VP-11 Neptune Association
Contributed by Dick Reed rwmreed@aol.com
Unscheduled Reunions
Many of you get together with VP-11 alumni either regularly or on occasion. In either event, we'd like to hear about them and share the news.
From Phil Connell
"This is to report that there was a mini VP-11 Neptune Assoc. reunion held in Mathews, VA on March 31, 1999. It was hosted by Sally Bet and dunbar Lawson and was attended by Betty and Fred Sallade and Phil Connell. I am not saying that Matthews is "out in the country," but it ook me so long to get there, I almost had to turn around and start back before I got there. But, since I was past the point of no return I went all the way. I wasn't going to pass up a free lunch at Dunbar's expense. The lunch, by the way, was delicious and Sally Bet proved to be a most gracious hostess as always. It was nice to visit with old friends and Fred said I could say that not a single lie was told."
Newsletter Table of Contents
A Message From The President Our Mission The Association Treasury Malta Deployment/EurFam The Balkans Crisis We Need Your Opinion... The Pensacola Yearbook Unscheduled Reunions More Sea Stories Bios on Parade Famous Quotes? Editors Note Other Stuff'n such And More!!!
"VP-11 Neptune Association"