VP-5 Squadron Shipmates
VPNAVY Address

ShipmateVP-11 ShipmatesShipmate

ABBOTT, ADJ2 Kenneth kenabbott@att.net "...I served with VP-30 (1968-1970) at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 2nd Shift in Maint Control and then Engine Shop and VP-11 NAS Brunswick, Maine (1970-1971) in Power Plants QA. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [01MAY2013]

ABRAHAM, Max Cohen cohenmky@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-11 right out of boot camp in January 1956. After cleaning the CPO barracks for three months, as a non-designated AA, I was assigned to the AE shop. In June 1956 we deployed to Malta in support of Suez crisis. We were in the process of transitioning from P2V5's to P2v7's. Because of the urgency, we deployed with brand new unpainted P2v7's. It was quite a sight as the British thought we were a new type of spy aircraft. Sure would like to find photos of those unpainted aircraft and a patch of 1956 version of VP-11. Thanks..." [17JUL2024]

ABRAHAMSON, George abes45@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 from August 1963 to September 1965..." [08AUG2009]

ADAMS, AMHC(AW) Dean Retired d_adams65@hotmail.com "...Living in Milton FL and teaching at NAS Pensacola, Florida as a Civil Service instructor for AM "A" School. VX-1 77-81, VP-31 81-84, NMPC Sea Duty Det 84-88, pushed recruits at Great Lakes from 88-93, VP-11 93-96 and was a Training Officer for a school at NATTC NAS Pensacola, Florida from 96 till retirement in Jan, 99. Sure miss all the great friends over the years, especially the "Group-W Bench" in 11..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 06OCT2001 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 12OCT99 | 29MAY98]

ALKIRE, Daniel E. danielalkire@ymail.com "...I served with VP-50 (1965-1968), VP-46 as a FE and QA Division Chief, VP-30 and VP-11. Presently reside in Payette, Idaho and would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 13OCT2014 | 23APR2014]

ALLEN, Justin jayzfarm@aol.com "...I was a Marine Security Guard stationed at NAS Brunswick, Maine from March 1989 to July 1990, VP-23, VP-10 and VP-11. My exwife worked in the AIMD parachute shop as a parachute rigger. I have many fond memories of my Navy and Marine Corps buddies and think of the good times often. God Bless you all and I miss seeing you guys. Semper Fidelis and God speed. Anyone who served in at NAS Brunswick, Maine please contact me. Thank you all..." [26JUL2004]

AMBURGEY, AT1 Robert C. ramburgey94@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-49 (1960-1964), VP-18 (1964-1968), VP-21 (1968-1969), NATTC NAS Memphis, Tennessee (1970-1973), VP-11 (1973-1978) as a Radio Operator and NADC (Warminister) Johnsville, Pennsylvania (1978-1981)..." [BIO Updated 16MAY2013 | 10MAY2013]

ANCHERANI, ADJ3 Ron "Ank" ancherani425@epix.net "...I served with VP-11 (P2s and P-3's) at NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1966 to 1969 with deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland, NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, NS Rota, Spain, and NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 28AUG2009 | 07SEP2000]

ANDERSON, Gary gpanders@adelphia.net "...I served with VP-11 from 1976 to 1980. I worked in the AME Shop and deployed to NS Rota, Spain and NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. Looking forward to hearing from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 20OCT2004 | 16FEB2003]

ANDERSON, Rose littlerudegirl@hotmail.com "...Hello to all VP-11 folk out there! I served with Lovin' Eleven from Jan 95-Aug 96. Just looking for some old friends to drop me a line..." [26MAR98]


ARMOCIDA, James james.armocida@fedex.com "...I would like to take a moment to say hello to everyone. To see so many of my Shipmates names listed here does bring back some memories. I served with VP-11 from 1989 to 1993 for two NAS Sigonella, Sicily deployments and one NS Roosevelt Roads, PR deployment. I was the NAVCOM then later the TACCO on CAC 9 during this time. I am currently a consultant with FedEx..." [29OCT2000]

ARMSTRONG, AZC Thomas L. pappy1tom@aol.com "...I joined VP-11 in May 1983 while they were on deployment to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. I was a non-designated airman (was prior service). Made AZ3 off the September 1983 exam. Made a deployment to NAS Bermuda and another to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. Left the squadron in May of 1987 as an AZ2. Since leaving NAS Brunswick, Maine. I have been stationed at COMNAVAIRLANT, Norfolk (made AZ1 there) 87-90, VA-35 NAS Oceana (made AZC there) 90-93, COMATKWINGLANT NAS Oceana 93-96, VF-143 NAS Oceana 96-99 and am currently onboard USS Enterprise (CVN-65). Will be retiring 31MAR00. Even though it has been almost 14 years since I left Lovin' Eleven I still think about the good times I had while there. Hard to believe it's been that long ago. I have 3 grandkids now. I still see a few of the people around in the fleet. AZC Walt Lahtuk is at COMNAVAIRLANT, AT1 Bob Gulyas is onboard Enterprise with me. I will never forget the people I made friends with in VP-11. Who could forget guys like Rusty Barnes, Jerry Bingham, John Dunlap, Chuck Heffner, Dewayne Cornish and of course Marvelous Merv Kilgore. Anyone out there who remembers me drop me an e-mail. Take care! FLY THE BEST AND FIX THE REST!..." [17NOV99]

ARRAZOLA, Lou "King Louie" enynlou@omeganet.es "...I was stationed in both VAQ-33 (90 & 91) & VP-11 (92 - 96)..."

ASHKENES, Ira iashkenes@verizon.net "...I served with VP-11 an IS from 1981 thru 1984. I did two tours NAS Keflavik, Iceland during those years. I have since settled in Manassas, Virginia and work as a UNIX systems consultant/programmer for a telecommunications company. I would love to hear from my old Shipmates. 'Lovin Eleven - anytime, anywhere'..." [E-Mail Updated 30DEC2003 | E-Mail Updated 30NOV2001 | 14MAR98]

AXELROD, Joel ax41945@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1962 to 1965. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 10JUN2011 | 28MAR98]

AUDET, P. tomcat_230@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-49 from 1989 to 1993 then VP-11 from 1993 till 1995 then got stuck going to the fighter comunity at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland untill 98. Now I am seperated and would love to here from any one that I might have served with during these times..." [02MAR2000]

AUSTIN, Gene jgaustin@hmcltd.net "...I served with VP-11 from January 1963 until February 1966. I was 2nd mech on LE-9 BUNO: 148341 for LT Ihly from February 1963 to May 1963 while deployed to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. I took over as Plane Captain on LE-2 BUNO: 145918 for LCDR Thurston and later LCDR McKissock until I left the squardon in February 1966. Logged a lot of hours with a bunch of good men. Thanks for the good times..." [21JUL2000]

BABCOX, NC1(AW/NAC) Robert Retired bobnancybabcox@aol.com "...I served with VP-30, VP-11 and retired from VP-46. I had some good times it is too bad we are disestablishing all these great Squardons and ships at the cost of our own freedom and to make a politician(s) feel better..." [15OCT2008]

Memorial Picture "...BACHHOFER, ADCS Jack...Jack Bachhofer died early Saturday morning May 30th, 2010. Jack served with VP-1, VP-11 and AIMD NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Jack will be missed..." Contributed by McCOMAS, AVCM Finis "Mac" mcporet@newwavecomm.net [11OCT2010]

BAGNALL, AT1 Laird RC2151@aol.com "...I was in the VPNavy from 1979-1988. 1980-82 NAS Brunswick, Maine. AIMD Work Center 690. 1982-85 VP-11, TAD to AIMD same W/C. Deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland, in 1982, and 1983. Deployment to NAS Bermuda 1984. Instructor at NATTC Det-11, NAS Jacksonville, Florida. USM-449 instructor 1985-86. NAF Mayport, FL AIMD 1986-88. I am looking for a shipmate named Jeffery Karr Nichols, we were stationed together in VP-11. His rank was AD-1, in 1985. Any information would be greatly appreciated..." [14DEC98]

BAILEY, AT1 Deanna deesnow412@aol.com "...I was with VP-11 from 1991 to 1995, Force Aircraft Test Squadron in NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from 1995 to 1998, VP-1 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington from 1998 to 2002 and for my final duty did a Corrections tour at the Naval Consolidated Brig in Charleston, SC. I am currently an Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator at a gear manufacturing plant in Charleston. Would love to hear from anyone I was stationed with..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 29NOV2006 | 08JAN99]

BAILEY, CPO Herb Retired shbailey3@verizon.net "...I served with VX-1 (1962 to 1965), VP-10 (1965 to 1968), VP-11 (1973 to 1976), VXN-8 (1976 to 1979) and retired in1979. It was great duty and I'm enjoying retirement. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 26OCT2009 | 03MAR98]

BAILEY, Scott fourx4play@hotmail.com "...I served in VP-11 from 95 to decom. I then went to VP-8 in the mass move. Left I-level to become an IFT. I am currently in VP-30 in training, desparately trying to get back to Maine. Anyone who wants to drop me a line..." [29FEB2000]

BAIRD, LDO Dennis Retired dennisb@fidnet.com "...I served with VP-40 (1976-1980), Navy Recruiting District St. Louis, MO (1980-1983), VP-11 (1983-1994), CPRW-5 and CPWL. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [03DEC2013]

BALDRIDGE, Doug flyguy3@msn.com "...I was a FE and I served with VP-11, VP-17, VP-30, VP-31 and VP-46..." [03JUN2007]

BANKS, Stephen lancemen@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (09/1976-07/1979) at NAS Brunswick, Maine with deployments to NAS Bermuda and NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal..." [11JUL2014]

BARBOT, ED EBARBOT@VINSON.NAVY.MIL "...Hello to all VP-11 Proud Pegasus especially those I served with from Nov 80 to May 84. I was an AX2 working in the AT shop. Did 2 deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and many short dets to Lajes, NAS Bermuda, France, and Scotland. From VP-11 I transfered to AIMD, NAS Cecil Field Jul 84-Jun 85; VQ-1 Apr 86-Apr 89 and flew as a Radio Operator; NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, VR DET May 89-Jun 92 Radio Op for CINCPACFLT; NAWS China Lake Jul 92-Jul 95; Aug 95-to present AIMD USS Carl Vinson CVN 70 homeported in Bremerton, Washington. I retire in 6 months during my final WESTPAC cruise. Would love to hear from old squadron mates. Have not served with a better outfit than VP-11..." [06OCT98]

BARKER, AMCS David Retired dbarker6636@charter.net "...I served with VC-61, VJ-61, VP-61, VP-47, ATU-401, VW-13, VP-11 (August 1957 to February 1958), VT-7, VP-44, VP-50 (1969 to 1971) and retired in 1971. I am having trouble confirming that while serving we VP-50 - I was at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam while we were in the Philippines. I was the one that got the plywood to remodel the Beer Mess for a case of beer. I hope someone will remember. I was the Senor Chief in QA..." [BIO Updated 03JAN2010 | 11MAY2006]

BARR, AE2 Briane bjbarr@myfairpoint.net "...I served with VP-11 (1964-1967) at NAS Brunswick, Maine. I flew aboard a P2V-7 with Crew-12 (LE12) as Jez, Mad and Radio. I went to P-3B FE School and was the FE on Crew-12 until my discharge in 1967..." [10SEP2012]

BARRELL, Jeff jub1185@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1986 to 1992. I flew with CAC-11 in NAS Keflavik, Iceland (1988/1989) with the "Duffyman" burning the midnight oil, CAC-1 in NAS Sigonella, Sicily (1990) with the "Ghostriders in Hell" and finally CAC-6 on the split - Never forget the "Flying Pigs". I miss all my Shipmates from this treasured part of my professional career. Would enjoy to hear from any of you..." [29MAR2009]

BARTLETT, AN Brian K. texasyankee7@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-44 from 1989 till its disestablishment. I moved to VP-11 til 1993 when my time was up. I really enjoyed going to NAS Keflavik, Iceland, and NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. NAS Sigonella, Sicily was a real nifty place also. I was stationed at NAS Brunswick, Maine and am sad to see it close due to BRAC..." [30JUN2006]

BATSON, John S. jbatson@uno.edu "...I served with VP-11 in NAS Brunswick, Maine from August 1958 through June 1960. I was an enlisted man and worked in the communications office. During that two-year period, VP-11 deployed to NS Rota, Spain from March to August 1959. We also spent a month in NAS Keflavik, Iceland in January-February 1960. I was a yeoman third class when I left active duty. I recently learned that the NAS Brunswick, Maine has closed. Currently, I manage public radio station WWNO in New Orleans. The University campus where I work, was a NAS until it closed in 1957. I joined the naval air reserves attended my first weekend drills here before we moved to the NAS in Belle Chasse, LA..." [02AUG2002]

BAYNE, MACS John L. Retired baynej@westelcom.com "...I served with VP-11 (1956-1960), VP-30 (1960-1964), VP-21 (1964-1968) VT-1, VA-81, USS Forrestal, COMNAVACTSUK back to USS Forrestal and on to N.I.S. Norfolk. Glad to be a part of this VP community. Looking forward to a Reunion with VP-21 in Sept. 99..." [28FEB99]

BEAUMONT, AT2 Gerald L. gerald@wireweb.net "...I was in VP-11 CAC-6 as the "Jesus-Freak" IFT. I wore my ball cap and Helmet on most flights. From 1985 Thru 1988. Ya can't fly without the IFT..." [16SEP2000]

BEAUREGARD, Roland rfb@tdstelme.net "...Spent two Pacific combat years with VPB-11 as Plane Captain of crew 6 during 1943 and 44. I am amused by the PBY-5 speed statistics on the first page. I would like to have a picture of ANY PBY-5 that reached 195 miles per hour,with or without a bomb load. As i recall we didn't have one plane that reached more than 85,loaded. A pby couldn't go 195 straight down. One of our planes covered a 23 hour patrol in 43 and they never would have had the fuel if the 195 mph was anything other than a figment of somebody's imagination; OR lifted from Japanese captured documents which estimated that speed for PBY-5's That is why most PBY's were not hit by gunfire because the gunners were "leading" based on a much higher than actual speed. Perhaps somebody else has already picked up on this booboo..." [09JUN99]

BEAZLEY, Carl cdbeaz@aol.com "...I was in VP-11 from 55 to Aug 57. I was 2nd Mech. on Crew #-1 and then Plane Captain on Crew #-8. I would like to hear from some old buddies..." [02JUL98]

BECK, YN3 Mike max1842@twcny.rr.com "...I served with VP-26 in 1961 (for one year) with a deployment to NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine with a deployment to NAS Keflavik, Iceland, left active duty and served 2 more years in the Naval Reserve. I spent the next 20 to 25 years vacationing in Maine and Boothbay Harbor. I always remembered my time with VP-11 and VP-26. Those were the best years of my life and some of the best personnel ever. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [17SEP2010]

BEELER, Jack Lee Sonett73@Hotmail.com "...Served in VP-11 from June 1982 till January 1985. AW SS3 with CAC-8. Served with the best; LCDR Sakre, Lt. Sherman, Lt. Kokron, Lt. Harris, LTJG. Henderson, AD1 Murray, AMH2 Hess, AW1 Bill Masters, AW3 Bill Waldron, AO1 Mike Dyer and most of all ATC James Duley. I hope you are all doing well..." [14SEP99]

BENNETT, AMSC Chuck Retired chuckndi@webtv.net "...Duty stations were; VP-26 1972-1975, NADC Warminster 1975-1978, NAS Keflavik, Iceland 1978-1981, VQ-2 1981-1984, VP-11 1984-1989, AIMD NAS Jacksonville, Florida 1989-1992. Living now in Florida doing what every Chief dreams of, drinking coffee for a living working for Maxwell House Coffees in Jax. Any OLD Shipmates drop me a line. Would love to hear from you..." [06NOV98]

BENNETT, LCDR Frank fbennett@san.rr.com "...I was a flying AO in VP-11 from 1989 until 1992. Went to The Ohio State University and returned to the Navy as an Aerospace Maintenance Officer. My first tour as an Ensign was with VAQ-140 out of NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. I then transferred to COMPACFLT Executive Transport Detachment, MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. In 2004, I finally went to my first ship's company tour on board the USS NIMITZ. Recently transferred to Commander NAVAL AIR FORCES, where I'm the Team Officer for the Aviation Maintenance Management Team. Enjoying San Diego and would love to hear from any former Shipmates..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 31JUL2006 | BIO Updated 28OCT2000 | 08MAY99]

BEST, AD3 Alan Wayne alan@vedco.com "...I served with VP-11 (1981-1984) with two deploymnents to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and one deployment to NAS Bermuda and NAS Kingsville, Texas (1985-1987)..." [E-Mail Updated 06JAN2015 | 24OCT2013]

BICKERS, AW1 Brad bradley.bickers@navy.mil "...I'm currently serving with COMPATRECONWING-2 at MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. I started out in VP-11 from 07/94-10/96, then went on to VP-4 from 96-99 when I went to TSC 1294 in NAS North Island, San Diego, California. I came back to VP-4 for round 2 in 2001. In 2005 I left for a short 1 year tour to VP-40 in NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. Now after 7 deployments and 13 years, I'm finally doing a full shore tour at CPRW-2. Back in da'islands..." [04OCT2006]

BLOOD, David blood@htn.net "...Proudly served with VP-11 and still relish the memories. If anyone can find my old PPC CDR Darrell G. Morgan call me. Duck season is around the corner and I owe him a trip..." [15SEP2004]

BLOOD, David C. bloodsace@webtv.net "...I served in VP-11 from 1982- 1989. I started out as a ground pounder in the AME/PR shop. I started flying as a second mech in 1984 and went to FE school in NAS Jacksonville, Florida during 1985. I did three NAS Keflavik, Iceland tours, one NAS Bermuda tour and one NS Rota, Spain/ NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal tour as well. I went to Naval Air Development Center in 89 and left there in 1990 back to NAS Jacksonville, Florida at NAS Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida with CLAW ONE. I left the NAVY in 1991 and entered the civilian sector. I work for the STATE of Florida in Law Enf. I sure do miss the wonderful people and the times we had in the VP community. I am currently working on my civilian rating in single engine aircraft..." [17OCT99]

BOBBITT, AFCM Ben benjamin.bobbitt@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1991-1996) as a FE (instructor) and currenly with NAVal AIR SYStems COMmand (NAVAIRSYSCOM)..." [10AUG2013]

BODEN, AMH1 (AW) Pete Retired pboden19@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-11 from December 1988 to May 1994 and a tour with VP-44 from April 1982 to October 1985. I am currently serving with VP-45 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida...I retired 3 years ago and have continued seeing more of the world than I thought I would. I work for a Mechanical Contractor and have enjoyed those perdiem checks that we have heard of but never seen. If your browsing the boards give me a shout..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 08JAN2007 | 29JAN2000]

BOETTCHER, Mark markboettcher@yahoo.com "...I served in VP-11 from May 1973 as an ATAN to Nov 1978 as an AT2. During that time I made 2 deployments each to NAS Bermuda and NS Rota, Spain. From there went to NAF Mildenhall for 3 years, NAS Sigonella, Sicily for 3 years and then recruiting at NRD Boston for 3 years. Thanks for all the great times Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 10MAR2002 | E-Mail Updated 24JAN2000 | 08FEB98]

BONNETT, AT2 Robert C. rcbonn9@alltel.net "...I served with FASRON-107 from 1958 to 1959 and VP-11 until December 1960. I was an AT2 and worked in the shop..." [11NOV2006]

BONTER, Rob tigerslam01@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-11 NAS Brunswick, Maine from March 1960 to October 1962. Our CO's during that time period were CDR Burton, CDR Vance Horswell, CDR Wm. L. Hudspeth, and CDR Neal. I was with the NAS Keflavik, Iceland Detachment during the split deployment of August 1960 to January 1961. I remember being the last Shipmate to clean up and leave the mess hall the night of December 26, 1960, while listening to my Philadelphia Eagles defeat Green Bay 17-13 for the NFL title, over the AFRN. No one was allowed liberty to Reykjavik the five months we were at NAS Keflavik, Iceland. I found out what a shame this was, when, for one month in 1962 we returned to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and a Shipmate and I got liberty in Reykjavik. I STILL have pictures of us with three Icelandic girls we met. Miss Iceland won the Miss Universe contest that year. They all looked like Miss Universe. I was squadron mail orderly and attached to the Information and Education Office..." [10JAN2004]

BOUNDY, Paul G. p432o@persnet.navy.mil "...I served on CAC-5 in VP-11 from 1976 to 1979. I found myself on the west coast and could not get back east or into a VP squadron anywhere. I finished out my time in ASWOC/TSC NAS Adak, Alaska. I am currently working for the Navy in the Aviation Officer Detailing Division..." [07NOV2001]

BOUQUET, Jim jbouquet@summitenv.com "...I was a second mech in VP-11 from 1973 to 1976. Looking back now, what a special time. To be so high up on the arch of life at 21. Maybe a curse, as not much in civilian life can compare. I am trying to find detailed information on the 1977 VP-11 Mishap in the Canary Island. I few with Jim Ingles, the PPC, for 2 years and he was one of the finest men and pilots I ever had the privilege of flying with. As the accident report seemed like quite a cover-up to me, reflecting poorly on the pilot and crews. I would like to access more detialed informaion on the accident. Eyewitness reports, accident site observation notes, photos, etc. Where do I turn and can anyone help?..." [E-Mail Updated 05MAR2007 | 01JUL99]

BOURGEOIS, Dennis L. dlbourg@msn.com "...I had 2 VP tours. My first VP was with VP-11 out of NAS Brunswick, Maine from July/August 1963 to March/April 1965. At that time VP-11 was flying P2Vs. My second VP tour was with VP-24, first in NAS Norfolk, Virginia then NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, from August 1966 to August 1970. Early in this tour VP-24 transitioned from the P2V to the P-3C..." [BIO Updated 04JAN2002 | 08OCT97]

BOWMAN, Christopher clb67273@aol.com "...I was fortunate enough to be with VP-11 from 83 to 86. I was the IRDS Tech who was always getting into trouble with AIMD because I fixed the system on the airplane. Reported to the squadron in NAS Keflavik, Iceland, did the the NAS Bermuda thing and back to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. I spent 12 more years in the Navy at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, NAS Cubi Point, Philippines, NSF Diego Garcia, NAS Misawa, Japan and NAS Oceana. I, by far, had the best time and met the best people in VP-11. I am still an infrared guy. I now work as a tech rep for Lockheed Martin Electronics and Missles..." [12DEC98]

BOZICH, Robert RobertBozich@TAPnet.net "...Hi Shipmates. Began flying P2Vs with VP-11 in 66 and transitioned to P-3As 67. Went to NPGS 70-72. Ships company, CATCC, on the Kennedy 72-74. Primary instructor in VT-1 NAAS Saufley Field, Florida, 74-76. Back to flying P-3Bs with VP-44 in 76 and transitioned to P-3Cs in 77. Defense Mapping Agency, St. Louis, Program Manager on Navigational Moving Map Displays from 80-84. Retired in 84. Currently Program Manager with Allied Signal..." [30AUG98]

Memorial Picture "...BRACKEN, ADJC Harold J. "Harry" Shipmate Pix ..My Dad, ADJC Harold J. Bracken, passed away on July 28, 2013 (he was 90 years old). Dad enlisted on 8/10/1940 (his mother had to sign because he wasn't 18 yet). He served with VP-11 (1952-1955) and VX-6 (1957-1963) including Operation Deep Freeze III, IV, 60, 61 and 62 as Plane Captain on the P2V-7 and C-130B. Dad flew as a Flight Engineer, Plane Captain, Taxi Pilot and Quality Control Inspector. Dad was on the flight that discovered a mountain range and had Bracken Peak named in his honor. He then served with VR-1 from 1963 until he retired on 9/16/1966. ..." Contributed by Patricia Bracken Biscoe patricia_20650@yahoo.com [BIO/PIX Updated 01OCT2013 | 29SEP2013]

BRADLEY, John Hull hullbradleygt2@msn.com "...I spent 20 tears in the Navy from December 3, 1953 through October 12, 1972. I spent many years in VP squadrons. I served with VP-11 brunswick, VP-9 alameda, VP-46 moffet, VU-10 NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and VA-144 NAS Miramar. I had a good time - no regrets..." [21JAN2003]

BRAUNFELS, AT3 Dick 67gto@roadrunner.com "...I served with VP-11 (Lovin' Eleven) from 1968 to 1971. I was one of the imfamous "Circuit Salts". They were really great times..." [E-Mail Updated 18OCT2007 | E-Mail Updated 26SEP2006]

BRITTINGHAM, CAPTAIN Mike Retired captemb@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1963-1966) with deployments to NAS Sigonella, Sicily, NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada and NAS Keflavik, Iceland, VP-49 (1970-1972) with deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland, Commander Fleet Air Wings - Atlantic (1972-1975), Commander Task Force Sixty-Seven (1975-1976) at NAF Naples, Italy and retired October 15th, 1985..." WebSite: http://www.aswpress.com/ [BIO Updated 13MAR2015 | E-Mail Updated 12MAR2015 | E-Mail Updated 14MAR2007 | 22SEP99]

BROWN, David ptdontherock@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-11 from Oct 72 thru April 75. Just wondering if there is any others out there that served during the same period. I was an ADJ and worked in AIMD for a while. After I got out I went to work for Lockheed building the aircraft..." [09DEC99]

BROWN, AEC James Retired jim@rlpco.com "...Good to see so many old names from the VP Navy. Was in the following squadrons: VP-11 Aug 1962-Nov 1963, VP-2 Oct 64-May 66, VP-46 71-73, VP-30 74-76, VP-19 76-79, MAD operator in the P2's and flight Engineer on the P-3. Retired June 1979 as AEC. Many good memories of deployments and Ready Alert. Anyone that remembers me please contact me and we'll swap old stories. Froggie. Anyone rember the barf bag salids?..." [04FEB2002]

BUCKLEY, John F. tigrathewarriorxxx@yahoo.com "...Enlisted July 1952. Boot caamp at Bainbridge, MD. Ordered to NAS Pensacola, Florida. Attached to O&R Department. Transfered to VP-18 NAS Jacksonville, Florida from July 1955 to June 1957. Transfered to ZX/VX-1 NAS Boca Chica, Florida. Transfered to VP-10NAS Brunswick, Maine with a TAD to VP-30 NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Got to NAS Brunswick, Maine December 1959, in time for deployment to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. Transfered to NAS Brunswick, Maine 1963. Left NAS Brunswick, Maine 1967 for VP-56 NAS Norfolk, Virginia. Deployed to NS Rota, Spain in P2V-7. Transitioned to P-3C at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. Took a sea duty to sea duty transfer to VP-11 NAS Brunswick, Maine in 1970. Ordered to NAS Whiting Field, Milton, Florida 1972. Transfered to Fleet Reserve 1975..." [22JAN2007]

BUCKLEY, CDR Pat http://www.nasjax.navy.mil/vp5/foxes.htm "...Commander Buckley attended the United States Naval Academy and was commissioned in May 1984. He commenced flight training in July 1984 and was designated a Naval Aviator in August 1985. Following initial P-3C Orion training with VP-30, Commander Buckley joined the Proud Pegasus of VP-11 in March 1986, where he served as Airframes Branch Officer, Aircraft Division Officer, Quality Assurance Officer and Pilot NATOPS Officer; deploying to NAS Keflavik, Iceland; NS Rota, Spain and the NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. Additionally, he participated in numerous detachments to Thule, Greenland conduct Arctic antisubmarine warfare feasibility research over the polar ice cap. In October 1989 Commander Buckley reported to VP-30 as an Instructor Pilot. He also served as a COMPATWINGSLANT Tactical Training Team Instructor and Assistant Operations Officer. After attending Tactical Action Officer School in July 1992, he reported to Commander, Carrier Group SIX as the Flag Secretary. Qualifying as Flag Tactical Action Officer, he deployed to the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean aboard USS AMERICA (CV-66). In June 1994 he reported to the Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island and graduated in June of 1995 having earned a Masters Degree in National Security and Strategic Studies. After completing P-3C refresher training at VP-30 in March 1996, he joined the Mad Foxes of VP-5 where he served as Assistant Maintenance Officer; Officer in Charge of Patrol Squadron Keflavik, a deployed detachment of 150 personnel and four Orion's during a tri-site deployment; and finally, as the squadron's Maintenance Officer. From June 1998 to March 2000 he served in BUPERS as the Assistant Washington Placement Officer. In April 2000 Commander Buckley reported to VP-30 prior to reporting as the "Mad foxes" XO in June 2001. He assumed command of VP-5 in May 2002..." [02JUN2003]

BULZOMI, Michael V. mbulzomi@nassau.cv.net "...VP-11 1963-66. I flew as crew electrician on BUNO: 147962. This BUNO is displayed on the A/C summery page. Can't remember all the crew names, but Co Pilot, LT JG BC Denton, Ordanceman, Mike (HA HA) Lafferty and Radioman, Jack Cypriot..." [14APR99]

BUMGARDNER,CWO2 GARY M. bummy@pioneernet.net "...VP-1 (9603-9805) / VP-10 (AEC/9301-9601) / VP-11 (8912-9212) / VP-93 (8804-8911) / VP-64 (7808-8804) / VP-93 (7310-7807) / VP-64 (7008-7309). NICE TO SEE SO MANY GREAT FRIENDS ARE STILL OUT THERE AND KICKING..." [01DEC98]

BURKHALTER, Pam bok_bok@email.com "...Attached to VP-11 from 85-88. Those were the good old days, huh? Carl and I are currently living on MCBH. Carl is with VR-51. I take care of our two great kids. Often think of the squadron and great people we met along the way. We are still in touch with a few friends we made while we were at NAS Brunswick. Would love to go back and do it over one more time, if we could(Well-okay, not all of it!LOL!). Love this page and visit it often. Hello and best wishes to everyone..." [14JAN99]

BURRELL, AWC Garold F. Retired garold.burrell@syngenta.com "...I served with VP-19 at NAS Moffett Field, California, ASWOC NAS Cubi Point, Philippines, ASWOC NAS Adak, Alaska, NAS Oceana Dam Neck Annex Instructor, VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine and retired (1989). Now reside with family in Boise, Idaho. Son followed footsteps, now RPSC due to retire 2018..." [02DEC2016]

CAFFEY, Doug crcpres@lcc.net "...I spent 8yrs. in the Navy. (1983 -1990) I was a Crew Chief in H-53s before attending FE school in 1987. I was attached to VP-11 as an FE on CAC-9 until I left the Navy in 1990 to pursue business interests in Texas. I would love to hear from some of the old CAC-9 guys..." [22JUL98]

CAIN, ADJ Phillip M. Retired Bearsvws@aol.com "...I was in VF-161 (1958-62,) VP-49(1962-64), VP-30 (1964-69), VP-11 (1969-73), and VP-30 (1973-77). Enjoyed the whole time in the VP world as a FE. Does anyone rember me?..." [22NOV2001]

CAMPBELL, Curtis ccurtis116@comcast.net "...I served with VP-11 (1959-1961) at NAS Brunswick, Maine. I flew aboard the P2 (Radioman) and LCDR Foote was our pilot. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [28JUL2011]

Memorial Picture "...CAMP, AMM2c(NAP) William J. Jr...My dad, William J. Camp Jr., was assigned to VP-11 as an AMM2c(NAP) on December 7, 1941. My dad would have been an old salt he was 30 years old and had been in the Navy since Jan 1935. He had returned from a special duty trip to NAS North Island, San Diego, California, and NAS Corpus Christi, Texas on Oct 28, 1941; I think he was ferrying planes? My dad died in 1976 and like so many he told us kids little of the War and his part in it. I have learned that VP-11 was hit hard at MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. I have only begun to learn above his war years. If anyone has any info or can point me to more material on VP-11 I'd appreciate. I too served in the Navy from 1962 - 1966 as an ETR on the USS Oklahoma City...William J. Camp III wjcamp@comcast.net..." [02DEC2004]

CAPON, Mike mcapon@cisco.com "...I came into the VP Navy in VP-11 1970 to 1971, transfered to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland and Weapons System Test (WST) Squadron to fly as IFT on P-3B's, C's, U1 and UII's. Got out in 75. Eventually got an electrical engineering degree in 88, and now work in the DSL design group at Cisco Systems..." [26MAY2000]

CARR, Bill billcarr@westelcom.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1965 through 1967, as an Avation Electronics Tech. Flew on both P2's and P3's as an aircrewmen..." WebSite: http://wwp.mirabilis.com/6737851 [E-Mail Updated 22DEC2000 | Updated 18JAN98] [ICQ# 6737851]

CARRIER, AT2(AW) Daniel R. drc72@netzero.net "...I served with VP-11 from 1992 to 1996 followed by a shore tour at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from 1996 to 2000. I was a Government Contractor for J.F. Taylor, Inc. as an Engineering Technician then quality assurance. From there, I accepted a position as a Quality Engineer for Orbital Sciences, a sub-contractor for NASA at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD. Now, out of QA, I am a lead manufacturing engineer for Northrop Grumman in Charlottesville, VA where I am also completing a Masters in Business..." [23FEB2008]

CARTER, Robert J. Karters@bellsouth.net "...VP-11 I-Level rigger from March 1993 thru November 1996. Would like to hear from any old friends..." [05MAR99]

CASTLE, Robert M. robert@pcinternet.net "...1941 to about 1943. Arrived at NAS Kaneohe Bay, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on or about December 25, 1941. Boot camp at San Diego; Aviation Machinist Mate School at 87th and Anthony Streets in Chicago. Exec found that I could type and I was a yeoman from then on. Went to Ile Nou, Noumea on the USS Copahee. Was on USS Tangier at Esprito Santos. I don't remember remember many names. One I do remember was PPC Riley. He was an ex-NAP. He was my hero. I don't remember the name of the leading chief, but I have never forgotten him. He was 100% Navy..."

CATAPANO, Mark T. mark.catapano@libertymutual.com "...I was with VP-10 and VP-11 from November of 1976 to July 1981..." [06NOV98]

CATCHINGS, Bill billnbr@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1974-1978) with deployments to NS Rota, Spain and NAS Bermuda. I would love to hear from Hayden, Malloy, Spacedog, Speedo and other Shipmates..." [03JUN2016]

CERCONE, ADC Nick Retired njc767@verizon.net "...I served as a FE with VP-11 (1973-1977)..." [15NOV2020]

CHAMBERS, AZ1 D. E. rollinshrs@aol.com "...I was stationed with VP-11 NAS Brunswick, Maine, made deployments to NS Rota, Spain - NAS Keflavik, Iceland - San Juan PR 1965 - 1968. Worked in maintenance control office (logs and records) 1965-69 with Chief Simms, Pappy Gurell, Larry Sloan, and Wally Martin. Would like to hear from anyone of you. Larry Sloan passed away several years ago. Anybody know the where abouts of Wally Martin please let me know. My home address is 3708 Ramelle Drive, Council Bluffs IA 51501-7939..." [19FEB99]

CHAMBERS, ATC (AW/NAC) Kevin krccham@ziplink.net "...First tour with VP-11 87-91 as an IFT, then to VPU-1 91-95. Currently attached to BUPERS SDC..." [28FEB98]

CHAMPOUX, Thomas tchampoux@stny.rr.com "...I served in VP-11 from Sept.83 - Sept. 85. Was flown to NAS Keflavik, Iceland half way through a deployment in 83. Saw duty in NAS Bermuda, a short visit to Venezula. A few short trips to the NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, back to NAS Keflavik, Iceland, back to NAS Bermuda and then Greenland before getting out. Just wondering if anybody out there remembers some of the good times in VP-11 during those short years..." [03FEB2005]

CHASE, Hal HChase1035@aol.com "...I was assigned as a P-3B RADAR/MAD/ESM operator with VP-11 in Brunswick, ME from 1974-1976..."

Memorial Picture "...CHENEY, LT Dan...My late husband, LT Dan Cheney served with VP-11 from December 1977 to December 1980. He was a TACCO. He joined the squadron just after the crew was lost in the Canary Islands (December 11th, 1977). He went on to be assigned to NavAir as the Budget Director/Liaison to McDonald Douglas during the testing of the F-18, now an old plane. Susan A. Cheney susananncheney@hotmail.com..." [03JUN2008]

CHVATAL, Phil chvatal@msn.com "...I spent '68-'69 in VP-31 at North Island. '69-'71 with VP-11 at Brunswick ME. Worked the avionics shop (AT2). It was a great time to grow and lots of lessons we did learn. Peace..."

CICCO, Jack jack_c_20619@yahoo.com "...Joe Hinger, I remember you. I served with VP-11 from 1976 to 1979. I am now retired and living in Jacksonville, Florida..." [21MAY2007]

CILENTO, Ralph F. Jr. r44214@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1968 to 1970..." [27JUN2011]

CLARK, AEC James E. Jr. Retired aec1989@gmail.com "...I served with VP-10, VP-26, VP-11, VP-30 and VP-8. A long and wonderful career in the VP Community (1972-1992)..." [E-Mail Updated 12MAR2017 | E-Mail Updated 21MAR2006 | E-Mail Updated 29SEP2002 | E-Mail Updated 21MAR2000 | Updated 24JAN98]

CLAUSSEN, Jim EXDUPONT1@aol.com "...11/64 joined VP-11 at NAS Sigonella, Sicily through 11/66 just back from NS Rota, Spain.....Still looking for Shipmates from the same era..." [E-Mail Updated 28OCT98 | BIO Updated 06AUG98 | Updated 25JAN98]

CLEMONS, David busparts@yahoo.com "...I was TAR in VP-0122, VP-4046, working in VP-69's hangar at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, from summer 1982 to august 1985. Then back to VP land with VP-11, now active duty from fall 1989 to summer 1992..." [23APR98]

CLOR, ADJ2 Arthur C. egc316@eznet.net "...I served our great country in VP-11, NAS Brunswick, Maine from April 1962 to February 1966. Was second mech on LE-4 and Plane Captain on LE-9. Remember Fat Boy's and the Chuckwagon?..." [23NOV2002]

CMAR, ADJC Mike Retired m_cmar@msn.com "...I served with VP-11 (1965-1969 and 1970-1973. I transitioned from the P2 to P-3 with Crew-1 and flew as Plane Captain/FE. I also served with VP-18 (1959-1961) flying with various crews as a P2V-7 Plane Captain. My last crew was Crew-10 with CDR A. J. Carnegi as PPC. Next flew asortment of aircraft at NAS Johnsville, Pennsylvania ending up in P2V-5F's and 7's. Followed that up again in P2V-7's and transitioned to new P-3B's as a FE on LE-1. Got to fly the 1st flight in VP-11 (01/1967). Following "ADJ B" school went to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland but terminated shore duty as no FE billets were available there. Returned to VP-11 as a ADJC/FE. Guess what - went back to NADC (Warminister) Johnsville, Pennsylvania (formerly Johnsville) from where I retired..." [BIO Updated 12JUL2012 | BIO Updated 26JAN2010 | 24JAN2010]


COLBY, AT2 Stephen "Steve" scolby@roadrunner.com "...I served with VP-11 (1957-1960) as Radar Operator aboard LE-1/LE-11 with deployments to NS Rota, Spain, Malta, NAS Key West, Florida, NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, NAS Keflavik, Iceland as well as a memorable 3 weeks in Londonderry No. Ireland. I suggest former Shipmates consider joining the VP-11 Neptune Association..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 05JUL2011 | E-Mail Updated 24AUG2002 | Updated 28MAR98][ICQ# 8203792]

COLTRAIN, AVCM James "Chooch" Retired jseatrain@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1977-1981) as a IFT aboard Crew-11 (Zoo Crew), VAQ, Force Warfare, Special Projects at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii and retired AVCM in 1999..." [26MAR2015]

Memorial Picture "...CONNELL, CDR Phil...It is with sadness that I report that CDR Philip Connell past away January 27, 2014. Philip served with VP-11 and VP-21. Norfolk - Commander Philip J. Connell, USN(ret), CLU, ChFC, CASL of Norfolk, VA passed away January 27, 2014. Born in Norwich, CT on December 08, 1933, he was preceded in death by his son, Philip J. (Rusty) Connell, Jr on April 20, 1981. Left to cherish Phil's memory is widow Sheila Donahoe Connell, formerly of Baltic, CT; daughter Julianne (Julie) Connell Lessig; older brother Colonel Charles R. Connell, III, USA(ret) and wife Roberta of New Smyrna Beach, FL; sister Diane Connell Marchand and husband Norman C. (Chuck) of Midlothian, VA, brother David A. Connell and wife Nancy of Severna Park, MD; and sixteen nieces and nephews who loved their Uncle Phil and shared many adventures with him. Phil retired from the U.S. Navy in 1975 after 21 years of service as a Naval Aviator. Following his naval career, Phil became a life insurance agent with the New York Life Insurance Company. He received the Chartered Life Underwriter, Chartered Financial Consultant and Chartered Advisor for Senior Living designations from the American College in Bryn Mawr, PA. Phil attended the University of CT (UCONN) completing his BS degree with distinction from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. He received his Master's Degree in Administration from the George Washington University in Washington, DC. Phil earned his Eagle Scout award at age 13, was a member of the Theta Xi fraternity, a member of the Knights of Columbus and past Grand Knight of Council #367 (the "First Council in the South"), a member of the Father M.J. O'Keefe Assembly of the Fourth degree of the Knights of Columbus and was an active and dedicated member of St. Pius X Catholic Church. A funeral Mass will be held at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Norfolk, VA on February 13, 2014 at 10:00 in the morning. Family and friends will be received immediately following at the St. Pius X Catholic School Parish Hall. In lieu of flowers, Phil asked that memorial donations be made to the Knights of Columbus KOVAR program, the Columbus Club of Norfolk Building Fund or the Norfolk Emergency Shelter program (NEST). Published in The Virginian Pilot on Feb. 9, 2014 - See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/pilotonline/..." Contributed by COLBY, AT2 Stephen "Steve" scolby@roadrunner.com [06FEB2014]

CONNELL, CDR Phil Retired p2driver@juno.com "...Retired from the Navy, on 20, in 1975 when BUPERS tried to send me to Iceland. Been there, done that! Joined VP-11 right out of flight training. Was blessed with a caring PPC on HB/LE-5 and made PPC in about 10 months. Hit the NAS Brunswick, Maine GCA unit with LE-6, 140157, in December 1958. Lost the 12 man life raft out of the port wing on a dark and stormy night in 1959. Scary! Left VP-11 in June of 1960. Spent two years in VP-21 (1966-4/1966). Gone were the days of LT(jg) PPCs. As a fresh caught LCDR, I was the 15th junior LCDR in the squadron. Proud of my VP service!..." [23JAN2012]

CONNER, AW2 Wayne T. ratsplus2dogs@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 (1982-1986) and flew with CAC-1 and CAC-6..." [26JUN2010]

COOK, Randy Seven randycook503@yahoo.com "...Began Flight Engineer training on CAC-1 Captain Robert Fey's (crew "Delta Captain on 767-400") as AD-1 Ron Dodson's trainee. He was my big bother and roomate and alternate Natops IFE for Brian Attara - Squadron Natops instructor Instructor. Lt Fey was the Natops IP. Brian eventually became CNAL avaluatot and Ron was his alternate. I was lead and inspired a taught by the very best Orion IFE's know to mankind. My second crew was withMike Albright - Great man = he was family to me and he was a Natops IP when I was on his crew. Eric Wieman - was my third crew leader and Natops pilot and I was his Natops IFE. No man was braver or charged harder then now Captain Wieman - Skipper Rocy Gmeiner was or USNTPS grad skipper. Flew many PPC check rides with him - caring for his men. Admiral Ryan was my first skipper in VP-11. He is the Preseident of the CCL - Center of Creative Leadership - Worlds finest leader on earth. VX-1 was my next command - served as Natops office LPO, for Jerry Hyde, Mike Braun, and Peter Gamble. I was a SMILS flight engineer for CDR Stephen Mulloy - His welfare is my miision in life!!! After 5 weeks of class 9010 EOD leader, I reported to VP-8 as ab IFE and deployed to NAS Sigonella, Sicily and Jeddah. On weekends I was a artic weather sea urchin diver during winter months in Maine diving 5 tanks a day solo in 20 degrees weather wit ha lobsterman. Summer weekends was a lobsterman's mate. After LBP injury, I became a PAO rep in NAS Brunswick, Maine and participated in 33 airshows and a jamboree. Awarded Navy Commendation medal for VIP visits, and two POTUS events. Hosted 5,000 base guests and earned 25 LOA's and nominated for Joshua Chamberlain award. Last civilian jobs was at NRL, Force Warfare/VX-20, and USNTPS. Hooyah Shipand mates of the wing. AD-1, 8251, NAC, EAWS, SERE grad, A-7E Plane Captain, Troubleshooter final checker on USS America, and USS Kitty Hawk. Worn all colors of flt deck jersy's - Rainbow Man, - Man of the non-slid steel beach bird farm..." [09SEP2015]

COOLEDGE, CDR Scott P. Shipmate Pix http://www.naswi.navy.mil/vp-46/co.html "...Commander Cooledge is a native of Portland Maine and a 1985 graduate of Maine Maritime Academy. He earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Nautical Science and his United States Coast Guard Mates License Unlimited Tonnage all Oceans. After a year of working in the merchant fleet CDR Cooledge attended Aviation Officer Candidate School and was commissioned an Ensign in July of 1986. He then attended flight training and was designated a Naval Flight Officer in September 1987 and later a Naval Aviator in August 1991. His first sea going assignment was with VP-11 where he served as an Instructor Tactical Coordinator, Mission Commander and the Squadron Tactics Officer, deploying to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and NAS Sigonella, Sicily. Following his first sea tour as a Naval Flight Officer CDR Cooledge was selected for a pilot transition and returned to the training command in September 1990, earning his pilot wings in August of 1991. He completed his next sea tour in VP-16 where he served as an Instructor Pilot, Mission Commander and the Squadron Pilot NATOPS Officer, deploying to NAS Keflavik, Iceland, NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, and Panama. His next assignment was aboard the USS John F. Kennedy where he served as a Catapult and Arresting gear Officer and the ships V-2 Divison Officer, deploying to the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf. CDR Cooledge then completed his Dept Head tour with VP-45 where he served as the Squadron Operations Officer, Instructor Pilot and Mission Commander, deploying to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR and Panama. CDR Cooledge's most recent assignment was a three-year tour serving as the Aircraft Carrier Placement Officer at the Naval Personnel Command in Millington TN where he was responsible for manning the 2200 plus officer billets aboard the US Navy's Aircraft Carriers. While attached to the Bureau of Personnel CDR Cooledge earned a Masters of Science Degree in Global Leadership from the University of San Diego. CDR Cooledge has logged over 4000 hours in the P-3 as both a Pilot and an NFO. He is the recipient of 3 Navy Commendation Medals as well as numerous unit commendations and awards..." [24APR2005]

COOLEY, Tim tmc165@woh.rr.com "...VP-4 1978-1980, VP-4 Special Projects 1980-1981, VP-8 1985-1991, CPW-5 1991-1994, VP-11 1994-1996, VP-10 1996-1999..." [28FEB2007]

COLVIN, ATCS William H. "Willie/Scotty" Retired whcolvin@bellsouth.net "...Radio operator/First tech P2V, SS1, SS2, SS3 P3B. I was stationed at NAS Brunswick, Maine IN VP-21 (61-64), VP-11 (65-70), CFAW3 (ASCAC) (70-71), CFWL (TSC)(71-73), VP-44 (73-76). It's really great to see the old times coming back..." [E-Mail Updated 28JUL2001 | 00XXX97]

CONNER, Ralph L. connerrl@aol.com "...Station at NASB 1962-64 VP-11, ASHLEAF 12, Tail No. 135548..." [16APR2000]

COX, AW1(AW) James choctaw@nqi.net "...Hello fellow VP Shipmates, I was in VP-11 from 94 until decommision. I served in VP-8 from 87-91, VX-1 from 91-94, VP-11 from 94-Decom, VP-8 from 96-99, now I am transfering to MOCC NAS Brunswick, Maine. It is great to see familiar names. Come by for a visit or E-mail..." [27FEB99]

COYNE, Dan Dancoyne@aol.com "...I was in VP-11 from 1973-1976. Before that I was in VC-10. I was an Aviation Ordnanceman (Aircrew) on CAC-1 when the CO was CDR Kucklekorn. I also served on CAC-5 with Stewart Hopewell as PPC..." [13SEP98]

Memorial Picture "...Shipmate Pix CRAIG, AX/AT-1 (NAC) John J...John Joseph Craig, 49, Indianapolis. Was born November 22, 1953 in Detroit, Michigan to Lynn and Anna Craig. Mr. Craig grew up in Warren, Ohio. He served in the United States Navy as a Naval Aviator (VP-10 Crew 11 from 1974-1978, VP-11 Crew 9 from 1978-1980, and VP-93 Crew 11 from 1990-1993) until November 1980. Mr. Craig was a member of the Association of Naval Aviators and VP International. He has worked as a Service Technician for Anacomp Inc. since 1981. His parents preceded John in death. His wife, Kathy; son, Justin; daughters, Tiffany and Jasmine; daughter-in-law, Jennifer; and grandchildren, Graydon and Victoria survive him. David Levesque dlvqaz56@gmail.com..." [14NOV2003]

CRAIG, AX/AT-1 (NAC) John J. (Deceased 01NOV2003) av8trr@comcast.net "...I served with VP-10 Crew 11 from 1974-1978, VP-11 Crew 9 from 1978-1980, and VP-93 Crew 11 from 1990-1993. I would Like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 25JUL2002 | E-Mail Updated 23APR2000 | 10SEP98]

CROSSLEY, Dave dcross@penn.com "...Retired Navy Jan 97. Tours in VP-11 (76-80), VP-47 (81-84), FASO NAS Moffett Field, California (85-86) VP-48 (89-90), VP-46 (91-93), Recruiting District San Fran (94-97). Drop me an e-mail; when I get back from fishing I'll read it..." [30DEC98]

CULP, ENSIGN (Ex-AW2) David (Culprit) culprits@juno.com "...I served with VP-11 from August 1991 to October 1996. I was stationed at FASOTRAGRUPAC NAS North Island, San Diego, California from November 1996 to May 1999 and Ohio State University ROTC from August 1999 to Jan 2001. I am currently stationed onboard USS YORKTOWN (CG 48) as Auxiliaries Officer until August 2003..." [BIO Updated 05APR2002 | BIO/E-Mail Updated 20SEP99 | 03DEC98]

CUNNINGHAM, AMS3 Karen (Cilley) cilfarm@netzero.com "...I served with VP-10 and VP-11. Looking for AT1 Larry Beller or anyone else who remembers me..." [31MAR2003]

CHEATHAM, Frank cheatm@gmail.com "...I served aboard NAS Brunswick, Maine (1969-1971) AMD and VP-11 (1971-1972) AMD with deployments to NAS Cubi Point, Philippines and U-Tapao Royal Thailand Air Force Base, Thailand..." [20NOV2015]

CYPRET, Jack jackc11@aol.com "...I served with VP-10 from 1952 to 1955. It was a great outfit and I will always remember the places we went and the great times I had. I also served with VP-49 in NAS Bermuda in 1957 into 1959. This was also a great outfit to be connected with. Then I was in VP-11 from 1963 to 1966. After that I had my 20 in and retired. I do believe that my Navy career taught me more than any schools could..." [E-Mail Updated 18DEC2003 | 12DEC2000]

DALEY, AT2 Bill wrd1117@verizon.net "...I served with VP-11 from January 1956 to September 1957. Joined crew 11 as radio operator in late June, 1956 just before deployment to Malta, G.C. Flew with great crew and did liberty with a fine group of buddies from the electronics shack. Moved to radar seat replacing Ed Kilby (listed also in this compendium) when he took a transfer to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. Later that year was switched to Crew-10, radar seat, then separated in September. Did my 4 years of required reserve time (weekend warriors) at NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania in S2Fs with VS-931. (Stoofs 'cause they had higher BUNOs and less time on the airframes than the P2V-5Fs based at NXX). Spoiled by those low time "iron birds" we had in 1956 and 1957 in VP-11. Stoofs flew lower and slower but had better close-in radar. Wound up getting "shanghai-ed" from VS-931 to VS-935 and recalled to active duty by JFK and McNamara for the Berlin Wall Crisis in October, 1961. Reported to NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania for second tour of active duty four days after I should have been discharged. Deployed for 6 weeks at McCalla Field, Gitmo. Finally became a civilian in August, 1962. Upside: made AT2... [BIO Updated 26MAY2011 | 24APR2011]

DANA, ABH2 Diego "Jim" jazzman01@comcast.net "...I served with VP-11 (1972-1975) at NAS Brunswick, Maine with a Vietnam fluke deployment to NAS Cubi Point, Philippines in support of the Vietnam conflict, as well as deployments to NS Rota, Spain and NAS Bermuda. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [BIO Updated 25MAR2014 | E-Mail Updated 19JAN2011 | 12FEB2009]

DANIEL, LCDR Steve Retired sjdaniel@cox.net "...I served with VP-31 from 1966-1968 (AX-3) flying P2E, P2F, and P5M, VP-16 from 1968-1973 flying the P-3A and C (changed rate to AW), and ASWOC NAS Keflavik, Iceland as an Analysis and Beartrap CPO. Commissioned via LDO(6322), then ASWOC's Pacific then NFO school, graduating July 1982. I then served withVP-11 from 1983-1986 as NFO, TACCO and Mission Commander in P-3-C UII. PMA 205, Washington after that. Finally FASOTRAGRULANT XO at NAS Norfolk, Virginia, then O-in-C of Rescue Swimmer School, NAS Pensacola, Florida. Now retired after 30 years and having success with a financial career, but sorely miss chasing and tracking Soviet submarines..." [E-Mail Updated 01MAR2004 | E-Mail Updated 28FEB2003 | E-Mail Updated 19FEB2000 | 25NOV98]

DAS, LCDR Adrian "A.D." Retired phaedra.phlyer@comcast.net "...I served with VP-11 (06/1966-09/1969) with deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and NAF Lajes Field, Azores, Portugal, FAETULANT at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, USS Saratoga (CV-60) (12/1971-06/1974), VP-2406, VP-4549 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland and retired from the Reserves in 1986. Logged nearly 3,000 hrs, 900 in P2's and the rest in P-3's. I was a Program Manager at Link during the development of the 2F140 series Tactics Simulators (2F140 #1 in NAS Jacksonville, Florida, #2 in NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, #3 at NAS Moffett Field, California and #4 in NAS Brunswick, Maine) and the upgrade of the 2F69 from NAS Brunswick, Maine to the ASN-124 Mod, which ended up at NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 08SEP2015 | E-Mail Updated 03JAN2000 | 09SEP98]

DAUGHERTY, LT Michael A. Retired madcpa@southeast.net "...I served with VP-11 from 1961 to 1965, VP-21 1966 & 1967, Project Trim/VAH-21 (Attack P-2s with 70 combat missions and lots of holes in the aircraft) from 1968 to 1970. Made Warrant Officer W-1 in 1971, LTjg in 1975. Retired as a LT. in 1986. Went to college, got a masters degree in accounting and taxation, passed the CPA exam, nailed up a sign, and started a second career. My third career is destined to be at the local sidewalk cafe ogling pretty girls..." [11MAR98]

DAVIS, Keith E. kdavispsu1@hotmail.com "...NFO LT VP-11 from 1987 to 1990. Deployments to NS Rota, Spain/ NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal and NAS Keflavik, Iceland. Love to hear from anyone in my squadron or training classes at Pensacola (3/85-12/85), NAS Jacksonville, Florida or Mather (86-09). I really miss the CAC-9 guys..." [E-Mail Updated 13NOV2000 | 19FEB99]

DAVIS, AO1 William V. Retired wvdavis(AT)yahoo.com "...I served with VP-6 from 1982 to 1987 and VP-11 from 1990 to 1993..." WebSite: http://home.att.net/~wvdavis/ [URL Updated 23APR2003 | BIO Updated 12APR2000 | E-Mail Updated 14JAN2000 | BIO/Link Updated 28OCT99 | E-Mail Updated 18MAR99 | Updated 31JAN98]

DAY, Mike med@internetpro.net "...Stationed in NAS Brunswick, Maine 1981 to 1984. (VP-11) Was on the line crew. Deployed to Iceland twice also. I would like to here from anyone that was in VP-11 or on base at that time. Good town, Great people, Lots of memories..." [23MAY98]

DEAN, AMS3 Ray raymonddean@att.net "...I served with VP-11 from 1966 to 1968 in the Airframes Shop and 1st Lt. Div. under Lt. Rech. Deployed to NS Rota, Spain and NAS Keflavik, Iceland, also to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR roads. Served with Ron, Jim Jenner, Wayne Caplan (we went on leave to London while in NAS Keflavik, Iceland), Jerry Brundidge, Bucci, Bass and Storm. We lost the AO kid in that Corvette accident, terrible. Lots of good times though!..." [E-Mail Updated 07APR2009 | 07NOV2005]

DECKER, AD2 Duane S. baddpj@yahoo.com "...Assigned to AOM/AIMD, NAS Pensacola, Florida from 1983 to 1986, VP-11 from 1986-89, and NRL NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from 1989 to 1992. Currently with VR-48 as a mobilized reservist. Otherwise, I am an Engineering Tech on the V-22 Osprey at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. All Shipmates please feel free to email me and say "hi". Anyone know where I can find Charles Niccum? VP-10? Thanks!..." [15JAN2004]

DeCROSTA, E. L. ED794@aol.com "...As a retired NFO TACCO, I want people to be aware of the valuable work done by our VP squadrons. I first was with VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine, with the P2V-7. After Monterrey, an instructor with VP-30, det NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Later an exchange tour with the Canadians (Canadian Forces (CF)) in VP-449 at Greenwood in the Argus..." [21NOV98]

DEICHER, AT2 Ken kdeicher@danet.net "...I served with VP-11 from September 1953 - March 1955, NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island, Malta, and NAS Brunswick, Maine..." [31JAN2000]

DeLUCA, Armand (Luke) spatdad@optonline.net "...I served with VP-11 from November 1954 through September 1957. I was the radio operator in Crews 5, 1, and 2 during that period. Our PPC for most of that time was the VP-11 skipper, CDR Bill Hodges. I made two deployments to Malta, three Springboards, Londonderry and numerous other exercises. I would love to hear from any other VP-11 Shipmates from that era. I just returned from a VP-11 Reunion in Virginia Beach which was a wonderful experience after all these years..." [E-Mail Updated 03DEC2004 | 03MAY2000]

DEMALON, AT3 Mark m.demalon@gmail.com "...My first duty station after my A school and C school was NAS Brunswick, Maine, VP-11, 1984. The squadron was already deployed to NAS Bermuda. I caught up with them there we I sent was TAD to Corrosion Control and met a few guys that were just great! Rusty, Joe and the Chief I worked for Chuck Bennett. Rusty, Joe and I roomed together ad had a great time. Other deployments were to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. I was always sent TAD to AIMD as I worked on HF, VHF radios. I left VP-11 in 1988 and transferred to AIMD NAS Patuxent River, Maryland and worked for CDR Jack Mills. I left the Navy and started my civilian career in television and have been working in it ever since. I would like to hear from my former Shipmates from my days in VP-11. As many have said that was my best duty station..." [08MAR2009]

DEMERY, ADJ3 Gerald gldemery@charter.net "...I served with VP-11 from March 1964 to June 1967. I worked in the Engine Shop then flew as a 2nd Mechanic with Crew-11 on BUNO: 147962. CDR Nelson was our PPC..." [E-Mail Updated 09AUG2009 | 07MAR2002]

DENEHY, R. T. rose_terry74011@cox.net "...I reported VP-11 in 1980 while the squadron was deployed to NS Rota, Spain and left the squadron in 1981 when I was Honorably discharged..." [20DEC2010]

DENSFORD, Ted E. teddensford@yahoo.com "...I was assigned to VP-11 NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1957 to 1960. I was the radio operator on flight crew 10. Littlefield was my Plane Captain and Headburg was my pilot. It would be nice to hear from some of my Shipmates..." [17OCT2004]

DESCHAMBAULT, Robert (Frenchy) abh1@bellsouth.net "...I was in VP-11 from 6/52 to 7/57 as a groundpounder. I would like to hear from anyone of that era. Especially if anyone remembers me?..." [07NOV99]

DeVARNEY, AWCS DeVarney David "Devo" Retired navydevo@aol.com "...I was in VP-23 from 5-74 to 7-77, VP-19 from 11-78 to 5-82, FASO Det NAS Moffett Field, California from 7-82 to 10-85, VS-41 and VS-35 from 11-85 to 5-88, VP-50 from 5-88 to 4-90, AW Rate Training Manual/Advancement Exam writer (I still check for bombs) 5-90 to 5-93, VP-11 from 8-93 to 1-95, PMA-264 (sonobuoy office) from 2-95 to 1-98, and CNAP Aircrew Training 2-98 to 11-99. Currently organizing the Fleet AW Association..stop by at http://fleetaw.tripod.com..." [BIO/E-Mail Updated 20JUN2000 | 02JUN98]

DeVAULT, Thomas tw_devault@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-11 (1960-1963) at NAS Brunswick, Maine. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [23MAR2014]

DICKINSON, AOC Laurel Retired beanbely@mint.net "...I was assigned to VP-8 in February 1957 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island, later in Chincoteage and then to NAS Norfolk, Virginia. June 1960 VP-30 NAS Jacksonville, Florida (Plankowner), June 1962 VP-11 NAS Brunswick, Maine, February 1968 NAMTRADET 1012 NAS Moffett Field, California, VP-46 NAS Moffett Field, California, and then home to Maine in 1972. I would love to hear from any and all former Shipmates. I have been searching for information and whereabouts of Ray Starkey. He served on the line crew of VP-8 the late 50's..." [24AUG99]

DIENES, Ed Ed_Dienes@hud.gov "...Served with VP-11 from 1/60 to 5/62 as Yeoman under CO's Burton, Horswell, and Hudspeth. Tours in Iceland and UNITAS II. Always some of my fondest memories are the times in this squadron and the Shipmates I met there. Good luck to all..." [16SEP98]

DINGEE, AMSC Carroll R. Retired jeepdriver@embarqmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1965-1969) at NAS Brunswick, Maine. I was a shop type maintenance crewmember (flying minimum time on test flights) on the P2. In 1967 we transitioned to the P-3's having gone through the AM maintenance courses, I thouhgt I'd like to become a Flight Engineer. So, in August 1967 I departed for VP-30 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland and made it through Ground Phase without a hitch. Unfortunately, I "flunked out" during the OFT and Performance Charts! I left VP-30 and rejoined VP-11 in disgrace. When my CO and I talked things over, I told him that up to this point in my life I did not know I needed glasses (can't work the charts if you can't see them clearly). So, to make a long story short, I got glasses, went back to VP-30 in 1968 and made it as a FE! To my knowledge I am the ONLY person to go through FE training a second time during the transition envelope for a squadron and succesfully complete the course. (VP-30 probably still would like to say no one ever did it, but go back and check the records---I did it). Thought you might find my 10 minutes of fame and glory interesting). I served with VP-23 (12/1970-07/1974) - best tour of sea duty I ever had in 22+ years of service! Spent most of my tour as FE on CAC-8. PPC C. C. Nute (he went on to be C.O. of a west coast VP Squadron.) My last contact with him (or any of our old crew) was in 1980 while serving with VF-143 aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) in the Indian ocean. I also served with VX-1 (1974-1977) and spent most os my time on the Line Crew. My wife, Betty, was President of the Enlisted Wives Club while we were there. We both still have many fond memories of our tour there (anyone remember the Pig Roast?). I retired out of VF-43 NAS Oceana, Va. in 1984. I am now retired and living (with wife Betty and you guys said it would never last) in Ocala, Fl. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 18MAR2013 | E-Mail Updated 07FEB2012 | E-Mail Updated 23JUN2009 | E-Mail Updated 01FEB2006 | E-Mail Updated 18MAY2005 | E-Mail Updated 10DEC2002 | BIO Updated 24APR2002 | E-Mail Updated 21OCT2001 | BIO Updated 01OCT2001 | 29SEP2001]

DiNOTO, Joseph jdinoto@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 from January 1967 to September 1969. I would like to hear from Shipmates from those years..." [28DEC99]

DODSON, AD1 Ronald "DOWN'EM" Retired busfe@yahoo.com "...I was a Flight Engineer with VP-23 from 1976-1982, VP-11 from 1982-1984, VP-30 as a FE Instructor from 1984-1988 and then back to VP-11 from 1988-1992. I would like to hear from past squadron mates..." [E-Mail Updated 02OCT2002 | 15AUG98]

DOLLOFF, Alan ardm@exploremaine.com "...I was with VP-23 (87-89), VSN-8 (90-92), and VP-11 (92-94) (when I retired). Hope to hear from any old squadron mates (especially any mechanics)..." [10DEC99]

Memorial Picture "...DONOVAN, William Howard Jr...11SEP2001 (NYC World Trade Center/Pentagon) loss: William Howard Donovan Jr., Home of Record: Nunda, N.Y., Commissioned: United States Naval Academy, May 21, 1986, Rank: Commander, Date of Rank: September 1, 2001, Designator: Naval Aviator, Age: 37, Duty Stations: VP-11 - 07/88 - 10/91, VP-31 - 01/92 - 06/93, USS George Washington (CVN 73) - 12/95 - 12/97, VP-1 - 07/98 - 06/00, and Chief of Naval Operations - 07/00. Awards and Decorations: Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (2), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (3), Sea Service Deployment Ribbon (4), National Defense Service Medal, Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Southwest Asia Service Medal, Coast Guard Special Operations Ribbon, Navy Expeditionary Medal, Meritorious Unit Commendation, Armed Forces Service Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal, Navy "E" Ribbon, NATO Medal..." Contributed by John W. Hood, ATC, Retired JOHNWHOOD@prodigy.net [16SEP2001]

DONOVAN, William H. Jr. http://www.usna.com/Features/2001_2002/AttackOnAmerica/Biographical.htm "..VP-11 (07/88 - 10/91), VP-31 (01/92 - 06/93), and VP-1 (07/98 - 06/00)..." [01JUN2003]

DRESSEN, Randy rdressen@juno.com "...I served in VP-11 from 2/66 to 11/66 and then moved on to the USS Forrestal CVA-59..."

DRURY, AT Brian A. badrury@bellsouth.net "...I served with VP-11 (1988-05/1992) with deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland (11/1988-05/1989) and NAS Sigonella, Sicily (06/1990-12/1990). I was TAD to AIMD 640. Maintained everything in 640!..." [09JUL2012]

DUHAMEL, AE2 Tony towkneedee@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1952-1955) at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island and NAS Brunswick, Maine with deployments to Malta, NS Roosevelt Roads, PR and NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [02OCT2013]

DUNLAP, John jdunlap@amdiss1.dm.af.mil "...My best tour in the Navy was in VP-11 Oct 79 thru Dec 85. This was a once in a Navy carreer experience. Just a group of over-achiever's willing to make the squadron and the Navy look good. VP-30 FRAMP, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, VP-44 Feb 73-Dec 76, AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine Power Plants Dec 76-Oct 79. Commander, Patrol Wing Five (CPW-5) Dec 85-May 89, VP-26 May 89-Feb 93, NADEP NAS Jacksonville, Florida Feb 93-Sep 96. Every one of these tours was great fun and hard work. My first flight as ai 2nd mech under training was with VP-11 in Buno: 153415, Sep 1980. My last flight in May 1996 was a delivery of an aircraft purchased by the Greek Navy. I took it from storage at Tucson to Waco, TX for overhaul. The BUNO was 153415. Here's to great friends and as many landings as takeoffs. Look forward to hearing from you..." [10FEB98]

ECKARDT, LT Lothar E. P3LEX@AOL.COM "...Joined VP-10 APRIL 95. Proud to be a LANCER Currently PPC of CAC-5 (THE FUN LOVIN CRIMINALS) BT is our thing. I was a prior AW in VP-11 84-87 and VP-44 88-90. I would love to hear from old Shipmates..." [02MAY98]

EDGERLY, Leland C. leeedge@ns.net "...VP-11; VS-28; P-3 school NAS Patuxent River, Maryland; ships company CVS-11..." [18SEP2001]

EDWARDS, Stan twosandyfeet@msn.com "...I served with VP-11 (1963-1967) at NAS Brunswick, Maine . I worked in the mech. shop and then flew with CAC-12 as a FE. Would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 16AUG2021 | 22JUN2001]

ELLIOTT, AT2 Carl W. elliottcw@yahoo.com "...Served in VP-11 from 12-1961 until 4-1963. Navy career included VS-32 (2-1960 to 6-1960), VS-28 (6-1960 to 9-1961), VP-11 (12-1961 to 4-1963) and VQ-2 (4-1963 to 1-1966). My best memories are of VQ2 and NS Rota, Spain. I was an Aviation Electronics Technician (AT2), first radar and then communications/navigation..." [11MAR2001]

ELLIS, Robert robertelllis1947@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1965-1967). I would like to hear from former P2 Shipmates..." [24FEB2020]

ELLISON, AE3 Jim jerseyhunter@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1978-1981) at NAS Brunswick, Maine with deployments to NS Rota, Spain and NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. I currently live in Wall, New Jersey..." [07OCT2010]

EMERSON, Matthew matthew.emerson@robins.af.mil "...I spent several grand years ground-pounding with VP-30 (September 1992 to April 1995), VP-11 (July 1995 to Disestablishment), and VP-8 (July 1996 to April 1999). Recognize a lot of names and remember a lot of good times..." [06DEC2003]

FASCI, ADC Daniel Retired fascid@rbcinc.com "...Served with Naval Air Development Center from 1983 to 1986, VP-17 from 1986 to 1990, VP-31 from 1990 to 1993, VP-11 from 1993 to 1996 and Force Warfare from 1996 to retirement in 1999. Currently working contractor support at NAVAIR at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland..." [27JAN2003]

FAUL, Mike mfaul@faul.net "...I served with VP-10, CPW-5 and VP-11 1980-186' SS1 CAC-5..." [BIO Updated 22MAY2014 | 26FEB2010]

FEELEY, Steve Feeley@SandiaResearch.com "...VP-44 Oct 76 - Jan 80, VX-1 Jan 80 - Feb 83, VP-11 Sep 87 - May 89, NAF Lajes Jun 89 - Jun 91, Team Leader, U.S. Navy Hot Air Balloon Team Aug 94 - Oct 95, retired in November 1995. Currently working on the Global Hilton World Balloon Flight Project as assistant program manager..." [E-Mail Updated 12APR2001 | 27NOV97]

FELLOWS, Donald R. (Don) DFelOWS@aol.com "...I served in VP-11 from 66/70 straight from ATNA school. Converted to AW during the years there and became one of those guys who rapidly advanced to first because of the war in the west. I served in VP-44 and then in recruiting for 10 years before retiring in 1987. I still live in Maine (what a surprise) and am manager of HQ in South Portland. Love to get mail from the old crews. Those days of "lovin eleven" were good ones..." [02MAR99]

FERRARO, AT2 Pat patf203@sbcglobal.net "...I was in VP-11 out of NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island from 1951 to 1953, when the squadron was move to Lewistown, ME. We were a recomissioned VP, intially flying PB4Y-2's until the P2 became available. Would like to hear from old Shipmates if you are on line..." [E-Mail Updated 11JUN2007 | 13SEP2000]

FEY, Robert rayfey@msn.com "...I was a pilot in VP-11 from 1981 to 1984, and I'd love to hear from former Shipmates..." [04AUG2000]

FILLO, James c/o Son James Fillo jamesfillo@hotmail.com "...My Father, Julius Fillo, served with VP-11 (1941) and retired after 20+ years at NAS Point Mugu, California (1964). Dad will be 90 this year and it would be great to hear from anyone that might have known him..." [16APR2014]

FINLEY, Hugh D. hughdfin@ncal.verio.com "...Dick Read was my old co-pilot in VP-11. I see that you have a FASRON collection and are missing FASRON-107 in NAS Keflavik, Iceland. I was in the squadron in 1956 and 1957. (one year unattached duty - a hardship tour) We had a UF-2 (Grumman Albatross) that later became the SA-16 when the P2V became the P2! Quite a plne but it didn't like Ice as it had a large hull area that carried no deicers. You don't seem to cover the Seaplne Tenders. I was in Salisbry Sound AV13 in the early 60's. Made two deploymenmts to WestPac. You might note that at least two CNO's were CO's of the "Sally" Adm Moorer who later became Chairman of the JCS and Adm Holloway who was my skipper..." [12JUN99]

FORD, LT Glenn gwford@whidbey.net "...I am currently MMCO of VP-46. Former AD served in VP-26 81-85, VXN-8 85-88, VP-11 88-93. Looking for any Shipmates especially my Mechs...." [15APR99]

FOSSETT, Earl L ELFoss41@aol.com "...Served with VW-11 JAN63 - JUL64, VP-26 AUG64 - MAR66, DEC66 - NOV69, VX-1 DEC69 - JUN71, VP-26 JAN72 - OCT77, ASWOC NS Rota, Spain MAR78 - JUN81, and VP-11 JAN82 - DEC83. I would enjoy hearing from any old Shipmates..." [03SEP98]

FRASER, AMH2 Darell "Skip" skippersclippers53@yahoo.com "...Went to the first 2nd mech school in NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 1972 then to VP-11 72-75. FE school at NAS Moffett Field, California 1981 then VP-91, VP-93, VP-60, VP-90, VP-67. southeast asia cruise 1972 with VP-11..." [09FEB2009]

FREDERICK, Bobby bfred74@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-11 from Febuary 1965 to August 1967. Presently I live in Acworth, GA..." [20APR2011]

FREEMAN, Brad bdsf@comcast.net "...I served with VP-11 Proud Pegasus CAC2, CAC8 from 1989 until 1992. I was and still am very proud of my time served. I am looking for AW's from that time era. I am looking for some friends in particular: Steve Winter, Rick Ribera, John Rieger, Chris Passauer, Theodore Bottom, or Bruce Miranda. I have found and made contact with Tom Littlefield and Ken Lynch..." [E-Mail Updated 29MAY2003 | 06AUG2002]

FREUND, Cliff p3cliff@netzero.com "...I served with VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine, VP-18 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida with a deployment to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR and VP-1 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii..." [08MAY2012]

FREY, AVCM Charlie Retired chasam@bellsouth.net "...I served with VP-11 from 1959 to 1963 and from 1964 to 1968. Would love to hear from anyone from that time. Anyone remember the very short time that the "Schmoo" was the squadron emblem instead of the Pegasus??..." [E-Mail Updated 04JUN2003 | E-Mail Updated 27OCT2001 | 00XXX97]

FRIDENMAKER, AMHC Dennis J. "DJ" Retired DJLF@ALLTEL.NET "...I served with VFAW-3 from 1961 to 1963, VU-7 from 1963 to 1964, VW-13 from 1964 to 1965, VW-4 from 1965 to 1967, NAS Glynco, Georgia from 1967 to 1970, VP-6 from 1971-1975, NATTC Memphis, Tennessee from 1975 to 1978, and VP-11 from 1979-1980..." [E-Mail Updated 08SEP2002 | 03MAY2002]

Memorial Picture "...FRIEDMAN, Master Chief Albert...I am trying to contact people who knew and served with my Dad Master Chief Albert Friedman. My dad passed away on January 3, 2003. My mom Hyla Friedman was very active in supporting Naval functions for the navy families. Dad was called up to active duty in 1960 during the Cuban Missle crisis and again in 1961 Berlin Wall crisis serving in VP-741. The following year he signed up for active duty in VP-5 in NAS Jacksonville, Florida. He later served in Lakehurst, NJ under Captain Roth, CO. Following Lakehurst he was transferred to VP-11 in NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1971-1977 when he retired..." Contributed by David Friedman jeandavidf@yahoo.com [11JAN2003]

FRIEDMAN, MCPO Albert (Deceased) c/o His Son David Friedman jeandavidf@yahoo.com "...I am trying to contact people who knew and served with my Dad Master Chief Albert Friedman. My dad passed away on January 3, 2003. My mom Hyla Friedman was very active in supporting Naval functions for the navy families. Dad was called up to active duty in 1960 during the Cuban Missle crisis and again in 1961 Berlin Wall crisis serving in VP-741. The following year he signed up for active duty in VP-5 in NAS Jacksonville, Florida. He later served in Lakehurst, NJ under Captain Roth, CO. Following Lakehurst he was transferred to VP-11 in NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1971-1977 when he retired..." [11JAN2003]

FURBER, Warren O. bud@furber.us "...I served with VP-11 (1962-1965) at NAS Brunswick, Maine. I flew with Crew-12..." [E-Mail Updated 02MAY2012 | 05DEC98]

GABORIAULT, ATCS Philip Retired pgaboria@peoplepc.com "...I served with VP-1 (1955-1958), 1958 AT "B" School at NAS Millington, Tennessee, AT "B" School Instructor duty at NAS Millington, Tennessee, 1962 Attended Advanced Avionics (AVB) School at NAS Millington, Tennessee, 1963 VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine, 1966 Instructor duty Advanced Avionics (AVB) School at NAS Millington, Tennessee, 1969 VP-26 at NAS Brunswick, Maine (Division Chief and Maintenance Chief), (1972-1974) helped close NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island and retired June 1974. Finished College (GI Bill). Became an engineer for different electronic companies (last 15 years where with Cisco Systems, Inc.) retiring October 2006 at age 69. I'm now enjoying 6 summer months at our Lake house at Maidstone Lake, Maidstone, Vermont and 6 winter months in North Port, FL..." [BIO Updated 01MAY2013 | 09APR2012]

GALLAHAN, Carl CALLAN@GBRONLINE.COM "...I served with VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1961-1962..." [13AUG2002]

GALLO, REAR ADMIRAL S. Frank http://www.sunymaritimealumni.org/HallOfFame/Resume_FrankGallo.cfm "...Rear Admiral Gallo attended SUNY Maritime College and graduated in 1957 with a Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering in addition to a Third Engineer's Merchant Marine License in Steam and Diesels. He was commissioned an Ensign in the U.S. Navy in November 1958. His first assignment was aboard the USS Estes (AGC-12) home ported in San Diego, California where he served as Main Propulsion Assistant until July 1960. Rear Admiral Gallo commenced flight training and was designated a Naval Aviator in October 1961. After designation, he reported to VP-23 in NAS Brunswick, Maine, flying the P2V Neptune, serving there until June 1965. He then reported to the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, where he received a Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering (AeE) in June 1968. His next assignment was as Communications Officer on the staff of Commander Carrier Division TWENTY, initially aboard USS ESSEX and later aboard USS INTREPID. After the decommissioning of CARDIV TWENTY, Admiral Gallo reported as Communications Officer to the staff of COMCARDIV FOURTEEN aboard USS WASP where he served until January l971. Rear Admiral Gallo next reported to VP-30 for transition to the P-3 Orion en route VP-11 in NAS Brunswick, Maine, where he served as Safety Officer and Operations Officer. In 1973, Rear Admiral Gallo attended the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, designated as a Distinguished Graduate. After refresher training at VP-30, he reported to VP-24 as Executive Officer and subsequently Commanding Officer, serving until December 1976. He then reported to the staff of CPW-5 as Operations Officer, serving until February 1979. His next assignment was to the staff of the Chief of Naval Operations in Washington, D.C., as P-3 Program Coordinator until April 1980 when he became the Executive Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Air Warfare) until June 1981. He was then ordered as CPW-11 from July 1981 to August 1982. Following his tour with CPW-11, he served as Executive Assistant to the Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic; Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command; and Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet until June 1985 when he was promoted to flag rank and assigned as Commander Patrol Wings, U.S. Atlantic Fleet in Brunswick, Maine. Rear Admiral Gallo assumed command of Fleet Air Mediterranean, Maritime Air Forces Mediterranean and Maritime Surveillance and Reconnaissance Forces, U.S. Sixth Fleet (CTF-67) in July 1987 in NAF Naples, Italy. He returned to Washington, D.C. in January 1990 as Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel in which position he served until his retirement from the Navy in September 1993. He became the National Executive Director of the Armed Services YMCA in December 1994 and currently holds that position..." [18JUL2003]

GANN, AT2 Gary T. gtgann@strato.net "...Served in VP-11 1/1959 to 4/1962. Was always agrounnd pounder in the electronics shop. Would like to hear from anyone whoserved during that time period. "Loving Eleven, We fly P2Vs."..." [30JAN2011]

GARIC, Jason S. jasong@eatel.net "...Arrived at VP-11 in April 95 and went to VP-10 after they decommissioned in 1996. Left to be a civilian in March 1998. It's good to see all these familiar names on this site. Drop a line..." [24MAY99]

GAUD, AXAN Kevin O. Kevin.Gaud@hobartcorp.com "...I served in VP-11 from June of 85 until August of 1987. I was an AXAN in the TRON shop. If anyone remembers please free to contact me. Look forward to hearing from someone..." [26MAR2001]

GEIS, AE2 Robert W. geisrwg1@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 from July 1959 through November 1960. I was an AE2 and flew on Crew 2. LCDR Lane was PPC at that time..." [BIO Updated 11JAN2009 | 11MAY2002]

GHEESLING, Joe joe.gheesling@hallco.org "...I served with VP-17 (TACCO, MC and NATOPS Evaluator) from 1976 to 1979, VP-11 (PPC, MC and Assistant Maintenance Officer) from 1982 to 1984 and VP-10 (PPC, MC and Maintenance Officer) from 1988 to 1990..." [23SEP2009]

GIBB, CDR Art agibb90@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1993 to 1996 and VP-8 from 2001 to 2003..." [08JUL2009]

GILBERT, AD2 Dan dano.djg1@verizon.net "...I served in VP-44 from 82-86. Went to FE school and came back to the squadron on deployment in NAS Sigonella, Sicily. Flew with CAC 3, "we"ll put it where you want it" a great crew and great memories. Unfortunatly got hurt on a det to Scotland, transfered to VP-11 and never flew again as I was medically retired in 88. I have seen some names from the past and would like to hear from any of my old Shipmates..." [18SEP2010]

GLENN, AT Allen E. aglenn@eaglesystemsinc.net "...I served with VP-45 from 1975 to 1977, VXN-8 from 1977 to 1980, VP-44 from 1980 to 1983, CPW-5 from 1983 to 1986 and VP-11 from 1986 to 1990. I was an AT ground pounder. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 18OCT2009 | 31AUG97]

GODSCHAW, AXC Louis "Lou" Retired godschaw@comcast.net "...I served with VP-11 from 1965 to 1967 as a P2 and P-3A ECM/Julie Operator, VP-10 from 1972 to 1975 as an IFT on CAC-1 and CAC-8, TSC/OPCON NS Roosevelt Roads, PR from 1977 to 1979 as Maintenance Staff and Watch Officer, Fleet Combat Training Center (FCTC) Dam Neck, Virginia Beach, VA., ASWOC School from 1979 to 1981 in Maintenance Staff, VP-9 from 1981 to 1984 as the Electronic Shop Chief and Maintenance Control Chief and Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Support Office (AIMSO) from 1984 to retirement in 1986..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 09JAN2010 | E-Mail Updated 08DEC2001 | 01NOV98]

GOLDICK, Stan SGOLDICK@AOL.COM "...I served with VP-11 from 1952-1954. I was with the squadron in NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada Vieqes PR and Malta. We were based in NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island and NAS Brunswick, Maine. I was an AN Aviation Machinist Mate. The years in the outfit were the best in my life. Would love to hear from some of my buddies..." [16AUG2002]

GOODALE, ATC Bud Retired ROUNDER29@aol.com "...Served with VP-11 from 1954 to 1956 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island and NAS Brunswick, Maine. I served as Radioman in Crew HB5 (P2V-5)..." [05MAR2000]

GORGONE, ADJ3 Anthony P. tonygorgone@ymail.com "...I served with VP-11 (09/1962-10/1963) at NAS Brunswick, Maine. I worked in the Mechanic Shop and flew with Crew-11..." [05MAY2012]

GOWEN, AMHAN Joe ruhye@sbcglobal.net "...I served with VP-11 from 1989 to 1992 as an AMHAN. I would like to hear from anyone that remembers the good times we had..." [E-Mail Updated 22APR2007 | 04SEP2003]

GRAHAM, Donald M. Jr pudchar@aol.com "...I served with VP-11, NAS Brunswick, Maine from Apr 61-Dec 62. I was an AO Crewman on CAC-5, a P2V-7(SP2H). This is my first visit with your group and I enjoyed it immensely. Would love to hear from Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 30NOV2000 | E-Mail Updated 28JUL2000 | 12DEC98]

GRAY, AFCM Richard W. "Dick" Retired dickgray@brooksendway.com "...I served with NAS Lakehurst, New Jersey, VP-10, VP-11, VP-21, VP-23, VP-26, VP-30, VP-45, VQ-2, NAS Brunswick, Maine and NAS Sigonella, Sicily. I was an R4D and P2 Plane Captain, P-3 F/E, Maint. MCPO, and later did 5 CMC tours. The best to all my former Shipmates. Feel free to Email me..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 08APR2006 | 19FEB2004]

GREEN, CTA1(NAC) Dennis J. dejagreen@charter.net "...I was an AW3 SS3 with VP-11 from 1976 through 1978. I retired as a CTA1 (NAC) in 1994. One of my most enjoyable tours was with VP-11. If AWC Predmore or Kevin Kimball see this please e-mail me your phone number. I would sure like to talk with you about "old times"..." [E-Mail Updated 18JUN2004 | E-Mail Updated 20DEC2001 | 25SEP2000]

GRIFFITH, ADCS(AW) James W. scpo21@comcast.net "...I flew as a FE with VP-5, VP-56, VP-30, VP-11 and Naval Air Depot (NADEP) NAS Jacksonville, Florida. I am due to retire November 1998..." [E-Mail Updated 20SEP2009 | 14SEP98]

Memorial Picture "...GRISWOLD, Lyman William "Bill" "Griz"...My Father Lyman William "Bill" "Griz" Griswold passed away due to complications of a stroke on May 5, 2013 at 3:00 AM in the morning. From the many stories he told me about his adventures flying Black Cats for VP-11 in the South Pacific. I can tell that it was one of the more fantastic times in his life. You can view more information about my Father and the many great things he accomplished in his life by going to http://www.vet-trans.com/memorial/. Please be sure to sign the guest book. I would love to hear any stories or adventures you may have about my Father..." Contributed by Susan B. Riggsby sriggsby@hotmail.com [11MAY2013]

GUTSCHE, PR1 Bob Retired gutscfhe@mwt.net "...Served with VP-11 from December 1971 to May 1974 as a PR1. Departed VP-11 and went to VC-2 at Oceana for 2 years and then to serve as a Drug/Alcohol Counselor at NAS Lakehurst, New Jersey till retirement in 1978. Returned to maine and obtained my BA and Masters degree and then went to work for VA as a Clinical Social worker until retirement in 2002..." [06AUG2003]

HALL, Gaylon ghall65068@aol.com "...Was in VP-11 for a tour around '55 and then did 4 years at NS Roosevelt Roads, PR 57-61. The outfit was GMSRON-2. Had a couple of P2's that dropped target drones for ship artillery practice. Also lauched F-9 drones. Was a great time to be stationed down there..." [17NOV2000]

HALSEY, Sterling (Bull) Retired bull123@hughes.net "...I was first in the VP outfits: VP-8 NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island 1956, VP-7 1959-1962, VP-30 1962-1965, some shore duty, VP-11 1965-1968 and VP-44 1970-1974. I have a lot of good memories a few bad that you can't forget. I would like to shoot the bull with any one that would like too. I started out an AD then to ADR and back to AD when I retired in 1974. I have been in contact with a few guys (Widdle and Gadeberg). I spent some time with Joe in Washington St. a while back. It's a place called Omak. I stop in and bother my old PPC Charlie Epps. He only lives 10 miles away quite often..." [E-Mail Updated 20SEP2007 | 26JAN2001]

HAMILL, YN2 Craig traumahawk@charter.net "...I served with VP-11 from 1979 to 1981. We deployment to NAS Keflavik, Iceland (I worked in Communications). Never had a better time than when I was with Lovin Eleven. Would love to hear from my Shipmates..." [23SEP2003]

HAMMON, Eugene Norris chammon2@suddenlink.net "...I served with VP-11 from December 1963 to November 1966. I was trapped in the Navigator seat most of that time because of the "Crew Rediness" concept. I left active duty and flew for TWA for 33 years. I stayed in the Reserves for eleven years though so I finally got lots of stick time in the P2 as the squadron's NATOPS Officer..." [24MAR2008]

HANSEN, David orangy@harlannet.com "...I served with VP-11 (1970-1972) and worked on the Flight Line..." [20APR2015]

HANSEN, AWC "Skip" Retired johan77@comcast.net "...Served with VP-56 (1965-1968), VX-1 (1969-1972), NAS Keflavik, Iceland (1973), VP-11 (1973-1977) and NADC (Warminister) Johnsville, Pennsylvania (1978-1979)..." [E-Mail Updated 10APR2018 | 24SEP1997]

HARMON, Michael harmonmd@navair.navy.mil "...I served with VP-11 as an In-Rlight Technician for CAC-9 from 1992 to 1996, Force Warfare from 1996 to 1998, Civilian Lockheed-Martin P-3 AIP Field Representative from 1998 to 2000, and presently working as a Fleet Support Team Engineer at Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, NC on the V-22 Osprey ..." [E-Mail Updated 14NOV2003 | BIO/E-Mail Updated 26APR2000 | BIO/E-Mail Updated 05AUG98 | 04JAN98]

HARMON, LTJG William https://naval-air.org/flightlog/moreinfo.asp?UID=709 "...LTJG William Harmon, USN - NFL Number: 709 - Date of Birth: 8/24/1925 - Date In: 8/1/1943 - Date Out: 10/1/1954 - City, State: Enfield, CT - School Attended: U of New Hampshire - Aircraft Flown: SNJ, SNB, PB4Y-2, P2V-4 - Ship or Unit: VPM-1, VP-HL-2, VP-22 and VP-11 - Pilot Desg.: Patrol Plane Cdr - Associations/Service Organizations: American Red Cross CT Aeronautical Assn Air Force Museum Fdn Nav Av Museum Fdn - Significant Achievements: Flew with VPM-1 "Typhoon chasers' out of NAS Agana, Guam, 1947. In Memoriam? No..." [03DEC2005]

HARRISON, LCDR Cecil A. "Harry" Retired p3-tacco@netdoor.com "...Enlisted 1955; VC-33/VA(AW)/VAW-33, 1956-1959; NAMDDU, 1960-61; NESEP (NC State Univ.), 1961-65; AOC/Pre-flight/BNAO/Nav School, 1965-66; VP-24, 1966-69 (SP2H and P-3B); VP-30, 1969-73 (P-3A/B); VP-11, 1973-75; NROTC Unit, Univ. of Mississippi, 1975-1979; Instructor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Univ. of Mississippi, 1979-1983; Professor of Engineering Technology, University of Southern Mississippi, 1983-present. I'd like to hear from any of my Shipmates, anytime..." [08APR2000]

HARRISON, AO3 Jim harrisonj@us.ibm.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1989 - 1992 with CAC-6. I am looking for anyone in VP-11 during this time to locate a few of my crew members. Please email me with any information you may have. Thanks..." [19APR2000]

HART, Marshall "Frog" Retired jester.56@att.net "...I served with VP-45, VP-56, VP-49, VP-11 (deployment to NAS Sigonella, Sicily) and VP-10 (January 1991 to December 1995) as an Inflight Ordnaceman. I hope to visit NAS Jacksonville, Florida soon..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated | 04AUG2003]

HARTER, ADJ2 Louis Douglas (Doug) jetmek50@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1971 to 1974 and VP-26 from 1974 to 1975. Any old Shipmates, give me a call, I'd love to chat about old times!!!..." [E-Mail Updated 24OCT2006 | 27JAN99]

HASBROUCK, John J. (JJ) qwert@bestweb.net "...I was in VP-11 From 1952 To 1955 we were at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island till 1954 when we were transfered to NAS Brunswick, Maine. I was on two deployments to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, two deployments to Malta, one to Veaques PR. There was also a mid winter operation to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada to test a new radar. I left the navy in July of 1955. I'd be glad to hear from VP-11 Shipmates..." [24OCT99]

HAWES, LT Jeffrey C. Glacierp@cadvandage.com "...Pilot with VP-11 from 1968 to 1972, now living in the Flint Hills of Kansas. Think of friends and good times still..." [16APR2001]

HEINZ, LCDR Steve Retired heinz@gwi.net "...I served with ASWOC/TSC NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal from 1977 to 1979 (MC&E Officer), VP-11 from 1971 to 1974 (Legal Officer) and VP-11 from 1982 to 1985 (Training Officer). I am now retired (Harpswell, Maine) and especially enjoying trout and striper fishing and duck hunting. Serving on the Board of Directors of Merry Meeting Bay Chapter of Trout Unlimited..." [BIO Updated 27OCT2005 | BIO Updated 15FEB2001 | BIO Updated 29OCT98 | 16SEP98]

HENDERSON, Sam Retired samsz@msn.com "...Served with VP-11 (Lovin Eleven) as an AMS2 from 1971 to July 1974. It was a great pleasure to work with the officers and men. The WestPac was great. I went into the navy reserves (VAW-78 and VP-30). Then moved to the Army National Guard to make some rank for retirement. Retired as an E8 after 21 Years. Say Hello!..." [07AUG2002]

HERTZ, Gus 1gushertz@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (06/1973-06/76), VP-31 (06/1976-05/1978), VT-1, VT-3 and VT-29. Currently living a bit south of the Atlanta, GA airport..." [13NOV2020]

HEWGLEY, Charles "Chas" W. cwhewgley@compuserve.com "...I was in VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine during 1995-1996. When I left the squadron, I was not able to get a photograph of a VP-11 P-3C. Does anyone know where I may get a color photograph of a VP-11 P-3C (preferably from the 1990s)? Any help would be greatly appreciated. For all of you former Pegasus folks out there, I'm here at the Naval Postgraduate School until June 2000, and then I'll be moving to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland for P-3 test and evaluation. Again, thanks for any info on where I may get a photo!..." [27APR2000]

HICKEY, Bob Lcmbob@aol.com "...I served in VP-30 airframe shop from Jan. 73 to May 76. I then re-enlisted and went to VP-11 airframe shop as an AMS2. I participated in three deployments with VP-11: NAS Bermuda/Lajes 1976 (I was in Bermuda) NS Rota, Spain/Lajes 1977/1978 (I was in Rota) NS Rota, Spain/Lajes 1979 (I was in Lajes); Frocked AMS1 June 1 1979 Lajes, Azores. Positions Held at VP-11: A/F Superviser (nites), Corrosion Control Supervisor, Phase Crew Supervisor, A/F Det Supervisor (Lajes), CDI, QAR, Member VP-11 First Class Mess. In 1980 I departed the Navy for a civilian career in aviation. Currently I am a Logistic Element Manager at Boeing in St. Louis (formally McDonnell Douglas). Would like to hear from some of the old crew..." [22APR98]

HIGGINS, Steve shhiggins@yahoo.com "...Served in VP-11 from 9/76 - 11/80 as an acoustic AW with CAC4 (Chicken Lips!) and CAC9. I managed to get out without causing too much damage... I have fantastic memories of Bermuda, the NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, NS Rota, Spain and Crete. I'm living in Boston, and would be glad to hear from any old Shipmates who are passing through!..." [11JUN99]

HILL, C. W. Sam cwhill@tcac.net "...I served with VP-11 from June 59 to July 61. After that the Navy chose to send me to tailhook squadrons on the West Coast. P-2V's will always be my first love. While serving in VP-11 on Crew7 (I think), the following occured: While taking off from Barcelonc Spain, the hydrolic arm that raised and lowered the nose gear broke off. The second mech, a reserve on active duty, physically pushed the gear down and inserted the safety pin. He was a AD3 by the name of Buck. We landed in Rota Spain without a problem. I do not think he was ever recognized by the Navy for what he did. But this crew member appreciated what he did. Has anyone else knowledge of the event or where Buck is today?..." [19JAN98]

HINGER, Joseph hingerj@msn.com "...I served with VP-11 as a FE on CAC-5 from 1975 to 1978. From there I was transferred to NADC/NAS Johnsville, Pennsylvania where I was in the Safety/NATOPS office. Would like to hear from anyone in that time frame. From 1964 to 1969 I was a crew member in VRF-31. 1970 to 1973 went to Panama on the Admirals crew. 1974 and part of 1975 was with VR-1 in NAS Norfolk, Virginia. 1975 went to FE school in NAS Patuxent River, Maryland..." [14MAY2007]

HINSHAW, AVCM Donald L. Retired dontish84@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1958-1962) - Electric Shop/Flt Crew, VP-6 (1965-1969) - Electric Shop/Flt Crew, VP-1 (1974-1978) - Electric Shop and VP-6 (1981-1984) - Maintenance Chief. After retiring in 1987, worked for Evergreen Airlines, McMinnville, OR, couple years and then Horizon Airlines for 20 years when I finally hung it up in 2009. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [01AUG2013]

HISER, AMH2 Tom thiser@neb.rr.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1966 to 1970 in the Airframes Shop. We deployed to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. I would like to hear from other former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 22DEC2003 | E-Mail Updated 08FEB2002 | E-Mail Updated 29APR2001 | 06NOV2000]

Memorial Picture "...HODGES, CAPTAIN William M...Just a note to VP-11 crewmembers from 1955-1957. My father, Capt. William M. Hodges, USN (ret.) passed away in February 2004. I was young when we were at NAS Brunswick, Maine but I believe he was either the XO or CO of the squadron in 1957 when he was transferred to NAS Whidbey Island, Washington (where he lived at the time of his death...William Clark Hodges shaark2@comcast.net..." [02APR2007]

HOGAN, AW1 Alfred L. Retired Nickoli14u@aol.com "...Feel free to drop a line and say hello. VP-10, VP-11, HSL-32, FASO NAS Brunswick, Maine 1973-1996..." [05NOV2001]

HOLLICK, Thomas C. thollick@yahoo.com "...I joined VP-11 Jan 1973 in NAS Brunswick, Maine 3 days after the squadron departed for Subic Bay. I worked in the power plants shop and made 3 deployments, two to NAS Bermuda and one to NS Rota, Spain/ NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. I departed VP-11 from NAS Bermuda in June 1976. It was nice to find this page and remember the good times..." [E-Mail Updated 09FEB2000 | 16MAY99]

HORSMAN, John "Pony" jphorsman@aol.com "...I have served with VP-5 (76-79), VP-30 (79-83), VP-23 (87-89), and VP-11 (90-92). If they would let me I would go back and start over tomorrow -- it was always fun and the people I got to know made it memorable -- they were the best part. Thanks..." [05JAN99]

HOUFEK, AOC Don houfekd@cprfp.navy.mil "...I was stationed with VP-11 1988-92, NAS Brunswick, Maine; VP-47 1993-98, NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii as an IFO (until they kicked us to the curb in 1994); CPWP, NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii which changed to COMPATRECONFORPAC when we moved into the AOC John W. Finn building at MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. I would like to thank CDR Bob Lally (XO VP-9) and LT "BOZ" Bostron for taking a suggestion and making it a reality! It really meant alot to John, all Ordies, and was the best ceremony I have had the privilege to be a part of!! Would like to hear from my friends out there! BE SAFE!! I.Y.A.O.Y.A.S...." [07SEP2000]

HOULE, AT2 Mark W. onthemarktfc@yahoo.com "...I served with vp-11 from 1982 to 1985. We deployed to NAS Bermuda (1984) and NAS Keflavik, iceland (1983). I had many good times while in NAS Brunswick, Maine and made a lot of friends while attached to AIMD W/C 650-690. I seperated in 1985 as an AT2. I am looking for old shipmates Brian Richard, Al Beck, Rick Paskoski and many others. AKA Parka Pirate, Fluff, if you remember me or have any infoormation - contact me..." [E-Mail Updated 16FEB2008 | E-Mail Updated 09AUG99 | Updated 12MAR98]

Memorial Picture "...HUDSPETH, CDR William...Passed away May 12, 2000. He was a great man, and I remember him as being a friendly, quiet leader who led VP-11 to the "E" in 1962. He would stroll into the Crews Lounge area and chat with sailors. He was the ideal commanding officer and a real and true gentleman. I don't think there would be a problem letting the VP Navy readers know that one more of their numbers has finally lifted off of the runway for one final patrol...Donald M. Graham, Jr pudchar@aol.com..." [14MAY2000]

HUGHES, CDR Russ ssbn631@yahoo.com "...AW in VP-11 from 1977 to 1980. On CAC 8 and CAC 5. Friends included Jolly, Lumpy, Steve Higgins, Barry W., Mike Germain, Red Rhoden, and Kevin Carroll. Still serving in USNR as Commander. Got off active duty in 1993 after tours on SSBN and an AOE..." [22AUG2001]

IRELAND, AD1 Steve Retired ridesafe@tds.net "...Just wanted to say hello out there to all the VP'ers as I was fortunate to homestead in NAS Brunswick, Maine for 17 of my 20 year career. I retired in 1998 from AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine. Went to NASB Fire Department for 4 years after retirement and now landed a job at the Cutler Naval Station (yes it's still open!) as their Safety Manager. Would like to hear from any Shipmates out there from VP-8, VP-11, VP-44, FASO/SERE School Brunswick, and also from my very first Navy tour with VF-143 Pukin' Dogs onboard the USS Eisenhower. Life is good in Downeast Maine!..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 01OCT2003 | 26SEP98]

Memorial Picture "...ISBELL, CAPTAIN Arnold Jay...http://www.ranger95.com/navy/navy_ship/combat_ship/destroyers/background/arnold_j_isbell_dd_869_bak.htm Arnold J. Isbell—born on 22 September 1899 in Quimby, Iowa—entered the Naval Academy on 24 July 1917 and graduated on 3 June 1920 (a year ahead of schedule due to acceleration of midshipman training during World War I) with class 21A of the Class of 1921. Isbell then served successive tours of duty in Melville (AD-2), Bath (AK-4), and the fast minelayers Ingraham (DM-9) and Burns (DM-11) before beginning flight instruction at the NAS Pensacola, Florida, on 30 June 1923. He then briefly served as an instructor there before reporting to Observation Squadron 1, based in the minelayer Aroostook (CM-3) which was then serving as an aircraft tender in November 1924. In March of the following year, he was transferred to the aviation unit of the battleship Tennessee (BB-43). Following two years of postgraduate work in ordnance back at the Naval Academy between the summers of 1926 and 1928, he received further flight instruction at Washington, D.C., under the supervision of the post graduate school, before going to sea with Torpedo Squadron IB in aircraft carrier Lexington (CV—2)...Isbell then served in the Aviation Ordnance Section of the Bureau of Ordnance (BuOrd) in Washington before reporting to Newport News, Va., on 16 September 1933 to participate in the fitting out of the Navy's first aircraft carrier to be built as such from the keel up, Ranger (CV-4). Following a brief tour of duty in that ship, he served from 6 June 1934 to 9 June 1936 in carrier Saratoga (CV-3) as gunnery officer on the staff of Rear Admiral (later Vice Admiral) Henry V. Butler, Commander, Aircraft, Battle Force...Isbell subsequently flew as executive officer of VP-7F based in aircraft tender USS Wright (AV-1) from 9 June 1936 to 1 June 1937 before commanding one of the five squadrons of the Aviation Training Department at NAS Pensacola, Florida, VN-4D8. While at Pensacola, he won the coveted Schiff Trophy, "emblematic of maximum safety in aircraft operation."...In the early summer of 1939, Lt. Comdr. Isbell assumed command of VP-11 (later redesignated VP-54). The German invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939 found VP-54 based at NAS Norfolk, Virginia; engaged in biennial maintenance of its dozen PBY—2 flying boats. Eight days later, a detachment of six planes departed NAS Norfolk, Virginia and arrived at Newport, R.I., their assigned base, that same day. The entire squadron resumed operations on NAS Norfolk, Virginia on 14 November 1939, relieving VP-53 on the Middle Atlantic Patrol...During one of the flights his squadron conducted in the initial selection and survey of Army and Navy base sites in Newfoundland in the autumn of 1940—sites obtained in the "destroyers-for-bases" deal of the summer before—Isbell found himself in the path of a hurricane. In an attempt to evade the storm, Isbell skillfully maneuvered his aircraft in the murk until exceptionally strong headwinds forced him to make an emergency night landing on Prince Edward Island. Isbell took off before daybreak, despite fog and violent winds, and reached his destination without mishap. After completing his inspection over uninhabited regions and seacoast areas, Isbell returned to Newfoundland to carry out an aerial survey of Argentina, a place soon to become famous as the site of the "Atlantic Charter" conference. Isbell's expert airmanship and tenacious devotion to completing his mission resulted in his receiving the air medal...Relieved of command of VP-54 on 15 April 1941, Isbell then served successive tours of duty in a staff capacity—first for Commander, Patrol Wing, Support Force (16 April-2 October 1941) as that command's planes escorted North Atlantic convoys; then as chief of staff and aide for Rear Admirals E. D. McWhorter and A. D. Bernhard, Commander, Patrol Wings, Atlantic Fleet (3 October 1941-11 June 1942)—before assuming command of NAS, Sitka, Alaska, on 5 June 1942. Promoted to captain during his time in the Aleutians, Isbell then served briefly in BuOrd before assuming command of the escort carrier Card (CVE-11) on 17 April 1943...For the next year, Card ranged the essential lifeline across the Atlantic to North Africa, earning together with her escorting destroyers, a Presidential Unit Citation under the resourceful "Buster" Isbell, who believed firmly in the potential of the CVE, maintaining that such a ship, together with her escorts, "could most effectively whip the submarine menace—as an independent offensive group rather than as a mere tag-along protector of a single convoy." Isbell used the year he commanded Card wisely to vindicate his belief. As antisubmarine task group commander between 27 July and 9 November 1943, Isbell developed his escort carrier-destroyer unit into a powerful combat force, refining tactics to meet the operational demands imposed by a wily and tenacious foe and wresting the initiative from his hands. Card sought out the enemy undersea craft with relentless determination m a vigorous offensive and struck with a devastating coordinated action that destroyed eight U-boats between 7 August and 31 October 1943...Detached from Card on 9 March 1944, Isbell—who had been awarded a Legion of Merit for his important work in Card—took his intimate knowledge of combatting U-boats to Washington, where he served in the 10th Fleet—a shipless "fleet" set up to research and develop tactics for antisubmarine warfare. Following this tour of shore duty—which lasted into 1945—Isbell was slated to receive command of a fast carrier. On 26 February 1945, he was ordered to the Pacific for temporary duty in Franklin (CV-13). On 13 March 1945, further orders directed him to relieve Capt. Thomas S. Combs as commanding officer of Yorktovm (CV-10). However, Capt. Isbell perished when a Japanese plane scored two bomb hits that touched off a conflagration in Franklin—the carrier in which he was embarked as a passenger—off Kyushu on 19 March 1945..." [26MAR2005]

JACOBSEN, ADR1 Robert Jake Retired alyeska90_95@hotmail.com "...Looking for anyone who went to South America with VP-11 On UNITUS 2. I believe it was 1959 or 1960. We had a great time. Sure would like to talk to some of you guys..." [25NOV2001]

JENZEN, AWC Ken jenzenk@yahoo.com "...Served with VP-11 from 1993 to 1996, CPRW-10 from 1997 to 2000, VP-1 from 200 to 2004, FASOTRAGRULANT from 2005 to 2006 and currently serving with Naval Special Warfare Development Group..." [00XXX97 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 07NOV2007]

JEWETT, YN3 R. E. abblou@earthlink.net "...I was a member of VP-11, NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island and other areas, from 1952 to 1954. Anyone else out there that was in this squadron? Welcome replies..." [01JUL2001]

JOHNSON, ANDRE DDAWG71@aol.com "...HM-12 1990, VP-31 1991, VP-49 1993, VP-11 1994..." [24MAR99]

JOHNSON, AO1 (AC) David hover32@hotmail.com "...I was in VP-11 Jun '70 - Dec '75 was my first PCS orders after AO-A School and VP-30 aircrew training. I then went to AO-C school Jan-Jun '76 and then VT-86 Jul '76 - Aug '78. Discharged Aug '78. VP-94 (USNR) from Aug '78 - Apr '82. Active duty Apr '82, CV-67 (JFK) May '82 -May '86. Discharged '86. Reserves (drilling)'88 to '99 in CV-60 and CV-72 NRC Memphis. Currently in IRR (no drills) planning to retire in 2009..." [08JUN2001]

JOHNSON, ADJ2 Ronald A. Rjohnson5@maine.rr.com "...I served with VT-25 from January 1963 to August 1966. Started out on flight line as Plane Captain/DC Equipment Operator(ADJAN). In fall of 64 was moved to power plant shop. Main duties were to trouble shoot for power plant on launches and to do High power engine turn ups on all aircraft coming out of check crew or had work done on fuel pumps or fuel controls or any requested by shop chief(ADJ3). Reupped and was ordered to VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine(ADJ2)..." [BIO Updated 06FEB2007 | 05AUG2006]

JOHNSON, AO1 Steven C. johnsos@ime.net "...Served in VP-11 from 1983-86, In VX-1 from 1986-89, VXN-8 from 1989-92, VP-11 again from 1992 until just prior to decomissioning 1995. Currently serving as a SERE Instructor with FASO in NAS Brunswick, Maine. Would like to hear from anyone..." [05NOV98]

JOLICOEUR, Leo leo@jolicoeur.com "...I was with VP-11 from 1976 to 1980. Would love to hear from all of my former AW buddies..." [E-Mail Updated 04MAR99 | 14JUL98]

JONES, CDR Ed Retired ejones@lincolntech.com "...Brings a tear to my eye to see the P-3 in any of its diverse configurations. It's a great aircraft and community of which I am proud to belong. It saddens me to see how it has been decimated since the end of the Cold War. Nevertheless, I know that VP folks are still professionals, just not as numerous. Nothing in my post-Navy career as a civilian executive has ever matched the rush of VP life. I truly value my days in VP-11 and VP-23. Our links to Brunswick are strong and our friends and neighbors still welcome us on our occasional trips back. Best regards..." [17AUG99]

JONES, Jeremy bayou_boy1@excite.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1992-1996. I would love to get in touch with all my old Proud Pegasai buds. I am now with VP-10 after a grulling 2 years with VP-30..." [18SEP2002]

JONES, Ron ronboat37@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1965-1969) at NAS Brunswick, Maine as Radio Operator on LE-5 P2V and LE-1 P-3B BUNO: 153414, Pilots CDR Hartell, LT Nash, LT Read, LT Fry (TACCO), LT Nelson (Navigator), Al Galinas (Radar/ECM), Tim Tribou (Ord) and Bill Laughlin (FE). I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 08FEB2017 | E-Mail Updated 10SEP2011 | E-Mail Updated 02SEP2011 | 20NOV2004]

JURACK, CWO3 Roger A. Retired Shipmate Pix...Circa Spring 1968... out2pasture@iowatelecom.net "...I served with VP-11 (1965-1966), VP-21 (1967-1969 Disestablishment), VP-11 (1969-1970) ASCAC FAW-5, ASCAC NAS Bermuda (1970-1972) ASCAC NAS Brunswick, Maine (1973-1976) VP-23 (1976-1980), CPW-5, ASWOC (1982-1983) and ASWOC NAS Adak, Alaska (1984-1985). I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 21JAN2015 | PIX ADDED 10AUG1998 | 07NOV1997]

KAIM, Frank kaimscircus@charter.net "...VP-11 1983-1986 SS-3 "Cocky Aircrew Twelve: If we can't find 'em, we'll tell you why!" Best of times in VP-11, best of shipmates. Now work in pro audio. Sonar training is the best audio school in the world! Not bad for a guy who would stop at nothing to avoid a sonobuoy..." [16MAR2010]

KEEFE, AD1(AW) Robert RobsZR2@hotmail.com"...I am currently with VP-46 as an AD1 Flight Engineer. I served with VP-11 from January 1995 until decommission and with VP-16 from January 1997 until January 2000..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 19MAY2002 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 14JAN2000]

KELSEY, ADC (AW) ALAN cinalk@msn.com "...I was with VP-26 from July 84 till Oct 87, also with VP-11 from April 91 till February 95...I am now in HM-53 at NAS Corpus Christi, Texas...I am now retired and working for GE Aircraft Engine Services in Kansas. I am a Production Supervisor in charge of rework for the T-700 GE Engines. Would really like to hear from anyone that I proudly served with..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 27DEC2001 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 10DEC99]

Memorial Picture "...KENNEDY, MCPO James P...I was 16 when my Father, James P. Kennedy, passed away. Dad served with VP-11 and VR-3. I know Dad flew out of NS Rota, Spain in 1960 and NAS Brunswick, Maine in 1962-63. I would like to hear from any of Dad's former Shipmates...Jim Kennedy wokbts@aol.com..." [14NOV2008]

KENYON, Howard R. Shipmate Pix howardkenyon8@wowway.com "...I served with VP-11 as a Gunner aboard the "Pistol Packin' Mama" at NAF Biak Atoll, Schouten Islands, Dutch New Guinea during WWII. I would love to hear from former Shipmates..." [PIX Updated 24JAN2015 | E-Mail Updated 29JUN2014 | E-Mail Updated 20JAN2014 | 29OCT2013]

KERSEY, YN2 Phil pkersey@southernco.com "...I served with VP-8 from 77-82 with various stints in VP-11, VP-23, VP-26 and VP-44. Deployed NAS Bermuda/ NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal 78, NS Rota, Spain/ NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal 79-82. Great memories. Hoping old Shipmates will drop a line..." [19JAN2000]

KAYE, AMS1 David Retired dlkaye01@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1984-1989) in Airframes, Corrosion Control and Hazardous Material Managment..." [01JAN2012]

KILBY, AT Ed mrednc1@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (Radar, Radio and ECM - Crew-11 - Plane Captain Clifford Riffle) from 1955 to 1957 with a deployment to Malta and many stops in the Med. Then a short time in Crew-1 with CDR Bill Hodges. I left there in 1957 to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland..." [07MAR2011]

KISLING, AO3 R. Dennis dkisling@msn.com "...I joined the Naval Reserves at NAS Minneapolis, Minnesota (1960-10/1961), VP-832 (10/1961-09/1962) at NAS Floyd Bennett Field, New York (Active Duty - Berlin Crisis) and VP-11 (10/1962-10/1963) at NAS Brunswick, Maine and VP-812 (Reserves) at NAS Minneapolis, Minnesota..." [12FEB2013]

KITTLES, H. hkittles@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 from July 90 to Sept 93. During that time I made several deployments to NAS Sigonella, Sicily and Dets to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. I look like to hear from any old squadron mates..." [20SEP99]

KNIPE, AW2 Steve aw2_steven_knipe_at_patron__roosey@hercules.nctspr.navy.mil "...Served in VP-11 from April 89-August 92. Picked up for EEAP program and attended University of Southern Maine, Portland from Sept 92-Aug 94...I reported to VP-10 in August 94 and am still serving with them at the present..."

KOMENDAT, YN Roger "Pete" carolnpete@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1959-1961) with deployments to NS Rota, Spain, NAS Sigonella, Sicily and NAS Keflavik, Iceland. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 04FEB2013 | 14MAY2009]

KONIECZNY, Vickie dshackel@tampabay.rr.com "...I served as an "AZ" in VP-11 from Dec 89 to Aug 94. From there, I transferred to AIMD, NAS Oceana, where I was stationed for only 9 months. I was selected for the Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP) FY95 and was commissioned as Ensign in June 97. I am currently in Pilot training at NAS Whiting Field, Milton, Florida and will be rewarded my "Wings of Gold" 18DEC98. I hope to fly the SH-60B out of Mayport, Fl. I would love to hear from any old squadron Shipmates. There's nothing like good sea stories! Be safe out there!...I served in VP-11 from December 1989 - August 1994 as an "AZ". I'm currently flying H-46 helos out of HC-6, NAS Norfolk, Virginia. Still having a blast after all these years. P-3's are fun but they can't hover! Best of luck to everyone out there. I'd love to hear from old Shipmates..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 19APR2000 | 27NOV98]

KORBER, Ron G. ronkorber@comcast.net "...I served with VP-11 from August 1961 thru March 1965. I served as 2nd mechanic with CAC-1 (BUNO: 148359), CAC-7 (BUNO: 140155), and CAC-8 (BUNO: 145918). I would like to hear from CAC-1 crew members. CO CDR J. P. Richardson, LT R. Muller, LT(jg) M. Bartolomei, LT(jg) R. Read and ENS R. Pollock. Plane Captain R. Kitterman, AXC S. Grindle, AX3 R. Childress, AX3 A. Olson, AE2 R. Darge, AO2 E. Tuttle and AO3 J. McCord. If anyone out there knows any of the Shipmates listed above or anyone who was part of "LOVIN' ELEVEN" during this time period, pass on my email address. I would like to hear from them. Good Hunting and thank you..." [E-Mail Updated 04SEP2008 | E-Mail Updated 02OCT2001 | 08AUG99]

KOUKES, Lee lkoukes@aol.com "...I was the Lockheed Field Service Representative assigned to VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1968-1970. VP-11 was a great assignment before going back to the U-2 and SR-71 Blackbird..." [07JUL2005]

KRASKO, Rich Amsret@AOL.COM "...I served with VP-11 73-74 and VP-10 75-78. Anyone that served during those times drop me a line it would be great to talk about old times. Anyone remember a Tom Trainer he was a FE with VP-10 75-77. I saw him last year he is working for a private airline flying an old Electra...Also, here is my duty station summary: VP-11, VP-10, HM-12, HSL-32, NAMTD NORTH ISLAND, HSL-43, HSL-49, RTC SANDIEGO, COMASWWINGPAC, and Retired 96..." [30DEC97]

KRAUS, Harold (Harry) G. hkraus@ruraltel.net "...Served in VP-11 1-57 to 1-60. Plane commander of LE-2, P2V-7 BN 143176. Would appreciate any information on officer and enlisted crew members. Will be attending the VP-11 Reunion in Pensacola April 23-26, 1998..." [E-Mail Updated 12JAN2002 | 09APR98]

KUCKELKORN, Josef jkuckelkorn@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-11 as Commanding Officer from June 1974 to 1975..." [E-Mail Updated 04MAR2011 | 05DEC2009]

KUHHIRTE, ATCS Dick Retired rkuhh2021@gmail.com "...Started my career with VP-10 in May 1962. Got out in February 1965 after flying almost 2000 hours in the P2V5. My first flight as radio operator out of code school was to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada and had deployments to NAS Sigonella, Sicily, and the Key West det. After being 'out' 1 1/2 years I came back in the Navy and my 8265 NEC got me back to NAS Brunswick, Maine. In VP-11 I transisioned from the P2V7 to the P-3B. I was there from May 1966 to September 1969 with trips to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. Went to 'B' school then back to NAS Brunswick, Maine, this time VP-44 flying the P-3A with NS Rota, Spain and a NAS Bermuda deployments. Had a shore tour in a NAS Pensacola, Florida, then back to NAS Brunswick, Maine for another tour in VP-11 from February 1978 to May 1981. Began my VP career as an ATS3 radio operator and it seems I got to do just about every thing on aircraft, even got to fly one for a short while. Ended it as an ATCS IFT. Looking back, I have no regrets and enjoyed being in the VP Navy. After retiring in 1984, I got a job with a government contractor here in Pensacola tracking helicopter parts for the NADEP. Stayed here when the NADEP moved to Cherry Point. I now am the Maintenance Department and Safety Manager at a Surgery Center..." [E-Mail Updated 01JUL2022 | 01OCT2000]

KUNKEL, CAPTAIN Larry Retired lkunkel@erols.com "...VP-11 ('61-'63); VP-18 ('66-68); & VC-5 ('72-74); NAVAIR; & NAVWESA..." [20JUL99]

Memorial Picture Shipmate Pix "...LaMAR, James Jr...James LaMar, Jr., died Friday, June 10, 2022, at 10:20 p.m. after a lengthy illness. He was 88. He is preceded in death by his wife of 52 years, Charlotte LaRue Gilmore LaMar, who died in 2008, one sister Viola Sue, and one son-in-law Thomas Teele Behnke. He is survived by Alice Santos LaMar, and his two daughters Sealy Racelle LaMar, D.V.M., her husband Jeffrey Penner, and Valerie Zoe LaMar, B.S.R.N., his grandson Jared LaMar Penner and Skyler Thayer, and his honorary daughter, Nancy Marie Hood. He is also survived by Michelle Coleman, Elizabeth and Mark Bowers, and Cheryl Coleman, seven grandchildren, and seven great grandchildren. LaMar was born in Wink, Texas, Feb. 13, 1934. He graduated Sundown High School, and earned his B.S. in agriculture from Texas Tech University in 1956. That same year, he married LaRue Gilmore of Levelland, Texas. In 1957, LaMar joined the United States Navy and became a pilot. He served with VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine, as a pilot on an aircraft carrier in the South China Sea, was posted at NAS Corpus Christi, Texas and NAS Alameda, California until his honorable discharge in 1966. He was awarded the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal for his service in the Vietnam Conflict. The family later moved to Santa Rosa, where Jim worked as a flight engineer for Pan American Airlines. After PanAm ceased operation in 1991, he flew for United until his retirement in 2001. The family were long time members of First United Methodist Church in Santa Rosa, and Jim later joined the Christian Family Fellowship, where he and Alli were active members. The LaMars frequently traveled internationally, with the last big family trip being a safari through southern Africa. LaMar was an active member of SIR, Luther Burbank Branch 17, an avid golfer, and a sport hunter with Freddie, his Weimaraner bird dog. A celebration of life will be held July 9 at 3:00 P.M. at Christian Family Fellowship, 1160 A. Hopper Ave., Santa Rosa. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorials to K9s For Warriors or Redwood Gospel Mission at Redwood Gospel Mission..." Contributed by Nancy M. Hood hood, nancy m <nancy.m.hood@ttu.edu> [01JUL2022]

Memorial Picture "...LaCROIX, Joseph T. "Joe"...Joseph "Joe" T. LaCroix passed away Feb. 28, 2012, in Tecumseh. At the age of 17, he entered the Navy serving in the Pacific during World War II. He was assigned to VP-11 and received the Presidential Unit Citation and Distinguished Flying Cross for his rescues of other servicemen in the Bismark Sea..." WebSite: NewsStar.COM http://www.news-star.com/ [29FEB2012]

LASSEN, CPO Otto "Frank" Retired ironduke@lassen.ws "...I served with VP-49 from 1968 to 1972, Naval Research Lab. at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from 1972 to 1975 and VP-11 as a FE. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." Personal WebSite: http://blade-knives.com/ [E-Mail Updated 08SEP2009 | 25NOV1997]

LAWRENCE, David W. gammonman@hotmail.com "...I served aboard P-3B's in VP-11 in 1975 and 1976. I was an AW3 and a member of CAC-10 and served as the SS3 operator, based at NAS Brunswick, Maine..." [15APR2006]

LEVESQUE, AT2 David dlvqaz56@gmail.com "...I served with VP-44 (11/1976-06/1980), Ground pounding at Naval Weapons Test Squadron (WST) (11/1976-07/1979) with deployments to NAS Bermuda- NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal (1977) and NAS Keflavik, Iceland (1979) and VP-11 (06/1980-06/1981) as Weapons System Test (WST) and IFT during their transistion to Update IIs with deployment to NS Rota, Spain- NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. Any old Shipmates please drop me an email..." [E-Mail Updated 10JAN2020 | E-Mail Updated 08DEC2007 | E-Mail Updated 12MAY2001 | 17NOV99]

LEWIS, AOC (AW/NAC) Richard Retired richl9548@gmail.com "...I served with VP-46 (1969-1972), Naval Air Development Center Warminster (1972-1976), VP-11 (1976-1978), NAS Midway Island (1978-1979), NAS Lemoore, California (1979-1981) (what was I thinking), VP-17 (1981-1984), NAS Sigonella, Sicily (1985-1989), VP-40 (1989-1992) and NAMTD NAS Moffett Field, California (1992-1993). Finally retired in 1993 and settled in Florida. The names I've seen bring back so many memories. Middle of the night phone calls, alert launches, icing down beer for post-flight. From NAS Adak, Alaska to NAS Agana, Guam, Cavite to Catania, there was and is no better way to travel. Anyone out there care to drop a line, the coffee's on, the beer's cold and the smoking lamp is lit..." [E-Mail Updated 09JUN2013 | E-Mail Updated 17APR2010 | E-Mail Updated 28MAY2007 | E-Mail Updated 04JAN2005 | 18APR2001]

LIMOGES, Robert boblimo1@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-11 (07/1962-01/1970) at NAS Brunswick, Maine..." [12JUL2012]

Memorial Picture "...LINHARD, ADCS John A. Jr...John A. Linhard Jr., 50, of Windmere Road died Monday, Feb. 11, 2008, following a long and courageous battle with cancer, with his companion by his side. He was born in Baltimore, Md., on May 12, 1957, the son of John A. Sr. and Clarissa L. Jones Linhard. He attended local schools there. Following graduation from high school, he enlisted and served in the Navy. His career spanned 26 years until his retirement in July 2003 as a senior chief petty officer. His Navy career afforded him the opportunity to travel and live all over the world. His passion, however, was to always to return to the Brunswick Naval Air Station and the beautiful state of Maine. He was an avid hunter and sportsman who enjoyed swimming, running and biking. He participated in the Trek Across Maine and was active in the protection and preservation of the Maine environment and landscape. He was a skilled woodworker who built his own home and was very active and supportive in his children's school activities and sporting events. He served with VP-11..." WebSite: CenterSeat (CENTERSEAT FORUM - Main Category - IN MEMORY) http://www.centerseat.net/ [08AUG2008]

LISHNESS, Robert lish2k@tqci.net "...I'm a ground pounder. I served with: VP-8 80-85, AMS "A" School Instuctor 85-89, VP-11 89-92, AIMD NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 92-95, and now work with DYNCORP FORCE WARFARE. My bother Tom and Father Alton were also VP'ers with VP-10, VP-30, VP-40, and VP-11. I would like to hear from all Shipmates that might know me or my dad and brother..." [01JAN98]

LITTLEFIELD, James W. JWlitt38@aol.com "...Stationed at NAS Brunswick, Maine with VP-11 from 1956-1959. I was Plane Capt. on crew 10..." [23JAN99]

LITTLEFIELD, AW1 Thomas tbed@clinic.net "...I am currently serving in the VP-10 Training Dept. I have done tours in VP-11 (88-92), VP-26 (93-94) and CPW5 (94-97). I'd be glad to hear from any old Pegasi, Trident, Lobster or Lancers..." [26MAY98]

LIVINGSTON, AT2(AW) Brock brockl@bellsouth.net "...I was in VP-11 fron September 1991 thru October 1996. I was TAD to AIMD. Would love to hear from any and all. I am currently stationed at AIMD NAS Jacksonville, Florida..." [16FEB99]

Memorial Picture "...LOCEY, Robert A...Sad to report the death of Robert Locey. Bob passed away July 12, 2006 at the Maine Veterans Home in Scarborough, ME. Bob served with VP-45, VP-10, ATU-206, back to VP-10, VT-27, VP-11 and RVAW-111...WILSON, AT2 Robert T. Jr. helgasgardener@gmail.com..." [14JUL2006]

LOCEY, Robert A. Retired (Deceased) rlocey@maine.rr.com "...VP-45 1950 to 52, transferred to VP-10 52 to 56, then to ATU-206 (F9F's), back to VP-10 58 to 61 which I believe was with the first Unitis Operation. Was on Crew 5 with Lt Jerry Spitz as PPC with Gordy Day as co-pilot. Then with (Red Bird) Adams with Russ Mowery as co-pilot.Transf. to VT-27 at NAAS New New Iberia, Louisiana for shore duty. Then to VP-11 1962 to 1965, which included transition from P2V7's to P-3. Then final tour at NAS North Island, San Diego, California with RVAW-111 a Hawkeye training squadron till 1970 then transf to fleet reserve..." [Deceased Updated 14JUL2006 - E-Mail Updated 07JAN2002 | 17FEB2000]

LOMBARDO, AE1 Chuck MarSec@Concentric.net "...Served with VP-11 on split deployment to Subic Bay / Utapo Thailand Aug.72 - Dec. 72. Would like to here from anyone who served same time..." [29JAN99]

LOVE-VILLARREAL, Jennifer vluvtrio@bellsouth.net "...I served VP-11 from May 1990-June 1994. Went through IFT track at VP-30, then transferred to VP-47 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. I got out of the Navy in December 1998. Would love to hear what some of you are up to these days!..." [22MAY99]

LUCKE, ADJ3 Jerry glucke@woh.rr.com "...VP-11 1961 - 1962..." [01MAY2007]

LUIGART, Craig B. cluigi@aol.com "...I was a naval aviator and completed VP-30 August 1977 to Dec 1977 just following my winging as an ENS. I was initially assigned to VP-23 in NAS Brunswick, Maine but upon reporting was reassigned to VP-11 as part of a replacement crew following their crash in the Canary Islands. I reported to VP-11 in late Jan 1978 as a 3P and remained with them until Dec 1980. I was the PPC and Mission Commander for CAC-2 from April 1980 till my departure. I later was (as an AEDO) the International Program Manager for P-3 at the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) from May 1988 to June 1991, releaving CDR Rob Chase. I directed or was responsible for the Pakistani P-3 Program execution, the final delivery of the P-3CUIIIs to Norway and the sale of P-3s to Korea and Thiland..." [26AUG99]

LYNCH, LTJG Ken kslynch@erols.com "...I served with VP-11 (87-91), TSC NAS Brunswick, Maine (91-95), until I became an LDO. Then, off to USS George Washington (CVN 73) from 95-98. Now, off to duty with the MOCC in NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania..." [22JUL98]

MALLORY, AT2 Jay Rangeley97@aol.com "...I was stationed in NAS Brunswick, Maine from May 1961 thru May 1964 attached to VP-11. I was an AT-2, first radio operator, assigned to Ashleaf 7, 9LBY, #148397 (almost the last P2V ever manufactured). Flew our butts of during the blockade of Cuba in 1962. Had deployments to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, and NS Rota, Spain. Some crew members were LTCR Ray Gaul, LT Ralph Drews, LT Meeks, Brad Case AO, Mike McCorkle, "Frenchy" (engineer), Jim Schuett, and a guy with the last name of Cox who smoked cigars and chewed the butts for flavor... Anyone around that era?..." [12FEB2001]

Shipmate Requested Name Removal  [Shipmate Removed 17DEC2004 | 02JAN2004]

MARIS, LT William L. Retired "Bill" billmaris@comcast.net "...I joined the Navy December 11, 1939 and went from "Boot Camp" to VP-11 (PBY-3), VP-12 (PBY-3) and a "Plank Owner" with VP-43 (PBY-5 & PBY-5A's). VP-12 split and became VP-23 and VP-43 in the summer of 1941. I was LCPO of VPB-S&R-PBY-5A's at NAS Corpus Christi, Texas during the period of 1940 thru 1945. Spent a tour in the Aleutions from June 7, 1942 until the first of June 1943 (AMM1/C-CAC-3). I left our PBY-5 A's at NAS Adak, Alaska and rode surface to NAS Seattle, Washington, then on the NAS Corpus Christi, Texas. Made ACMM 1 February 1944. After enjoying many duty stations & Bird Farms I went from E-8 to Ltjg LDO (6852) August 11, 1964 and retired (03) February 1, 1970 at HC-4, NAS Lakehurst, New Jersey (30 in and 34+ on the RL). I would love to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 16AUG2010 | 22MAR2004]

MARQUIS, ABH2 Marvin mmarquis@mediaone.net "...I served with VP-11 1976-1979 and then S.E.R.E. I was an instructor at FASOTRAGRULANT DET NAS Brunswick, Maine (1979-1981). Last tour U.S.S. America (CVA-66 1981-1983)..." [11SEP99]

MATERN, Steve vp11sam@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 (1977-1981) as a IFT on Crew-1. Trying to locate Shipmate AW David Crosley..." [08APR2015]

MARTIN, Bob cowpoke1604@aol.com "...At NAS Brunswick, Maine VP-11 60-61. E-3, 1st duty station. Mostley on line crew. Horsewell skipper. Worked for Bm1. Few names I remember, Abe Satterfield, Formasano, Stan Landry, Doug Mullins, and Lt. Jaeger Lt McMiachel. Stray black dog, Auggie Doggie, rode bus from barracks, the rode around on line tractors all day. Doug Mullins running a 58 Chevy all the way to Tazewell Tn and back on a weekend. Trucker now. Recentley delivered a machine to the old fuel depot just off the base at South Harpswell. It is no longer..." [E-Mail Updated 23AUG2003 | 16MAY99]

MARTIN, Randy "Turnup" rajen@mho.com "...AW2, CAC-1, VP-11, 10/88-06/92. I miss Ya'll. I'm out here in Denver flying for United. Would love to hear from anyone that remembers me! Drop me a line..." [30OCT99]

MARTIN, ATCS(AW) Tim TAMartin@vinson.navy.mil "...Just wanted to say Howdy to VP-11 Shipmates (1982-1985). Back then I wuz a Photo Mate and then I discovered I liked girls and passed the ASVAB, cross-rated to AT (AT always...never an AX, I said I discovered I liked girls...) so the rest, I reckon is history. Hope to hear from ya'll. Thanks..." [15OCT98]

MARTINSEN, CDR Glenn Tracy (Deceased) http://1963usna.topcities.com/classmates/roster/cur-bio/316250.html "...Commander Glenn T. "Marty" Martinsen was born in Santa Monica, California in 1941. He attended the University of Southern California prior to entering the United States Naval Academy in 1959. Upon graduation in 1963 with a Bachelor of Science degree and a commission as an Ensign, he entered flight training in Pensacola, Florida. Receiving his wings in November 1964, Commander Martinsen was assigned to VP-17, flying the SP2H Neptune aircraft out of NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, and on three deployments to the Far East. From 1968 to 1970, he was assigned to the United States Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, where he received his Master of Science degree in computer science. He then reported to the U.S.S. Saratoga (CV-60) as the Assistant Combat Information Center Officer and qualified as an Officer of the Deck, Underway, while operating in the Mediterranean and Vietnam waters. In 1972, he attended the United States Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, graduating with distinction in 1973. Commander Martinsen transitioned to the P-3 Orion aircraft and reported to VP-8 in NAS Brunswick, Maine, where he served as the squadron Administrative Officer and later as the Maintenance Officer. While with VP-8, he deployed to various sites in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. In 1976, he was assigned to the staff, Commander Patrol Wings, U.S. Atlantic Fleet as the Force Tactical Development and Evaluation Officer until reporting to VP-11 as Executive Officer. Commander Glenn T. Martinsen, USN 33rd Commanding Officer Patrol Squadron Eleven passed away on active duty on July 24, 1979..." [29JUN2003]

MASCIANGELO, CAPTAIN Peter "Mas" Retired masciangelo@je.jfcom.mil "...VP-5 1975-1978, VP-30 1978-1983, VP-11 1986-1988, and VP-10 1989-1991. Talk about fun - I have had more than my share of it...Retired from the Navy, Sept 1, 2001. Govt Contractor for Joint Forces Command..." [BIO/E-Mail Updated 04FEB2002 | E-Mail Updated 26OCT99 | 28MAY99]

MATERN, AX2 Steve vp11sam@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 (1977-1981) as a IFT with Crew-1 and Crew-2. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [27MAY2012]

McCANN, Brian Dale mcceat22@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-11..." [20MAR2019]

MCCANN, Michael bmac156@ime.net "...Was with VP-11 in 1956 to 1957. Made 1 trip to Malta. Live a stone throw from Brunswick Maine. Sincerely..." [23SEP2001]

McCAUGHEY, Thom (Gopher) thom.mac@verizon.net "...I was in the last AX class at NAS Memphis, Tennessee in '68 before they temporarily closed down and tried to make us all AW's. I was then in the last class to go through P-2V training in VP-30 Det NAS Jacksonville, Florida in '68. After joining VP-21 flying P-2V7's in November '68, like many others I was forced to change to the AW rate in order to keep flying. I was the Julie/ECM operator on CAC-XIV and made the final NAS Sigonella, Sicily deployment before they decomissioned us in November '69. I think the two worst things you could hear were "EXTEND PLE" and "WE'RE GOING TO SIG." I don't remember anyone pulling a WESTPAC deployment complaining as much as anyone that had been to Sicily. It seemed for a while that the best way to get decomissioned was to send me there. After the decomissioning, I was transferred to VP-26 already on a split deployment to NAS Keflavik, Iceland/Lajes. I converted to the P-3B RADAR/MAD position and later qualified in Accoustics. I made another trip to NAS Sigonella, Sicily and finished up with a NAS Bermuda deployment and a UNITAS trip in '71. I was a P-3C Sensor 3 ground phase and in-flight instructor with VP-30 in NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from '72 until their move to NAS Jacksonville, Florida in '75. I spent my final 10 months back in NAS Brunswick, Maine with VP-11 and separated from the Navy in July '76. Since then I have worked at NAWCAD NAS Patuxent River, Maryland at the Chesapeake Test Range. It has kept me close to naval aviation and I get to see the latest and greatest of what is heading to the fleet. It's amazing how many old squadron mates still pass through here..." [E-Mail Updated 22DEC2004 | Updated 05FEB98]

McCLURE, AME Larry lmcclure48@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (03/1968-06/1971). I served with Chief Zorn (injured my foot in a hangar door and he and his wife made sure I was attended to), Thomas Cahill, Tom Reed, Larry Duncan and I see Don and Jane Fellows monthly. I have 3 sons, 5 grandkids and still in Maine. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [07MAR2012]

McCORMICK, John johnnymc9@comcast.net "...I served with VP-11 from 1966-1969. I worked in the Tron shop usually second shift, was TDA to AMD, the last year. I deployed to NAS Keflavik, Iceland in 1969, but left early to be discharged. I married a Brunswick girl. I lived in Windham Me. until 1977, now I live in Chattanooga, Tn. The three years I spent in Loven eleven have been some of my most treasured memories. Would like to hear from my Shipmates..." [15AUG2002]

McCORMICK, Kevin kmccormick@powerlan-usa.com "...I am a former AW3 of VP-11 from Fall of 84 through Spring of 86. I belonged to CAC-5..." [26JAN2001]

Memorial Picture "...McCULLOUGH, PO2 William A. "Bill"...My husband, William A McCullough, passed away April 20, 2022. He served with VP-11 (1995-1997) at NAS Brunswick, Maine and VP-8 (1997-2000). He also spent time at NAS Jacksonville, Florida and NAS North Island, San Diego, California. I do have a NAS Adak, Alaska Cruisebook (1988-1989). If there is anyone on here that would like this, I am happy to pass it along. It is history, but will mean more to others than to me. I am not sure how many will remember after all these years, but I just found this site and thought someone might be wondering. We left NAS Brunswick, Maine and moved to Baltimore MD and from there came here to FL. Bill is laid to rest in Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell. See: The Journey of Loving William Mccullough and Bill's Wonderful Life..." Contributed by Shirley McCullough eileenelder999@outlook.com [17OCT2023]

McDANIEL, AT2(AW) Keith gogolf18@aol.com "...I served in VP-5 (1992-1995) 5IFT crews 8 & 9. I took the standard route through 30 FRAMP and straight to the squadron. I did my 5 years and THOUGHT I was done. Got out in 01/95. Spent two & 1/2 years in a factory and got layed off. So, here I am back in the Navy. Currently in NSF Diego Garcia stationed with VP-1 out of NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. Signed my page and now am a groundpounder. So if my name rings a bell email me..." [13JUL99]

McDONOUGH, AWCS Bill Jr. Retired wjmcdjr27@comcast.net "...I served with VP-7 (1957-1960), VP-30 (1960-1962), VP-26 (1962-1969), VX-1- (1969-1972), VP-11 (1972-1977), CPW-5 (1977-1980) and Retired. I am looking for Mike Solley (AE) VP-26 from Alabama and would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 12AUG2012 | E-Mail Updated 26JUN2000 | 11JUL98]

McGORRAY, Thomas tom@xgboy.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1962 to 1963 as Air Intelligence Officer and Navigator. Retired out of NS Rota, Spain in May 1963. Spent 1963 to 1987 as FBI Agent. Personal WebSite: http://www.xgboy.com/..." [27NOV2009]

McKINNEY, J. Michael mmckinne@navprgms.mar.lmco.com"...I'm a VP Sailor and a previous Lockheed P-3 Tech. Rep and I'm presently working in Lockheed Martin P-3 Engineering. My love of the P-3 began in 1973 when I got my first ride in one as an AT2. After that I received orders to VP-30 Pax River,MD to P-3B Weapons System Test (WST) school in 1974. Upon completion of Weapons System Test (WST) school I was assigned to VP-11 (1975)and starting working towards becoming an IFT. I was awarded my AC Wings after the 1975 Rota/Lajes deployment. I made the subsequent deployment in 1976 to Bermuda/Lajes. Nov.76 I was transferred to VP-30 for P-3C IFT school. I was then assigned to VP-45 in 1977 and deployed to Sicily in 1978, after which I got out of the Navy and went to work for Lockheed. As a Lockheed Tech. Rep.I was assigned to VP-46 (1979-1982), Royal Netherlands Navy (82-83) Royal Australian Air Force (84-86), VP-47 (86-87), VP-50 (87-88) Commander, Patrol Wing Five (CPW-5) (88-92) CPW-11 (92-93) and worked on the Korean Navy P-3C aircraft on the Lockheed flight line. Old shipmates please drop a line..."

McLAUGHLIN, AT David Shipmate Pix...Circa 1995... skow1az2@qwest.net "...I served with ZX-11 (1957 to 1958), VW-13 (1959), VW-11 (1960 to 1961), VP-11 (1962 to 1963) and VT-28 NAS Corpus Christi, Texas (February 1963 to April 1966). I was an aircreman AT. I would like to hear from anyone who may remember serving with me..." [BIO/PIX Updated 23OCT2006 | 22OCT2006]

MEGOW, Randy rmegow@hotmail.com "...Would love to hear from any old Shipmates. Started out in VQ-1 from 1985 till 1990. Went Flight Engineer and have been in VP-6, VP-4, VP-11, VP-10, VP-26, and now find myself here at CPRW-5. Can't say "shore duty is for fags" anymore. Take Care, and God's speed to all..." [12DEC2002]

MONROE, James jamesmonroe53@yahoo.com "...My service started at NAS North Island, San Diego, California (Training Center) on December 28, 1960 and served with VP-11 from March 2, 1961 to June 11, 1965 when I was discharged from the Navy..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 28NOV2009 | 26MAY2002]

MORI, CDR Donald "Paul" Retired dmori1832@earthlink.net "...I served aboard NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada (1964-1967), NROTC University of Nebraska (1967-1971), VP-8 (1972-1976), VP-30 (1976-1978), TSC (1978-1980) at NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal , USNA (1980-1982), VP-11 (1983-1985), TSC (1985-1987) at NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, CPWL (1987-1991) and retired (1991)..." [BIO Updated 24FEB2014 | E-Mail Updated 20SEP2000 | 06MAR2000]

MICHEL, LT Christopher Prentiss Shipmate Pix cmichel@mba1998.hbs.edu "...I was a Tactical Coordinator flying the P-3 Orion with Patrol Squadron Eleven (VP-11). As the Mission Commander of Combat Aircrew Eleven, I led a crew of 12 airmen in a variety of missions throughout the world. Crew 11 participated in Desert Shield/Storm, Operation Support Democracy, and Operation Uphold Democracy. I left VP-11 to take a job in the Pentagon on the staff of the Chief of Naval Operations. I served for two years on headquarters staff as the Aide and Flag Lieutenant to the Commander, Naval Reserve Force, Admiral Thomas Hall, USN (Ret.)...I recently finished Harvard Business School and now work as a management consultant in San Francisco during the week and as a Lieutenant in VP-65 on the weekends..." [BIO Updated 12NOV98]

MIGDALEK, AO3 Bruce Duckadder@aol.com "...I was formerly attached to VP-11 from the summer of 1971 until December 1972 as AO3. I reported to squadron during split deployment NS Rota, Spain/ NAS Sigonella, Sicily. We made split deployments to Subic Bay/Utapao Thailand from August 1972 to December 1972. They are the most memorable years of my life! I was a member of CAC-12 "THE PIG PATROL." Would love to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 12MAY2003 | 13MAY98]

MILHOLLAND, Ray rflaserman@bresnan.net "...I served with VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1972 to 1976. I flew with CAC-3 and CAC-5. Looking for any information or people during that time frame..." [03MAR2009]

MILLER, AME1(A/W) Edward E. eemill43@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-11 from April 1992 to April 1996 and retired in 1999. I now work for Lockheed Martin in Greenville S.C. as an Operations Supervisor. Anybody in the AME/PR Shop from this time frame give me a shout it will be nice to here from ya..." [28FEB2009]

MILLER, ATCS Johnny Retired skipper@panola.com "...After Boot and A schools assigned NAAS Saufley Field, Pensacola, Florida 63-66 AMD. Was in VP-11 66-69 (AT2-1) though the transition to P-3Bs assign to AIMD mostly. Made deployment split to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. Member with special 3 plane detachment to Africa, Mauritius in 69 with VP-11. Mphs 69-71 instructor duty AFUN P and AT A schools was assign back to NAS Brunswick, Maine in VP-26 72-73, made deployment to NAS Sigonella, Sicily and Crete. Selected for ADCOP went to State Technical Institute at Memphis 73-75 earned AE degree -majored Electronic Eng. Iceland 75-77 AIMD in support of deployed P-3 squadrons - running Tron Shop. Mphs Instuctor AV A (ATC) and AMO 77-79 (ATCS). HSL-36 as H2 Det Chief on the USS Paul and USS Estocin 80-83, retired 83. Completed BS with Southern Illinois U in 86. Presently Facility Engineer 11 years at The Thermos Co. Would like to hear from anyone who remembers the good times..." [25APR2005]

MISNER, AME2 Randy K. rkmisner@comcast.net "...I served with VP-30 (1970-1972) and VP-11 1972-1974) at NAS Brunswick, Maine..." [02OCT2014]

MISTLER, ALC Warren Retired mistlerusn@comcast.net "...VP-91 (1941), VP-62 (1942 to 1943), VR-11 (1943 to 1944), VR-13 (1944 to 1945), VR-2 (1945 to 1947), NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island (1947), SPUC NAS Squantum, Massachusetts (1948), NADC (Warminister) Johnsville, Pennsylvania (1949), VC-33 (1950 to 1952), VP-11 (1952 to 1955), VX-3 (1956 to 1957) and VAW-33 (1958 to 1960) FR to 1971 and retired on 30 years..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 08JAN2009 | BIO Updated 03APR2000 | 28MAR2000]

MODLIN, Raymond D. rraymod@aol.com "...I joined VP-11 when it was re-established in 1951 (might have been 1952) at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island. We first flew PB4Y2's, then our home base was moved to NAS Brunswick, Maine. We deployed to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, Malta, Viequez, etc. Was a 2nd Meck on Flight Crew #8. LTjg Matheson was our captain and Tex Gordon our Plane Captain. I have been trying to locate Robert (Stumpy) L. Titus, AD2 and 2nd Mech on Flight Crew #2. I retired from American Airlines in 1987. Have lived here in east Texas the past 10 years. Before that Montana, Michigan, St. Louis, and Irving. Don't plan to move again. If anyone "out there" knew and/or remembers me please write..." [05DEC2002]

MONFORT, CWO3 Jim Retired monfortjr@earthlink.net "...Joined in August 1972. I served in VP-11 from 1973 to 1978. After a brief stint to learn the P-3C I was in VX-1 from 1978 to 1981 as both acoustic and non-acoustic operator. Back to NAS Brunswick, Maine and VP-23 from 1981 to 1984. Leaving VP-23 as AW Div CPO. Went to DC, OP-01 from 1984 to 1986. Couldn't take driving the beltway anymore so I terminated shore duty and went to the USS Coral Sea for 16 months between 1987 and 1988. Picked up CWO2 and went to CPRW-1 at NAS Cubi Point, Philippines. Got there in September 1988 and left three years later, after Mt Penitubo. Did another three years in NAS Patuxent River, Maryland with Force Warfare (now VX-20) from 1994 to 1997. Did my final tour at CPRW-5 at NAS Brunswick, Maine where I was involved in helping close down VP-11. 8 commands during my career, only three still around (and two of them have changed names)..." [17MAR2011]

MORRIS, LT Garron GSMorris@aol.com "...Served with VP-11..." [11JAN98]

MORRISSEY, AX Joe jomo101@tampabay.rr.com "...I served with VP-11 (1965-1970). I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 26AUG2017 | 16MAY99]

MOSES, AMS1(AC) Harvey J. Retired nightnurse377@yahoo.com "...Arrived in the VP Navy in May 1970 as an AMS2 to VP-23 in NAS Brunswick, Maine. Worked airframes for 3 months and started flying as 2ed Mech. FE school in 1971 with VP-30 in NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. VP 1971 to 1974, NATC NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 1974 to 1975. South maint. and ASW there. Back to NAS Brunswick, Maine with VP-10 1975 to 1980. Cross decked back to VP-11 1980 to 1983. NAS Brunswick, Maine 1983 to 1986. Retired in Lewiston Maine. Worked for Gates Corp. and went to school. Am now a RN and love it. See some of the old gang at the exchange every now and then. Love to hear from anyone..." [E-Mail Updated 23NOV2004 | 30NOV2001]

MOSS, Todd M. tmoss@ameritech.net "...I served in VP-11 from Oct 89 to Sep 92, VP-93 from Jan 93 to Apr 94, VP-92 from May 94 to Oct 99, and am currently the Admin Department Head in NR NAS Sigonella, Sicily 0192..." [BIO Updated 17OCT2000 | 13OCT2000]

MURRAY, AD1 Arthur L. Jr. bnbm1947@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-23 (1973-1980) and VP-11 (1980 to 1985) flying in the FE position. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [11DEC2012]

Memorial Picture "...MYHRE, AMHC Ken...I learned today with great sorrow that a good friend and fellow crewmember passed away. AMHC Kenneth D. Myhre, FE VP-23, Crew 1/2 1979 -1982, passed away on 11/5/2011. Ken also served with VP-11. He was the best, and the world is a poorer place for his passing..." Contributed by JURACK, CWO3 Roger A. out2pasture@iowatelecom.net [13NOV2011]

MYHRE, AMHC Ken Retired 3n6forfun@roadrunner.com "...I attended FE training in 1972 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, VP-11, Commander Fleet Air Mediterranean (COMFAIRMED), VP-23 at NAS Brunswick, Maine in 1978 (during their transition to Update II) and retired in 1980. I don't think I will ever forget my six years in VP Navy. My mail box is open to old friends. Any old VP-23 1/2 crewmen out there, "Mother's" watching..." [E-Mail Updated 25OCT2009 | 30DEC97]

NELSON, CAPTAIN Bob Retired sudabay@aol.com "...I served with VP-21, VP-30, FAW-3, VP-11 and MARAIRMED (Maritime Air Forces Mediterranean) plus other duty stations..." Personal WebSite: http://members.aol.com/NAVCAD2555/index.html

NELSEN, David A. dtnelsen@worldnet.att.net "...I served with VP-11 from APR '91 to JUL '94. I made the dets & deployment to Roosey Roads as well as NAS Sigonella, Sicily, IT & Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Also enjoyed ICEX in Thule, Greenland in '94. Was the PPC for CAC-6 (the "Battle Sows"). I am currently aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) with PATRON DET IKE as a "Shooter." Twenty-five percent of the wardroom (half the aviators) are of VP descent. All the "Shooters" are VP guys. As one P-3 NFO recently told the Captain at a "Hail & Farewell," "...without us, you'd have a mighty nice frigate, Captain."..."

NOCE, Bob Shipmate Pix Circa 1967 Dogs1@msn.com "...I was a pilot in VP-5 in SP2e's and P-3Aa from Dec 1965-Dec 1968; VP-31 insructor pilot and standardization pilot, VP-31 from Dec 1968 to Dec 1971; Exchange pilot with RCAF (Argus) from Jan 72-June 74; T-34 Instructor pilot (VT-5) at Saufley from July 1974-Mar 1976; VP-44 Department Head tour 1976-1978; CPWL Weapons Training Officer 1979-1980; XO and CO VP-11 1981-1982; Recruiting CO and Area Commander 1985-1991; retired in 1992..."

NOKES, CDR Neil Retired nokesneil@bellsouth.net "...I served with VP-3 from 1953 to 1955, VAH-1 from 1955 to 1956 (A/C P2V-3/5F, F2H and A-1), NAVSCH Pre-Flight from 1956 to 1960 (A/C T-28, T2V, TV2 SNB), VP-11 from 1960 to 1962 (A/C P2V-7), USS Essex (CVS-9) from 1962 to 1964 (Catapult Officer - A/C C1A), FLT Test from 1964 to 1967 (Catapult Officer/Project pilot A/C C1, A4, A6, F8, F4, S2 and EA6), VC-4 DET NAS Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida from 1967 to 1969 (O-in-C - A/C F8, US2B; 69-71 DEFENSE ATTACHE, Liberia, A/C C47) and NATTC NAS Memphis, Tennessee from 1972 to 1977..." [E-Mail Updated 08JAN2009 | 30AUG99]

NORRIS, ABH1(AW) Scott scottnorris57@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1976 and 1978. My first deployment was to NAS Bermuda then NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal / NS Rota, Spain (VP-37) started as an airman and left as a ABH3. I am now attached to COMNAVFOREUR in London England as an ABH1(AW). I was recalled to active duty for Dessert Storm and just got back for 2 years on active duty for Operation Enduring Freedom (NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba / NS Rota, Spain). Still having fun. I would like to here from some of the Line men from VP-11..." [18AUG2004]

NOTARNICOLA, Frank J. franknotar@yahoo.com "...I proudly served as part of the "Lovin Eleven" VP-11 Crew 10 from November 1963 to August 1965. I loved every minute of my time with that crew. Crew names that I remember are CDR William F. Beatty (PPC), LT Tim M. Kelly, LT Merrill Bergsted, AM2 John J. Yuhas (Plane Captain), AT3 Rich Floegel, AE3 Norm Sveneby, AOAN Tom A. Carroll, AD1 Roy Bachtell, and AT2 Mike Wineapple. I was the 2nd Mech and then became Plane Captain after John Yuhas departed for NAS Patuxent River, Maryland and later Viet Nam. The BUNO of LE10 at that time was 145914 which we subsequently swapped with VP-26 for 140433. We were told VP-11 had too many late model P2V7's and we had to balance the field. In early 1964, we went to "Springboard" at NS Roosevelt Roads, PR and then deployed to NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for surveillance of the removal of the remaining "Cuban Crisis" USSR troops from Cuba. August 1964 was the beginning of our deployment to NAS Sigonella, Sicily. On the way over, we lost an engine an hour out of NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada and turned around for a 1.5 hour return "terror flight". Thank God we made it back safely. We sure thought LE10 had bought the farm with the multiple rivet pops along its back. However, we changed the engine and within a week we were back on our way to NAS Sigonella, Sicily. 1965 arrived with a return from deployment and some R&R at home. Then with a couple feet of snow in NAS Brunswick, Maine, we departed for another Springboard at NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. On Mothers Day 1965, we were suddenly dispatched to NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba again for the Dominican Republic Crisis. We returned in time for my August discharge. If anyone out there knows any of the people listed above or knows anyone who was part of VP11 during this time period, please pass on my email address. I sure would like to hear from them. Thanks..." [E-Mail Updated 25MAY2003 | E-Mail Updated 17JUN2001 | 11JUN99]

NOWELL, AME2(AW) Cameron cameron.nowell@mailexcite.com "...I was in VP-11 from August '91 to April '95. I then went on to shore duty at NAS Pensacola, Florida, earned my Associates Degree, then moved on into the civilian world in May '98. I moved to Boulder, CO to play for the summer, then to Breckenridge for the winter, to put that degree to good use as a snowboard bum. Needless to say, it was a good winter. When the snow started melting I decided to try out the part-time navy and am now back in the "center seat" at VP-69 in NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. Any old Shipmates in "lovin' eleven," I would love to hear from you and tell you about this little secret here in the northwest...In September 1999, I reenlisted in the TAR Navy and have since took orders to VP-65 in NAS Point Mugu, California..." [BIO Updated 18AUG2000 | BIO Updated 22JUL99 | 09MAY99]

NUYEN, AT1 (AW/NAC) Jim jnuyen@ptd.net "...I served with VR-1 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia, RVAW 120 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia, VP-24 (1980-1986) and flew with CAC-9, NADC (Warminister) Johnsville, Pennsylvania, VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine and flew with CAC-6 and CPRW-5. I currently teach NJROTC at Passaic High School in Passaic, NJ. Live in the Pocono's in Broadheadsville, PA..." [E-Mail Updated 13MAR2015 | 17JAN98] [ICQ# 6775847]

O'BRIEN, AW (Jack) John jakod@aol.com "...I served in VP-11 from '83-'88 as an AW on CAC-8. I'd be glad to hear from old friends and would love some sort of Reunion. Hope everyone is in good health..." [25APR2005]

OFFER, CAPTAIN Derek F. http://www.dean.usma.edu/sosh/conferences/scusa/scusa/offer.htm "...Captain Derek F. Offer, USN, joined the Naval War College faculty in June 2002 following a four-year assignment as the U.S. Defense and Naval Attaché to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. He earned his commission from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1974 and received his wings as a Naval Flight Officer in 1976. His sea duty assignments include tours in VP-11 as Aircraft Division Officer, Instructor Tactical Coordinator and P-3 Mission Commander; Cruiser Destroyer Group 2 as Assistant Air/ASW Operations Officer and Battle Group Tactical Action Officer deployed on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, USS Belknapp, and USS Independence. He has also served with VP-19 as a Training and Operations Officer; VP-46 as the Executive Officer and Commanding Officer. Captain Offer was with the CPW-10 as Chief Staff Offer. Ashore he has served at Naval Recruiting District Washington, D.C. as the Aviation Recruiter and Officer Programs Department Head. Captain Offer graduated with distinction from the Naval War College's College of Naval Command and Staff, has served as Adie and Executive Assistant to the President, Naval War College from 1988 to 1990; attended the Armed Forces Staff College and served in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs as Country Director for Iran, Kuwait and Oman. He completed a Federal Executive Fellowship at Harvard University, Center for International Affairs and attended Joint Military Attaché Training at Bolling Air Force Base prior to his duty in the Netherlands. He holds a B.S. degree in General Engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy, an M.A. in National Security and strategic Studies from the Naval War College..." [01JUN2003]

OLIVER, AT1(AW) James "OLLIE" doubled@javanet.com "...Served with 1986-1989 different schools, VP-46 1989-1992, VP-30 1992-1993 decommend 1993, VP-31 1993-1995, VP-11 1995-1996 decommend 1996, and currently an IFT assigned to VP-8. Would like any old shipmates to look me up and get in touch..." [16JUL99]

O'NEIL, Bill bill123hb@aol.com "...I was skipper of VP-11 in NAS Brunswick, Maine from June '73 to July '74, and XO for the year before. We were a great and very memorable squadron in those days, including one of the few WestPac deployments by an East Coast squadron. I haven't seen too many of the old crowd for a while (SLC is kind of remote), but I'd love to hear from people..." [10SEP2001]

PALMER, Sonny Birgit@netquarters.net "...Would like to hear from anybody that was in VP-11 from 71-77. I was in the Circus Room with Bimbo & Zippy and was Ring One leader. Other squadrons were VQ-2, VS-29 Dragonfires, VS-41 Shamrocks, VT-1, AEW-2, and ATU-203..." [07FEB99]

PALMER, AX3 Wayne waynefulltimerv@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 (1977-1980) and flew with CAC-11..." [10JUL2012]

PAPE, Pat nanutz2009@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1963 to 1967. I was 2nd Mechanic on CAC-6 when we ditched LE-6 into the Atlantic in December of 1965. Great times and adventures in NAS Brunswick, Maine (Barracks 216), NS Rota, Spain, NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (when Castro shut off the water), and of course NAS Sigonella, Sicily (Mama Suzy's with the well-hung Pegasus). Would love to hear from Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 11DEC2020 | E-Mail Updated 04FEB2009 | E-Mail Updated 24JAN2004 | E-Mail Updated 11FEB2002 | E-Mail Updated 20FEB2001 | E-Mail Updated 13DEC98]

PATTERSON, Rolfe Mills "Pat" c/o Ashton Bennett infidelsquid@gmail.com "...VP-11 (1969-1973) NAS Brunswick, Maine. Sure would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [28JAN2022]

PEALER, CMC Paul D. Retired ppealer@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1958 until 1962 (flew on Crew 2 as radar operator and IFT), VP-10 from 1964 to 1968 (flew on Crew 9 as IFT then night check Avionics shop supervisor and Mad Comp. Tech) and VP-9 as Command Master Chief 1984 to 1985. I retired in 1988 and would love to hear from anyone who was stationed with me at any time during my Navy career..." [25JAN2008]

PELTON, AWC Jeff Retired jeffpelton@sbcglobal.net "...AQ from 1970-78 with VA-128, VA-165, VX-5. Changed over to AW 1978. Trained as SS3 with VP-31. Flew as SS3 in CAC-9, 3 VP-47 1978-82. NADC from 82-86, VP-11 CAC-11 86-90 then back to VP-31 until I retired in 93. Moved to Rosamond, CA just west of Edwards AFB. Working as a Electronics Tech for the Union Pacific RR which is a great gig. The Bay Area is great, but my pockets just arn't deep enough! When contacting me please use VP in the subject line or the spam filter (me) will get it. Thanks..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 31JUL2005 | 23SEP2001]

PENDELL, YN3 Daniel E. danimal_32@hotmail.com "...I served in VP-11 from September 1973 to April 1976. I was a YN3 but departed the service as a YN2. Looking for old Shipmates, including David C. Gardner..." [21JUN2006]

PENNINGTON, AD1 Phillip Retired damnyankee@suddenlink.net "...I served with VP-65 at NAS Point Mugu, California from June 1973 to August 1977, VP-90 at NAS Glenview, Illinois from September 1977 to August 1982, VP-22 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii from September 1982 to October 1985, VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine from December 1985 to October 1989 and Naval Air Development Center Warminster, Pa. I have flown every operational model of the P-3 from the first production model BUNO 148883 through the P-3C update III. I was an 8251 (Flight Engineer) with well over 10,000 flight hours in P-3s. If there were no mandantory retirement I think I would still be flying the P-3. I would like to hear from other P-3 sailors. Thank You..." [E-Mail Updated 02OCT2009 | E-Mail Updated 20APR2001 | E-Mail Updated 02NOV2000 | 06MAY2000]

PENNINGTON, Will pennie59@comcast.net "..."Hello fellow VP travelers. It has to end someday and for me that day is February 6th, 2006. I'm retiring after 27 years of VP fellowship. It's been a great honor to serve with so many fine people in such great squadrons: VP-8 (1977 to 1981), VP-6 (1982 to 1986), VX-1 (1986 to 1989), VP-11 (1989 to 1992), Force Warfare (1997 to 2000), VP-4 (2000 to 2003) and NAVAIR (2003 to 2006). The riches I've accumulated over the years cannot be measured in terms of per diem, but in memories. The people were the best part, the Orion the best aircraft in the Navy, and the deployment sites unbelievable: NAS Bermuda, NS Rota, Spain, PI, NAS Sigonella, Sicily, NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, NSF Diego Garcia, NAF Misawa, Japan and all the detachment sites. Some of the people I will never forget: STGS1 John Phillips; AWCS Mike Glenn, Red Phillips and Jim Piepkorn; Steve Velde, Dave Metzger, Rick Leitch (Rick e-mail me) and Bob Brown; Brian Fraser, Phil Seifert, and Glenn Atwell; Glenn Ford, CWO Baird, John Wolfe, and Bob Lishness; Mike Cherry; Jim (WO) Lee and Craig Springman; Heidi Davis, AT1 Hamelton and all the maintenance folks; and, of course, Tank. Thanks to Nevins Frankel for this GR8 VP website. Thanks to all my Skippers, esp. CDRs Riffle, Sikes, Miller, Hill, Horsman, Skinner and Hollyer, for their confidence and support. Most of all, thanks to AFCM Bud Leady and ABCM Sam (4.0) Underwood: they exemplified the type of Sailor I wanted to be. Fair winds and following seas..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 22OCT2005 | E-Mail Updated 13OCT2000 | 07MAR99]

PERRINE, AO1(AW/NAC) Gregory A. rubberduck11@msn.com "...I served in VP-10, VP-11, NAWC Warminster, Pa., and VP-5. I flew as an Ordie for 14+ years and loved every minute of it and miss the hell out of it. I'm wondering what ever happened to (at the time) AT1 David Hertzog (ZOG!). Last I know he was stationed in NAS Patuxent River, Maryland with Force Warfare. Orion's all the way!..." [15NOV2001]

PETERSON, AEC Robert A. "Pete" (Alias "Chief Pete") Retired rappeterson@attbi.com "...Started my career in July 1965; VT-28 in NAS Corpus Christi, Texas, then on to VA-65, VA Beach. Spent 7 Months in the Tonkin Gulf in 1969 on board the USS Kitty Hawk. Moved on to greener pastures until November. 1974 and re-joined the Navy. Shipped out to VQ-2 in January 1975. Picked up for flight crew in June 1975. Was the first to be ELINT qualified in both the EA-3B and EP-3E. Crew 25 Mad Dogs, Riders of the sky! I gave up the back end for the front end in January 1979. FE school at NAS Jacksonville, Florida then on to Lovin Eleven (VP-11) in June 1980. Crew 5 with Jack Sell and then Jeff Langer. Geo Meeker, Charlie Dixon, Victor Barr, and Pat Dewitt were on that infamous crew. Moved on to ASW in NAS Patuxent River, Maryland in December 1982. Back to VQ-2 April 1986; Finally, back to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, Force Warfare from 1989-1992, where I retired. Would like to hear from any of my old Shipmates..." [BIO Updated 21DEC2002 | E-Mail Updated 10DEC2002 | 24JUN98]

PETERSON, CDR Roy "Pete" Retired rptrsn@yahoo.com "...I enlisted in 1968. I earned my AC wings at NAS Lemoore, California as a helicopter rescue crewman, fly rescue mission in the Sierra Nevada mountains. After two years of shore duty, I received orders to VP-11 as an AT-2. I went through VP-30 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland trained as in IFT, but when I arrived at the squadron I found out that if I wanted to fly I have to be a radioman. No problem let me fly. I made the short notice deploy to WesPac with VP-11 July-Nov 1972 operating from NAS Cubi Point, Philippines and U-Tapao Royal Thailand Air Force Base, Thailand. After a, very short stint as a civilian, I returned to active duty and changed my rate to AW. After AW "A" school and another pass throught the RAG, I reported to VP-44. Flying the oldest P-3A as SS2 then SS1 I made two deployment NS Rota, Spain / NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal and NAS Bermuda between 1974-1977 making AW1 along the way. I followed that tour with two years at TSC NAS Sigonella, Sicily, where I really learned acoustic analyis from some great AW's. AW1 Mike Stokes, AWC Al Cox, AWC Mike Cantor and AWC Mel Watkin a great acoustic analyist and one of the best leaders I had in my naval career. En route to shore duty at Naval Weapons Test Squadron (WST) at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland by way of VP-30 I was selected for AWC and was intiated in 1979. A couple of weeks later, I found out I'd been select for an a commission as an Aviation Operations LDO Ensign. My shore duty was cut short and after knife and fork school, I to the USS Ranger, in NS Subic Bay, Philippines for an 8 month deployment to the Indian Ocean. Working in the ASW Module a was promoted to LT(jg) on my second deployment to the Indian Ocean. After 2 years 2 months and 1 day I departed USS Ranger to NAVAVSCHCOM NAS Pensacola, Florida for training as a Naval Flight Officer. VP-10 at NATU Mather Airforce Base, VP-31 and I found myself in Hawaii as an LT NavCom in VP-1, CAC-6. Under the leadership of LT Frank Dombrowski, I quickly qualified as a TC. After a split deployment to NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan / NAF Misawa, Japan I earned my Mission Commander designation and a JO crew. Select for the College Degree Program (CDP), with the help of the XO CDR Zambernardi, I made the very hard decision to forgo another VP-1 deployment and took orders to New Hampshire College. Completeing my BS degree in 9 months, transferred to Commander Patrol Wings Atlantic (CPWL) where I was the Aircrew Training Officer. A great job in a great location 1987-1991. From there it was time for my fourth patrol squadron. After my 5th time through the RAG, I reported to VP-8 as a LCDR Department Head. Two deployments to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR and all the det sites, I stretched this tour as long as I could, knowing that as an AW/LDO this was my last active duty squadron. It was a good tour (Tiger, Tiger) and I flew with them from Oct 1991 until June 1995, picking up my P-3 5000 hour pin along the way. Shore duty followed as the Director of Training, Fleet Aviation Specialized Training Group Atlantic (FASO). It was a very interesting job with schools in NAS Brunswick, Maine, NAS Jacksonville, Florida, Mayport, plus all the Marine air stations, not to mention SERE. We worked hard to keep up with all the changes in tmissions, new technology and the impacts on flight crew training. My last tour 1999-2002 was as XO of NAS Souda Bay, Crete, Greece where I retired with over 5500 hours in the P-3 and over 33 years active service. It was a great career. At my retirement ceremony, I was piped ashore then back aboard our 42' sloop Brilliant, where my bride Stephanie spent 5 years cruising the Med, crossing the Atlantic in 2006, the Caribbean, then the US East Coast until last year when we moved ashore in Florida..." [26MAY2015]

PETZOLD, AT1 Richard G. rpetz1@comcast.net "...I served with VP-11 (08/1956-09/1957) and flew with Crew-10 (Radar and Radio)..." [13OCT2013]

PFEIFLE, AMS3 Jim jim.pfeifle@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-11 NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1960 to 1962. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [13JAN2009]

PHILLIPS, Cass E. cassing@aol.com"...my squadron at the start of WW-II. I still get information in a news letter about their activities and their reunions.."


PINCIARO, John Pinc2222@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1955 through 1960 on a Crew 11, 12, and 6. It was the time of my life. I got the chance to see the world - it was just the best..." [24FEB2001]

PIRNER, Bob pirnerwv@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1974 to 1978 with deployments to NS Rota, Spain, NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal and NAS Bermuda. Remember George the Crooks?..." [E-Mail Updated 12AUG2009 | 09NOV98]

PISECHKO, AW1(AW/NAC) Don dpisechko@zdnetonebox.com "...A VP sailor all my career. I started out a BATMAN (VP-24), then became a Proud Pegasus (VP-11), and am presently a Red Lancer (VP-10). I am proud to be part of VP Community and can only imagine what the Navy is like outside of it..." [E-Mail Updated 08JUN2001 | 21APR98]

PITTMAN, Jessie ppts2004@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1975 to December 1979. I was a FE and flew with CAC-5 and CAC-7. Would like to hear from former Shipmates especially Chief Roger Bonsant. If anyone knowing of him or his whereabouts please contact me..." [E-Mail Updated 16APR2009 | 01MAR99]

PLAYFOOT, AT2(AW) Fran Retired franniep20@comcast.net "...In 1987 I got stationed after shore duty at NAS Brunswick, Maine AIMD and was assigned to work center 610 as a COM/NAV technician until 1990. In 1990 I transferred to sea duty and joined VP-11, returning this time TAD to AIMD work center 64D as an IRDS technician. And yes sometimes I would get a talking to for fixing the IRDS on the aircraft. Upon VP-11's disestablishment I transferred to VP-8 and once again went TAD to AIMD as an IRDS technician until 1998. In 1998 I transferred to my last duty station at AIMD NAS Jacksonville, Florida as a COM/ NAV technician assigned to work center 610 for shore duty. I retired from the Navy September 1, 2000 and immediately moved to Michigan (BRRRRR) to start my civilian career with an FBO (fixed base operator) for business jets (Pentastar Aviation) as an avionics installations technician. I lived in Michigan until November 2003. Currently, I am living just outside of Savannah, Georgia and working for Gulfstream Aerospace with a contract for hire company (Aerotek Aviation) as an avionics installations technician. Let me tell you these business jets are sweet. Hope to be able to become a direct employee soon. The Navy was a good career choice for me and I learned many valuable lessons and tasks that are helping me in the civilian world. Would like to get back in contact with some former Shipmates..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 18APR2004 | 17FEB99]

PODBREGER, AOM3 Bill SAIL@D-WEB.NET "...I served with VP-11 at MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii December 7, 1941 and was Aom3/c at Johnson Island in battle at midway then to south pacific. My arm broken when plane crashed New Calidonia. Spent 4 months in mob 4 hospital New Zealand. I would like contact for sea stories..." [E-Mail Updated 20AUG2002 | 25APR98]

POITRAS, PN2 Paul J. pjpj39@msn.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1983 to 1985. I was a PN2 and did two deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and NAS Bermuda. I then went to the USS Iowa. My time with VP-11 were some of the best memories I have. I would like to hear from anyone from Loven Eleven..." [17DEC2004]

POMEROY, Charles charlesp@coffee.ocn.ne.jp"...I served in VP-27 (PB4Y2s) from November of 1948 until the squadron Disestablished in December of 1949, starting as an AL3 (flew with Lt. Cdr. Wiley Hunt) and doing one tour flying out of Kodiak. Served in VP-6 from January of 1950 (again flying with PPC Hunt, and then with Lt. Sullivan in our second tour in Japan) to 1953. Yes, I was one of the original "Blue Sharks" and flew a total of 79 missions during the Korean war, doing two tours of duty. (By the way, P.R. Foster and "Rags" Raglan, both of whom I had flown with in VP-27, were MIA in the patrol lost near Vladivostok during our second tour in 1951 I served one more tour in Kodiak with VP-6 in late 1952 (Lt. jg Scott Carpenter was our Navigator, Lt. John St. Marie our PPC), after which I was transferred to Alameda, where I joined VP-9. VP-9 brought me out to Japan again for a third tour of duty in 1953, just after the shooting stopped. But the Navy decided that La Dolce Vita was what I needed, so it was a transfer to Naval Attache duty in Rome, Italy, for two years. Then back to my beloved P2Vs. this time P2V-7s, with VP-11 at Brunswick, Maine. We did a tour in Malta, from where I was again able to visit old friends in Rome. I left the Navy in November of 1956, after almost nine years of service, to continue my eduction. I have been in Tokyo most of the past 40 years working as a correspondent for various publications..." [E-Mail Updated 07MAY2005 | E-Mail Updated 11OCT99]

POPPE, Elizabeth schpotov@webtv.net "...Looking for Shipmates from 1974 to 1977 in VP-11 and 1988 to 1991 in VP-10..." [11JUL99]

PORTER, Mark mtporter@comcast.net "...I served with VP-11 from October 1994 to August 1996 (ran the OPTAR) and VP-10 from August 1996 to October 1998. I am now stationed at NAS Key West..." WEBSITE: http://keysdigital.com/~mporter [E-Mail Updated 02FEB2003 | E-Mail Updated 01JAN2002 | E-Mail Updated 13AUG2001 | Updated E-Mail/BIO 26SEP99 | 00XXX97]

POVICK, AME1 Stu em-stu@webtv.net "...Served with VP-11 and VP-23 1977-1986. Would like to hear from old Shipmates...." [02JUL98]

PRATT, LT Christopher L. clpratt@nps.navy.mil "...First duty station - Patrol Squadron Eleven (VP-11) NAS Brunswick, Maine 04011 - October 1992=>June 1996..." WEBSITE: http://dubhe.cc.nps.navy.mil/~clpratt/welcome.html

PREVATT, CAPTAIN Richard M. III http://www.dcmilitary.com/navy/tester/6_14/local_news/6247-1.html "...April 5, 2001 - Naval officer ends 24-year career - On March 23, the commander of the Naval Air Systems Command and the Program Executive Officer for Strike Weapons and Unmanned Aviation bid farewell to Capt. Richard M. Prevatt III. Prevatt culminated his U.S. Navy career of over 24 years as he passed the lead of Naval Afloat Targeting and Cruise Missiles Command and Control Programs (PMA-281) to Capt. Michael A. Hecker. PMA-281 is chartered to develop, acquire, deploy and support Naval Afloat Targeting systems and Cruise Missile Command and Control Systems for the nation's warriors. Its roots date back to 1977 when the Joint Cruise Missiles Program Office was created. PMA-281 was formed in 1986 to provide mission planning capabilities for Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles. Since that time, the command has evolved to support a wide variety of Navy weapons, provide imagery processing and exploitation systems, precision targeting systems, as well provide innovative approaches to conducting maritime power projection. In September 1997, Prevatt assumed command as program manager (PMA-281) for the nine major systems providing Command and Control, Imagery Processing, Precision Targeting and Mission Planning essential to fleet Tomahawk and Joint Precision Weapons. His team received multiple commendations for operational Tomahawk support during Operations Desert Fox and Allied Force/Noble Anvil and numerous Secretary of the Navy awards for Acquisition Innovation and Reform. Born in Stuttgart, West Germany, into a military family, he earned his bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering and computer science, Summa Cum Laude, from Duke University in 1977. After commissioning in May, he reported to NAS Pensacola, Florida, for naval flight training in June 1977, and graduated with distinction. Prevatt completed P-3 replacement pilot training at VP-30, NAS Jacksonville, Florida in 1979, then reported to his first operational assignment with the "Pegasus" of VP-11, there completing two LANT deployments. After jet transition at NAS Kingsville, Texas, in 1982, he graduated with Class 84 of the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School in December 1983. He joined Force Warfare Aircraft Test Directorate at Naval Air Test Center NAS Patuxent River, Maryland to direct P-3 engine performance monitoring, defensive electronic countermeasures, and survivability and vulnerability developmental test. He then returned to TPS as an instructor. In 1986, he joined the "Wizards" of VPU-2 where he directed multiple WESTPAC deployments. Prevatt earned his master's degree with distinction in computer science from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif., in December 1990. After graduation, he completed the program manager's course at the Defense Systems Management College, then began his association with Tomahawk as director of Test and Evaluation for Program Executive Officer, Cruise Missile Project during both Desert Watch and Desert Storm and the accelerated fleet introduction of Block III. In April 1994, he was selected to be deputy program manager for Combat Identification and then for Integrated Defensive Electronic Countermeasures for Program Executive Officer, Tactical Aircraft Programs (PEO(T)). In May 1997, he joined PEO(T) as operations officer and chief of staff. His service has included over 3,400 flight hours as a pilot in 41 types of Navy, Air Force, Army and Allied aircraft..." [15DEC2005]

PRINDLE, CAPTAIN Brian Charles https://www.cnet.navy.mil/vp30home/capt_prindle_bio.htm "...Captain Prindle received a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Virginia and was commissioned through the NROTC program in May 1979. He was designated a Naval Aviator in July 1980. In addition, Captain Prindle earned a Master of Science in National Resource Strategy from National Defense University, The Industrial College of the Armed Forces in June 2001. Operationally, Captain Prindle served in VP-45, aboard the USS RANGER (CV61) as a Catapult and Arresting Gear Officer and V-2 Division Officer, as the Operations Officer in VP-11, ICEX 93 Officer-in-Charge for CPW-5, Chief Staff Officer for CPW-10, and commanded VP-46. Captain Prindle's shore assignments include VP-30 as an Instructor Pilot, and a second assignment serving as the Senior COMNAVAIRLANT NATOPS Evaluator and P-3C NATOPS Model Manager. Major Staff duty tours include Assistant for Officer Promotion Plans and Policy, and Special Assistant for Flag Matters, Bureau of Naval Personnel, and Program Analyst, Assessment Division (N81), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. Additionally, Captain Prindle served on the Joint Staff (J8) as an Action Officer, CINC Liaison Office, Joint Requirements Division. While assigned to the Joint Staff, he completed the MIT Seminar XXI Fellow Program, Foreign Politics, International Relations and the National Interest. In August 2001 he assumed his current position as Commanding Officer, VP-30. Captain Prindle has been awarded the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (three), Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (three), Joint Service Achievement Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, and various other service awards..." [15JUN2003]

PRITCHETTE, John j_pritchette@yahoo.com "...I served in VP-5 from 1976 to 1979. I worked in the Paraloft for Scott Rice. I made 2 deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and 1 deployment to NAS Sigonella, Sicily. I worked with a bunch of great people and would do it all over again. I also served with VP-11 from 1983 to 1986 in the paraloft. Dale Johnson was the supervisor. Good squadron and good people. Anyone who might remember me send me a note..." [BIO Updated 22APR2009 | 07FEB2009]

PROFANCIK, AME2 Alan ampro@charter.net "...I was lucky to have served with the best patrol squadron, VP-11 (lovin' eleven), in the navy. I arrived in December of '67 as an AMEAA and went to work in Check Crew under Chief LLoyd. As an AME3, I worked under PR1 Hatfield in the Paraloft. I finnished my tour as an AME2 in Airframes under Chief Zorn. I departed VP-11 and the Navy in January of '71. I've regretted it ever since. I'd sure like to hear from any of my old Shipmates..." [ICQ# 38829225][07DEC2000]

PROULX, AT2 Jerry jpru50@sbcglobal.net "...Joined VP-11 on deployment in NAS Bermuda as an AT-2 in the spring of "74". Made deployments to NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal "75", NAS Bermuda again in 1976, ending with a NS Rota, Spain trip at the end of 1977, transfering to NAS Brunswick, Maine AIMD in January 1978 until discharge in June 1979. What a great time those years were, meeting and serving with all you wonderful VP Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 30DEC2009 | E-Mail Updated 25JAN2003 | 16JUL2000]

PUGH, Anthony "Tony" toeknee062@cox.net "...I served with VP-30 from 1987-1990, then went to NAS Brunswick, Maine joining VP-11 from 1990-1994. With VP-11 I did three deployments ( NAS Sigonella, Sicily, NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, NAS Sigonella, Sicily) with a great group of people. Then transferred back to VP-30 from 1994-1997. All through my Navy career I met a lot of great people and would like to get in touch with them. I'm out of the service now, working for ARINC as a contractor to NAVAIR in Cherry Point, NC. Any of my old shipmate's that see this, drop me a line..." [E-Mail Updated 24NOV2002 | 04JUN2002]

PULLARA, Lawrence Bryan bpullara@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1992-1994)..." [10DEC2016]

PURNELL, AMSAN Aulton W. Jr. pg.inc@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (12/1977-1981). I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [11AUG2011]

QUINN, JJ jjquinn@erols.com "...I am the newsletter editor for our VP-11 squadron 1957-1959. I am trying to pt together an article about the comparison of the P2V-7 and the Boeing 747-400, which I flew my last three with United Airlines. If anyone can give me some facts such as total fuel load. I have pulled the other specs from Janes. Many thanks and I will post the article on the VP-11 site..." [23NOV2000]

QUINTON, Mark msquinton1001@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1968-1971), VT-2 (1972-1974) as a T-28 Flight Instructor and USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) as CCA (Carrier Controlled Approach) officer on the USS John F Kennedy during my final 2 years of active duty. The tour was marked by the collision of the JFK with the cruiser, USS Belknap, at 2200 hrs, Mediterranean time, on November 22, 1975 - exactly 12 years and 2 hours after the declared moment of President Kennedy's death. The explosions, smoke, and fires were countered by heroic actions by flight deck and air controlling personnel..." [29AUG2015]

RAGSDALE, Homer C. c/o His Sons Harry Ragsdale DRags65860@aol.com or Randy Ragsdale rwragsdale@gmail.com "...My dad (Homer C. Ragsdale) was CO of VP-2 around 1966. We lived off the third tee of the naval golf course a NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. If any one remembers my dad, please email...also served with VPB-11 and 33 in the late 1940's amd 50's, VPB-100, VP-AM-4 and VP-741..." [E-Mail Updated 11JAN2011 | E-Mail Updated 07JUL2002 | E-Mail Updated 26MAY2001 | BIO Updated 11JUN2000 | 08JUN2000]

RAYMOND, Vega noball@zeronet.com "...I served with V.P.11 from 1972 to 1975 I worked in airframe I would like to hear from anyone that was there during this time..." [29APR2000]

RECK, CDR Tom Shipmate PixCirca 2005 http://reserves.navy.mil/ "...Commander Tom Reck was born in Southampton, Pennsylvania. A 1985 graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Business Management. Following graduation, he was commissioned an Ensign through the NROTC program and reported to NAS Pensacola, Florida for flight training. He was designated a Naval Aviator in May 1987 at the NAS Corpus Christi, Texas. Commander Reck's first operational assignment was with the 'Proud Pegasus' of VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine. With VP-11 from 1988-1991, he was designated a Patrol Plane Commander, Mission Pilot. He served as the Schedules Officer, Pilot Training Officer, Quality Assurance Officer, and Training Officer during his 3 1/2 year tour. He completed 2 extended deployments, once to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and once to NAS Sigonella, Sicily participating in Operation Desert Shield. In June 1991, Commander Reck reported to 405 MP (Maritime Patrol) Squadron based in Greenwood, Nova Scotia Canada after being selected for the Personnel Exchange Program. Flying as a Canadian exchange pilot from 1991 to 1994, he was designated as an Aircraft Captain, on missions around the globe. In 1993 he led his crew in winning the O'Brien ASW Excellence Trophy for the Canadian Forces and participated as the Canadian Crew in the Commonwealth Fincastle ASW competition. In 1994 Commander Reck reported to the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) while on deployment in the Persian Gulf. He served as a Catapult and Arresting Gear Officer (SHOOTER) and as an Air Department Division Officer while completing a six-month WESTPAC deployment in support of Operation Southern Watch. After his resignation from active duty in 1995, Commander Reck immediately affiliated with the 'Minutemen' of VP-92 at the NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts. He has been designated a Patrol Plane Commander, Mission Commander and NATOPS Instructor Pilot. Billet assignments at VP-92 have included Safety/NATOPS Officer, Maintenance Officer, Operations Officer and Executive Assistant..." [19JUN2005]

REED, Richard O. "Dick" roslreed@earthlink.net "...I served with VP-11 from March 1958 to November 1961 with deployments to NS Rota, Spain (1958) and NAS Keflavik, Iceland (1960), VT-29 at NAS Corpus Christi, Texas from November 1961 to December 1964, VP-23 from May 1965 to July 1967 with deployments to NAS Key West, Florida (1965) and NAS Sigonella, Sicily (1966) and NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts from July 1967 to August 1968, NAS Minneapolis, Minnesota (Reservist) from 1968 to 1969, NAS Sand Point, Seattle, Washington / NAS Whidbey Island, Washington (Reservist) from 1969 to 1970 and VP-92 at NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts (Reservist) from 1970 to 1971. Member of the VP-11 Neptune Association from 1985 to present. I worked for Northwest Airlines from 1968 to retirement in 1995 and now living in Rye Beach, NH / Satellite Beach, FL..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 10SEP2009 | 18MAY99]

RICE, DKCS Tom ricetemb@ascent.net "...I served with VP-11 from 1982 through 1984. Arnold Young (now retired as DK1) and I ran Disbursing. You fly guys and wrench turners didn't see us much, but we took pretty special care of you, (even thought we worked twice as hard as you guys in the hanger). Still the best duty I ever had. Great comeraderie and great times, although for two years, I only saw NAS Brunswick, Maine in the winter and NAS Keflavik, Iceland in the summer! NAS Brunswick, Maine has changed alot since then, but we all still remember what we accomplished there. Write and say hello!..." [15MAR2000]

RICHARDSON, YN2 Chuck "Rich" lnsmlama@westco.net "...I was a YN2 with VP-11 1959-1961. I edited the Squadron Newspaper "The Pegasus" during my time there. The paper wasn't the New York times, but it was fun. It was a great squadron with great Shipmates..." [11MAR2009]

RICKEL, AFCM Don Retired retp3fe@att.net "...I served with VR-8 from 1964 to 1967, VP-31 Det Alpha in 1967, Crazy Cats in 1967, VP-30 in 1968, VP-10 from 1968 to 1972, NAS Brunswick, Maine AIMD from 1972 to 1975, VP-8 from 1975 to 1980, CPW-5 from 1980 to 1883: SEA in 1983, VP-11 from 1983 to 1985 and NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1985 to 1992. I can't seem to leave NAS Brunswick, Maine so starting working for Public Works in the Environmental Division in 1993, retired from PW Environmental in 2006 and moved to Viera, Florida in 2014. Nothing better then my years in the U.S. Navy especially the VP community..." [E-Mail Updated 13SEP2023 | E-Mail Updated 24FEB2010 | 01DEC2000]

RINALDI, AX1 Eugene "Geno" generinaldi@earthlink.net "...I arrived at NAS Brunswick, Maine in April of 1963 fresh out of FAETULANT NAS Norfolk, Virginia and "B" School at NATTC Memphis, Tennessee as a 2nd Class AX . I was assigned to VP-11 ground crew. My memories of Chiefs Eckles, Fry, Lemon and Gaboriault are still strong after 39 years. I made 1st Class AX while on deployment to NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. At the same time and old salt named Stanley B. Grindle made Chief. SBG "Sugar Baker Golf" was a WWII sailor (that fact impresses me more more now than it did then). Stan took me under his wing about two days after I checked in to the squadron and I am still in his debt. We made 2 deployments to NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, two or three of Springboards, 6 months in NAS Sigonella, Sicily (1964) and a split to NS Rota, Spain (1966). In the spring of 1967 my self and another tech named Barry D. Burnor volunteered to join VP-8 on a 6 month tour to NS Sangley Point, Philippines. We returned in December of 1966 and I was discharged in March 1967, a decision I still regret. I joined a company called Vocaline and flew with my old CO Ray Gault out of NAS Brunswick, Maine in a P2V BUNO: 135558 call sign was "Stopsign", we tested sonobuoys. Those years in VP11 and VP-8 were the best of my life. Some names I remember From VP-11: CDR's Gault, Richardson, Krause, Falkenstein, Smolinski and of course CDR Beatty, LCDR's Vanoski and McCormack. LTjg Bartolomei, Petty Officers Fred Haibon, Roy Kitterman, Bernie Bernard, Joe Reed. Jeff Clark, Andy Montaina, Don Libby, Joe Farrar, Frank Notarnicola, Jimmy Griffin,Bill Peria, Ronnie Korber, Dennis Bourgeois. VP-8 Chiefs, Gustwick and Black, Frank Kasper, Lt's Bruce and Allison. I'm in contact with Montaina, Libby, Peria,Grindle, Bourgeois, Korber and Kasper. If you're out there and you remember please contact me. Without a doubt "It was the best of times"..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 26NOV2003 | 12JAN2002]

RIPOLL, AT1 James "Rip" Retired jmripoll@comcast.net "...Aviation Electronics Technician: Served as aircrew member in VP-7 from 01/56 until 10/58. Deployments included NAS Keflavik, Iceland and NS Roosevelt Roads, PR in 1956 and NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada in 1957/58. Discharged in 1958. Reenlisted, shipped to VR-3 at McGuire AFB in 1958 flying MATS C-118 aircraft as radio operator. Transfered to VP-11, 8/61 until 7/64. Deployments included NS Rota, Spain in 1963 and short tours at NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. Participated in "Cuban Missle Crisis" with VP-11. Transfered to shore duty, VT-31 at NAS Corpus Christi, Texas in 1964. Back to sea duty in 1966 with VP-18 in NS Roosevelt Roads, PR for one year as a "Ground Pounder". Next, got my sea legs on DD-694, USS Ingraham for a year and a half in DASH program. Transfered to NADC (Warminister) Johnsville, Pennsylvania for a year in 1969. Then back to NAS Brunswick, Maine for shore duty with OMD in 1971. Retired in 1973. Living in Florida and would enjoy hearing from Shipmates who served with me in the VP Navy, especially in VP-7 and VP-11. "Indeed, the time of my life!"..." [E-Mail Updated 20APR2007 | BIO Updated 11MAR2007 | E-Mail Updated 09MAR2007 | E-Mail Updated 29SEP99 | 27JUL98 Updated BIO 30JUL98]

ROBERTS, Joe jandhroberts@annapolis.net "...I served in "Lovin Elevin" (VP-11) from December 1979 to May 1983 made deployments to NS Rota, Spain in 1980, then NAS Keflavik, Iceland in 1982. I departed in May of 1983 to go to I level maint in NAS Jacksonville, Florida at AIMD. I departed in 1985 to VA-42 NAS Oceana until 1989 and proceeded to VA-75 from 1989 till 1992. I then decided to exit the Navy to find a new exciting challenge and am currently working for Atlantic Coast Airline in Dulles VA. I would like to hear from old Shipmates..." [BIO/E-Mail Updated 20JUN2000]

ROBERTSON, Rusty rusty@fireriskmgt.com "...I was a Sensor 3 operator with VP-11 from 1975 through 1978 (Deployments to NS Rota, Spain/ NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal (2) and NAS Bermuda), primarily with CAC-8. Although I left active duty in 1978, I joined the reserves and had tours in VP-92 at NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts and with VP-MAU at NAS Brunswick, Maine; both of those tours were as the Maintenance Material Control Officer. After completing college in 1986, I received a commission. I continue to drill with the reserves, and was recently selected to Commander. Also served with VR-62. My years in VP-11 remain the highlight of my career, and I look back fondly at the times that we had. Truly a life-altering experience!..." [BIO/E-Mail Updated 25JUN2002 | 14FEB99]

ROEDIGER, ADC(AW/NAC) Richard S. rich88@bellsouth.net or ticket88@yahoo.com"...1977-1980, VF-31, USS Saratoga, CVW-3, NAS Oceana, F-4J Jet Mech...1980-1982, VQ-4, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, C-130 Powerplant Mech...1982-1984, NRD Philadelphia, Recruiter...1984-1988, VP-10, NAS Brunswick, Maine, P-3C Flight Engineer, CAC-7...1988-1991, VP-4, NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii P-3C Flight Engineer, CAC-7...1991-1995, NAMTGD, NAS Moffett Field, California and NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, P-3C Instructor...1995-1996, VP-11, NAS Brunswick, Maine, Powerplants Branch Chief...1996-1997, VP-8, NAS Brunswick, Maine, Powerplants Branch Chief...Currently employed by B/E Aerospace as a Quality Assurance Inspector in Delray Beach, Florida. Looking forward to staying in touch with all my shipmates..." [17JAN98]

ROSE, CPO Preston L. Retired mdrebel@md.metrocast.net "...I served with VP-11 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island (relocated to NAS Brunswick, Maine) from 1952 to 1954, NAAS Saufley Field, Pensacola, Florida (Training Command), VP-5 from 1962 to 1963 (Crew 5 as PC for the NAS Sigonella, Sicily deployment in 1963), NAS Patuxent River, Maryland (NATC) from November 1963 to 1966, VP-24 FE in 1967 and NAS Patuxent River, Maryland for my final tour in the Logistics Center and retired in 1974. I worked as a civil servant doing R&M work in the UAV community for a while. Nancy passed in April of 1999. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 20JAN2010 | BIO/E-Mail Updated 29MAR2001 | E-Mail Updated 30MAY99 | 09APR98]

ROWLAND, AD1 CHARLES rowlandcharlie@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-26 from 1985-1990, NAS Brunswick, Maine AIMD from 1990-1993, VP-11 from 1993-1996 and now at Commander, Patrol Wing Five (CPW-5). I would like to hear from any and all old Shipmates and talk about old times..." [E-Mail Updated 16MAR2003 | 27MAR98]

ROY, Edward eroy1@nycap.rr.com "...I was attached to VP-11 from 1959-1962 on LE-6 140155 (Crew 6 ) AT3 JEZ and Radar. LT Wallace PPC, Turk (Plane Captain), Henshaw (Electrician), and Will (Ordinanceman). I was with Crew 6 during UNITAS II in 1961. Interested in contacting anyone or crew member. Also was involved in the Cuban crisis. Anyone know what happened to Mike Fisher AD1, who eventually became a pilot and reattached to one of the Squadrons in NAS Brunswick, Maine? He was a good friend of mine..." [18NOV2000]

RUTHERFORD, AX2 Mark #109;ruther4d@me.com "...I served with VP-11 (1979-1983) flyhing with CAC-11 and Instructor Duty at NAS Millington, Tennessee (1983-1986). I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [19JAN2020]

RYAN, VICE ADMIRAL John R. http://www.sunymaritime.edu/zpt/z04/z0404.makka?z=1144 "...Vice Admiral John R. Ryan assumed the presidency of the State University of New York Maritime College during a ceremony held aboard Empire State VI while it was docked in Dublin, Ireland. Formerly the Superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy, Vice Admiral Ryan is the College's 32nd president since its founding in 1874. Prior to serving as the 56th Superintendent of the United States Naval Academy, Vice Admiral Ryan was the Commander of the Maritime Surveillance and Reconnaissance Force, U.S. Sixth Fleet/Commander, Fleet Air Mediterranean/Commander, Maritime Air Forces located in NAF Naples, Italy. Before earning flag rank, Vice Admiral Ryan commanded VP-11, VP-31, and CPW-10. Previous shore assignments included the Strategic Concepts Group in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Military Assistant to the Executive Secretary in the immediate office of the Secretary of Defense, Executive Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Air Warfare), and Executive Assistant to the Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet. In March 1991, he was promoted to Rear Admiral and served as the Director, Logistics and Security Assistance for the Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command. His rapid ascendancy continued when he assumed duties as Commander, Patrol Wings, U.S. Pacific Fleet/Commander, Anti-Submarine Warfare Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet in August 1993. Vice Admiral Ryan graduated from the Naval Academy in June 1967. After designation as a naval aviator, his initial assignment was to VP-8. From 1972-75, he was assigned to the Candidate Guidance Office at the Naval Academy. He then served two years on the USS Nimitz as Assistant Navigator followed by a department head tour in VP-26. While fulfilling those assignments, Vice Admiral Ryan attended George Washington University, Washington, D.C., where he earned a Master of Science degree in Administration in 1975. He has also completed the program for Senior Executives in National and International Security at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Vice Admiral Ryan's decorations include the distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal (with oak leaf cluster), Legion of Merit (with two gold stars), Meritorious Service Medal (with two gold stars), Air Medal, Navy Commendation Medal (with two gold stars) and other service awards. A native of Mountainhome, Pa., Vice Admiral Ryan and his wife, Diane, have three daughters: Tricia, Kelly and Julie. Maritime College faculty, administration, alumni and friends and SUNY officials were joined by state and local officials and maritime industry leaders at a reception held July 18 at Maritime College to officially welcome Vice Admiral Ryan. As part of the day's ceremonies, Vice Admiral Ryan welcomed back the College's cadets from their eight-week, summer term at sea and joined Assemblyman Steve Kaufman and John D'Agati, special aide to Senator Kenneth LaValle, to introduce the Cadet Appointment Scholarship Program (click here for more information)..." [22JUN2003]

RYAN, Terry ryanflbaptist@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1985 to 1988, BUPERS SDC from 1988 to 1992, VP-30 from 1992 to 1995, VP-30 VR DET from 1995 to present. I would love to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 24JUN2010 | 02NOV2000]

SADLER, Terry rambunctious@cebridge,net "...I served with VP-11 (1963-1966) at NAS Brunswick, Maine as a Mechanic. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 29JAN2011 | E-Mail Updated 05JAN2003 | 28NOV2001]

SAINT, CDR Kirk Retired WKS@cs.com "...VP-11 1977-1980, VP-60 1982-1984, VP-93 1990-1992. Retired as a CDR in 1994..." [01FEB2000]

SATTERWHITE, Charlie charliesatterwhite@live.com "...I served with VP-30 (1960-1962) and VP-11 (1962-1963)..." [09MAY2012]

SAYLOR, Dennis L. dlsaylo@attglobal.net "...I served with VP-11 from January 1955 to November 1956. I flew with Crew 5 (HB5 P2V-5 BUNO: 131472) and Crew 1 (HB1 P2V-7 140430). I flew with registered Shipmates DeLuca and Goodale. Our PC during that time was CDR Hodges (XO in 1955 and CO in 1956). I made two Malta deployments, one Londonderry, one Springboard, and and various minor deployments. I was happy in VP-11 and would have stayed to the end of my enlistment, but the Navy had other plans and shipped me off to NAS Pensacola, Florida where I was scheduled for a training squadron of beat-up SNB'S. One night at the club while crying in my beer, I learned of an opening with the Blue Angels,and scheduled an interview the next morning. I was accepted and my orders were changed, but I did not endear myself to the base personnel officer. I spent 1957 with the Blue Angels, reenlisted in late 1957 and went to AE(B) school at NATTC NAS Jacksonville, FloridaA. After (B) school I requested VP duty, but was sent to VW-12 (newly formed AEW squadron at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii and NAS Midway Island). VW-12 was integrated into AEWBarRonPac (Airborne Early Warning Barrier Squadron Pacific), which became the largest aviation squadron in the Navy. I am a Plank Owner of AEWBarRonPac and a member of the Willie Victor Roster..." [11JUL2003]

Memorial Picture "...SCHMITT, Jack M....I regret sharing sad news concerning Jack M. Schmitt, a proud member of the V4-11 family (1979-1982). Jack passed away suddenly on March 29, 2003 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. At the time, he was directing E2 programs on behalf of ISI and the United States Navy. Jack served with VT-3 NAS Whiting Field, Milton, Florida Instructor Pilot (Basic Instruments/Radio Instruments), VP-11 NAS Brunswick, Maine, COMPATWING5 NAS Brunswick, Maine, USS Midway Yokosuka, Japan, Naval War College Newport, Rhode Island, VP-4 NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, COMPATWINGSPAC NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, Mutual Defense Assistance Organization (MDAO), and United States Embassy Tokyo, Japan. Please visit Jack's Memorial Web Site at: http://jmschmitt.freeservers.com to learn about upcoming services...Karen Schmitt karen_a_schmitt@hotmail.com..." [17APR2003]

SCHMITTER, Jeff jeffschmitter@wasserstrom.com "...I was in the VP-11 ordnance shop from 74 until 76. Would like to hear from any former shipmates and especially anyone from my crew (CAC 7)..." [11DEC98]

SCHNEIDER, David alyssaconnor@verizon.net "...I spent nearly 5 years with VP-11 from 1992 through late 1996. I flew with CAC-8, CAC-9 and CAC-11. I am currently serving with VP-26 on deployment to NAS Sigonella, Sicily!..." [12MAR2006]

SCHULLER, CAPTAIN Ron Retired C/O His Son SCHULLER, CDR Jeff Retired Jeffrey.Schuller-contractor@bmdo.osd.mil "...My brother flew P-3Bs with VP-10 in the late '70s and later P-3Cs with VP-11 in the late '80s. He was the final Commanding Officer of VP-23 in the early '90s. He retired in '99 and now works for Flight International in Newport News, VA..." [04FEB2002]

SCHWAB, LCDR Frederick A. Retired bigfred@loa.com "...Hello to all my Shipmates in lovin eleven (VP-11), 1985 to 1988. Fine times at the Brass Nut in NAS Keflavik, Iceland. I retired in 1990 doing Nucular Security at Maine Yankee Atomic. Would like to hear from some of the troop. Miss all the good time/good people in Maintance Dept..." [20APR2001]

SCONTRAS, Andy Retired andyscontras@mac.com "...I served with VP-11 (PPC) from 1975 to 1979 and VP-6 in 1986. I'm always happy to hear from former VP-6, VP-11, ASWOC NAS Bermuda or NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii Shipmates. Life is still great! Did my 20 years before they threw me out and now doing the airline thing with NorthWest..." [E-Mail Updated 01JUN2004 | 18APR2002]

SCOTT, AE1 Ricky J. w7psk@w7psk.net "...I served with VQ-1 (1973 to 1975), VP-31 FRAMP (1975 to 1978), VQ-2 (1979 to 1982), C-12 Aircrew NAS Brunswick (1982 to 1985), VP-30 FE School (1985), VP-11 (1985 to 1986) and Commander, Patrol Wing Five (CPW-5) Brunswick (1986 to 1987)..." [E-Mail Updated 23AUG2005 | E-Mail Updated 22OCT99 | E-Mail Updated 19APR99]

SELL, Jack jsell727@verizon.net "...Tours included VP-31 (Student) (July 1969 to November 1969), VP-23 (November 1969 to October 1972), VP-30 (Instructor) (October 1972 to August 1975) VP-26 (Special Projects - now VPU-1) (August 1975 to September 1977), CINCLNTFLT VP Air Ops (CTF84) (September 1977 to January 1980), VP-11 (July 1980 to September 1982), Naval Safety Center (NAVSAFECEN) (September 1982 to May 1985), Commander, Oceanographic System, Atlantic (COMOCEANSYSLANT) (May 1985 to August 1989) and retired in 1989. I retired from American Airlines February 2005..." [E-Mail Updated 19SEP2007 | 07MAR98]

SEXTON, Robert "Bob" pegasus644@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island from 1956 to 1957, VP-56 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia from 1960 to 1962, VX-6 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island from 1966 to 1968 and VP-11 from 1974 to 1976..." [28JAN2010]

SHARP, AWC (AW) Walker "WD" Retired wsharp2@leo.gov "...I served with TSC/ASWOC (1978-1979) aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69), TSC/ASWOC (1980-1982) at NAS Keflavik, Iceland, VP-24 (1982-1984) as a SS2, SS1 and Beartrap SS4, CTG (Commander Task Group) 168.1 and VP-11 (1992-1996) as a SS3 ...." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 09MAY2014 | 00DEC96]

SHAW, David es0098@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1972 through 1974. Anyone from that era?..." [02JUN2004]

SHERMAN, CWO4 Neil Retired nsherman39@comcast.net "...I served with VP-11, NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1966-1970. I was an aircrewman first on P2V-7 then P-3B as a Jez operator. I arrived as an AW3 and left as an AW1. I also served in VP-17 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii from 1974-77. This was during my time as an AWC-AWCS. I flew as a Jez operator and also served as the AW Division Officer. I was in VP-48 at NAS Moffett Field, California from 1982-1986 as a CWO4. I flew as a NAV/COMM, TACCO, and MC on P-3C. Made all the deployments in all the squadrons..." [E-Mail Updated 09FEB2007 | E-Mail Updated 19MAY2006 | E-Mail Updated 28OCT2002 | 07SEP2000]

SCHNEIDER, AW2(NAC) David aw2dave@concentric.net "...I served in the ASMOD on CV-60 USS Saratoga from '90 to '92, then went on to VP-11 "Proud Pegasus" from '92 to '96. I was on CAC 8 and CAC 11. I transferred out of VP-11 right after the last SIG deployment about two months before the decom ceremony, What a loss! VP-11 was the best squadron in the fleet. After my stint in Lovin '11 I went on to shore duty in sunny Fort Lauderdale. Yes I am currently a recruiter at Navy Recruiting District Miami, BUT HEY! I'm doing it on the beach! I still keep in touch with some friends from that time anybody out there who is from that time that just wants to chat. Drop me an e-mail. When I leave here I'll be going TAR in NAS Jacksonville, Florida. See Ya!Hope to hear from some of you. L8R guys..." [26AUG98]

SHACKELFORD, ADJC Clyde Retired Shack45@cox.net "... I joined the Navy in 1956. After boot camp and a tour at NAS Glynco, Brunswick, GA I joined VP-11 as a ADJ3 in summer of 1958. I flew with LE 6 as plane captian. LT Wallace was PC, AM1 J. Turck was 2nd mech, AO2 Goodwin, and AE3 Hensley (can't remember the rest). March of 1959 we went to NS Rota, Spain. I believe we were the second VP squardon to operate out of there. Spring of 1960 we went to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR for operation Springboard then on to NAS Keflavik, Iceland in July 1960. I left the squardon in the summer of 1961. Briefly, served with VA-43 Oceana, VA, VAW-11 NAS North Island, San Diego, California, VA-146 NAS Lemoore, California, NAMTD 1001 NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, USS Coral Sea NAS Alameda, California, NAMTD 1006 NAS North Island, San Diego, California, and retired ADJC Sept 1975. Glad to hear from people of that time..." [E-Mail Updated 28MAR2003 | E-Mail Updated 17MAY2000 | E-Mail Updated 25JUL99 | 21JUL99]

SHOVER, Jim (Spanky) jshover@earthlink.net "...I served with VP-11 from Sept 80 to Dec 86 as Acoustic Sensor Operator. CPW-11 Special Projects, HSL-40,42, COMHSLWINGLANT. Retired 1995. Leaving in Jacksonville. Working as a contractor in support of CNO Project BEARTRAP. Give me an email. Lovin Eleven, the best P-3 squadron ever..." [05FEB98]

SHOWALTER, Robert a.k.a. "Rob" robertsh@aplsnet.com "...I was attached to VP-11 from '89-'92 I was an IFT on CAC-1 for the whole tour and VPU-2 from '92-'93..." [01JUN98]

SILEIKIS, Mark "Silky" silky@shorenetworks.com "...Hi to all my old Shipmates! I was in the VP-11 paraloft as a PR-2 from 1/83 to 4/85. Did the 83 NAS Keflavik, Iceland and 84-85 NAS Bermuda deployments. In between I was one of the roommates holding the great house parties out in the country. Left there to go to NS Rota, Spain as a PR-1 in VR-22 and AIMD, then VA-176 in Oceana and the Forrestal. Got out in 89 and went in the Air Force Reserve. Did Desert Storm, and now I'm a DoD civilian Firefighter/EMT working with the Crash Crew at NAS Lakehurst, NJ. I hope to hear from some of my old friends. Anyone know what happened to AW2 Brian "Howie" Howard?..." [03MAR99]

Memorial Picture "...SIRECI, Mario...My Dad Mario Sireci passed away on December 12, 2000. He served in the Navy for 33 years. He had broken service and served on active duty and in the reserves and retired from active duty in 1974. He was stationed in VP-11 at MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii during the December 7th, 1941 attack. He spoke often and fondly of his days at MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. His funeral was with full military honors, and we laid him down in his dress uniform...Sonny Sireci msireci@optonline.net..." [20JAN2001

SISA, Pete sisap@erols.com "...Served two tours in VP-11, 8/81-5/84 CAC-1, two deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and 12/89 - 6/91 w/ one deployment to NAS Sigonella, Sicily. Did PEP tour with RAF and CPW-5 tour in between. Retired from active duty 9/97. Many fond and some hilarious memories. Currently work for AMS in Fairfax..." [20SEP99]

SISCO, John seaurchin@msn.com "...I served with VP-11 (07/1963-07/1965) and flew (Radar Operator) with Crew-8 aboard BUNO: 148357..." [13OCT2013]

SMALL, ADJ2 Michael michaelhndy@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 (1971-1975) as 2nd Mechanic with Crews 1, 2 and 3..." [24MAY2015]

SMITH, CAPTAIN Barton L. Retired baco@northlink.com "...I was in VP-11 as a first tour after getting my Wings of Gold, and it could not have been better. Tour was Jan. 1957 to Jun 1960. That was followed by joining the commissoning group for VP-30, Jun 1960 to Feb 1962. My other Fleet VP tour was with VP-26, Jun 1964 to March 1966. Then followed a tour on the COMFLEETAIRWINGS Pacific Staff and I later changed designator to AEDO and was P-3 APML. Then followed tours as Naval Plant Rep, Burbank (P-3 Production) and Naval Air Depot, Alameda (P-3 Rework). In summary probably 80% of my career was in or in direct support of the VP Forces..." [14JUN99]


SMITH, ATC George E. Retired p3chief@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 W/C 210 and Maint.Cont. from September 1987 till retirement in July 1990; AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine W/C 610 & ATE and Production Control Chief from February 1984 through Augugst 1987; VP-10 August 1980 - January 1984, transitioned to P-3CUII as a WST in W/C 210 and "Still finding it HARD TO BE HUMBLE"; VP-30 WST school January 1980 through July 1980; NAS Jacksonville, Florida December 1976 - January 1980, Air Ops Tron shop, then sent to AIMD as W/C 610 supervisor; VS-28 June 1972 - November 1976 as an S-2G "I" level com/nav tech at AIMD NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island and IM-3 division aboard the INDY. In 1976 we then transitioned to the S-3A Viking and I as an "I" level APS-116 radar tech at AIMD NAS Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida and IM-3 aboard AMERICA. I have worked the last 15 years for Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) at Kennedy Space Center as a Quality Inspector during the Space Lab days and now as a Quality Engineer processing the International Space Station. Nothing I have done since since, can come close to the pride and satisfaction I experienced in the Navy. Would love to hear from any of my old Shipmates!..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 27FEB2006]

SNOOK, AD1 George L. Retired schpotov@webtv.com "...I served with VP-11 from 74 to 77 and VP-10 from 88 to 91. I wouldn't mind hearing from old Shipmates most of all Circle Trigon members..." [12JUN99]

SNYDER, AW1(AW) Terry Retired sensorone@roadrunner.com "...Bitchmaster Lives. I served with VP-6 (1982 to 1987), VP-30 (1987-1990), Naval Oceanography Command Facility (NOCF) NAS Bermuda (1990 to 1993) and VP-11 (1993-1995). Retirement is bliss..." [E-Mail Updated 11JUL2008| E-Mail Updated 05MAY2002 | Updated 17JUL98 | 00XXX97] [ICQ# 2443136]

SPILLER, AT2 Jim jmspiller@live.com "...I served with VAW-124 (The Bullseye Hummers) from 1977 to 1980, serving in AIMD in the VAST shop, making two med cruises on the USS America (CV-6), may she rest in peace. Then served in the VP community at AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1981 to 1984, then VP-11 (The Proud Pegasus) from 1984 to 1987 TAD to AIMD, and lastly at AIMD NAS Bermuda from 1987 to 1990. Now retired reservist. Would love to hear from any old friends and Shipmates! Those were the days!..." [02MAR2010]

STALLINGS, Fred fred.stallings@delta-air.com "...First Navy duty station was NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1962-1964. Was assigned to VP-11 as AMH rate. Later flew crew LE-2 145918 with Ltcmdr Thurston and Plane Captain was Gene Austin. Anyone remember Jerry Romano (from Norwalk, Conn) that bought the 1929 Plymouth from a farmer in Brunswick, Me? In 1964 reassigned to VA-44 at NAS Cecil Field and ended tour of duty in 1966. Been with Delta Air Lines since then..." [02MAR99]

STANCIL, AZ2(AW) James jstancil@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-11 NAS Brunswick, Maine from March 12 1978 to Sep 1981. We deployed twice to NS Rota, Spain and TAD to NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. I then served with VX-4 NAS Point Mugu, California from 1981 to 1984 and then served aboard the USS New Orleans LPH-11 from January 1985 to April 1988. I worked for AOC Bill Walton, AO1 Scanlon, AZC Ward, AZ2 Myhoffer and ADC Knowles in Maint/Matl Control. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [28NOV2008]

STEGALL, Kenny mech8319@hotmail.com "...I was in VP-26 from 1984 to 1987 and VP-11 from 1989 to 1994. I checked onboard VP-8 in 1997 and am currently there now. If anyone remembers me, drop me a line. I'd be glad to hear from ya'll..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 04FEB2000 |14FEB98]

STEVENSON, Steve steve@stevenson.net "...I reported to VP-11 NAS Brunswick, Maine in either late November or early December 1988 and 3 days later flew to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. I stayed in Iceland for Christmas and New Years (at the "Top of the Rock"). In January I flew back to NAS Brunswick, Maine for about a month, then back to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. I had graduated A-school with a invalid up chit. Their fault, not mine. I was seperated fron the Navy in August of 1989. I never got to fly a mission, a real mission that is. I made some cool friends and think of some of them, alot of guys I went through the schools with. One or two started boot with me. If anyone can remember John Ingram Sens 3, Andy Nichols, Marc Milo, Seamus ?, "Cement Head", "Bunker" Hill, Rockin' out in the hall on the second floor of the barracks at NAS Keflavik, Iceland, the short young AW Chief who made me play "Funky Cold Medina" always and forver, Mr. Z, Barry from "Fall Creek Falls, Tn" or somewhere like that, I used to work in the Geedunk serving food while I could not fly. I spent a relatively short time with VP-11, but I kept a lifetime of memories..." [27DEC2002]

STEVENTON, Jack Shipmate Pix...Circa 1961... buddlake130@aol.com "...U.S.N. Jan 1958-Feb 1962 AE. Training: Great Lakes, Norman Okla, NAS Jacksonville, Florida and NAS Norfolk, Virginia. Beeville Texas-Training Squadron , F-9s, T33s,and F80s. VR-6 McGuire Air Force Base (M.A.T.S.). R6-Ds VP-11 - NAS Brunswick, Maine CREW - 3 (also flew on crew 1, 6 and 7.) P2V-7s..." [Updated 22MAR98]

STRACCIALINI, Moreno (Stracc Attack) stracc@comcast.net "...I served with VP-17 as a Flight Engineer from 1984 to 1990, too many Flight Crews to remember. In my twenty years of service I deployed to great places like NAS Cubi Point, Philippines, NAS Adak, Alaska, NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, NAS Sigonella, Sicily, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, and others. My best regards to all my Shipmates (Aircrew or Maint). I Also served with VX-1, VP-11, VP-23, and VP-8. Presently stationed at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, Force Aircraft Test Squadron where I will retire in OCT 1999 with over 6000 hrs in the Mighty Orion. I will be glad to hear from old Shipmates, so drop me a line!..." [E-Mail Updated 26FEB2007 | 05SEP99]

Memorial Picture "...STROUSE, AMM2 John R...My Father, John R. Strouse, passed away January 30, 1996. Dad served with VP-11 in the South Pacific during WWII..." Contributed by Jeff Strouse jeff277480vac@gmail.com [16SEP2014]

SULLIVAN, Jackie JSulli3001@AOL.COM "...I served with VP-11 from June of 1977 until July 1993. The squadron was great and so were the people. It is great to see a website dedicated to the greatest job in the NAVY, the VP outfit. NAS Brunswick, Maine was my second home and it was beautiful..." [28APR2000]

SWAN, Dan dswan@gdats.com "...brought back good memories of Mad Tapes the Med, UNITAS, and post flights at the club (VP-11 CAC10 IFT '77-81 call sign NMTT). Will follow up on Reunion infoormation..." [12APR2000]

TENNANT, AD1 Wilson R. Retired juntnn_52@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-49 from 1977 to 1980, VP-11 from 1980 t 1983, NAS Bermuda from 1983 to 1986, VS-31 from 1986 to 1990 and VXN-8 from 1990-1993 when I retired. Would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 31MAR2006 | 09AUG2004]

THOMAS, AMS2 David E. thomasde2@comcast.net "...I served with VP-11 (10/1971-04/1975) in the Airframes Shop with deployments to NS Rota, Spain (1971), NAS Cubi Point, Philippines (1972) and NAS Bermuda (1973) and Recruiting Duty (04/1975). Shortly after arriving in NAS Bermuda(11/1973) - me and some squadron friends rented several mopeds for a riding tour of the island. During this outing a tourist, confused as to which side of the road to drive-on, pulled out from an intersection directly in front my moped. Unable to stop, I hit the tourist's motorcycle's broadside at around 35-mph, thus causing a chain-reaction, multiple vehicle accident, where my friend's mopeds following just behind mine, also collided with these mopeds. I received a severe head injury, with contusions, cuts and other injuries. An ambulance took me to the emergency room at Hamilton Hospital and then on to the NAS Bermuda Hospital. I spent several days in the hospital being treated for severe head concussion, amnesia with complete memory lost. Squadron friends visiting the hospital told me what my wife's name was; what state, Kentucky, I was from, and any of personal knowledge they knew about my family. After a few days, my memory did return and I was able to work on P-3s' again. I am looking for anyone who remembers me, and possibly my stay in the NAS Bermuda Hospital. Would like to get in touch with AMH2 Lee Krauss, AME3 Butch Frasier, Senior Chief Young and AMH1 Cunningham..." [E-Mail Updated 03AUG2017 | E-Mail Updated 09JUL2015 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 12JUN2009 | 04OCT2002]

THOMPSON, Jack lobster59@aol.com "...I would love to chat or meet with any of the Lovin' Eleven (VP-11) group I (AIO/Nav/TACCO) was with from 1960 through 1963..." [22JAN2003]

TOLIN, YN2 Bob rtolin@cox.net "...Served as a YN2 with VP-11 from 1970 to 1974. Met some get people and served with great Shipmates. Looking for YN3 Don Taylor and ADJ2 Glenn Walker. Currently in the USNR as a CDR (SC)..." [E-Mail Updated 10FEB2009 | 27MAY2000]

TOMBLIN, AW2 Jim analy64@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1965 to 1969 and flew with CAC-9. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 05FEB2011 | 05FEB98]

TONER, Mike G1GT0@AOL.COM "...Served with VP-11 from 1979 through 1987 and 1990 through 1993. Had the best time. Retired now and working for Lockheed in Greenville, S.C. as Supervisor on the Custom P-3 AEW and Slick Mod Program. I would love to hear from anyone. And, just remember "We are still Lov'in 11 and always will be."..." [22DEC99]

TOWNSEND, AO2 Glenn F. carolinacat2@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1980 to 1984 with two deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. I worked with a great bunch of Shipmates. God bless all of you..." [07AUG2009]

TRAIN, Chuck traince@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1966 to 1969. I was on CAC-11 most of that time. We made deployements to NAS Keflavik, Iceland three times with intermediate stops at NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. I also remeber going to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR twice and Mauricious once. I recognize some of the guys listed here including Don Fellows With whom I went to radioman's school in Memphis, Tenn after A School. I still have my flight logs and travel orders from 35 years ago..." [24JUL2004]

TRIBOU, Mathew ("TIM") fwolfe@suscom-maine.net "...Served with VP-11, VP-8, VP-23, AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine, VA-46, VAQ-33, and VF-45..." [08SEP2001]

TRIMBLE, MCPO Carey M. Jr. Retired c/o Rachel Trimble Corey bemschief@hotmail.com "...My Dad, Master Chief Petty Officer Carey M. Trimble, Jr. retired from VP-11 and it was shortly after that VP-11 was disestablished. If you would like to communicate with Dad - just drop me a e-mail and I'll forward it to Dad..." [29AUG2009]

Memorial Picture "...TRUAX, Bob...Bob quietly passed away on Sept 1, 2013 in Homosassa, Fl. He was an inspiration to his family and friends alike, and all were proud of his military and civilian careers. He enlisted in the Navy in 1959 and subsequently became an aviator where he served with VP-16 from 1960 to 1964. Deployed to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, Africa, Med, Caribbean, and Central America in the P2(5F). 1969 to 1972 toured same places with VP-11 in the P-3B. Retired in DC in 1979 and then did contract work for NAVAIR until 1995 doing the training plans for Netherlands, Japan and Aussie P-3 buys. He is survived by his 2 children and 5 grandchildren. In his retirement years he was active in community efforts such as Knights of Columbus, MOAA, American Legion and Naval Aviator’s Association. All fun years...residing in Inverness, Fl and enjoying the retired life. He is inurned at Arlington National Cemetery with his wife. Memorial contributions can be made to the American Lung Association."..." Contributed by Scott Truax struax@tidalwave.net [12APR2014]

TRUAX, Bob bobt4@mindspring.com " "...I served with VP-16 from 1960 to 1964. Deployed to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, Africa, Med, Caribbean, and Central America in the P-2 (5F). 1969 to 1972 toured same places with VP-11 in the P-3B. Retired in DC in 1979 and then did contract work for NAVAIR until 1995 doing the training plans for Netherlands, Japan and Aussie P-3 buys. All fun years...Presently residing in Inverness, Fl and enjoying the retired life..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 21SEP2002 | 19MAR98]

TURNER, CDR Mark L. http://www.nol.navy.mil/homepages/vp-45/home/pages/xobio.htm "...Commander Mark L. Turner was born in Greenwich, Connecticut. He graduated from Marquette University in May 1987 with a B.A. in Political Science. He received his commission through the Reserve Officer Training Corps and was designated a Naval Flight Officer in February 1999.

In September 1989, he reported to the "Golden Pelicans" of VP-44 at NAS Brunswick, Maine. Flying the P-3C Update II Orions, he deployed to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. Upon the disestablishment of VP-44 he reported to the "Proud Pegasus" of VP-11 where he made a deployment to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. During these tours he was designated an Instructor Tacco and Mission Commander and served as Conventional Weapons Officer, Communications Officer, and Readiness Officer.

Commander Turner then reported to the Bureau of Naval Personnel, Washington D.C. in May 1992. He served as Assistant Patrol Aviation Placement Officer and Flight Student Placement Officer. During this time he earned is Masters Degree in Business Administration from Averett College, Danville, Virginia.

In May 1995, Commander Turner was assigned as Operations Administration Officer on the USS GEORGE WASHINGTON (CVN-73). He qualified as Officer of the Deck, and earned his Surface Warfare Officer designation. He completed a deployment to the Mediterranean Sea and Arabian Gulf in support of operations JOINT ENDEAVOR and SOUTHERN WATCH.

Following his disassociated sea tour, Commander Turner reported to the P-3 Replacement Squadron, VP-30 for instructor duty where he served as Training Director.

In March 1998, Commander Turner reported to the "Golden Swordsmen" of VP-47 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. During this tour he served as Administration Officer, Training Officer, and Operations Officer and completed deployments to NSF Diego Garcia and NAF Misawa, Japan.

Commander Turner then reported to the CNO as the Assistant P-3 and Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft (MMA) Requirements Officer in November 1999. Upon completion of the MMA Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), he was assigned to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Requirements, initiating development of a Broad Area Maritime Surveillance UAV program.

In July 2002, Commander Turner reported to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Command, Control, Communications and Computer (C4) Systems Directorate (J-6). He served as Informations Operations Action Officer until his transfer to the Force Structure, Resources and Assessment Directorate (J-8) where he served as the Executive Assistant to the Vice Director for the Force Structure, Resources and Assessment Directorate. In March 2005, he reported to VP-45 as the Executive Officer.

Commander Turner's personal awards include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, four Navy-Marine Corps Commendation medals, Navy Achievement medal and various campaign and unit awards.

Commander Turner is married to the former Joanne Mosca of Westport, Connecticut..." [19MAR2005]

VANDIVER, AT1 Dana Retired vandiver@dialnet.net "...I was and ADJ in VS-28 in 1973-76 I changed my rate to AX in 73 and was assigned to VP-11 as an IFT. I served in VP-11, VP-30, VP-44 NATTC Memphis as an AVA instructor and Then retired from VP-44 in 1993. I am interested in contacting any old (or new) shipmates. great sight I'll keep watching. Dana Vandiver, 2428 E. Bennett St., Springfield, MO. 65804 or e-mail..."

VEGA, AMS Ray ravin763@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-11 (1972-1975) at NAS Brunswick, Maine. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 04DEC2013 | 02MAY2000]

VENCL, AWC Lou Retired louisv@ime.net "...VP-5 (1974 - 1977), VP-30 (1977 - 1980), USS Forrestal CV-59 (1980 - 1982), VP-56 (1982 - 1985), FASO Jax (1985 - 1988), VP-11 (1988-1991) Retired at Commander, Patrol Wing Five (CPW-5) in Oct 94. Currently working for Summit Research Corp. supporting the Beartrap guys up here in the winter wonder land of Brunswick, Maine..." [16JAN98]

VONTZ, Frank Franks_95@att.net "...I was stationed in VP-11 1970-1975 and VX-1 1975-1978. I have now gone Postal after working for Singer Link for 16 years I am now anb ET for the USPS in Gaithersburg MD..." [11AUG2001]

WAAGEN, Hans bestrep1@ix.netcom.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1953 to 1956. I worked nightcheck as an AT working on radar and communications equipment at both NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island and NAS Brunswick, Maine. I went with the squadron to Malta, NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada and NS Roosevelt Roads, PR..." [22DEC2003]

Memorial Picture "...WAKEFIELD, Robert Allan...Died on 9/29/00 in Tucson, Az. Bob was 45 years old. He was an AW with VP-11 and VP-46 in the mid-late 1970s. He is survived by his children Erik, Kelly, Sarah, and Allan (15yr) and at least 2 grandchildren...Mike Persichetty mike@sun.com..." [30SEP2000]

WALL, ADCS W. Joe Retired jwallav@bellsouth.net "...I was in VC-5 / VAH-5 / RVAH-5 in 49-56, NAS Pensacola, Florida 56-59, VP-5 in 59-60, AD(B) School 60, VP-11 in 61, NAMT NAS Oceana and NAS Norfolk, Virginia 61-65, VP-44 in 65-67, and VX-1 67-70. I'm retired from the Navy and FAA but still active in aviation, conducting Aircraft Maintenance Seminars for FAA certificated A & P mechanics and I am an FAA Desiginated Airworthiness Represenative (DAR), certifying aircraft and aircraft parts for export, and recertificating aircraft on return to US from a foreign owner..." [E-Mail Updated 24MAR2010 | 01JAN2001]

WALL, AW3 Scott "Radar" wall.scott@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (CAC-10 Sensor 3) with the sharpest AW's, IT's, Ordnancmen Pilots and FE's in the Navy. Cocktail (the man in the box), Cowboy, Lumox, Lothar, Dunn, Hiedenthal, Diestler, Farnsworth and Minet. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [14DEC2009]

WALTON, Bill PlantMgrA@cs.com "...Hello to all my VP-10 Shipmates from the 1961 through 1964 time frame. I entered the squadron in 1961 as an AOAN and worked for AOCM's Wiggins and Felter, AOC BOB Watkins and every other senior Ordnanceman during that time. I was a CAC on crews 2, 4,& 5 before making AO2 and joining the Tailhook and Carrier community. My last tour was with VP-11 from 1977 through 1979 prior to retirement. I would love to hear from any of my old Shipmates from that period of time..." [28OCT99]

WARSTLER, Bob War650@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1970 to 1973 as an AW (Radar, MAD & Sniffer). Still keep in touch with some of the old mates: Dick (Wilkie) Wilkinson, Dana (Gus) Gustafson, Jim (Big Z) Zonner, & Steve Maxwell. Would love to hear from some of the other mates..." [18APR2000]

WATERMAN, Robert Retired rwatermanjr@planters.net "...I started the VP portion of my Navy service with VP-11 from November 1972 to November 1974 at which time I elected to go to shore duty. I spent the next 3 years from November 1974 to February 1978 with VX-1 at good old NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. From there I went south to VP-5 from September 1978 to September 1981. My final tour was in VX-1 again from September 1981 to May 1985 at which time I transfered to permenant shore duty. To say I missed it after I retired, would be an understatement, but I have adjusted and moved on to the next phase of my life. The Shipmates I knew during those years have given me many hours of pleasureable memories to recollect about over the years. There were a lot of good times, which I think about often. It's easy to forget about the long very long days and nights we sometimes had to put in, but I wouldn't trade it for any other work. To those of you who remember me or even think you do I would welcome your contact, but to all, fair winds and following seas..." [01MAR2003]

WATSON, David (DOC) mrdadawg1@c4.com "...I was with VP-11 from 1972 to 1975. I would like to hear from others like Rulon, James, and Spacedog! Drop a line and I'll give you an update..." [02NOV99]

WATTS, YN2 Tonia (Lance) TONIA.K.WATTS@CNET.NAVY.MIL "...I served with VP-11 from April 1994 through July 1996. Then to VP-10 from August 1996 to November 1997. COMNAVAIRLANT December 1997 to Feburary 2001. Present Command is Fleet Training Center NAS Norfolk, Virginia. I would love to hear from old Shipmates..." [29MAR2001]

WEINAPPLE, Mike mweinapp@pacbell.net "...I served with VP-11 (flight crew) from 1964 to 1966..." [BIO Updated 13DEC2009 | 01SEP2009]

WERBY, Bob bwerby@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1971-1974) including a WesPac Tour. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 20JUN2018 | E-Mail Updated 13SEP2009 | E-Mail Updated 19FEB2000 | E-Mail Updated 07MAR99 | 17NOV97]

WESTMARK, AE3 Robert C. (Chris) cwestmark@svic.net "...I served with VP-11 from August 1970 thru April 1972. I had a ball. Many trips to P.R., NAS Bermuda, deployment to NS Rota, Spain, and NAS Sigonella, Sicily, the skiing and the ladies back in Maine, hard to imagine we were paid to do that stuff, I would do it for nothing now if I could. Were you there also?..." [E-Mail Updated 25SEP2004 | 05MAR2001]

WHEATLEY, AO1 James M. Retired JWFLYP3@AOL.COM "...Served as an aircrew AO with VP-30, VP-45, and VP-11 from 1979-1988. Made many deployments including NAS Sigonella, Sicily, NAS Bermuda, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, and NS Rota, Spain. Now working for the Tampa VA Hospital. Would like to hear from any Shipmates out there..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 01JUL2002 | 11OCT98]

WHEELER, Fred E. mdwfew@comcast.net "...I served with VP-26 and VP-11 at NAS Brunswick, Maine as well as some time in Base Supply. I retired in November 1974. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [09JAN2011]

WHEELER, Robert D. BOEINGFE@AOL.COM "...Hello to all my VP-11 Shipmates. I sure do miss our wonderful squadron, as we all know we were the best in the business. I am currently down in Nadep Jax as an FCF Engineer. I will be getting out in 8 months and hopefully will be flying with Genini Air Cargo in Washington DC. as a Professional Flight Engineer. As most of you know I started my career as an Engineer on P-3's in VP-11 and have since upgraded and I am now a Boeing 727 Engineer as well. WEll I hope to hear from all my old Shipmates, I miss you guys!!...I have been hired by Air Transport International. Subsequently, that's who I will be flying with. I am now down to 2 months to my separation date..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 25JAN2000 | 27AUG99]

WHITELEY, Guy guyser@ime.net "...Was an AW in VP-11 from Sept 70 thru Oct 78 then at TSC/ASWOC NAS Bermuda from Jan 79 thru Jul 81. Would like to hear from anyone there then..." [05NOV98]

WIGHT, ATC Dennis W. Retired dennis.wight@navy.mil "...I served with VP-9 from 1981 to 1984, VP-49 from 1984 to 1987, Force Warfare at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from 1987 to 1991, VP-11 from 1991 to 1995 and then back to Force Warfare at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland till I retired in July 1999. I had an absolute blast in every command I was in and flying with the Navy's finest aircrewman. I spent the last 10 years working in Maintenance Control watching the worlds best maintenance personnel keeping those Orion's in the air. As a civilian, I'm still supporting the VP Navy as a Project Specialist with the P-3 Retrofits and Special Projects Group at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. I would love to hear from my fellow Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 26MAY2011 | 10DEC99]

Memorial Picture "...WILLIAMS, AWCS Clarence "Buster"...Clarence "Buster" Williams (AWCS) age 66 passed away 12/10/14 in Oklahoma. He served with ASWOC NS Rota, Spain, VP-11, VP-23, VP-28, VP-65, VP-91 and VP-92. Never a dull moment with him with a very infectious laugh and a sense of style that all that met him knew right away. Leaves wife Margie and a lot of sad people..." Contributed by ROSENSTROM, Neal "Rosey" baditude48@yahoo.com [26OCT2015]

WILLIAMS, Buster margnbuz@sprynet.com "...Served with VP-91, VP-28, VP-92, VP-23, ASWOC Rota, 11, CRPWL, 65, 91, CRPWP from 68-89..."

WILLIAMS, CAPTAIN David dwilliams@lsijax.com "...Wife, Karen, and sons - Joshua and Kyle. I served with VP-49 from 1984 to 1986, VP-10 from 1990 to 1992, OIC, ASWOC/TSC NAS Sigonella, Sicily from 1992 to 1994, and VP-11 Commanding Officer from 1995 to 1997 (disestablishment). The privilege of a lifetime to serve alongside the Navy's greatest Sailors. Dean of Students/faculty, Naval War College, Newport, RI from 2000 to 2004. Retired from the Navy 2004. Currently living in Jacksonville, FL and working with Logistic Services International (LSI)..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 02JUN2004 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 05APR2002]

WILLIAMSON, ADCS(AW) Lenny reanne536@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1995-1996), VP-8 (1996-1999), VPU-2 (2002-2006) and BUPERS SDC (2006-2010)..." [BIO Updated 17JAN2013 | BIO Updated 25OCT2003 | BIO/E-Mail Updated 05MAR2002 | 11FEB98]

WILTRAUT, LT Jim wiltrautjc@bipc.com "...I was a PH2 with VP-11 from 1979 to 1981 working in the AIO shop with LT Diane Boyd, IS1 Tommy Thompson and IS2 John Messina. It was a great office in which to work and VP-11 was by far my favorite duty in the Navy. I got my Aircrew Wings on my way out the door and have the AW shop and a few officers to thank for them! I made the deployment to NS Rota, Spain in 1979 and had a blast. I'm still in our Navy, now as a Reserve PAO LT (that's what happens to guys who can't make Chief). I went back to NAS Brunswick, Maine last year and took my wife on a tour of a P-3. I asked a few questions of a crewman and was told "they did it that way in the old days!"..." [30JUL2004]

WINNS, Rear Admiral Anthony L. http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/people/flags/biographies/winnsal.html "...Rear Admiral Winns is a native of Jacksonville, Fla. He graduated with distinction from the United States Naval Academy, earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in June 1978. He completed initial flight training at NAS Pensacola, Florida, and advanced navigator training at Mather AFB, Calif., where he was designated a Naval Flight Officer in January 1980. Following initial P-3 training at VP-31, Rear Adm. Winns was assigned to VP-6 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, in July 1980. Flying the P-3B MOD aircraft, he served as Legal Officer and Aircraft Division Officer. He completed two deployments to NAS Cubi Point, Philippines, and detachments throughout the Pacific and Indian Oceans. In January 1984, Rear Adm. Winns was assigned to the Naval Military Personnel Command in Washington, D.C. During his tour, he served in the Aviation Junior Officer Assignment Branch as Fixed Wing Initial Assignment Officer and VP Community Shore Duty Detailer. In April 1986, Rear Adm. Winns reported aboard USS Forrestal (CV 59), homeported in Mayport, Fla., as Operations Administration Officer. He qualified as Fleet Officer of the Deck Underway and Tactical Action Officer, and deployed to the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas, and the North Atlantic Ocean. Following this tour, he attended the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, Calif. He graduated with distinction in December 1989, earning a Master of Science Degree in Financial Management. After refresher training in VP-30, Rear Adm. Winns reported to VP-56 at NAS Jacksonville, Floridae in June 1990. During this assignment, he served as Special Projects Officer and Administrative Officer, and deployed to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. He then reported to CPW-11, as CNO Special Projects Officer. Rear Adm. Winns served as Executive Officer and Commanding Officer of VP-11 from August 1992 to July 1994. During his tour as Commanding Officer, Patrol Squadron Eleven deployed to NAS Sigonella, Sicily, and NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, and participated in Bosnian Sharp Guard/Sharp Edge and Caribbean Drug operations. During the Sigonella deployment, the squadron became the first patrol squadron to employ the Maverick Missile System. During his command tour, VP-11 was awarded the coveted Battle "E", Golden Wrench Award for aircraft maintenance (4th consecutive), and numerous unit awards. From August 1994 to March 1995 Rear Adm. Winns was assigned to the Roles and Missions Staff of the Chief of Naval Operations in Washington, D.C. He served as Executive Officer aboard USS Guam (LPH 9) from August 1995 to December 1996 and deployed to the Mediterranean Sea. He reported aboard USS Essex (LHD 2) in December 1996 as the ship's Executive Officer and assumed command as Commanding Officer in May 1997. During his tour as Commanding Officer, Essex was awarded the Battle "E" and deployed to the Persian Gulf for Operation Southern Watch. Rear Adm. Winns was then assigned as the Policy Division Chief, Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate (J-5), on the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington, D.C. He became the first officer in his Naval Academy class to select for Flag rank in May 2000. He assumed duties as Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Force, Pacific and Commander Task Force 32 on 22 June 2001. Rear Adm. Winns has been awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, three Meritorious Service Medals, three Navy Commendation Medals, the Navy Achievement Medal, and various unit, campaign and service awards..." [01JUN2003]

WISDO, PH2 Lawrence l.wisdo@verizon.net "...I served with VP-11 from 1953 to 1956. Would like to hear from Shipmates who served with me at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island, NAS Brunswick, Maine, NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, and HalFar, Malta..." [E-Mail Updated 14JAN2003 | 05MAY2001]

WISEKAL, Jim JimXMCSU@aol.com "...I served in VP-11, from the end of 1965 till the end of 1967..."

Memorial Picture "...WOLF, ADCS Raymond "Skip"...I must inform all that Skip Wolf passed away in February 2008. Skip served with VP-6, VP-11, VP-26 and VW-12. His ashes were scattered at sea by a Crew from VP-26, made up of Active Duty Trident CPO's...GRAY, AFCM Richard W. "Dick" Retired dickgray@brooksendway.com..." [14JAN2009]

WOLFE, AOCS Joe Retired Eaglvis@aol.com "...Enlisted 1971. AOA school NAS Jacksonville, Florida 1972 VP-30 1972 pipelined as a groundpounder AO for VP-11. Wound up in VP-44 after Moroco crash of VP-44 in 1972. Flew w/ CAC 9 from 1972 to 1976 and CAC 6 1976-1977. Orders to SERE Jan. 1978 to Oct. 1980 SERE Instructor, NAS Brunswick, Maine. Got out of Navy 1980. Re-enlisted 1981 and back to SERE NAS Brunswick, Maine till 1983 (thanks to AVCM Bob Frasch and ADMRL Mulloy). Went to VP-8 as a groundpounder AO 1983 to 1987. Returned to SERE NAS Brunswick, Maine, May, 1987 (thanks to Capt. John Evans aka. Little John, and CDR Tim Sullivan). Retired from active duty Oct. 1992 out of SERE. BS in Human Resourses, Associates, Microsoft Cert. Looking for any shipmates from the past email me. Also looking for any SERE Instructors to place on a new SERE Instructor Web site..." WebSite: http://members.tripod.com/~SERE_2/index.html [18FEB99]

WOODALL, Mark J. "Woody" mark_woodall@oxy.com "...Served as a non-acoustic operator with VP-11 CAC-11 and CAC-7 from May 1976 till July 1980. Would like to hear from old friends. Currently serving as Corporate Environmental Auditor for a chemical company..." [02JUN99]

WRIGHT, David uapilot@hotmail.com "...Trained in VT-27 circa 1985-1986, VT-28 circa 1986, and VP-30 RAG in 1987. Joined VP-11 in February 1987 and immediately was sent to that winter resort otherwise called SERE school by the training officer, LT Billy Barnes. Joined CAC-3 under Brian "Frog" McDonald who was replaced by Steve Culpepper a few months after I joined the crew. Mark "Bomber" Branstrom was my 2P, Dave "Lee Harvey" Oswald was my NAVCOM, Mike Leary my TACCO, Rob Webster my FE, AW Savage, Martinez, AO Larson....that is all I can remember. I then joined CAC-6 after my Rota/Lajes vacation in 1987-88 and served as 2P under Bomber. On CAC-6 Shemp crew, I was flying with Tom "golden boy" Reck, AD Mathy, AMS Latour, Dave Doxey and some guy as TACCO...I think he was OPSO too...as well as PPC Bomber Branstrom. Ascended to PPC of CAC-6 for a precious few months before being back stabbed out just before the drawdown "rightsizing" bloodbath in 1990 that left alot of fine people out in the cold at the hands of a few power seekers. (Hi Tony R. and Pete S....not Pete Scott). That bitter taste will never leave my mouth. Ground jobs were TAD Officer, CSM Officer (Adrienne marks where are you?), AE Branch and finally QAO. Left VP-11 in 1990 and became an instructor in VT-27...dodging death daily. Left the Navy in 1993 actively and 1996 reserve-wise. Now fly as a Captain with United Airlines on the illustrious 737 in Chicago's O'Hare and never looking back although there were alot of tremendous people, mostly enlisted, that I will remember forever. Cheers All!..." [06APR2001]

YEAGER, AT1 Kenneth Noble kenyeager@usfamily.net "...I served with VP-11 (1953) at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island and then NAS Brunswick, Maine (1954). I served as Radio/Radar/Electronic Countermeasures Aircrew with Crew-9 and Crew-11. I left the Navy in 1956..." [15APR2012]

ZELINSKI, AMS1 Wally wallyzel@gmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1971-1974) TAD to AIMD for 6 months and then back to the squadron airframes shop for the duration. Remember the NAS Cubi Point, Philippines and NAS Bermuda deployments. Chief Young, Ray Vega, Bones, Bob Kutzel, Charlie McCray, Bob Wesley and Bob Ziegler are some I remember serving with at the time. Good times and memories for sure. Got out after 9 years and 4 months as an AMS1 stationed at NAS Whiting Field, Milton, Florida..." [07DEC2015]

ZINAVAGE, Wilfred wzinavaage@aol.com "...I served with VP-11 (1959-1961) Crew-5, AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine, NAF Naples, Italy, VP-56 P-3C, VX-1 and VA-176. I wrote a book entitled "Deployment" in 1992, didn't sell many because no one can believe that P2V's used Avgas for recips and jets..." [E-Mail Updated 08MAY2012 | 14SEP2000]

ZLOMKE, Mark zlomkem%am3@mr.nawcad.navy.mil "...I served in VP-11 from 88 to 91, VX-1 from 91 to 94, VP-64 from 94 to Present, Naval Force Aircraft Test Squadron from 94 to 95 as a civilian NFO, and I have been back at VX-1 since 95..."

"VP-11 Summary Page"