VP-18 Crew
Crew 1
CREWs: VP-18 Crew "...VP-18 Crew 1 at NAS Sigonella, Sicily in 1958. We were the first squadron to deploy there after WWII..." Contributed by WILSON, AT2 Ron w4wilson@cox.net [18NOV2007]
CREWs: VP-18 Crew "...VP-18 Crew 1 at NAS Sigonella, Sicily in 1958. We were the first squadron to deploy there after WWII..." Contributed by WILSON, AT2 Ron w4wilson@cox.net [18NOV2007]
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 1/Crew 7 "...Here is a picture of the enlisted crew that I served with most of the time between 1962 - 1965. We were based / stationed at NAS Jacksonville, Florida and then in 1965 were transferred to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. Most of the time we flew with Lt. Ward, Commander Sam Mansfield or Capt. Al Carneghi. Thus, we were either designated Crew 1 or Crew 7 during those years we flew out of NAS Jacksonville, Florida and when we went on our 6 month deployment to NAS Keflavik, Iceland in 63'. I finished my 4 year hitch at RR - PR which was my last duty station before being discharged as an AX2 and heading back to civilian life. These are the names of the enlisted Crew ( 7 ) from left to right.. unfortunately, my memory is shy of getting the names totally correct and if any of them see this listing, I apologize and hope they can update the listing with the correct spellings. L to R. Chuck Roden - Plane Captain, Jim ? Resavey - First Tech, ? Chase - Ordinance man, ? McCorkel ? - Second Mech., Denny Blaszczynski - Third Tech ( I was the tall one on the crew ), Paul Reed - Second Tech, and Raymond Janney - Radioman..." Contributed by Denny "Ski" Blaszczynski BLAZDB@aol.com [15FEB2001]
Crew 2
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 2 "...Circa 01AUG1961. L-R BACK ROW: Gearhart (2nd Mechanic), AE2 R. Bradley (2 Technician), R. Genereaux (Radio), AM1 G. Denninger (Plane Captain), AOAN H. Terry (Ordinance), AE2 R. Clark (1st Technician), ??? and AE2 Robert RICHARDS (4th Technician and not available for picture)... L-R FRONT ROW: ??? (Navigator), LT R. Hall (Pilot) and LT(jg) Crowell (Co-Pilot)..." Contributed by RICHARDS, AE2 Robert deloresrichards@vmail.com [11FEB2012]
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 2 "...L-R BACK ROW: ADR3 Carmen Grapp (Plane Captain), LT Yow (Navigator), LT Ross (PPC), Unknown, LT(jg) Simmons (PP2) and AT2 Gunderson (1st Tech). L-R FRONT ROW: Radioman, AT2 Ed Connely (2nd Tech), Unknown, AE2 Jake Hurst (3rd Tech) and ADR3 J. O. Smith (2nd Mech) - Circa 1964-1965..." Contributed by SMITH, AXC James O. Retired jandi24@roadrunner.com [18APR2010]
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 2 "...We departed NS Roosevelt Roads, PR on August 18, 1967 and returned on September 29. We returned early because Chile would not give us any 115/145 avgas. We departed NS Roosevelt Roads, PR again on October 7 and traveled down the east coast of South America and arriving at Bahia Blanca, Argentina on October 13. We continued on with UNITAS and finally arrived back at NS Roosevelt Roads, PR on December 12, 1967. Was an outstanding trip and enjoyed by all. Here are the names of VP-18 Crew 2 before leaving for UNITAS VIII...Top Left to Right: AN Manuel Lizardi-Camacho-2nd Mech, AX2 Ron Spadie-Jez, ATR2 Ed Connelly-First Tech/Julie/ECM, AX1 Merrill (Stef) Steffey-Radio, AE2 Jake Hurst-Mad, AO1 Don (Pops) Kinsey-Ordnance, and ADR2 Raymond (Mac) McGee-Plane Captain. Bottom Left to Right: LTJG Lynn Hudgins-Co-Pilot, LT Charles Acker-PPC, LT Harrell Widener-TACCO, LTjg Timothy Forness-NAV. Crew 12 went on UNITAS VIII as well. Here are their name: LCDR Barr Stevenson-OinC/PPC, LT Robert Collier-Co-Pilot, LTjg Lynn Kimrey, LTjg Charles Shirley, AX1 Joel Williams-First Tech, ADR2 Jerry Stephenson-Plane Captain, AMS2 Frazier Wynn, AO2 Collier Futch-Ordnance, AX2 Robert Marshall, AE2 Jerry Spires, AXAN Chris Harden-Radio, and AMS2 Frazier Wynn. We also had some Ground Pounders along: ADJ1 Marvin Wilson-LPO, HM2 Donald DePriest, AK3 John Garey, YN3 John AMH Norman Tucker, and AN Melvi Brown..." Contributed by CONNELLY, Ed DELETE_epconn@aol.com [24FEB2003]
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 5 and 2 "...A mix of crew 5 and crew 2 (the exec's crew) in Iceland 1958 after a patrol in LG 2. In the back row L to R; AT3 Bartosik- AT3 Johnson-Ordenanceman Lyles-A/C Mechanic (still can't remember his name). Front row L to R; Crew 2 copilot-Executive Officer VP-18- Crew 2Flt Engineer-Crew 2 Navagator..." Contributed by Richard Johnson wa5eod@windstream.net [08SEP2000]
Crew 4
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 4 "...1964 with pilots Tom Damm (back row 1st from left) and Neil Donner, me (back row 2nd from right). As I remember this photo, it was what one might describe as a make-up crew of short timers at the time. Both Tom and I left the squadron shortly thereafter. Some of the enlisted crew were from the permanent Crew 4 of 1963-1964 of then Lcdr Don Wuetrich, Lt John Cain Jr, Lt Neil Donner and Ens Bill Groth the NAO..." Contributed by DONNER, LT Neil J. neiljd@pacbell.net [22APR2003]
Crew 5
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 5 "... NAS Keflavik, Iceland 1958. Top Row Left to Right; AT3 Johnson-AT3 Bartosik-Lt. Eagan-A/C Commander LCDR Howard-and Navigator whose name I do not recall===Bottom row Left to Right; Ordenanceman J.R. (Jimmy) Lyles-A/C Mechanic (no name)-and Flt Engineer and Crew Chief Luter..." Contributed by Richard Johnson wa5eod@windstream.net [07SEP2000]
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 5 and 2 "...A mix of crew 5 and crew 2 (the exec's crew) in Iceland 1958 after a patrol in LG 2. In the back row L to R; AT3 Bartosik- AT3 Johnson-Ordenanceman Lyles-A/C Mechanic (still can't remember his name). Front row L to R; Crew 2 copilot-Executive Officer VP-18- Crew 2Flt Engineer-Crew 2 Navagator..." Contributed by Richard Johnson wa5eod@windstream.net [08SEP2000]
Crew 6
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 6 "...While deployed to NAS Sigonella, Sicily in 1961, this photo was made at Ben Garar AFB in Morroco, North Africa. The crew was on a recovery assignment for a Cape Canaveral launch. Far left on the front row is Don Sims,AT2. beside me is Gene Jones, AT3 Radioman. Standing far left is Don Huth, AT2. Beside him is Lt. G.V. Wintriss, Pilot. Fourth from the left is Lt.jg Buzz Krauss, Copilot. Any help with the names of the other crew members will be appreciated..." Contributed by SIMS, Don A. vkaydona@msn.com [01JAN2002]
"...Standing third from the left is Lt.jg John Cain, 3rd. Pilot/Navigator. Standing far right is ADR2 Floyd Disbrow, Plane Captain. Thanks..." Contributed by SIMS, Don A. vkaydona@msn.com [21FEB2002]
"...Kneeling far right on the front row is ADR3 Bobby Snowden. Beside Snowden on the front row is AMHAN Larry Landrith. Thanks..." Contributed by SIMS, Don A. vkaydona@msn.com [05JAN2002]
Crew 7
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 7 "...Circa 1967..." Contributed by DARRIGO, WO3 Tom darrigo1@verizon.net [10DEC2013]
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 1/Crew 7 "...Here is a picture of the enlisted crew that I served with most of the time between 1962 - 1965. We were based / stationed at NAS Jacksonville, Florida and then in 1965 were transferred to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. Most of the time we flew with Lt. Ward, Commander Sam Mansfield or Capt. Al Carneghi. Thus, we were either designated Crew 1 or Crew 7 during those years we flew out of NAS Jacksonville, Florida and when we went on our 6 month deployment to NAS Keflavik, Iceland in 63'. I finished my 4 year hitch at RR - PR which was my last duty station before being discharged as an AX2 and heading back to civilian life. These are the names of the enlisted Crew ( 7 ) from left to right.. unfortunately, my memory is shy of getting the names totally correct and if any of them see this listing, I apologize and hope they can update the listing with the correct spellings. L to R. Chuck Roden - Plane Captain, Jim ? Resavey - First Tech, ? Chase - Ordinance man, ? McCorkel ? - Second Mech., Denny Blaszczynski - Third Tech ( I was the tall one on the crew ), Paul Reed - Second Tech, and Raymond Janney - Radioman..." Contributed by Denny "Ski" Blaszczynski BLAZDB@aol.com [15FEB2001]
Crew 8
CREWs: VP-18 CAC-8 "...Puerto Rico ('67-'68). This time with CAC 3 "Jolly Green Giants". Picture was taken just before we headed off to Londonderry, Ireland. PPC was Cdr Les Breeding, COP Lt Steve Kimberling, NAV Ltjg Dave Traw..." Contributed by Tom Vigorito tvigor@verizon.net [01MAR98]
Crew 9
CREWs: VP-18 CAC-9 "...Circa 1956 to 1960..." Contributed by ZIEMBA, Clarence cz52415@alltel.net [17MAR2002]
Crew 10
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 10 "...NS Roosevelt Roads, PR - I do know the faces but the names are gone! I am to the right of the number 10 (our plane). The nice-looking, taller one!..." Contributed by PAVLIK, George gpavlik@swbell.net [06JAN2011]
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 10 "...NAS Jacksonville, Florida Circa 1958..." Contributed by BROOKS, Stanley sfbrooks@aol.com [15MAR2005]
Crew 11
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 11 "...Circa 1965 to 1967..." Contributed by WILSON, AX2 Steve sk.ydoghp@gmail.com [04MAY2011]
CREWs: VP-18 Crew 11 "...LG-11 at NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Circa July 1967. LEFT TO RIGHT: 2nd Technician Tom Nolte, 2nd Mechanic Mike Howell, LCDR Kennedy and LT Brickman (Navigator). SECOND ROW: Ordnanceman John Santiago and LT(jg) Greene (Co-Pilot). THIRD ROW: 3rd Technician Paul Davidson. TOP ROW: PC Ken Trea, 1st Technician Bob Walker and Radio/Radar Stan Ferguson..." Contributed by FERGUSON, Stanley onewireme2@yahoo.com [14JAN2009]
Crew Unknown
CREWs: VP-18 Crew "...This picture is circa 1958 when VP-18 had several crews deployed in Iceland. This photo was taken after a "special mission" to help the Icelandic government locate a herd of killer whales that were threatening their fishing industry. From left to right (top row) AT3 Bartosik, AT3 Richard A. Johnson {me}, two Icelandic navy officers, Co-Pilot Lt. Eagan, Flight Engineer Luter. The two gentlemen on the bottom row I do not remember, maybe if posted on the web someone can help jog my aging memory..." Contributed by Richard Johnson wa5eod@windstream.net [07SEP2000]
CREWs: VP-18 Crew "...Three mates in front of LG5 on the ramp at NS Roosevelt Roads, PR 1957/58. L to R AT3 Purcell-ATN Johnson-and another long forgotten Shipmate..." Contributed by Richard Johnson wa5eod@windstream.net [08SEP2000]
CREWs: VP-18 Crew "...This picture was taken in 1959 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Top left Navigator LTJG ?, Co-pilots LTJG Williams, LTJG Blackburn, and Pilot LT Raymer. Bottom row from left Stanley Brooks (me), John Haney, Gates Adelman, ? McMurtry, can't remember 5th from left's name, and plane captain Bridgewater..." Contributed by Stanley Brooks sfbrooks@aol.com [09SEP2000]
CREWs: VP-18 Crew Contributed by Paul Pfeiffer CAPTAIN, Retired ppfeiffer050@adelphia.net
CREWs: VP-18 Crew"...Crew members of VP-18 P2V Neptune which returned this week from a six-month deployment at Keflavik, Iceland, are undoubtly happto to be home. While half of VP-18's 300 men were on the the Iceland deployment, the other half was the first US Navy unit to be deployed at a new facility at Sigonella, Sicily. All of the squadron's "Connies" were to be home by yesterday. Members of plane 9, piloted by Lcdr. Willard Strop (fourth from right) are Lt (jg) Gerald McDonald, Clarence Ziemba, ATAN, Charlie Rucker, AOAN, Ray Young, AT3, Jack Pancari, AD3, Thomas, AD1, Larry Smith, AE3, Lcdr. Strong, Demar, AD3, Jack Burris, AT3, and Lt. (jg) James Hickman..." Contributed by Paul Pfeiffer CAPTAIN, Retired ppfeiffer050@adelphia.net
CREWs: "...Make up crew that was going on the mission for the monkey shot Able and Baker out of NS Roosevelt Roads, PR from the right front row is Josh Pierce, James R. May, Larry Austin. The third from the right standing is Freddie Pridgeon Plane Capt and AD2. Can't identify the rest-- any Ideas?..." Contributed by Larry Austin NAVAIRGUN@aol.com [20SEP2000]
"...The pilots standing in rear far left to right are Claude Hendrickson, Bob Hall and Jim Hickman..." Contributed by Jim Hickman jimanshirl@aol.com [30AUG2002]
"VP-18 Summary Page"