VPNAVY Address

VP Logos VP-1 PatchesVP Logos

VP LogosLOGOs: VP Patch ThumbnailCameraVP-1 Patch "...Latest VP-1 Logo..." Contributed by LCDR Curtis Cruthirds curtis.cruthirds@fe.navy.mil [11DEC2011]

VP LogosLOGOs: VP Patch ThumbnailCameraVP-1 Patch Contributed by Michael Varga mikey1010@msn.com [02JUN2009]

VP LogosLOGOs: Squadron ThumbnailCameraVP-1 Patch "...Circa 1954..." EBay http://cgi.ebay.com/ VP-1-Patrol-Squadron-One-Turtle-Large-Patch-1954_W0QQitemZ6595657489QQcategoryZ586QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem [15JAN2006]

VP LogosLOGOs: Logo ThumbnailCameraVP-1 Patch "...Circa 1961..." Contributed by COOPER, Ken kcooper35@earthlink.net [15FEB2003]

VP LogosLOGOs: Logo ThumbnailCameraVP-1 Patch Contributed by Robert F. Dugger, Jr. YRHMM161@prodigy.net [25FEB2002]

VP LogosLOGOs: Logo ThumbnailCameraVP-1 Patch Contributed by Robert F. Dugger, Jr. YRHMM161@prodigy.net [25FEB2002]

VP LogosLOGOs: VP-1 Logo ThumbnailCameraVP-1 Logo Insignia approved: 4 February 1985 "...VP (Patrol Squadron) Insignia that have been officially approved by OPNAVINST. 5030.4E..." http://www.history.navy.mil/insignia/vp/vp-i.html [17NOV2000]

VP LogosLOGOs: VP-1 Logo ThumbnailCamera

VP LogosLOGOs: VP-1 Patch ThumbnailCameraVP-1 Patch Contributed by Jay Broze vjb2@classic.msn.com

UPDATE "...As I recall, the logo for VP-1 back in those days was an elephant, and it may even have been called Dumbo. My memory is sketchy on that, as we really didn't use it while I was in the squadron. I just remember seeing it somewhere in Navy literature back then..." Contributed by William J. Bonville bonville@q.com WebSite: http://home.cdsnet.net/~bonville/

VP LogosLOGOs: VP-1 Patch ThumbnailCameraVP-1 Patch Contributed by William T. Larkins wtl@ccnet.com [10SEP98]
Books U.S. Navy Aircraft 1921-1941, U.S. Marine Corps Aircraft 1914-1959: Two Classics in One Volume [Appendix D Squadron Insignia] by William T. Larkins "...Patrol Squadron One adopted the elephant for its representative since that animal has always been noted for his endurance and patience. The elephant of VP-1 stands on a cloud with one eye cocked downward at a target, a bomb securely held by his trunk, awaiting the proper time to make an unerring drop. Colors: Outer circle, red; black and white outline on navy blue field; elephant, grey. VP-1F to VP-21 to VP-101..." [10SEP98]

"VP-1 Summary Page"