VP-11 Neptune Association
Contributed by Dick Reed rwmreed@aol.com
A Message From The President
Our group thoroughly enjoyed the return to Malta. We have not heard any complaints about the trip, in fact high praise was the order of the day. Rome, Malta, Athens and the cruise were all great!!!! We did run in to a glitch in Malta and it concerned "Andy" Andersen. It seems that when we checked our bags in Malta for our return to Rome all the bags were listed as belonging to Andy. The bags were checked through to Athens and upon arrival guess which bag was missing and never recovered.
You guessed it----Andys. Andy however, being a seasoned traveler, packed enough in his "carry on" to get him through the rest of the trip.
Newsletter Table of Contents
A Message From The President
Malta Revisited
2000 Norfolk Area Reunion
Bios On Parade
Do You Remember?
From the Editor
More From Zeke
Famous Quotes
And More!!!
"VP-11 Neptune Association"