VP-11 Patches
LOGOs: VP-11 Patch Contributed by Chuck Friday chuck.rcs1962@gmail.com [29MAR2013]
LOGOs: VP-11 Logo Contributed by MIGDALEK, AO3 Bruce Duckadder@aol.com [12MAY2003]
LOGOs: VP-11 Logo "...Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [09APR2002]
LOGOs: VP-11 Logo Contributed by Bob Nelson sudabay@aol.com WebSite: http://members.aol.com/SUDABAY/index.html
LOGOs: VP-11 Logo "1959-1962" Contributed by Jack Steventon buddlake130@aol.com
LOGOs: VP-11 Logo "1959-1962" Contributed by Jack Steventon buddlake130@aol.com
LOGOs: "...Dear Sir: (1)The insignia was originated by this squadron on 1 July 1936. The squadron was at that time commanded by Lt. Cmd. L.A.Pope, U.S. Navy. The artist was R.S.Price, aviation cheif machinist mate, then and now attached to Patrol Squadron Eleven...(2)The insigna portrays the head of Odin, the cheif of the Gods in Norse mythology, as well as the god of wisdom and war. The two ravens in the insignia were sent out by Odin, each day from his Valhalla home to bring back news of the world. Thus is represented the scouting mission of this squadron. The Anglo-Saxon equivalent of the name Odin is Wodin, from which Wedensday(Wodin Day) was derived...(3)A colored photograph of the insignia is enclosed. The blue represents Odin's heavenly mantle...(4)The Navy Department approved this insignia for use by Patrol Squadron Eleven on 3 March, 1937...R.D. Lyon, Lt. Cmdr. USN, Commanding..." Contributed by JOHN H. LEMLEY jhlemley54@hotmail.com WebSite: http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/6439/ [E-Mail Updated 25MAR2001 | Updated WebSite URL 06SEP98 | 04SEP98]
LOGOs: VP-11 Patch Contributed by William T. Larkins wtl@ccnet.com [10SEP98] U.S. Navy Aircraft 1921-1941, U.S. Marine Corps Aircraft 1914-1959: Two Classics in One Volume [Appendix D Squadron Insignia] by William T. Larkins "...The insignia of Patrol Squadron Eleven portrays the Head of Odin, the Chief of Gods and Norse mythology, as well as the God of Wisdom and War. The two ravens shown in the insignia were sent out by Odin each day from his home, Valhalla, to bring him news of the world, thus representing the scouting mission of the squadron. The Anglo-Saxon equivalent of the name Odin is Woden, from which Wednesday (Woden's Day) was derived. The squadron was placed in commission on Wednesday, 1 July 1936. Colors: Shield, light and dark blue; ravens, black with yellow beaks; beard and hair, yellow; eyes, blue; helmet, gold; wings on helmet, orange and gold; headband, orange and black; stars, white. VP-11F to VP-54 to VP-51..." [10SEP98]
LOGOs: VP-11 Patch "...The National Geographic Magazine June, 1943 Pages 715 through 722" http://www.nationalgeographic.com/..." [07MAY99]
"VP-11 Summary Page"