VP-197 Mishap
"...I would like some help on researching the squadron my grandfather served with in WWII. His name was Robert Koontz and he was killed in action on August 7 or 8 1945. The only information I have on his his is training squadron which was VPB-197 in the states. If anyone could help me with this research and how to obtain his service records I would be truly thankful. I would also like to obtain any information on his crews last mission and how their plane was lost. Thanks for any help available. I would also like to hear from any former squadron members who knew him... Grandson Robert Koontz kooter2626@aol.com" [13MAY2002]
MISHAPs: 08 JUN 45 A/C: PB4Y-2 Location: approx. 7mi NW of Santa Catalina Isl, Ca Strike: Yes BUNO: 59679 Cause: After completion of strafing runs, one of the crewman reported something wrong in after top turret. Further investigation by Plane Capt revealed that KLISKEY was pinned in the turret between the starboard gun receiver and the ammo box. KLISKEY was removed from this position, but never regained conscious and was pronounced dead upon return to station. No damage to aircraft. Crew: Pilot Lt William Franklin Jennings USNR/Ok, Ens Paul W. Muller USNR/Ok, Ens James R. Mitchell USNR/Ok, AMM1c(CA) Richard G. Winpom USNR/Ok, AMM3c (T).Charles Henry Kliskey/Killed, ARM3c Charles W. Schlagel USN/Ok, ARM3c (T).Andrew Paulenda/Ok, AOM2c Harry F. Morrison, Jr./OK, ACOMT(T), Gerald P. Flanagan/Ok, AOM3c Harold J. Zegart/Ok, AMM1c Robert M. Thomas/Ok, and ARM1c John T. Martello. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [17DEC2001]
MISHAPs: 22 JUN 45 A/C: PB4Y-2 "...Does anyone recognize these names? They were the members of an PB4Y-1 crew that crashed in the P.I. on June 22, 1945. All were lost in the crash. They had only been in the Philippines since June 4 and were on their sixth mission. My father was the co-pilot and I am trying to get info for my new grandson. Any help will be appreciated: PPC Lt(jg) S W Sayre, COP Ensign M F Brownlee, COP Ensign J H Taylor, PC AMM2C L J Walkowiak, Mech AMM3C J J Foley, 1 Rad ARM2C J M Nichols, 2 Rad ARM3C H W Klotz, ORD Bomb AOM3C H B Hanson, Ord AOM1C P L Leydecker, Gun S1C R E Ball, and Gun S1C T R Thompson..." Contributed by Jim Brownlee rkymtnnews@aol.com [26APR2000]
MISHAPs: 22 AUG 45 A/C: PB4Y-2 Location: CA, SAN DIEGO Strike: Yes BUNO: 59856 Cause: FLEW INTO WATER Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [24MAR98]
"...Loss of control; 32-18N 117-18W 10/killed..." Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [29DEC2000]
MISHAPs: 23 JUN 45 A/C: PB4Y-2 Location: Unknown Strike: No BUNO: 59802 Cause: Training flight. During low level radar attack underside of fuselage struck the water and plane bounced back into the air. The Radar dome and radar antenna assembly were jettisoned, since they could not be retracted. Plane was retuned to base. "Major overhaul required". Crew ok. Pilot LtDavid L. Maxwell USNR, Ens Anthony E. Rivara USNR, AMM1c James W. Duncan USN, ARM1c James H. Dunn USN, Sea1c Robert H. Blanch USNR, and Sea1c Carter M. Reid USNR. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [18DEC2001]
MISHAPs: 08 JUL 45 A/C: PB4Y-2 Location: Near Santa Catalina Isl.Calif Strike: No BUNO: 59679 Cause: After completion of strafing run, approx 7mi.NW, of Catalina Isl, one of the crewman reports something wrong in the after top turret. Further investigation by Plane Capt recalled Kliskey to be pinned in the top turret, between the starboard gun receiver and the ammo box. Kliskey was removed from this position, but never regained conscious and was pronounced dead upon return to the station. No damage to aircraft. Crew ok,except for one. Pilot Lt. William Franklin Jennings USNR, Ens Paul W. Muller USNR, ns James R. Mitchell USNR, AMM1c Richard G. Winpom (ca) USNR, AMM3c Charles Henry Kliskey (t) USNR/Killed, RM3c Charles W. Schlagel USN, ARM3c Andrew Paulenda (t), AOM2c Harry F. Morrison, Jr., ACOMT Gerald P. Flanagan (t), AOM3c Harold J. Zegart, AMM1c Robert M. Thomas, and ARM1c John T. Martello. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [01MAR2002]
MISHAPs: 22 AUG 45 A/C: PB4Y-2 Location: 32-18N 117-18W Strike: No BUNO: 59856 Cause: Training flight. Bomb attack with Mk IXI minature bombs on a submerged submarine. Lost control of plane in a tight turn after first run and crashed. Crew killed: Pilot Lt(jg) Preston F. keeton USNR, Ens Walter H. Murphy A-V(N), and seven killed. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [20DEC2001]
MISHAPs: 24 AUG 45 A/C: PB4Y-2 Location: NAAS Camp Kearny, California Strike: yes BUNO: 59846 Cause: Night radar simulated attack on a surface vessel. Landed long and overshot, running into construction equipment at work at end of runway at night. Crew OK. Pilot Lt Harold B. James USNR, Ens Ruben Melline USNR, Ens Wenton L. Mendenhall USNR, AMM1c Samuel M. Scalaro USN, ARM3c Joseph Kokinda USNR, AOM3c Joseph J. Esposito USN, AOM3c Kenneth L. Morris USNR, and Sea1c Hugh F. Brown USNR. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [20DEC2001]
 "VP-197 Summary Page"