VPB-21 Alumni Association
"The Scuttlebutt" Contributed by Bob Cunningham rcunning02@aol.com
A NEW PROJECT: I have started a new project. Something I have always wanted to do, a Pictorial History book. It occurred to me that a good subject would be the PBM. I have quite a few photos and in searching around in other squadrons find there are literally 100's of pictures available. So I thought why not do the history of all 19 squadrons that fought in the Pacific. [VPB's 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28 202, 205, 208, 216, VH 1, 3, 4, 5, 61 The basic concept is to tell the story using- lots of photos and minimal text..a picture is truly worth a 1000 words. As I have begun my research I have been amazed at some of the stories from various of the squadrons involved. If anyone ever had any doubts about the combat role of our big ungainly Mariner it sure comes to the fore with this information ... I was amazed at some of the activities that were reported and I think you will also. I think it will be a great keepsake for all our families because photos tell a more dramatic story with a subject like this. I am canvassing all the squadrons for pictures and history and if any, of you have material that you think I could use or you know people who do, please let me know. There will be more information forthcoming in the next issue of Scuttlebutt...Don Sweet sweetusn@aol.com
 "VPB-21 Alumni Association Summary Page"