VP-22 Crew
Crew 1
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 1 "...VP-22 Circa 1963..." Contributed by COX, W. "Skip" skpcx@ptd.net [13SEP2007]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 1 "...Crew one from the 1974 NAS Cubi Point, Philippines deployment. The Crew names from left to right starting in the back row are as follows: LT Walker, LTjg Prather, LT Siglar LTjg Milici, LTjg Hue, AA Berg, AWAA Stambaugh, and AT3 Duncan. Front row: ADJ3 Middents, AW3 Mosely, ADJ1 Duering, and AWAA Rodd..." Contributed by Richard B. Duering rbduering@yahoo.com [30SEP2004]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 1 "...VP-22 NAS Iwakuni, Japan March - September 1957. Front: Robertson AD 1, Brooks AO1, Miller AD3, Brown AO 3 Standing, LTJG Aut, and LT "Doc" Scales, CDR "CO" Varner, LT Weissman. Not in photo: Peters AL1, Calhoun AT1, Caviston AT3, Linderman AT3, and Anderson AM3..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [07OCT2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 1 "...VP-22 NAS Kodiak, Alaska 1959. Front L to R: Crane, AT2; Repcik, AO1; Strunk, AM1; Mullaney, AT2; Holdt, ADR3; Acuff, ATAN; Orr, ATN3 Back; Faulkner, AD2; LTJG Englund; C.O. CDR Ward; LTJG Miller; LTJG Hickman ..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [06SEP2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 1 "...VP-22 crew 1, Cocos Island Indian Ocean N.W. of Australia November 1976..." Contributed by Timothy J. Battaglia batman@telis.org [01APR99]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 1 "...VP-22 Crew 1 on 1972 Naha Deployment - Back row lt-rt Lt Hoffman, Lt Rick Hawley, Lt Hasey, C.O. Cdr Canada, Lt Glerum, Ens Schmidt, front row AW2 Walters, AT3 Tilghman, AO3 Roddam, AW2 Green, AW2 Moseley, ADJ1 Middleton, AE1 Harrison..." Contributed by Larry Forney (AW3) doghntr22@yahoo.com [09JAN99]
Crew 2
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 2 "...VP-22 Circa 1963..." Contributed by COX, W. "Skip" skpcx@ptd.net [13SEP2007]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 2 "...VP-22 NAS Iwakuni, Japan 1957. Front: Johnigan AN, Froehlich AD3, Tarbet AT3, Weist AN, Strunk AM1, Hall AO2 Standing: LTJG Chaney, CDR (XO) Munk, LTJG Partie Not in Photo, McCall AD1, White AT3..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [20OCT2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 2 "...VP-22 NAS Kodiak, Alaska 1959. Front L to R: Williams, AO3; Jenkins, AD3; Rauscher, ATR3; Stafford, AT2; Burton, AM3; Chase, AEMAN; Nezat, AT3 Back Lto R; Raper, ADR3; Johns, ADC; LTGJ Hall; CDR McKinney; LTJG Keough; LTJG Trautman..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [06SEP2002]
CREWs: VP-22 CAC-2 "...CAC 2 on a morning preflight in Masirah, Omanbefore a mission over the Persian Gulf (October 88). The plane is QA-7 just after it's new NADC paint job. Crewmembers are PPC/MC LT K.C. Thelen, 2P LT M.S. Hammer, 3P LTJG G.F. Rhodes, Tacco LT R.J. Byrne, Nav LTJG B.R. Kaltenberger, FE AD1 D.L. Adams, 2nd Mech AE2 C.D. Crumer, IFT AXCS L.E. Cummings, SS1 AW2 M.B. Conway, SS2 AWAN J.C. Eslich, SS3 AW1 R.J. Roden, Radio ATAN E.A. Dufner, ORD ADAN L.S. Richardson. There was never a finer crew "Seek & Destroy" forever!!!..." Contributed by Kent C. Thelen kathelen@peoplepc.com [24JUL2000]
Crew 3
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 3 "...VP-22 Circa 1963..." Contributed by COX, W. "Skip" skpcx@ptd.net [14SEP2007]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 3 "...VP-22 NAS Iwakuni, Japan 1957. Front: Williams AO3, Payton AD1, Kent AM3, Rogers AE3 Standing: Mesko AO2, LTJG Haggarty, LT Reinertsen, ENS Goewey, Van Ausdall AT3, Matthews AT3 Not in Photo: Cantin AM3, Mc Call AD1..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [21OCT2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 3 "...VP-22 NAS Kodiak, Alaska 1959. Front L to R: Goers, ATRAN; Pfau, AE2; Riley,AO3; Taylor, ANS2; Main, ATAN; Michel, AT2 Back; Human, ADR3; LTJG Blackwell; LTJG Ford; LCDR Barkley; LTJG Martin..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [07SEP2002]
Crew 4
LOGOs: VP-6 Crew 4 Circa 1970's [26DEC99]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 4 "...VP-22 Circa 1963..." Contributed by COX, W. "Skip" skpcx@ptd.net [13SEP2007]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 4 "...VP-22 Crew 4 (CDR Richard P. Woodley, PPC) - NATOPS check - Circa 1968/1969..." Contributed by WOODLEY, CAPTAIN Richard P. paperpilot22@hotmail.com [08OCT2005]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 4 "...VP-22 NAS Iwakuni, Japan 1957. Front: Manlove AD3, Riley AO3, La Fashia AO3, Asbell AE3, Hasson AD2 Standing: LCDR Goodpasture, LTJG McPherson, LTJG Potts Not in Photo: LTJG Staton, Mullaneey AT2, Levitsky AT3..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [21OCT2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew Thumbnail">VP-22 Crew 4 "...VP-22 NAS Kodiak, Alaska 1959. Front L to R: Goins, AEM3; Falk,ATRAN; Davis, AMS2; Hauser, AO3; Wiegand, AT2; Sebelien, ATAN Back; Taylor; AD2; LTJG Gookin; LCDR Prassinos; LT Gehring; LTJG All..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [08SEP2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 4 "...VP-22 Crew 4 from around 1969. The aircraft commander is Richard Woodley (kneeling, third from the left). He asked me to send this to you in hopes that some others from the crew might see it..." Contributed by Doug Woodley dagnav@bellsouth.net [03OCT99]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 4 "...VP-22 Crew 4 on 1972 Naha Deployment - Back row lt-rt LCDR Cordle, Lt Turner, Jtjg Danz, Lt Crosser, AMHAN Halvorson, Ltjg Fehir, ADJ1 Welch, front row AT1 Marshall, AW2 Scribner, AW1 Ken Coldicott, AO3 Wilson, AW3 Mauk..." Contributed by Larry Forney (AW3) doghntr22@yahoo.com [09JAN99]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 4 Circa 1984 "...Pictured standing from left to right: G. Kelly (3P), E. Petterson (NAV), E. Kvitum (2P), R. Cottrel (PPC), Pennington (FE), T. House (IFT). Kneeling left to right: K. Steiner (TACCO), J. Guy (ORD), B. Taylor (RADIO), B. Reynolds (SS1), M. Lussier (IFT), J. Summers (SS2). The picture was taken in August 1984 and is Crew 1..." Contributed by Bill (ROOKIE) Reynolds reynoldsb@comcast.net [12NOV98]
Crew 5
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 5 "...VP-22 Circa 1963..." Contributed by COX, W. "Skip" skpcx@ptd.net [13SEP2007]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 5 "...VP-22 NAS Iwakuni, Japan 1957. Front: Hinojosa AN, Matthews ATAN, Hasbrouck AT3, Shelton ADAN Standing: Hubbartt AD2, LTJG Volden, LTJG Wandke, LCRD Risley, Knight AO3 Not in Photo: Johns ADC, Bass AO3, Buckles AT3..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [21OCT2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 5 "...VP-22 NAS Kodiak, Alaska 1959. Front L to R: Primrose, ATAN; Byerley,AMH3; Russell, ADR3; Killian, AO3; Ray, AT2; Bell, AA Back; Chambers, AD3; McComas, AEM3; LTJG Wuthrich; LCDR Kosnik; LTJG Heyde..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [08SEP2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 5 "...1955-1956 - Front: Longbrake, O. L., ADS; Russo, A. J., AO3; Shea, G. F., AT3; Scrivner, T. L., AT2; Hodges, P. W., AN; Nilssen, O. J., AT2. Standing: Sheridan, D. W., AD2; Rex, R. L., LTjg; Freudenberg, W. H., LCDR; Rogers, R. M., Jr., LTjg; McGinnes, H. H., AT1..." Contributed by RUSSO, Al (Skip) ajrusso@flash.net [18SEP2001]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 5 "...VP-22 Crew 5 on 1972 Naha Deployment - Back row lt-rt AO1 Adams, ADJC Knight, AWC White, AW3 Marty Susort, Lt Pawlowski, Lt Lohden, LtjgBock, front row ADJ1 Conrad, AW2 TK Hohl, AT3 Baglietto, Ltjg Montgomery, Ens Zavaglia..." Contributed by Larry Forney (AW3) doghntr22@yahoo.com [09JAN99]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 5 "...1976 Diego Arcia Crew 5 QA-10 (BUNO: 154598)...Standing L-R: SS3 Todd Chambers, RAD Carelton Maxwell, 3P Rick Wheldon, 2P Greg Stamper, TAC Ron Zavaglia, NAV Keven O'Neill, SS1 Jim Darcey, and ORD Brit Palmer...Kneeling L-R: F/E Dennis Balgr, 2nd Mech Paul Waeghe, Jr., CPPC Scotty Wies, SS2 Nile Robbins, PPC Ed Gebhardt, and IFT Randy Dudley..." Contributed by Paul J. Waeghe, AFCM Retired pjwaeghe@bellsouth.net [27FEB98]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 5 "...1975 OKINAWA - PPC, R. Gebhardt; COP, D. Wies; COP, R. Wheldon; TAC, R. Zavaglia; NAV, I. LaCour; FE, D. Baker; 2M, P. Waeghe; RAD, C. Maxwell; SS1, N. Robbins; SS2, J. Darcy; SS3, A. Mirr; IFT, J. Leih..." Contributed by Paul Waeghe, Jr. pjwaeghe@bellsouth.net
Crew 6
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 6 "...VP-22 Circa 1963..." Contributed by COX, W. "Skip" skpcx@ptd.net [13SEP2007]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 6 "...VP-22 NAS Iwakuni, Japan 1957. Front: White AM3, Mathews AD2, Eichler AN, Dunn AT3 Standing: Russell AD1, LTJG Holum, LCDR Redden, LTJG Clampitt, Davis AT3 Not in Photo: Mc Broom AD3, Smith AE3..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [21OCT2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 6 "...VP-22 NAS Kodiak, Alaska 1959. Front L to R: Dean, AN; Kent, AM3; Whitehill, AT3; Watkins, AEM3; Ritter, ADR3; March, ATAN; Brown, AO2 Back; LTJG Burt; LTJG Anderson; LT Garland; Fiorelle, AT2..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [08SEP2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 6 "...Attached is a photo of VP22 Crew 6 while on Naha Deployment in 1972. Standing are (Lt-Rt) Ltjg Walsh, Lcdr Reilly, Lt Cosgrove, Ltjg Bradburn, Lcdr Ord - front row is AMS3 Doug Gillet, AT3 Markiewicz, AW2 Ken Wolf, AO3 Cunningham, and AW2 Anderson. I'm sending this in for my good friends Doug Gillet and Ken Wolf with whom I share a lot of good memories. Doug Gillet was a bit of a legend to VP-22. He just retired in Sept of this year (98) after spending 31 years and 7 months in the Navy and all of it at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii to boot (somebody has to do it!). He spent 23 years in VP-22 from 67 to 90 and then went to VPU-2 for 3 years and back to VP-22 for another year as Command Master Chief and in Mar 94 when they shut down VP-22. Great job Doug!..." Contributed by Larry Forney (AW3) doghntr22@yahoo.com [17DEC98]
Crew 7
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 7 "...VP-22 Circa 1963..." Contributed by COX, W. "Skip" skpcx@ptd.net [13SEP2007]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 1 "...VP-22 Circa 1963..." Contributed by COX, W. "Skip" skpcx@ptd.net [13SEP2007]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 7 "...VP-22 NAS Iwakuni, Japan 1957. Front: Prudhomme AO3, Stoops AN, Weigand ATAN, Maness AT3, Danahy ATC Standing: Paoli AO#, Rhodes AM3, LTJG Miller, LT Tayler, LTJG Aut, Stafford AT3 Not in Photo: Carson AT2..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [21OCT2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 7 "...VP-22 NAS Kodiak, Alaska 1959. Front L to R: Rawdon, ATAN; Seegert, ATAN; Prevette, AEM2; Carlyle, AM1; Johnigan, ATR3; Payton, AD1; Gurley, ADR3 Back; O'Connell, AN; LTJG Mullett; LT Moss; LTJG Goewey; LTJG Biesser..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [08SEP2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 7 "...Attached is a photo of VP22 Crew 7 taken atop the FLY NAVY water tower at Det Tango, Tainan, Taiwan back in 1972. Top row lt to rt is AMS3 Mohnen, AWAN Lamusga, AW2 Hugh Longacre, AW1 Adams. Seated are Ltjg Austin, Lt Bianchi, AT2 Merchant, Ltjg Kohli, AO3 Quinn, Lt Cottle, and AMS2 Dick Wehrle. I'm sending this photo in for my good friends Dick Wehrle and Hugh Longacre with whom I had the pleasure of sharing a lot of good memories and nights on the town..." Contributed by Larry Forney (AW3) doghntr22@yahoo.com [17DEC98]
Crew 8
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 8 "...VP-22 Crew 8 Circa 1963, "Woody's Phynques" which I flew with proudly..." Contributed by COX, W. "Skip" skpcx@ptd.net [11SEP2007]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 8 "...VP-22 NAS Iwakuni, Japan 1957. Front: McDougall AO3, Romero AO3, Osterman AT1, Fiorille AT3, Dehne AN, Pfau AEMAN Standing: Siewing AD1, LTJG Holt, LT Pickering, LTJG Bennett Not in Photo: Payne AM2..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [21OCT2002]
"...I am the LT PICKERING listed under VP-22 "Crew 8". Brought back old memories. A great crew. Living in Santa Clara, CA. paparich@comcast.net..." [23MAY2007]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 8 "...VP-22 NAS Kodiak, Alaska 1959. Front L to R: Garrison, ATN3; LaBelle, AM2; Eychler, AO2; Miller, ADR3; Rauscher, AEM3; Tarbet, AT2; Byron, ATRAN Back; Stoops, AD2; LTJG Leak; LT Weissman; LTJG Elliott; LTJG Wilkie..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [08SEP2002]
Crew 9
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 9 "...VP-22 Circa 1963..." Contributed by COX, W. "Skip" skpcx@ptd.net [13SEP2007]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 9 "...June 1978 --- AO2 Bob Burkhead - Ord, AT2 Les Howarth (me) - IFT, AT2 Chuck Barnes - RDO, and LCDR Phil Perine PPC -- all of Crew 9 -- the day all 3 were awarded our A/C Wings (I think it's the only time Phil ever smiled around us!)..." Contributed by HOWARTH, AT2 Les thepcdoctor6@hotmail.com [18JAN2004]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 9 "...VP-22 NAS Iwakuni, Japan 1957. Front: Watkins AN, Empfield AT2, Thompson AD2, Dean AN, Repick AO1, Joy AM1 Standing: Galbraith AT3, LTJG Johnson, LT Redmond, LTJG Bellflower, Hasbrouck ATAN Not in Photo: LTJG Dendulk..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [21OCT2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 9 "...VP-22 NAS Kodiak, Alaska 1959. Front L to R: Drazil, ATN3; Hinojosa, AEM3; Peach, AM1; Schnautz, ATN3; Mesko, AD2; Piper, ADR3; Baier, ATAN Back; Hubbartt, AD2; LTJG Oslun; LTJG Mirise; LTJG Gookin; LTJG Pitts..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [08SEP2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 9 "...AW2 Westling, AWAN Hughes, AW2 Wheatley, ADJ1 Erwin, LCDR Plott, AT2 Davis, LTjg Reynierse, LTjg Losh, LT Riccio, AO3 Nov, and LT Erdman...(Platt's Rats) during our '72 Deployment. The picture was taken about 6:30 in the morning at Naha Air Base Okinawa. Needless to say it was an eye-opener. Our PPC, LCDR Dave Platt, is credited for coming up with the unique idea. I would be interested with any info anyone has about Dave Platt..." Contributed by Bob Davis AT2 bobd67@gmail.com [29NOV98]
Crew 10
LOGOs: VP-22 Crew 10 Patch "...The Blue Goose has a drink in one hand and a boxing glove on the other hand. Our PPC, LCDR Mike Lewis was a boxer when at the Naval Academy is the reason for the boxing glove..." Contributed by Larry Forney (AW3) doghntr22@yahoo.com [28NOV98]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 2 "...VP-22 Circa 1963..." Contributed by COX, W. "Skip" skpcx@ptd.net [13SEP2007]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 10 "...VP-22 NAS Iwakuni, Japan 1957. Front: Marvin AT3, Michel AT3, Weygant AD3, Eychaner AO1, McBroom AD3 Standing: LTJG Schroeder, LT Garland, ENS Hogue Not in Photo: Flocchini AD2, Prevette AE3, Brown AO3..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [21OCT2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 10 "...VP-22 NAS Kodiak, Alaska 1959. Front L to R: Henry, AMS3; Dobbs, ATN3; Page, ATN3; Volman, AN; Proulx, AO3; Clark, AEM3 Back; Russell, AD1; LTJG Fitzgerald; LTJG Hogue; LTJG Chaney; Hazelett, AD2..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [08SEP2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 10 "...ATAN Wesellis, Ens Nichols, Lt Frohne, Ltjg Forryth, Lcdr Lewis, Lt Maxwell, AW3 Reed, AO2 Trammel, AW3 McDougal, AMS2 Santos, AMH1 Prescott, AW3 Forney, and ADJC Krapf...copied out of our 1972 Naha Okinawa Cruise book..." Larry Forney (AW3) doghntr22@yahoo.com [28NOV98]
Crew 11
LOGOs: VP-22 Crew 11 1950's-1960's [11FEB2000]
LOGOs: "VP-22 Crew 11 Patch" "...Platt's Rates 1973 NAS Cubi Point, Philippines..." Contributed by ADCS Ed Flow, USN Ret. vinnfizz@aol.com [02MAR99]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 11 "...VP-22 Circa 1963..." Contributed by COX, W. "Skip" skpcx@ptd.net [13SEP2007]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 11 "...VP-22 NAS Iwakuni, Japan 1957. Front: Rausher AT3, Hook AM1, Faukner AD2, Segura AD3, Heffner ATAN Standing: Russo AO2, LTJG Vandesteeg, LT Thompson, LTJG Keough, Giesick AT3 Not in Photo: Harrington ALC..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [21OCT2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 11 "...VP-22 NAS Kodiak, Alaska 1959. Front L to R: Pankow, ATAN; Bach, ATRAN; Peterson, AT3; Graham, AMH2; Schnautz, ATN3; Powell, AO2 Back; Harvell, AD1; LTJG Bennett; LTJG Belflower; LTJG Webb; Wright, AD2..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [08SEP2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 11 1975 OKINAWA "...PPC, D. Lauderdale; COP, R. Wagner; TAC, J. Hyde; NAV G. Maas; FE, G. Meyer; RAD, J. Cook; SS1, R. Severson; SS2, D. Ackerman; SS3 AW2 Todd A. Chambers; 2M, E. Flow; IFT, W. Merchant..." Contributed by Paul Waeghe, Jr. pjwaeghe@bellsouth.net
"...The SS#3 operator listed in the crew 11, 1975, Okinawa, is incorrect. It was incorrectly printed in the Cruise Book that year. It was actually myself, I was an AW2 at the time...You are missing two names from the VP-22, 1975, Crew 11, Okinawa picture. Second from left, sitting, is R. Reisig. Second from right, standing, is AOC Lee. That should complete the entire crew. The Cruise Book omitted three of us..." Contributed by Todd A. Chambers, MAJ(ret) todd.chambers@hcahealthcare.com [Updated 04MAY2001 | 02MAY2001]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 11 CUBI PT 1976/1977 "...(Top Row L-R) NAV ENS R. C. Myer; COP LTJG M. J. Filkins; FE AD1 G. C. Meyer; SS3 AW3 J. O. Culbertson: (Center Row L-R) SS1 AW3 D. L. Ackerman; SS2 AWAN L. J. Matelski; (Front Row L-R) COPY LTJG J. C. Spangler; FE AMHC D. R. Dickson; TAC LTJG R. W. McBride)..." Contributed by Paul Waeghe, Jr. pjwaeghe@bellsouth.net
Crew 12
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 12 "...VP-22 Circa 1963..." Contributed by COX, W. "Skip" skpcx@ptd.net [13SEP2007]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 12 "...Top Row: ATAN G. A. Knochel, AT2 J. D. Norris, LTjg (Pilot) D. E. Russell, ENS (Navigator) C. D. Oliver, LTjg (CoPilot) J. L. Krefting, and AD3 K. E. Johnson. Bottom Row Left to Right: AL2 L. Baltazar, AL2 A. G. Sanderson, AD1 R. J. Helms, AOAN H. J. Ellis, and AOAN J. H. Franks..." Contributed by LILLEY, Delbert B. Lilley118@hotmail.com [24FEB2003]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 12 "...VP-22 NAS Iwakuni, Japan 1957. Front: Conner AT1, Stokes AT2, Palmquist AO3, Magni AM3, Raper ADRAN Standing: Crane AT3, ENS Hickox, LTJG Klein (retired as RADM in 1985) LTJG Rogers, Hatzenbuehler AD1 Not in Photo: Jepson AE3, Chase AN..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [21OCT2002]
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 12 "...VP-22 NAS Kodiak, Alaska 1959. Front L to R: Hasbrouck, AT2; Ammerman, ATAN; Egbert, ATAN; Gasvoda, AT3; Payne, AM3; Brown, AO3; Miller, ADR3 Back; Lehman, ADR3; LTJG Johnson; LTJG Johanson; LTJG Smith; LTJG Clammpitt..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [08SEP2002]
Crew 13
CREWs: VP-22 Crew 13 "...VP-22 NAS Kodiak, Alaska 1959. L to R: Froelich, AD2; Rubeck, AM1; Stevens, AMC; Hilley, ADC; Gordon, ATCA; Palmatier, AEC..." Contributed by CHASE, Art aem-vp-22@mlode.com [08SEP2002]
VPB-22 Cruisebook Roster of Officers and Enlisted Men Tour of Duty 1944-1945
Contributed by Bill Davies davies@shorenetworks.com [03FEB2000]
VPB-22 Crew 1
VPB-22 Crew 2
VPB-22 Crew 3
VPB-22 Crew 4
VPB-22 Crew 5
VPB-22 Crew 6
VPB-22 Crew 7
VPB-22 Crew 8
VPB-22 Crew 9
VPB-22 Crew 10
VPB-22 Crew 11
VPB-22 Crew 12
VPB-22 Crew 13
VPB-22 Crew 14
VPB-22 Crew 15
VPB-22 Crew 16
VPB-22 Crew 17
VPB-22 Crew 18
VPB-22 Ground Crew
VPB-22 Ground Crew/Chiefs
Crew Roster
Crew Roster
Crew Roster
Crew Roster
"VP-22 Summary Page"