VPNAVY VP-5 P2 BUNO: 128358
VPNAVY Address

VP AircraftVP-18 AircraftVP Aircraft

Consolidated P2Y Profile

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2Y ThumbnailCameraVP-18 P2Y BUNO: Unknown "...Consolidated P2Y-3 - NAS Seattle, Washington May 1938. These profiles are patrol floatplanes as a tribute to the VP-squadrons and pilots..." Contributed by Paul Imhoff p.imhoff@hetnet.nl [27DEC2015]

Martin PBM Mariner Profile

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: Aircraft Profile ThumbnailCameraVP-18 PBM-3D BUNO: Unknown "...I am a admirer of the US Navy Float- and Torpedoplanes for several years now. I am drawing profiles from the USN Floatplanes and Torpedoplanes from the early beginnings (1910-etc). These profiles are patrol floatplanes as a tribute to the VP-squadrons and pilots..." Contributed by Paul Imhoff p.imhoff@hetnet.nl [03DEC2017]

Lockheed P2 Neptune

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2 ThumbnailCameraVP-18 P2 BUNO: 128351 "...Line Drawing - P2..." Contributed by Mads Bangsų webmaster@aircraftprofiles.dk WebSite: Aircraftprofiles.dk http://www.aircraftprofiles.dk/ [22MAY2006]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2 ThumbnailCameraVP-18 P2 BUNO: 135547 "...Looks like we were on patrol or perhaps a practice bombing run - notice the 5" rockets on the wing...PPC LT. H. A. Hoover, CP LTjg R. A. Hall, NAV Ens. M. A. Strong, PC M. J. Coleman, 2ND MECH J. P. Pence, 1ST TECH M. F. Finnerman, 2ND TECH G. T. Bilderback, RADIO T. P. Clarke, and ORD W. P. Keyes Jr.. Circa 1957 or 1958..." Contributed by KEYES, AO William P. Jr. WKeyes4127@AOL.COM [08JUN99]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2 ThumbnailCameraVP-18 P2 BUNO: 140975 "...P2 on Unitas VII..." Contributed by SIMMONS, AFCM(AW) Carl Jr navycarl@comcast.net [26JAN2004]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2 ThumbnailCameraVP-18 P2 BUNO: 140983 "...VP-18 (LG 3) Circa 1965 to 1967..." Contributed by WILSON, AX2 Steve sk.ydoghp@gmail.com [04MAY2011]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2 ThumbnailCameraVP-18 P2 BUNO: 140983 "...VP-18 (LG 11) Circa 1965 to 1967..." Contributed by WILSON, AX2 Steve sk.ydoghp@gmail.com [04MAY2011]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2 ThumbnailCameraVP-18 P2 BUNO: 140986 "...VP-18 (LG 8) P2V-7 (BuNo 140986) investigates a Soviet freightor carrying crated aircraft back to Russia, 6 December 1962. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [27OCT2001]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2 ThumbnailCameraVP-18 P2 BUNO: 140986 "...A SP-2H Neptune of VP-18 checks out the Soviet cargo ship Okhotsk. Photo courtesy of U. S. Navy..." [FOUNDATION Volume 18 Number 2 Fall 1997 Page 17] WEBSITE: http://www.naval-air.org/

UPDATE "...LG-8 Aircraft Summary. I was AIO in VP-18 when photo over Soviet Merchant ship was taken. Photo was taken by Travis Knotts in Crew 5. Boxes and items visible on decks were alleged, by the Soviets, to be first missiles removed from Cuba, and the end of the Cuban Crisis. When LG-8 landed the film was developed at NS Roosevelt Roads, PR and placed in the fastest fighter avalable and sent to DC. The next day the photo appeared in every major newspaper in the world...HOFFER, LCDR Louis J. Retired Hoffer@cablespeed.com..." [24APR2003]

UPDATE "...I was very surprised when I saw the shot of LG-8, Crew 8, over the returning Russian vessel. I was the Patrol Plane Commander on that flight and can still recall seeing the ship's guns trained on us while we checked it out. Since it was a recconaissance mission, we were unarmed. Had we been fired upon, we could have called in fighters which were minutes away. We were flying out of NAS Key West while on detached duty from VP-18 based in NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Thanks for the memories. NEGRON, CDR Delis Jr. Retired DNegronJr@aol.com..." [31OCT2002]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2 ThumbnailCameraVP-18 P2 BUNO: 141243 "...My favorite ride. LG5 on the ramp and NAS Jacksonville, Florida. In the background a "Hurricane Hunter" super connie..." Contributed by Richard Johnson wa5eod@windstream.net [08SEP2000]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2 ThumbnailCameraVP-18 P2 BUNO: 147955 "...Received from the Naval Institute Press..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [22NOV2000]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2 ThumbnailCameraVP-18 P2 BUNO: 148359 "...Circa 1967..." Contributed by DARRIGO, WO3 Tom darrigo1@verizon.net [10DEC2013]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2 ThumbnailCameraVP-18 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...There she is again. LG5 being fueled for tomorrow's patrol. On the ramp at NS Roosevelt Roads, PR..." Contributed by Richard Johnson wa5eod@windstream.net [08SEP2000]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2 ThumbnailCameraVP-18 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...Official U. S. Navy Photograph..." [08MAR99]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2 ThumbnailCameraVP-18 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...A VP-18 P2V-2 in flight over NAS Jacksonville, Florida on July 3, 1953..." http://www.nasjax.navy.mil/command%20information/aircraft_1950s_photo_gallery.htm [24NOV2001]

"VP-18 Summary Page"