reactor malfunctions and eight crew die while attempting to rig an emergency cooling device. The crew saved the ship from sinking, but radiation damage was irreparable. K-19 had to be towed back on the surface over the course of several days from the accident site southeast of Jan Mayen Island to its base on the Kola Peninsula. K-19, the lead ship of the Soviet Navy's first line of SSBN's, was then on its first combat-ready patrol as part of a larger Soviet naval exercise in the Norwegian Sea code named Arctic Circle. The accident took place during the height of the Berlin Crisis, a situation which had the Cold War superpowers considering options of nuclear war. In speaking with various US Navy Admirals, Commanders and ONI Officers who remember (however vaguely) this event, I have frequently been referred to US military posts in Iceland as a point of contact. Captain Joseph F. Bouchard, Commander of Naval Base Norfolk and author of an extensive book on the Navy's involvement in various crises over the past 40 years, suggested that VP-10, VP-11, VP-21, VP-23 or VP-26 might have been deployed to NAS Keflavik, Iceland at this point in time. To lend our film historic and contextual authenticity, we would very much like to speak with any personel who were on duty in Iceland in 1961, specifically during the summer months. We are also very eager to find photographs of this incident, as they have proven so far to be impossible to locate. What I have been told regarding American response to the K-19 incident is that a P2V Neptune would have been sent out to photograph the submarine, and that bases in Iceland would have been the origins for such an operation.

If anyone feels they can direct us to any resources or people that might be able to assist us in our search, I would very much appreciate it. Kind regards, Robin Waite, Head Researcher. CineNova Productions Inc., 468 King St. West, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5V 1L8. Phone: 416-363-2600...Robin Waite rwaite@cinenova.net..." [06APR2002]

UPDATE "...our film about K-19, the Soviet SSBN, will be broadcast on Discovery Channel tomorrow evening Thursday July 25th. It's titled: "K-19: Doomsday Submarine"... Robin Waite rwaite@cinenova.net..." [24JUL2002]

UPDATE "...I have already spoken today with a former VP pilot who remembers being briefed about the incident. Finding these little anecdotes is very helpful for our production - the incident was so long ago, even the fact that someone remembers it is significant! To those interested, our film will be airing on Discovery Channel USA in the summer of this year. Thanks! Robin Waite rwaite@cinenova.net..." [09APR2002]

Note NOTICE: "...I'm speech writer for a 3-star Admiral who will soon be retiring Captain Gavin D. Lowder. Captain Lowder served in VP-11 from 1974-1978 timeframe in NAS Brunswick, Maine deploying to NS Rota, Spain, the NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, and NAS Bermuda as NFO Training Officer. He served with CPW-5 in the late 1982 timeframe as Weapons Training Officer and Force Training Officer, joining VP-10 in September 1985. I'd like to hear from anyone who knew and served with him...Kea Hessler k-kea.hessler@cnet.navy.mil..." [11JUN2003]

Note NOTICE: "...I am looking to find one of my Shipmates from the VP-10 NAS Brunswick, Maine. His name is Eric B. Dillion. I was enlisted June 1970-June 1974. If anyone has any info please contact me via e-mail. Thank You...Roger K. Willis rkwillis100@hotmail.com..." [02FEB2002]

Note NOTICE: "...I'm looking for John Hynes. When I left the Red Lancers he was a LT and NAVCOM on Crew 11. "MONTE'S PYTHONS". Anyone with info please respond...David L. Sisk polka18@frontiernet.net..." [21JAN2002]

Note NOTICE: "...I'm hoping someone can help me out here. My dad, John Robert Kelley, was in VP-10 in NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1972-1973, and he's looking for his old buddy George Lauze, who lived in Lewistown, Maine during that time. If anyone has any information on George Lauze, or if you know a John Kelley from Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, please contact me. Dad doesn't have a computer, so I'm posting this message for him. Thank you!!...John Kelley (c/o daughter Melissa Kelley) melissak@netcarrier.com..." [07JUL2001]

Note NOTICE: "...I was stationed in VP-10 1987-1991. I am looking for Kenny Smith. He was working in airframes when I left. Anyone with any info please email. Thanks...Mandy O'Brien kmpspreng@yahoo.com..." [16JUN2001]

Note NOTICE: "...Does anyone know where I can get in touch with one Stanley W. Walker, AD1, VP-69 1979 thru 1983, if so, please let me know....VANLANDINGHAM, Jim "The Porker" p3-orion-fe@home.com..." [30MAY2001]

Note NOTICE: "...I am building an online roster of VP-10 members. Past or present. Send me an email for address and listing info...SWANCEY, ATN Wade tarantula1951@gmail.com..." [01APR2001]

Note NOTICE: "...Greetings VP-10 types. I'm putting a note out about a good friend of mine and yours who is fighting a serious illness, Lt Jerry Sadler -87-91. If you would like to send a hello to him and Teresa I will forward your email. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers during their difficult time...Stu Williams stuwilliams@me.com..." [16MAY99]

Note NOTICE: "...If anyone out there knows how I can get in touch with Rick Drury, EX VP-10 and VP-90 - please let me know. Thanks...Barry Fulgham pkr04@aol.com..." [23JAN2000]

Note NOTICE: "...Looking for help finding a "yearbook" for VP-10 from 1951-1954. Any assistance is appreciated. This is to be a surprise for my dad (Richard LaPeter)...Richard LaPeter outlook_2c13322a7d408767@outlook.com..." [27OCT98]

Note NOTICE: "...I would like to get in contact with AT1 P J Casper last known squadron VP-10 and AT1 Travis Burnett last known squadron in Hawaii. If anyone knows them please pass on my Email adress. Thank you....AT1(AW/NAC) Jay R. Bachrach jrbachrach@yahoo.com..." [08APR98]

UPDATE "...I've heard from Casper but no word from Burnett. Thanks!..." [12NOV99]

"VP-10 Summary Page"